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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## This file is part of CDS Invenio.
## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 CERN.
## CDS Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## CDS Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with CDS Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
BibDocAdmin CLI administration tool
__revision__ = "$Id$"
import sys
import re
import os
import time
import fnmatch
import datetime
from logging import getLogger, debug, DEBUG
from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup, OptionValueError
from tempfile import mkstemp
from invenio.errorlib import register_exception
from invenio.bibdocfile import BibRecDocs, BibDoc, InvenioWebSubmitFileError, \
nice_size, check_valid_url, clean_url, get_docname_from_url, \
guess_format_from_url, KEEP_OLD_VALUE, decompose_bibdocfile_fullpath, \
bibdocfile_url_to_bibdoc, decompose_bibdocfile_url, \
from invenio.intbitset import intbitset
from invenio.search_engine import perform_request_search
from invenio.textutils import wrap_text_in_a_box, wait_for_user
from invenio.dbquery import run_sql
from invenio.bibtask import task_low_level_submission
from invenio.textutils import encode_for_xml
from invenio.websubmit_file_converter import can_perform_ocr
def _xml_mksubfield(key, subfield, fft):
return fft.get(key, None) is not None and '\t\t<subfield code="%s">%s</subfield>\n' % (subfield, encode_for_xml(str(fft[key]))) or ''
def _xml_mksubfields(key, subfield, fft):
ret = ""
for value in fft.get(key, []):
ret += '\t\t<subfield code="%s">%s</subfield>\n' % (subfield, encode_for_xml(str(value)))
return ret
def _xml_fft_creator(fft):
"""Transform an fft dictionary (made by keys url, docname, format,
new_docname, comment, description, restriction, doctype, into an xml
debug('Input FFT structure: %s' % fft)
out = '\t<datafield tag ="FFT" ind1=" " ind2=" ">\n'
out += _xml_mksubfield('url', 'a', fft)
out += _xml_mksubfield('docname', 'n', fft)
out += _xml_mksubfield('format', 'f', fft)
out += _xml_mksubfield('new_docname', 'm', fft)
out += _xml_mksubfield('doctype', 't', fft)
out += _xml_mksubfield('description', 'd', fft)
out += _xml_mksubfield('comment', 'z', fft)
out += _xml_mksubfield('restriction', 'r', fft)
out += _xml_mksubfields('options', 'o', fft)
out += _xml_mksubfield('version', 'v', fft)
out += '\t</datafield>\n'
debug('FFT created: %s' % out)
return out
def ffts_to_xml(ffts_dict):
"""Transform a dictionary: recid -> ffts where ffts is a list of fft dictionary
into xml.
debug('Input FFTs dictionary: %s' % ffts_dict)
out = ''
recids = ffts_dict.keys()
for recid in recids:
ffts = ffts_dict[recid]
if ffts:
out += '<record>\n'
out += '\t<controlfield tag="001">%i</controlfield>\n' % recid
for fft in ffts:
out += _xml_fft_creator(fft)
out += '</record>\n'
debug('MARC to Upload: %s' % out)
return out
_shift_re = re.compile("([-\+]{0,1})([\d]+)([dhms])")
def _parse_datetime(var):
"""Returns a date string according to the format string.
It can handle normal date strings and shifts with respect
to now."""
if not var:
return None
date = time.time()
factors = {"d":24*3600, "h":3600, "m":60, "s":1}
m = _shift_re.match(var)
if m:
sign = m.groups()[0] == "-" and -1 or 1
factor = factors[m.groups()[2]]
value = float(m.groups()[1])
return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(date + sign * factor * value)
return datetime.datetime.strptime(var, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
def _parse_date_range(var):
"""Returns the two dates contained as a low,high tuple"""
limits = var.split(",")
if len(limits)==1:
low = _parse_datetime(limits[0])
return low, None
if len(limits)==2:
low = _parse_datetime(limits[0])
high = _parse_datetime(limits[1])
return low, high
return None, None
def cli_quick_match_all_recids(options):
"""Return an quickly an approximate but (by excess) list of good recids."""
url = getattr(options, 'url', None)
if url:
return intbitset([decompose_bibdocfile_url(url)[0]])
path = getattr(options, 'path', None)
if path:
return intbitset([decompose_bibdocfile_fullpath(path)[0]])
collection = getattr(options, 'collection', None)
pattern = getattr(options, 'pattern', None)
recids = getattr(options, 'recids', None)
md_rec = getattr(options, 'md_rec', None)
cd_rec = getattr(options, 'cd_rec', None)
tmp_date_query = []
tmp_date_params = []
if recids is None:
debug('Initially considering all the recids')
recids = intbitset(run_sql('SELECT id FROM bibrec'))
if not recids:
print >> sys.stderr, 'WARNING: No record in the database'
if md_rec[0] is not None:
if md_rec[1] is not None:
if cd_rec[0] is not None:
if cd_rec[1] is not None:
if tmp_date_query:
tmp_date_query = ' AND '.join(tmp_date_query)
tmp_date_params = tuple(tmp_date_params)
query = 'SELECT id FROM bibrec WHERE %s' % tmp_date_query
debug('Query: %s, param: %s' % (query, tmp_date_params))
recids &= intbitset(run_sql(query % tmp_date_query, tmp_date_params))
debug('After applying dates we obtain recids: %s' % recids)
if not recids:
print >> sys.stderr, 'WARNING: Time constraints for records are too strict'
if collection or pattern:
recids &= intbitset(perform_request_search(cc=collection or '', p=pattern or ''))
debug('After applyings pattern and collection we obtain recids: %s' % recids)
debug('Quick recids: %s' % recids)
return recids
def cli_quick_match_all_docids(options, recids=None):
"""Return an quickly an approximate but (by excess) list of good docids."""
url = getattr(options, 'url', None)
if url:
return intbitset([bibdocfile_url_to_bibdoc(url).get_id()])
path = getattr(options, 'path', None)
if path:
return intbitset([decompose_bibdocfile_fullpath(path)[0]])
deleted_docs = getattr(options, 'deleted_docs', None)
action_undelete = getattr(options, 'action', None) == 'undelete'
docids = getattr(options, 'docids', None)
md_doc = getattr(options, 'md_doc', None)
cd_doc = getattr(options, 'cd_doc', None)
if docids is None:
debug('Initially considering all the docids')
docids = intbitset(run_sql('SELECT id_bibdoc FROM bibrec_bibdoc'))
debug('Initially considering this docids: %s' % docids)
tmp_query = []
tmp_params = []
if deleted_docs is None and action_undelete:
deleted_docs = 'only'
if deleted_docs == 'no':
elif deleted_docs == 'only':
if md_doc[0] is not None:
if md_doc[1] is not None:
if cd_doc[0] is not None:
if cd_doc[1] is not None:
if tmp_query:
tmp_query = ' AND '.join(tmp_query)
tmp_params = tuple(tmp_params)
query = 'SELECT id FROM bibdoc WHERE %s' % tmp_query
debug('Query: %s, param: %s' % (query, tmp_params))
docids &= intbitset(run_sql(query, tmp_params))
debug('After applying dates we obtain docids: %s' % docids)
return docids
def cli_slow_match_single_recid(options, recid, recids=None, docids=None):
"""Apply all the given queries in order to assert wethever a recid
match or not.
if with_docids is True, the recid is matched if it has at least one docid that is matched"""
debug('cli_slow_match_single_recid checking: %s' % recid)
deleted_docs = getattr(options, 'deleted_docs', None)
deleted_recs = getattr(options, 'deleted_recs', None)
empty_recs = getattr(options, 'empty_recs', None)
docname = cli2docname(options)
bibrecdocs = BibRecDocs(recid, deleted_too=(deleted_docs != 'no'))
if bibrecdocs.deleted_p() and (deleted_recs == 'no'):
return False
elif not bibrecdocs.deleted_p() and (deleted_recs != 'only'):
if docids:
for bibdoc in bibrecdocs.list_bibdocs():
if bibdoc.get_id() in docids:
return False
if docname:
for other_docname in bibrecdocs.get_bibdoc_names():
if docname and fnmatch.fnmatchcase(other_docname, docname):
return False
if bibrecdocs.empty_p() and (empty_recs != 'no'):
return True
elif not bibrecdocs.empty_p() and (empty_recs != 'only'):
return True
return False
def cli_slow_match_single_docid(options, docid, recids=None, docids=None):
"""Apply all the given queries in order to assert wethever a recid
match or not."""
debug('cli_slow_match_single_docid checking: %s' % docid)
empty_docs = getattr(options, 'empty_docs', None)
docname = getattr(options, 'docname', None)
if recids is None:
recids = cli_quick_match_all_recids(options)
bibdoc = BibDoc(docid)
if docname and not fnmatch.fnmatchcase(bibdoc.get_docname(), docname):
debug('docname %s does not match the pattern %s' % (repr(bibdoc.get_docname()), repr(docname)))
return False
elif bibdoc.get_recid() and bibdoc.get_recid() not in recids:
debug('recid %s is not in pattern %s' % (repr(bibdoc.get_recid()), repr(recids)))
return False
elif empty_docs == 'no' and bibdoc.empty_p():
debug('bibdoc is empty')
return False
elif empty_docs == 'only' and not bibdoc.empty_p():
debug('bibdoc is not empty')
return False
return True
def cli2recid(options, recids=None, docids=None):
"""Given the command line options return a recid."""
recids = list(cli_recids_iterator(options, recids=recids, docids=docids))
if len(recids) == 1:
return recids[0]
if recids:
raise StandardError, "More than one recid has been matched: %s" % recids
raise StandardError, "No recids matched"
def cli2docid(options, recids=None, docids=None):
"""Given the command line options return a docid."""
docids = list(cli_docids_iterator(options, recids=recids, docids=docids))
if len(docids) == 1:
return docids[0]
if docids:
raise StandardError, "More than one docid has been matched: %s" % docids
raise StandardError, "No docids matched"
def cli2description(options):
"""Return a good value for the description."""
description = getattr(options, 'set_description', None)
if description is None:
description = KEEP_OLD_VALUE
return description
def cli2restriction(options):
"""Return a good value for the restriction."""
restriction = getattr(options, 'set_restriction', None)
if restriction is None:
restriction = KEEP_OLD_VALUE
return restriction
def cli2comment(options):
"""Return a good value for the comment."""
comment = getattr(options, 'set_comment', None)
if comment is None:
comment = KEEP_OLD_VALUE
return comment
def cli2doctype(options):
"""Return a good value for the doctype."""
doctype = getattr(options, 'set_doctype', None)
if not doctype:
return 'Main'
return doctype
def cli2docname(options, docid=None, url=None):
"""Given the command line options and optional precalculated docid
returns the corresponding docname."""
if docid:
bibdoc = BibDoc(docid=docid)
return bibdoc.get_docname()
docname = getattr(options, 'docname', None)
if docname is not None:
return docname
if url is not None:
return get_docname_from_url(url)
return None
def cli2format(options, url=None):
"""Given the command line options returns the corresponding format."""
format = getattr(options, 'format', None)
if format is not None:
return format
elif url is not None:
## FIXME: to deploy once conversion-tools branch is merged
#return guess_format_from_url(url)
return guess_format_from_url(url)
raise OptionValueError("Not enough information to retrieve a valid format")
def cli_recids_iterator(options, recids=None, docids=None):
"""Slow iterator over all the matched recids.
if with_docids is True, the recid must be attached to at least a matched docid"""
if recids is None:
recids = cli_quick_match_all_recids(options)
debug('working on recids: %s, docids: %s' % (recids, docids))
for recid in recids:
if cli_slow_match_single_recid(options, recid, recids, docids):
yield recid
raise StopIteration
def cli_docids_iterator(options, recids=None, docids=None):
"""Slow iterator over all the matched docids."""
if recids is None:
recids = cli_quick_match_all_recids(options)
if docids is None:
docids = cli_quick_match_all_docids(options)
for docid in docids:
if cli_slow_match_single_docid(options, docid, recids, docids):
yield docid
raise StopIteration
class OptionParserSpecial(OptionParser):
def format_help(self, *args, **kwargs):
result = OptionParser.format_help(self, *args, **kwargs)
if hasattr(self, 'trailing_text'):
return "%s\n%s\n" % (result, self.trailing_text)
return result
def prepare_option_parser():
"""Parse the command line options."""
def _ids_ranges_callback(option, opt, value, parser):
"""Callback for optparse to parse a set of ids ranges in the form
nnn1-nnn2,mmm1-mmm2... returning the corresponding intbitset.
debug('option: %s, opt: %s, value: %s, parser: %s' % (option, opt, value, parser))
debug('Parsing range: %s' % value)
value = ranges2ids(value)
setattr(parser.values, option.dest, value)
except Exception, e:
raise OptionValueError("It's impossible to parse the range '%s' for option %s: %s" % (value, opt, e))
def _date_range_callback(option, opt, value, parser):
"""Callback for optparse to parse a range of dates in the form
[date1],[date2]. Both date1 and date2 could be optional.
the date can be expressed absolutely ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
or relatively (([-\+]{0,1})([\d]+)([dhms])) to the current time."""
value = _parse_date_range(value)
setattr(parser.values, option.dest, value)
except Exception, e:
raise OptionValueError("It's impossible to parse the range '%s' for option %s: %s" % (value, opt, e))
parser = OptionParserSpecial(usage="usage: %prog [options]",
#epilog="""With <query> you select the range of record/docnames/single files to work on. Note that some actions e.g. delete, append, revise etc. works at the docname level, while others like --set-comment, --set-description, at single file level and other can be applied in an iterative way to many records in a single run. Note that specifing docid(2) takes precedence over recid(2) which in turns takes precedence over pattern/collection search.""",
parser.trailing_text = """
$ bibdocfile --append foo.tar.gz --recid=1
$ bibdocfile --revise --with-docname='sam'
--format=pdf --recid=3 --set-docname='pippo' # revise for record 3
# the document sam, renaming it to pippo.
$ bibdocfile --delete --with-docname="*sam" --all # delete all documents
# starting ending
# with "sam"
$ bibdocfile --undelete -c "Test Collection" # undelete documents for
# the collection
$ bibdocfile --get-info --recids=1-4,6-8 # obtain informations
$ bibdocfile -r 1 --with-docname=foo --set-docname=bar # Rename a document
query_options = OptionGroup(parser, 'Query options')
query_options.add_option('-r', '--recids', action="callback", callback=_ids_ranges_callback, type='string', dest='recids', help='matches records by recids, e.g.: --recids=1-3,5-7')
query_options.add_option('-d', '--docids', action="callback", callback=_ids_ranges_callback, type='string', dest='docids', help='matches documents by docids, e.g.: --docids=1-3,5-7')
query_options.add_option('-a', '--all', action='store_true', dest='all', help='Select all the records')
query_options.add_option("--with-deleted-recs", choices=['yes', 'no', 'only'], type="choice", dest="deleted_recs", help="'Yes' to also match deleted records, 'no' to exclude them, 'only' to match only deleted ones", metavar="yes/no/only", default='no')
query_options.add_option("--with-deleted-docs", choices=['yes', 'no', 'only'], type="choice", dest="deleted_docs", help="'Yes' to also match deleted documents, 'no' to exclude them, 'only' to match only deleted ones (e.g. for undeletion)", metavar="yes/no/only", default='no')
query_options.add_option("--with-empty-recs", choices=['yes', 'no', 'only'], type="choice", dest="empty_recs", help="'Yes' to also match records without attached documents, 'no' to exclude them, 'only' to consider only such records (e.g. for statistics)", metavar="yes/no/only", default='no')
query_options.add_option("--with-empty-docs", choices=['yes', 'no', 'only'], type="choice", dest="empty_docs", help="'Yes' to also match documents without attached files, 'no' to exclude them, 'only' to consider only such documents (e.g. for sanity checking)", metavar="yes/no/only", default='no')
query_options.add_option("--with-record-modification-date", action="callback", callback=_date_range_callback, dest="md_rec", nargs=1, type="string", default=(None, None), help="matches records modified date1 and date2; dates can be expressed relatively, e.g.:\"-5m,2030-2-23 04:40\" # matches records modified since 5 minutes ago until the 2030...", metavar="date1,date2")
query_options.add_option("--with-record-creation-date", action="callback", callback=_date_range_callback, dest="cd_rec", nargs=1, type="string", default=(None, None), help="matches records created between date1 and date2; dates can be expressed relatively", metavar="date1,date2")
query_options.add_option("--with-document-modification-date", action="callback", callback=_date_range_callback, dest="md_doc", nargs=1, type="string", default=(None, None), help="matches documents modified between date1 and date2; dates can be expressed relatively", metavar="date1,date2")
query_options.add_option("--with-document-creation-date", action="callback", callback=_date_range_callback, dest="cd_doc", nargs=1, type="string", default=(None, None), help="matches documents created between date1 and date2; dates can be expressed relatively", metavar="date1,date2")
query_options.add_option("--url", dest="url", help='matches the document referred by the URL, e.g. "%s/record/1/files/foobar.pdf?version=2"' % CFG_SITE_URL)
query_options.add_option("--path", dest="path", help='matches the document referred by the internal filesystem path, e.g. %s/g0/1/foobar.pdf\\;1' % CFG_WEBSUBMIT_FILEDIR)
query_options.add_option("--with-docname", dest="docname", help='matches documents with the given docname (accept wildcards)')
query_options.add_option("--with-doctype", dest="doctype", help='matches documents with the given doctype')
query_options.add_option('-p', '--pattern', dest='pattern', help='matches records by pattern')
query_options.add_option('-c', '--collection', dest='collection', help='matches records by collection')
query_options.add_option('--force', dest='force', help='force an action even when it\'s not necessary e.g. textify on an already textified bibdoc.', action='store_true', default=False)
getting_information_options = OptionGroup(parser, 'Actions for getting information')
getting_information_options.add_option('--get-info', dest='action', action='store_const', const='get-info', help='print all the informations about the matched record/documents')
getting_information_options.add_option('--get-disk-usage', dest='action', action='store_const', const='get-disk-usage', help='print disk usage statistics of the matched documents')
getting_information_options.add_option('--get-history', dest='action', action='store_const', const='get-history', help='print the matched documents history')
setting_information_options = OptionGroup(parser, 'Actions for setting information')
setting_information_options.add_option('--set-doctype', dest='set_doctype', help='specify the new doctype', metavar='doctype')
setting_information_options.add_option('--set-description', dest='set_description', help='specify a description', metavar='description')
setting_information_options.add_option('--set-comment', dest='set_comment', help='specify a comment', metavar='comment')
setting_information_options.add_option('--set-restriction', dest='set_restriction', help='specify a restriction tag', metavar='restriction')
setting_information_options.add_option('--set-docname', dest='new_docname', help='specifies a new docname for renaming', metavar='docname')
setting_information_options.add_option("--unset-comment", action="store_const", const='', dest="set_comment", help="remove any comment")
setting_information_options.add_option("--unset-descriptions", action="store_const", const='', dest="set_description", help="remove any description")
setting_information_options.add_option("--unset-restrictions", action="store_const", const='', dest="set_restriction", help="remove any restriction")
setting_information_options.add_option("--hide", dest="action", action='store_const', const='hide', help="hides matched documents and revisions")
setting_information_options.add_option("--unhide", dest="action", action='store_const', const='unhide', help="hides matched documents and revisions")
revising_options = OptionGroup(parser, 'Action for revising content')
revising_options.add_option("--append", dest='append_path', help='specify the URL/path of the file that will appended to the bibdoc (implies --with-empty-recs=yes)', metavar='PATH/URL')
revising_options.add_option("--revise", dest='revise_path', help='specify the URL/path of the file that will revise the bibdoc', metavar='PATH/URL')
revising_options.add_option("--revert", dest='action', action='store_const', const='revert', help='reverts a document to the specified version')
revising_options.add_option("--delete", action='store_const', const='delete', dest='action', help='soft-delete the matched documents (applies to all revisions and formats)')
revising_options.add_option("--hard-delete", action='store_const', const='hard_delete', dest='action', help='hard-delete the matched documents (applies to matched revisions and formats)')
revising_options.add_option("--undelete", action='store_const', const='undelete', dest='action', help='undelete previosuly soft-deleted documents (applies to all revisions and formats)')
revising_options.add_option("--purge", action='store_const', const='purge', dest='action', help='purge (i.e. hard-delete previous versions) the matched documents')
revising_options.add_option("--expunge", action='store_const', const='expunge', dest='action', help='expunge (i.e. hard-delete any version and formats) the matched documents')
revising_options.add_option("--with-versions", dest="version", help="specifies the version(s) to be used with hard-delete, hide, revert, e.g.: 1-2,3 or all")
revising_options.add_option("--with-format", dest="format", help='to specify a format when appending/revising/deleting/reverting a document, e.g. "pdf"', metavar='FORMAT')
revising_options.add_option("--with-hide-previous", dest='hide_previous', action='store_true', help='when revising, hides previous versions', default=False)
housekeeping_options = OptionGroup(parser, 'Actions for housekeeping')
housekeeping_options.add_option("--check-md5", action='store_const', const='check-md5', dest='action', help='check md5 checksum validity of files')
housekeeping_options.add_option("--check-format", action='store_const', const='check-format', dest='action', help='check if any format-related inconsistences exists')
housekeeping_options.add_option("--check-duplicate-docnames", action='store_const', const='check-duplicate-docnames', dest='action', help='check for duplicate docnames associated with the same record')
housekeeping_options.add_option("--update-md5", action='store_const', const='update-md5', dest='action', help='update md5 checksum of files')
housekeeping_options.add_option("--fix-all", action='store_const', const='fix-all', dest='action', help='fix inconsistences in filesystem vs database vs MARC')
housekeeping_options.add_option("--fix-marc", action='store_const', const='fix-marc', dest='action', help='synchronize MARC after filesystem/database')
housekeeping_options.add_option("--fix-format", action='store_const', const='fix-format', dest='action', help='fix format related inconsistences')
housekeeping_options.add_option("--fix-duplicate-docnames", action='store_const', const='fix-duplicate-docnames', dest='action', help='fix duplicate docnames associated with the same record')
experimental_options = OptionGroup(parser, 'Experimental options (do not expect to find them in the next release)')
experimental_options.add_option('--textify', dest='action', action='store_const', const='textify', help='extract text from matched documents and store it for later indexing')
experimental_options.add_option('--with-ocr', dest='perform_ocr', action='store_true', default=False, help='when used with --textify, wether to perform OCR')
parser.add_option('-D', '--debug', action='store_true', dest='debug', default=False)
parser.add_option('-H', '--human-readable', dest='human_readable', action='store_true', default=False, help='print sizes in human readable format (e.g., 1KB 234MB 2GB)')
parser.add_option('--yes-i-know', action='store_true', dest='yes-i-know', help='use with care!')
return parser
def print_info(recid, docid, info):
"""Nicely print info about a recid, docid pair."""
print '%i:%i:%s' % (recid, docid, info)
def bibupload_ffts(ffts, append=False, debug=False):
"""Given an ffts dictionary it creates the xml and submit it."""
xml = ffts_to_xml(ffts)
if xml:
print xml
tmp_file_fd, tmp_file_name = mkstemp(suffix='.xml', prefix="bibdocfile_%s" % time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S"), dir=CFG_TMPDIR)
os.write(tmp_file_fd, xml)
os.chmod(tmp_file_name, 0644)
if append:
wait_for_user("This will be appended via BibUpload")
if debug:
task = task_low_level_submission('bibupload', 'bibdocfile', '-a', tmp_file_name, '-N', 'FFT', '-S2', '-v9')
task = task_low_level_submission('bibupload', 'bibdocfile', '-a', tmp_file_name, '-N', 'FFT', '-S2')
print "BibUpload append submitted with id %s" % task
wait_for_user("This will be corrected via BibUpload")
if debug:
task = task_low_level_submission('bibupload', 'bibdocfile', '-c', tmp_file_name, '-N', 'FFT', '-S2', '-v9')
task = task_low_level_submission('bibupload', 'bibdocfile', '-c', tmp_file_name, '-N', 'FFT', '-S2')
print "BibUpload correct submitted with id %s" % task
print >> sys.stderr, "WARNING: no MARC to upload."
return True
def ranges2ids(parse_string):
"""Parse a string and return the intbitset of the corresponding ids."""
ids = intbitset()
ranges = parse_string.split(",")
for arange in ranges:
tmp_ids = arange.split("-")
if len(tmp_ids)==1:
if int(tmp_ids[0]) > int(tmp_ids[1]): # sanity check
tmp = tmp_ids[0]
tmp_ids[0] = tmp_ids[1]
tmp_ids[1] = tmp
ids += xrange(int(tmp_ids[0]), int(tmp_ids[1]) + 1)
return ids
def cli_append(options, append_path):
"""Create a bibupload FFT task submission for appending a format."""
recid = cli2recid(options)
comment = getattr(options, 'comment', None)
description = getattr(options, 'comment', None)
restriction = getattr(options, 'restriction', None)
doctype = getattr(options, 'doctype', None) or 'Main'
docname = cli2docname(options, url=append_path)
if not docname:
raise OptionValueError, 'Not enough information to retrieve a valid docname'
format = cli2format(options, append_path)
url = clean_url(append_path)
bibrecdocs = BibRecDocs(recid)
if bibrecdocs.has_docname_p(docname) and bibrecdocs.get_bibdoc(docname).format_already_exists_p(format):
new_docname = bibrecdocs.propose_unique_docname(docname)
wait_for_user("WARNING: a document with name %s and format %s already exists for recid %s. A new document with name %s will be created instead." % (repr(docname), repr(format), repr(recid), repr(new_docname)))
docname = new_docname
ffts = {recid: [{
'docname' : docname,
'comment' : comment,
'description' : description,
'restriction' : restriction,
'doctype' : doctype,
'format' : format,
'url' : url
return bibupload_ffts(ffts, append=True)
def cli_revise(options, revise_path):
"""Create a bibupload FFT task submission for appending a format."""
recid = cli2recid(options)
comment = cli2comment(options)
description = cli2description(options)
restriction = cli2restriction(options)
docname = cli2docname(options, url=revise_path)
hide_previous = getattr(options, 'hide_previous', None)
if not docname:
raise OptionValueError, 'Not enough information to retrieve a valid docname'
format = cli2format(options, revise_path)
doctype = cli2doctype(options)
url = clean_url(revise_path)
new_docname = getattr(options, 'new_docname', None)
ffts = {recid : [{
'docname' : docname,
'new_docname' : new_docname,
'comment' : comment,
'description' : description,
'restriction' : restriction,
'doctype' : doctype,
'format' : format,
'url' : url,
'options' : hide_previous and ['PERFORM_HIDE_PREVIOUS'] or None
return bibupload_ffts(ffts)
def cli_set_batch(options):
"""Change in batch the doctype, description, comment and restriction."""
ffts = {}
doctype = getattr(options, 'set_doctype', None)
description = getattr(options, 'set_description', None)
comment = getattr(options, 'set_comment', None)
restriction = getattr(options, 'set_restriction', None)
with_format = getattr(options, 'format', None)
for docid in cli_docids_iterator(options):
bibdoc = BibDoc(docid)
recid = bibdoc.get_recid()
docname = bibdoc.get_docname()
fft = []
if description is not None or comment is not None:
for bibdocfile in bibdoc.list_latest_files():
format = bibdocfile.get_format()
if not with_format or with_format == format:
'docname': docname,
'restriction': restriction,
'comment': comment,
'description': description,
'format': format,
'doctype': doctype
'docname': docname,
'restriction': restriction,
'doctype': doctype,
ffts[recid] = fft
return bibupload_ffts(ffts, append=False)
def cli_textify(options):
"""Extract text to let indexing on fulltext be possible."""
force = getattr(options, 'force', None)
perform_ocr = getattr(options, 'perform_ocr', None)
if perform_ocr:
if not can_perform_ocr():
print >> sys.stderr, "WARNING: OCR requested but OCR is not possible"
perform_ocr = False
if perform_ocr:
additional = ' using OCR (this might take some time)'
additional = ''
for docid in cli_docids_iterator(options):
bibdoc = BibDoc(docid)
print 'Extracting text for docid %s%s...' % (docid, additional),
if force or not bibdoc.has_text(require_up_to_date=True):
print "DONE"
except InvenioWebSubmitFileError, e:
print >> sys.stderr, "WARNING: %s" % e
print "not needed"
def cli_rename(options):
"""Rename a docname within a recid."""
new_docname = getattr(options, 'new_docname', None)
docid = cli2docid(options)
bibdoc = BibDoc(docid)
docname = bibdoc.get_docname()
recid = bibdoc.get_recid()
ffts = {recid : [{'docname' : docname, 'new_docname' : new_docname}]}
return bibupload_ffts(ffts, append=False)
def cli_fix_all(options):
"""Fix all the records of a recid_set."""
ffts = {}
for recid in cli_recids_iterator(options):
ffts[recid] = []
for docname in BibRecDocs(recid).get_bibdoc_names():
ffts[recid].append({'docname' : docname, 'doctype' : 'FIX-ALL'})
return bibupload_ffts(ffts, append=False)
def cli_fix_marc(options, explicit_recid_set=None):
"""Fix all the records of a recid_set."""
ffts = {}
if explicit_recid_set is not None:
for recid in explicit_recid_set:
ffts[recid] = [{'doctype' : 'FIX-MARC'}]
for recid in cli_recids_iterator(options):
ffts[recid] = [{'doctype' : 'FIX-MARC'}]
return bibupload_ffts(ffts, append=False)
def cli_check_format(options):
"""Check if any format-related inconsistences exists."""
count = 0
tot = 0
duplicate = False
for recid in cli_recids_iterator(options):
tot += 1
bibrecdocs = BibRecDocs(recid)
if not bibrecdocs.check_duplicate_docnames():
print >> sys.stderr, "recid %s has duplicate docnames!"
broken = True
duplicate = True
broken = False
for docname in bibrecdocs.get_bibdoc_names():
if not bibrecdocs.check_format(docname):
print >> sys.stderr, "recid %s with docname %s need format fixing" % (recid, docname)
broken = True
if broken:
count += 1
if count:
result = "%d out of %d records need their formats to be fixed." % (count, tot)
result = "All records appear to be correct with respect to formats."
if duplicate:
result += " Note however that at least one record appear to have duplicate docnames. You should better fix this situation by using --fix-duplicate-docnames."
print wrap_text_in_a_box(result, style="conclusion")
return not(duplicate or count)
def cli_check_duplicate_docnames(options):
"""Check if some record is connected with bibdoc having the same docnames."""
count = 0
tot = 0
for recid in cli_recids_iterator(options):
tot += 1
bibrecdocs = BibRecDocs(recid)
if bibrecdocs.check_duplicate_docnames():
count += 1
print sys.stderr, "recid %s has duplicate docnames!"
if count:
print "%d out of %d records have duplicate docnames." % (count, tot)
return False
print "All records appear to be correct with respect to duplicate docnames."
return True
def cli_fix_format(options):
"""Fix format-related inconsistences."""
fixed = intbitset()
tot = 0
for recid in cli_recids_iterator(options):
tot += 1
bibrecdocs = BibRecDocs(recid)
for docname in bibrecdocs.get_bibdoc_names():
if not bibrecdocs.check_format(docname):
if bibrecdocs.fix_format(docname, skip_check=True):
print >> sys.stderr, "%i has been fixed for docname %s" % (recid, docname)
print >> sys.stderr, "%i has been fixed for docname %s. However note that a new bibdoc might have been created." % (recid, docname)
if fixed:
print "Now we need to synchronize MARC to reflect current changes."
cli_fix_marc(options, explicit_recid_set=fixed)
print wrap_text_in_a_box("%i out of %i record needed to be fixed." % (tot, len(fixed)), style="conclusion")
return not fixed
def cli_fix_duplicate_docnames(options):
"""Fix duplicate docnames."""
fixed = intbitset()
tot = 0
for recid in cli_recids_iterator():
tot += 1
bibrecdocs = BibRecDocs(recid)
if not bibrecdocs.check_duplicate_docnames():
print >> sys.stderr, "%i has been fixed for duplicate docnames." % recid
if fixed:
print "Now we need to synchronize MARC to reflect current changes."
cli_fix_marc(options, explicit_recid_set=fixed)
print wrap_text_in_a_box("%i out of %i record needed to be fixed." % (tot, len(fixed)), style="conclusion")
return not fixed
def cli_delete(options):
"""Delete the given docid_set."""
ffts = {}
for docid in cli_docids_iterator(options):
bibdoc = BibDoc(docid)
docname = bibdoc.get_docname()
recid = bibdoc.get_recid()
if recid not in ffts:
ffts[recid] = [{'docname' : docname, 'doctype' : 'DELETE'}]
ffts[recid].append({'docname' : docname, 'doctype' : 'DELETE'})
return bibupload_ffts(ffts)
def cli_delete_file(options):
"""Delete the given file irreversibely."""
docid = cli2docid(options)
recid = cli2recid(options, docids=intbitset([docid]))
format = cli2format(options)
docname = BibDoc(docid).get_docname()
version = getattr(options, 'version', None)
ffts = {recid : [{'docname' : docname, 'version' : version, 'format' : format, 'doctype' : 'DELETE-FILE'}]}
return bibupload_ffts(ffts)
def cli_revert(options):
"""Revert a bibdoc to a given version."""
docid = cli2docid(options)
recid = cli2recid(options, docids=intbitset([docid]))
docname = BibDoc(docid).get_docname()
version = getattr(options, 'version', None)
version = int(version)
if 0 >= version:
raise ValueError
except ValueError:
raise OptionValueError, 'when reverting, version should be valid positive integer, not %s' % version
ffts = {recid : [{'docname' : docname, 'version' : version, 'doctype' : 'REVERT'}]}
return bibupload_ffts(ffts)
def cli_undelete(options):
"""Delete the given docname"""
docname = cli2docname(options)
restriction = getattr(options, 'restriction', None)
count = 0
if not docname:
docname = 'DELETED-*-*'
if not docname.startswith('DELETED-'):
docname = 'DELETED-*-' + docname
to_be_undeleted = intbitset()
fix_marc = intbitset()
setattr(options, 'deleted_docs', 'only')
for docid in cli_docids_iterator(options):
bibdoc = BibDoc(docid)
if bibdoc.get_status() == 'DELETED' and fnmatch.fnmatch(bibdoc.get_docname(), docname):
count += 1
print '%s (docid %s from recid %s) will be undeleted to restriction: %s' % (bibdoc.get_docname(), docid, bibdoc.get_recid(), restriction)
wait_for_user("I'll proceed with the undeletion")
for docid in to_be_undeleted:
bibdoc = BibDoc(docid)
cli_fix_marc(options, explicit_recid_set=fix_marc)
print wrap_text_in_a_box("%s bibdoc successfuly undeleted with status '%s'" % (count, restriction), style="conclusion")
def cli_get_info(options):
"""Print all the info of the matched docids or recids."""
debug('Getting info!')
human_readable = bool(getattr(options, 'human_readable', None))
debug('human_readable: %s' % human_readable)
deleted_docs = getattr(options, 'deleted_docs', None) in ('yes', 'only')
debug('deleted_docs: %s' % deleted_docs)
if getattr(options, 'docids', None):
for docid in cli_docids_iterator(options):
sys.stdout.write(str(BibDoc(docid, human_readable=human_readable)))
for recid in cli_recids_iterator(options):
sys.stdout.write(str(BibRecDocs(recid, deleted_too=deleted_docs, human_readable=human_readable)))
def cli_purge(options):
"""Purge the matched docids."""
ffts = {}
for docid in cli_docids_iterator(options):
bibdoc = BibDoc(docid)
recid = bibdoc.get_recid()
docname = bibdoc.get_docname()
if recid:
if recid not in ffts:
ffts[recid] = []
'docname' : docname,
'doctype' : 'PURGE',
return bibupload_ffts(ffts)
def cli_expunge(options):
"""Expunge the matched docids."""
ffts = {}
for docid in cli_docids_iterator(options):
bibdoc = BibDoc(docid)
recid = bibdoc.get_recid()
docname = bibdoc.get_docname()
if recid:
if recid not in ffts:
ffts[recid] = []
'docname' : docname,
'doctype' : 'EXPUNGE',
return bibupload_ffts(ffts)
def cli_get_history(options):
"""Print the history of a docid_set."""
for docid in cli_docids_iterator(options):
bibdoc = BibDoc(docid)
history = bibdoc.get_history()
for row in history:
print_info(bibdoc.get_recid(), docid, row)
def cli_get_disk_usage(options):
"""Print the space usage of a docid_set."""
human_readable = getattr(options, 'human_readable', None)
total_size = 0
total_latest_size = 0
for docid in cli_docids_iterator(options):
bibdoc = BibDoc(docid)
size = bibdoc.get_total_size()
total_size += size
latest_size = bibdoc.get_total_size_latest_version()
total_latest_size += latest_size
if human_readable:
print_info(bibdoc.get_recid(), docid, 'size=%s' % nice_size(size))
print_info(bibdoc.get_recid(), docid, 'latest version size=%s' % nice_size(latest_size))
print_info(bibdoc.get_recid(), docid, 'size=%s' % size)
print_info(bibdoc.get_recid(), docid, 'latest version size=%s' % latest_size)
if human_readable:
print wrap_text_in_a_box('total size: %s\n\nlatest version total size: %s'
% (nice_size(total_size), nice_size(total_latest_size)),
print wrap_text_in_a_box('total size: %s\n\nlatest version total size: %s'
% (total_size, total_latest_size),
def cli_check_md5(options):
"""Check the md5 sums of a docid_set."""
failures = 0
for docid in cli_docids_iterator(options):
bibdoc = BibDoc(docid)
if bibdoc.md5s.check():
print_info(bibdoc.get_recid(), docid, 'checksum OK')
for afile in bibdoc.list_all_files():
if not afile.check():
failures += 1
print_info(bibdoc.get_recid(), docid, '%s failing checksum!' % afile.get_full_path())
if failures:
print wrap_text_in_a_box('%i files failing' % failures , style='conclusion')
print wrap_text_in_a_box('All files are correct', style='conclusion')
def cli_update_md5(options):
"""Update the md5 sums of a docid_set."""
for docid in cli_docids_iterator(options):
bibdoc = BibDoc(docid)
if bibdoc.md5s.check():
print_info(bibdoc.get_recid(), docid, 'checksum OK')
for afile in bibdoc.list_all_files():
if not afile.check():
print_info(bibdoc.get_recid(), docid, '%s failing checksum!' % afile.get_full_path())
wait_for_user('Updating the md5s of this document can hide real problems.')
def cli_hide(options):
"""Hide the matched versions of documents."""
documents_to_be_hidden = {}
to_be_fixed = intbitset()
versions = getattr(options, 'versions', 'all')
if versions != 'all':
versions = ranges2ids(versions)
raise OptionValueError, 'You should specify correct versions. Not %s' % versions
versions = intbitset(trailing_bits=True)
for docid in cli_docids_iterator(options):
bibdoc = BibDoc(docid)
recid = bibdoc.get_recid()
if recid:
for bibdocfile in bibdoc.list_all_files():
this_version = bibdocfile.get_version()
this_format = bibdocfile.get_format()
if this_version in versions:
if docid not in documents_to_be_hidden:
documents_to_be_hidden[docid] = []
documents_to_be_hidden[docid].append((this_version, this_format))
print '%s (docid: %s, recid: %s) will be hidden' % (bibdocfile.get_full_name(), docid, recid)
wait_for_user('Proceeding to hide the matched documents...')
for docid, documents in documents_to_be_hidden.iteritems():
bibdoc = BibDoc(docid)
for version, format in documents:
bibdoc.set_flag('HIDDEN', format, version)
return cli_fix_marc(options, to_be_fixed)
def cli_unhide(options):
"""Unhide the matched versions of documents."""
documents_to_be_unhidden = {}
to_be_fixed = intbitset()
versions = getattr(options, 'versions', 'all')
if versions != 'all':
versions = ranges2ids(versions)
raise OptionValueError, 'You should specify correct versions. Not %s' % versions
versions = intbitset(trailing_bits=True)
for docid in cli_docids_iterator(options):
bibdoc = BibDoc(docid)
recid = bibdoc.get_recid()
if recid:
for bibdocfile in bibdoc.list_all_files():
this_version = bibdocfile.get_version()
this_format = bibdocfile.get_format()
if this_version in versions:
if docid not in documents_to_be_unhidden:
documents_to_be_unhidden[docid] = []
documents_to_be_unhidden[docid].append((this_version, this_format))
print '%s (docid: %s, recid: %s) will be unhidden' % (bibdocfile.get_full_name(), docid, recid)
wait_for_user('Proceeding to unhide the matched documents...')
for docid, documents in documents_to_be_unhidden.iteritems():
bibdoc = BibDoc(docid)
for version, format in documents:
bibdoc.unset_flag('HIDDEN', format, version)
return cli_fix_marc(options, to_be_fixed)
def main():
parser = prepare_option_parser()
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if getattr(options, 'debug', None):
debug('options: %s, args: %s' % (options, args))
if not getattr(options, 'action', None) and \
not getattr(options, 'append_path', None) and \
not getattr(options, 'revise_path', None):
if getattr(options, 'set_doctype', None) is not None or \
getattr(options, 'set_comment', None) is not None or \
getattr(options, 'set_description', None) is not None or \
getattr(options, 'set_restriction', None) is not None:
elif getattr(options, 'new_docname', None):
print >> sys.stderr, "ERROR: no action specified"
elif getattr(options, 'append_path', None):
options.empty_recs = 'yes'
options.empty_docs = 'yes'
cli_append(options, getattr(options, 'append_path', None))
elif getattr(options, 'revise_path', None):
cli_revise(options, getattr(options, 'revise_path', None))
elif options.action == 'textify':
elif getattr(options, 'action', None) == 'get-history':
elif getattr(options, 'action', None) == 'get-info':
elif getattr(options, 'action', None) == 'get-disk-usage':
elif getattr(options, 'action', None) == 'check-md5':
elif getattr(options, 'action', None) == 'update-md5':
elif getattr(options, 'action', None) == 'fix-all':
elif getattr(options, 'action', None) == 'fix-marc':
elif getattr(options, 'action', None) == 'delete':
elif getattr(options, 'action', None) == 'delete-file':
elif getattr(options, 'action', None) == 'fix-duplicate-docnames':
elif getattr(options, 'action', None) == 'fix-format':
elif getattr(options, 'action', None) == 'check-duplicate-docnames':
elif getattr(options, 'action', None) == 'check-format':
elif getattr(options, 'action', None) == 'undelete':
elif getattr(options, 'action', None) == 'purge':
elif getattr(options, 'action', None) == 'expunge':
elif getattr(options, 'action', None) == 'revert':
elif getattr(options, 'action', None) == 'hide':
elif getattr(options, 'action', None) == 'unhide':
print >> sys.stderr, "ERROR: Action %s is not valid" % getattr(options, 'action', None)
except StandardError, e:
print >> sys.stderr, 'ERROR: %s' % e
if __name__ == '__main__':

Event Timeline