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Sat, Oct 19, 19:09

## This file is part of CDS Invenio.
## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 CERN.
## CDS Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## CDS Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with CDS Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
"""WebSubmit: the mechanism for the submission of new records into CDS Invenio
via a Web interface.
__revision__ = "$Id$"
## import interesting modules:
import string
import os
import sys
import time
import types
import re
import pprint
from urllib import quote_plus
from cgi import escape
from invenio.config import \
from invenio.dbquery import run_sql, Error
from invenio.access_control_engine import acc_authorize_action
from invenio.access_control_admin import acc_is_role
from invenio.webpage import page, create_error_box
from invenio.webuser import getUid, get_email, collect_user_info
from invenio.websubmit_config import *
from invenio.messages import gettext_set_language, wash_language
from invenio.errorlib import register_exception
from invenio.websubmitadmin_engine import string_is_alphanumeric_including_underscore
from invenio.websubmit_dblayer import \
get_storage_directory_of_action, \
get_longname_of_doctype, \
get_longname_of_action, \
get_num_pages_of_submission, \
get_parameter_value_for_doctype, \
submission_exists_in_log, \
log_new_pending_submission, \
log_new_completed_submission, \
update_submission_modified_date_in_log, \
update_submission_reference_in_log, \
update_submission_reference_and_status_in_log, \
get_form_fields_on_submission_page, \
get_element_description, \
get_element_check_description, \
get_form_fields_not_on_submission_page, \
function_step_is_last, \
get_collection_children_of_submission_collection, \
get_submission_collection_name, \
get_doctype_children_of_submission_collection, \
get_categories_of_doctype, \
get_doctype_details, \
get_actions_on_submission_page_for_doctype, \
get_action_details, \
get_parameters_of_function, \
get_details_of_submission, \
get_functions_for_submission_step, \
get_submissions_at_level_X_with_score_above_N, \
import invenio.template
websubmit_templates = invenio.template.load('websubmit')
def interface(req,
"""This function is called after a user has visited a document type's
"homepage" and selected the type of "action" to perform. Having
clicked an action-button (e.g. "Submit a New Record"), this function
will be called . It performs the task of initialising a new submission
session (retrieving information about the submission, creating a
working submission-directory, etc), and "drawing" a submission page
containing the WebSubmit form that the user uses to input the metadata
to be submitted.
When a user moves between pages in the submission interface, this
function is recalled so that it can save the metadata entered into the
previous page by the user, and draw the current submission-page.
Note: During a submission, for each page refresh, this function will be
called while the variable "step" (a form variable, seen by
websubmit_webinterface, which calls this function) is 0 (ZERO).
In other words, this function handles the FRONT-END phase of a
submission, BEFORE the WebSubmit functions are called.
@param req: (apache request object) *** NOTE: Added into this object, is
a variable called "form" (req.form). This is added into the object in
the index function of websubmit_webinterface. It contains a
"mod_python.util.FieldStorage" instance, that contains the form-fields
found on the previous submission page.
@param c: (string), defaulted to CFG_SITE_NAME. The name of the CDS Invenio
@param ln: (string), defaulted to CFG_SITE_LANG. The language in which to
display the pages.
@param doctype: (string) - the doctype ID of the doctype for which the
submission is being made.
@param act: (string) - The ID of the action being performed (e.g.
submission of bibliographic information; modification of bibliographic
information, etc).
@param startPg: (integer) - Starting page for the submission? Defaults
to 1.
@param indir: (string) - the directory used to store all submissions
of the given "type" of this submission. For example, if the submission
is of the type "modify bibliographic information", this variable would
contain "modify".
@param access: (string) - the "access" number for the submission
(e.g. 1174062451_7010). This number is also used as the name for the
current working submission directory.
@param mainmenu: (string) - contains the URL (minus the CDS Invenio
home stem) for the submission's home-page. (E.g. If this submission
is "PICT", the "mainmenu" file would contain "/submit?doctype=PICT".
@param fromdir: (integer)
@param nextPg: (string)
@param nbPg: (string)
@param curpage: (integer) - the current submission page number. Defaults
to 1.
ln = wash_language(ln)
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
sys.stdout = req
# get user ID:
user_info = collect_user_info(req)
uid = user_info['uid']
uid_email = user_info['email']
# variable initialisation
t = ""
field = []
fieldhtml = []
level = []
fullDesc = []
text = []
check = []
select = []
radio = []
upload = []
txt = []
noPage = []
# Preliminary tasks
# check that the user is logged in
if not uid_email or uid_email == "guest":
return warningMsg(websubmit_templates.tmpl_warning_message(
ln = ln,
msg = _("Sorry, you must log in to perform this action.")
), req, ln)
# warningMsg("""<center><font color="red"></font></center>""",req, ln)
# check we have minimum fields
if not doctype or not act or not access:
## We don't have all the necessary information to go ahead
## with this submission:
return warningMsg(_("Not enough information to go ahead with the submission."), req, c, ln)
assert(not access or re.match('\d+_\d+', access))
except AssertionError:
register_exception(req=req, prefix='doctype="%s", access="%s"' % (doctype, access))
return warningMsg(_("Invalid parameters"), req, c, ln)
if doctype and act:
## Let's clean the input
details = get_details_of_submission(doctype, act)
if not details:
return warningMsg(_("Invalid doctype and act parameters"), req, c, ln)
doctype = details[0]
act = details[1]
## Before continuing to display the submission form interface,
## verify that this submission has not already been completed:
if submission_is_finished(doctype, act, access, uid_email):
## This submission has already been completed.
## This situation can arise when, having completed a submission,
## the user uses the browser's back-button to go back to the form
## stage of the submission and then tries to submit once more.
## This is unsafe and should not be allowed. Instead of re-displaying
## the submission forms, display an error message to the user:
wrnmsg = """<b>This submission has been completed. Please go to the""" \
""" <a href="/submit?doctype=%(doctype)s&amp;ln=%(ln)s">""" \
"""main menu</a> to start a new submission.</b>""" \
% { 'doctype' : quote_plus(doctype), 'ln' : ln }
return warningMsg(wrnmsg, req)
## retrieve the action and doctype data:
## Concatenate action ID and doctype ID to make the submission ID:
subname = "%s%s" % (act, doctype)
## Get the submission storage directory from the DB:
submission_dir = get_storage_directory_of_action(act)
if submission_dir:
indir = submission_dir
## Unable to determine the submission-directory:
return warningMsg(_("Unable to find the submission directory for the action: %s") % escape(str(act)), req, c, ln)
## get the document type's long-name:
doctype_lname = get_longname_of_doctype(doctype)
if doctype_lname is not None:
## Got the doctype long-name: replace spaces with HTML chars:
docname = doctype_lname.replace(" ", "&nbsp;")
## Unknown document type:
return warningMsg(_("Unknown document type"), req, c, ln)
## get the action's long-name:
actname = get_longname_of_action(act)
if actname is None:
## Unknown action:
return warningMsg(_("Unknown action"), req, c, ln)
## Get the number of pages for this submission:
num_submission_pages = get_num_pages_of_submission(subname)
if num_submission_pages is not None:
nbpages = num_submission_pages
## Unable to determine the number of pages for this submission:
return warningMsg(_("Unable to determine the number of submission pages."), req, c, ln)
## If unknown, get the current page of submission:
if startPg != "" and curpage in ("", 0):
curpage = startPg
## retrieve the name of the file in which the reference of
## the submitted document will be stored
rn_filename = get_parameter_value_for_doctype(doctype, "edsrn")
if rn_filename is not None:
edsrn = rn_filename
## Unknown value for edsrn - set it to an empty string:
edsrn = ""
## This defines the path to the directory containing the action data
curdir = os.path.join(CFG_WEBSUBMIT_STORAGEDIR, indir, doctype, access)
assert(curdir == os.path.abspath(curdir))
except AssertionError:
register_exception(req=req, prefix='indir="%s", doctype="%s", access="%s"' % (indir, doctype, access))
return warningMsg(_("Invalid parameters"), req, c, ln)
## if this submission comes from another one (fromdir is then set)
## We retrieve the previous submission directory and put it in the proper one
if fromdir != "":
olddir = os.path.join(CFG_WEBSUBMIT_STORAGEDIR, fromdir, doctype, access)
assert(olddir == os.path.abspath(olddir))
except AssertionError:
register_exception(req=req, prefix='fromdir="%s", doctype="%s", access="%s"' % (fromdir, doctype, access))
return warningMsg(_("Invalid parameters"), req, c, ln)
if os.path.exists(olddir):
os.rename(olddir, curdir)
## If the submission directory still does not exist, we create it
if not os.path.exists(curdir):
except Exception, e:
register_exception(req=req, alert_admin=True)
return warningMsg(_("Unable to create a directory for this submission. The administrator has been alerted."), req, c, ln)
# retrieve the original main menu url and save it in the "mainmenu" file
if mainmenu != "":
fp = open(os.path.join(curdir, "mainmenu"), "w")
# and if the file containing the URL to the main menu exists
# we retrieve it and store it in the $mainmenu variable
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(curdir, "mainmenu")):
fp = open(os.path.join(curdir, "mainmenu"), "r");
mainmenu =
mainmenu = "%s/submit" % (CFG_SITE_URL,)
# various authentication related tasks...
if uid_email != "guest" and uid_email != "":
#First save the username (email address) in the SuE file. This way bibconvert will be able to use it if needed
fp = open(os.path.join(curdir, "SuE"), "w")
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(curdir, "combo%s" % doctype)):
fp = open(os.path.join(curdir, "combo%s" % doctype), "r");
categ =
categ = req.form.get('combo%s' % doctype, '*')
# is user authorized to perform this action?
(auth_code, auth_message) = acc_authorize_action(req, "submit", verbose=0, doctype=doctype, act=act, categ=categ)
if acc_is_role("submit", doctype=doctype, act=act) and auth_code != 0:
return warningMsg("""<center><font color="red">%s</font></center>""" % auth_message, req)
## update the "journal of submission":
## Does the submission already exist in the log?
submission_exists = \
submission_exists_in_log(doctype, act, access, uid_email)
if submission_exists == 1:
## update the modification-date of this submission in the log:
update_submission_modified_date_in_log(doctype, act, access, uid_email)
## Submission doesn't exist in log - create it:
log_new_pending_submission(doctype, act, access, uid_email)
## Let's write in curdir file under curdir the curdir value
## in case e.g. it is needed in FFT.
fp = open(os.path.join(curdir, "curdir"), "w")
# Save the form fields entered in the previous submission page
# If the form was sent with the GET method
form = dict(req.form)
value = ""
# we parse all the form variables
for key, formfields in form.items():
filename = key.replace("[]", "")
file_to_open = os.path.join(curdir, filename)
assert(file_to_open == os.path.abspath(file_to_open))
except AssertionError:
register_exception(req=req, prefix='curdir="%s", filename="%s"' % (curdir, filename))
return warningMsg(_("Invalid parameters"), req, c, ln)
# Do not write reserved filenames to disk
# Unless there is really an element with that name in the
# interface, which means that admin authorized it
if not filename in [submission_field[3] for submission_field in get_form_fields_on_submission_page(subname, curpage)]:
# Still this will filter out reserved field names that
# might have been called by functions such as
# Create_Modify_Interface function in MBI step, or
# dynamic fields in response elements, but that is
# unlikely to be a problem.
# Skip variables containing characters that are not allowed in
# WebSubmit elements
if not string_is_alphanumeric_including_underscore(filename):
# the field is an array
if isinstance(formfields, types.ListType):
fp = open(file_to_open, "w")
for formfield in formfields:
value = specialchars(formfield)
# the field is a normal string
elif isinstance(formfields, types.StringTypes) and formfields != "":
value = formfields
fp = open(file_to_open, "w")
# the field is a file
elif hasattr(formfields,"filename") and formfields.filename:
dir_to_open = os.path.join(curdir, 'files', key)
assert(dir_to_open == os.path.abspath(dir_to_open))
except AssertionError:
register_exception(req=req, prefix='curdir="%s", key="%s"' % (curdir, key))
return warningMsg(_("Invalid parameters"), req, c, ln)
if not os.path.exists(dir_to_open):
register_exception(req=req, alert_admin=True)
return warningMsg(_("Cannot create submission directory. The administrator has been alerted."), req, c, ln)
filename = formfields.filename
## Before saving the file to disc, wash the filename (in particular
## washing away UNIX and Windows (e.g. DFS) paths):
filename = os.path.basename(filename.split('\\')[-1])
filename = filename.strip()
if filename != "":
# This may be dangerous if the file size is bigger than the available memory
fp = open(os.path.join(dir_to_open, filename), "w")
while formfields.file:
fp = open(os.path.join(curdir, "lastuploadedfile"), "w")
fp = open(file_to_open, "w")
return warningMsg(_("No file uploaded?"), req, c, ln)
## if the found field is the reference of the document,
## save this value in the "journal of submissions":
if uid_email != "" and uid_email != "guest":
if key == edsrn:
update_submission_reference_in_log(doctype, access, uid_email, value)
## create the interface:
subname = "%s%s" % (act, doctype)
## Get all of the form fields that appear on this page, ordered by fieldnum:
form_fields = get_form_fields_on_submission_page(subname, curpage)
full_fields = []
values = []
the_globals = {
'doctype' : doctype,
'action' : action,
'access' : access,
'ln' : ln,
'curdir' : curdir,
'uid' : uid,
'uid_email' : uid_email,
'form' : form,
'act' : act,
'req' : req,
'user_info' : user_info,
'InvenioWebSubmitFunctionError' : InvenioWebSubmitFunctionError,
'__websubmit_in_jail__' : True,
'__builtins__' : globals()['__builtins__']
for field_instance in form_fields:
full_field = {}
## Retrieve the field's description:
element_descr = get_element_description(field_instance[3])
assert(element_descr is not None)
except AssertionError:
msg = _("Unknown form field found on submission page.")
register_exception(req=req, alert_admin=True, prefix=msg)
## The form field doesn't seem to exist - return with error message:
return warningMsg(_("Unknown form field found on submission page."), req, c, ln)
if element_descr[8] is None:
val = ""
val = element_descr[8]
## we also retrieve and add the javascript code of the checking function, if needed
## Set it to empty string to begin with:
full_field['javascript'] = ''
if field_instance[7] != '':
check_descr = get_element_check_description(field_instance[7])
if check_descr is not None:
## Retrieved the check description:
full_field['javascript'] = check_descr
full_field['type'] = element_descr[3]
full_field['name'] = field_instance[3]
full_field['rows'] = element_descr[5]
full_field['cols'] = element_descr[6]
full_field['val'] = val
full_field['size'] = element_descr[4]
full_field['maxlength'] = element_descr[7]
full_field['htmlcode'] = element_descr[9]
full_field['typename'] = field_instance[1] ## TODO: Investigate this, Not used?
## It also seems to refer to pagenum.
# The 'R' fields must be executed in the engine's environment,
# as the runtime functions access some global and local
# variables.
if full_field ['type'] == 'R':
co = compile (full_field ['htmlcode'].replace("\r\n","\n"), "<string>", "exec")
the_globals['text'] = ''
exec co in the_globals
text = the_globals['text']
register_exception(req=req, alert_admin=True, prefix="Error in evaluating response element %s with globals %s" % (pprint.pformat(full_field), pprint.pformat(the_globals)))
text = websubmit_templates.tmpl_submit_field (ln = ln, field = full_field)
# we now determine the exact type of the created field
if full_field['type'] not in [ 'D','R']:
# If the field is not user-defined, we try to determine its type
# (select, radio, file upload...)
# check whether it is a select field or not
if"SELECT", text, re.IGNORECASE) is not None:
# checks whether it is a radio field or not
if"TYPE=[\"']?radio", text, re.IGNORECASE) is not None:
# checks whether it is a file upload or not
if"TYPE=[\"']?file", text, re.IGNORECASE) is not None:
# if the field description contains the "<COMBO>" string, replace
# it by the category selected on the document page submission page
combofile = "combo%s" % doctype
if os.path.exists("%s/%s" % (curdir, combofile)):
f = open("%s/%s" % (curdir, combofile), "r")
combo =
text = text.replace("<COMBO>", combo)
# if there is a <YYYY> tag in it, replace it by the current year
year = time.strftime("%Y");
text = text.replace("<YYYY>", year)
# if there is a <TODAY> tag in it, replace it by the current year
today = time.strftime("%d/%m/%Y");
text = text.replace("<TODAY>", today)
# field.append(value) - initial version, not working with JS, taking a submitted value
full_field['fullDesc'] = field_instance[4]
full_field['text'] = text
# If a file exists with the name of the field we extract the saved value
text = ''
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(curdir, full_field['name'])):
file = open(os.path.join(curdir, full_field['name']), "r");
text =
text = re.compile("[\n\r]*$").sub("", text)
text = re.compile("\n").sub("\\n", text)
text = re.compile("\r").sub("", text)
returnto = {}
if int(curpage) == int(nbpages):
subname = "%s%s" % (act, doctype)
other_form_fields = \
get_form_fields_not_on_submission_page(subname, curpage)
nbFields = 0
message = ""
fullcheck_select = []
fullcheck_radio = []
fullcheck_upload = []
fullcheck_field = []
fullcheck_level = []
fullcheck_txt = []
fullcheck_noPage = []
fullcheck_check = []
for field_instance in other_form_fields:
if field_instance[5] == "M":
## If this field is mandatory, get its description:
element_descr = get_element_description(field_instance[3])
assert(element_descr is not None)
except AssertionError:
msg = _("Unknown form field found on submission page.")
register_exception(req=req, alert_admin=True, prefix=msg)
## The form field doesn't seem to exist - return with error message:
return warningMsg(_("Unknown form field found on submission page."), req, c, ln)
if element_descr[3] in ['D', 'R']:
if element_descr[3] == "D":
text = element_descr[9]
text = eval(element_descr[9])
formfields = text.split(">")
for formfield in formfields:
match = re.match("name=([^ <>]+)", formfield, re.IGNORECASE)
if match is not None:
names = match.groups
for value in names:
if value != "":
value = re.compile("[\"']+").sub("", value)
nbFields = nbFields + 1
nbFields = nbFields+1
# tests each mandatory field
fld = 0
res = 1
for i in xrange(nbFields):
res = 1
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(curdir, fullcheck_field[i])):
file = open(os.path.join(curdir, fullcheck_field[i]), "r")
text =
if text == '':
if text == "Select:":
if res == 0:
fld = i
if not res:
returnto = {
'field' : fullcheck_txt[fld],
'page' : fullcheck_noPage[fld],
t += websubmit_templates.tmpl_page_interface(
ln = ln,
docname = docname,
actname = actname,
curpage = curpage,
nbpages = nbpages,
nextPg = nextPg,
access = access,
nbPg = nbPg,
doctype = doctype,
act = act,
fields = full_fields,
javascript = websubmit_templates.tmpl_page_interface_js(
ln = ln,
upload = upload,
field = field,
fieldhtml = fieldhtml,
txt = txt,
check = check,
level = level,
curdir = curdir,
values = values,
select = select,
radio = radio,
curpage = curpage,
nbpages = nbpages,
returnto = returnto,
mainmenu = mainmenu,
t += websubmit_templates.tmpl_page_do_not_leave_submission_js(ln)
# start display:
req.content_type = "text/html"
p_navtrail = """<a href="/submit?ln=%(ln)s" class="navtrail">%(submit)s</a>&nbsp;>&nbsp;<a href="/submit?doctype=%(doctype)s&amp;ln=%(ln)s" class="navtrail">%(docname)s</a>&nbsp;""" % {
'submit' : _("Submit"),
'doctype' : quote_plus(doctype),
'docname' : docname,
'ln' : ln
return page(title= actname,
body = t,
navtrail = p_navtrail,
description = "submit documents",
keywords = "submit",
uid = uid,
language = ln,
req = req,
def endaction(req,
"""Having filled-in the WebSubmit form created for metadata by the interface
function, the user clicks a button to either "finish the submission" or
to "proceed" to the next stage of the submission. At this point, a
variable called "step" will be given a value of 1 or above, which means
that this function is called by websubmit_webinterface.
So, during all non-zero steps of the submission, this function is called.
In other words, this function is called during the BACK-END phase of a
submission, in which WebSubmit *functions* are being called.
The function first ensures that all of the WebSubmit form field values
have been saved in the current working submission directory, in text-
files with the same name as the field elements have. It then determines
the functions to be called for the given step of the submission, and
executes them.
Following this, if this is the last step of the submission, it logs the
submission as "finished" in the journal of submissions.
@param req: (apache request object) *** NOTE: Added into this object, is
a variable called "form" (req.form). This is added into the object in
the index function of websubmit_webinterface. It contains a
"mod_python.util.FieldStorage" instance, that contains the form-fields
found on the previous submission page.
@param c: (string), defaulted to CFG_SITE_NAME. The name of the CDS Invenio
@param ln: (string), defaulted to CFG_SITE_LANG. The language in which to
display the pages.
@param doctype: (string) - the doctype ID of the doctype for which the
submission is being made.
@param act: (string) - The ID of the action being performed (e.g.
submission of bibliographic information; modification of bibliographic
information, etc).
@param startPg: (integer) - Starting page for the submission? Defaults
to 1.
@param indir: (string) - the directory used to store all submissions
of the given "type" of this submission. For example, if the submission
is of the type "modify bibliographic information", this variable would
contain "modify".
@param access: (string) - the "access" number for the submission
(e.g. 1174062451_7010). This number is also used as the name for the
current working submission directory.
@param mainmenu: (string) - contains the URL (minus the CDS Invenio
home stem) for the submission's home-page. (E.g. If this submission
is "PICT", the "mainmenu" file would contain "/submit?doctype=PICT".
@param fromdir:
@param nextPg:
@param nbPg:
@param curpage: (integer) - the current submission page number. Defaults
to 1.
@param step: (integer) - the current step of the submission. Defaults to
@param mode:
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
except NameError:
rn = ""
dismode = mode
ln = wash_language(ln)
sys.stdout = req
t = ""
# get user ID:
uid = getUid(req)
uid_email = get_email(uid)
# Preliminary tasks
# check that the user is logged in
if uid_email == "" or uid_email == "guest":
return warningMsg(websubmit_templates.tmpl_warning_message(
ln = ln,
msg = _("Sorry, you must log in to perform this action.")
), req, ln)
## check we have minimum fields
if not doctype or not act or not access:
## We don't have all the necessary information to go ahead
## with this submission:
return warningMsg(_("Not enough information to go ahead with the submission."), req, c, ln)
if doctype and act:
## Let's clean the input
details = get_details_of_submission(doctype, act)
if not details:
return warningMsg(_("Invalid doctype and act parameters"), req, c, ln)
doctype = details[0]
act = details[1]
assert(not access or re.match('\d+_\d+', access))
except AssertionError:
register_exception(req=req, prefix='doctype="%s", access="%s"' % (doctype, access))
return warningMsg(_("Invalid parameters"), req, c, ln)
## Before continuing to process the submitted data, verify that
## this submission has not already been completed:
if submission_is_finished(doctype, act, access, uid_email):
## This submission has already been completed.
## This situation can arise when, having completed a submission,
## the user uses the browser's back-button to go back to the form
## stage of the submission and then tries to submit once more.
## This is unsafe and should not be allowed. Instead of re-processing
## the submitted data, display an error message to the user:
wrnmsg = """<b>This submission has been completed. Please go to the""" \
""" <a href="/submit?doctype=%(doctype)s&amp;ln=%(ln)s">""" \
"""main menu</a> to start a new submission.</b>""" \
% { 'doctype' : quote_plus(doctype), 'ln' : ln }
return warningMsg(wrnmsg, req)
## Get the number of pages for this submission:
subname = "%s%s" % (act, doctype)
## retrieve the action and doctype data
## Get the submission storage directory from the DB:
submission_dir = get_storage_directory_of_action(act)
if submission_dir:
indir = submission_dir
## Unable to determine the submission-directory:
return warningMsg(_("Unable to find the submission directory for the action: %s") % escape(str(act)), req, c, ln)
# The following words are reserved and should not be used as field names
reserved_words = ["stop", "file", "nextPg", "startPg", "access", "curpage", "nbPg", "act", \
"indir", "doctype", "mode", "step", "deleted", "file_path", "userfile_name"]
# This defines the path to the directory containing the action data
curdir = os.path.join(CFG_WEBSUBMIT_STORAGEDIR, indir, doctype, access)
assert(curdir == os.path.abspath(curdir))
except AssertionError:
register_exception(req=req, prefix='indir="%s", doctype=%s, access=%s' % (indir, doctype, access))
return warningMsg(_("Invalid parameters"), req, c, ln)
## If the submission directory still does not exist, we create it
if not os.path.exists(curdir):
except Exception, e:
register_exception(req=req, alert_admin=True)
return warningMsg(_("Unable to create a directory for this submission. The administrator has been alerted."), req, c, ln)
# retrieve the original main menu url ans save it in the "mainmenu" file
if mainmenu != "":
fp = open(os.path.join(curdir, "mainmenu"), "w")
# and if the file containing the URL to the main menu exists
# we retrieve it and store it in the $mainmenu variable
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(curdir, "mainmenu")):
fp = open(os.path.join(curdir, "mainmenu"), "r");
mainmenu =
mainmenu = "%s/submit" % (CFG_SITE_URL,)
## retrieve the name of the file in which the reference of
## the submitted document will be stored
rn_filename = get_parameter_value_for_doctype(doctype, "edsrn")
if rn_filename is not None:
edsrn = rn_filename
## Unknown value for edsrn - set it to an empty string:
edsrn = ""
## Determine whether the action is finished
## (ie there are no other steps after the current one):
finished = function_step_is_last(doctype, act, step)
## Let's write in curdir file under curdir the curdir value
## in case e.g. it is needed in FFT.
fp = open(os.path.join(curdir, "curdir"), "w")
# Save the form fields entered in the previous submission page
# If the form was sent with the GET method
form = req.form
value = ""
# we parse all the form variables
for key in form.keys():
formfields = form[key]
filename = key.replace("[]", "")
file_to_open = os.path.join(curdir, filename)
assert(file_to_open == os.path.abspath(file_to_open))
except AssertionError:
register_exception(req=req, prefix='curdir="%s", filename="%s"' % (curdir, filename))
return warningMsg(_("Invalid parameters"), req, c, ln)
# Do not write reserved filenames to disk
# Unless there is really an element with that name in the
# interface, which means that admin authorized it
if not filename in [submission_field[3] for submission_field in get_form_fields_on_submission_page(subname, curpage)]:
# Still this will filter out reserved field names that
# might have been called by functions such as
# Create_Modify_Interface function in MBI step, or
# dynamic fields in response elements, but that is
# unlikely to be a problem.
# Skip variables containing characters that are not allowed in
# WebSubmit elements
if not string_is_alphanumeric_including_underscore(filename):
# the field is an array
if isinstance(formfields,types.ListType):
fp = open(file_to_open, "w")
for formfield in formfields:
value = specialchars(formfield)
# the field is a normal string
elif isinstance(formfields, types.StringTypes) and formfields != "":
value = formfields
fp = open(file_to_open, "w")
# the field is a file
elif hasattr(formfields, "filename") and formfields.filename:
dir_to_open = os.path.join(curdir, 'files', key)
assert(dir_to_open == os.path.abspath(dir_to_open))
except AssertionError:
register_exception(req=req, prefix='curdir="%s", key="%s"' % (curdir, key))
return warningMsg(_("Invalid parameters"), req, c, ln)
if not os.path.exists(dir_to_open):
register_exception(req=req, alert_admin=True)
return warningMsg(_("Cannot create submission directory. The administrator has been alerted."), req, c, ln)
filename = formfields.filename
## Before saving the file to disc, wash the filename (in particular
## washing away UNIX and Windows (e.g. DFS) paths):
filename = os.path.basename(filename.split('\\')[-1])
filename = filename.strip()
if filename != "":
# This may be dangerous if the file size is bigger than the available memory
data =
fp = open(os.path.join(dir_to_open, filename), "w")
fp = open(os.path.join(curdir, "lastuploadedfile"), "w")
fp = open(file_to_open, "w")
return warningMsg(_("No file uploaded?"), req, c, ln)
## if the found field is the reference of the document
## we save this value in the "journal of submissions"
if uid_email != "" and uid_email != "guest":
if key == edsrn:
update_submission_reference_in_log(doctype, access, uid_email, value)
## get the document type's long-name:
doctype_lname = get_longname_of_doctype(doctype)
if doctype_lname is not None:
## Got the doctype long-name: replace spaces with HTML chars:
docname = doctype_lname.replace(" ", "&nbsp;")
## Unknown document type:
return warningMsg(_("Unknown document type"), req, c, ln)
## get the action's long-name:
actname = get_longname_of_action(act)
if actname is None:
## Unknown action:
return warningMsg(_("Unknown action"), req, c, ln)
num_submission_pages = get_num_pages_of_submission(subname)
if num_submission_pages is not None:
nbpages = num_submission_pages
## Unable to determine the number of pages for this submission:
return warningMsg(_("Unable to determine the number of submission pages."), \
req, CFG_SITE_NAME, ln)
## Determine whether the action is finished
## (ie there are no other steps after the current one):
last_step = function_step_is_last(doctype, act, step)
next_action = '' ## The next action to be proposed to the user
# Prints the action details, returning the mandatory score
action_score = action_details(doctype, act)
current_level = get_level(doctype, act)
# Calls all the function's actions
function_content = ''
## Handle the execution of the functions for this
## submission/step:
start_time = time.time()
(function_content, last_step, action_score) = print_function_calls(
except InvenioWebSubmitFunctionError, e:
register_exception(req=req, alert_admin=True, prefix='doctype="%s", action="%s", step="%s", form="%s", start_time="%s"' % (doctype, act, step, form, start_time))
## There was a serious function-error. Execution ends.
return warningMsg(_("A serious function-error has been encountered. Adminstrators have been alerted. <br /><em>Please not that this might be due to wrong characters inserted into the form</em> (e.g. by copy and pasting some text from a PDF file)."), req, c, ln)
except InvenioWebSubmitFunctionStop, e:
## For one reason or another, one of the functions has determined that
## the data-processing phase (i.e. the functions execution) should be
## halted and the user should be returned to the form interface once
## more. (NOTE: Redirecting the user to the Web-form interface is
## currently done using JavaScript. The "InvenioWebSubmitFunctionStop"
## exception contains a "value" string, which is effectively JavaScript
## - probably an alert box and a form that is submitted). **THIS WILL
if e.value is not None:
function_content = e.value
function_content = e
## No function exceptions (InvenioWebSubmitFunctionStop,
## InvenioWebSubmitFunctionError) were raised by the functions. Propose
## the next action (if applicable), and log the submission as finished:
## If the action was mandatory we propose the next
## mandatory action (if any)
if action_score != -1 and last_step == 1:
next_action = Propose_Next_Action(doctype, \
action_score, \
access, \
current_level, \
## If we are in the last step of an action, we can update
## the "journal of submissions"
if last_step == 1:
if uid_email != "" and uid_email != "guest" and rn != "":
## update the "journal of submission":
## Does the submission already exist in the log?
submission_exists = \
submission_exists_in_log(doctype, act, access, uid_email)
if submission_exists == 1:
## update the rn and status to finished for this submission
## in the log:
update_submission_reference_and_status_in_log(doctype, \
act, \
access, \
uid_email, \
rn, \
## Submission doesn't exist in log - create it:
log_new_completed_submission(doctype, \
act, \
access, \
uid_email, \
## Having executed the functions, create the page that will be displayed
## to the user:
t = websubmit_templates.tmpl_page_endaction(
ln = ln,
# these fields are necessary for the navigation
nextPg = nextPg,
startPg = startPg,
access = access,
curpage = curpage,
nbPg = nbPg,
nbpages = nbpages,
doctype = doctype,
act = act,
docname = docname,
actname = actname,
mainmenu = mainmenu,
finished = finished,
function_content = function_content,
next_action = next_action,
if not finished:
t += websubmit_templates.tmpl_page_do_not_leave_submission_js(ln)
# start display:
req.content_type = "text/html"
p_navtrail = '<a href="/submit?ln='+ln+'" class="navtrail">' + _("Submit") +\
"""</a>&nbsp;>&nbsp;<a href="/submit?doctype=%(doctype)s&amp;ln=%(ln)s" class="navtrail">%(docname)s</a>""" % {
'doctype' : quote_plus(doctype),
'docname' : docname,
'ln' : ln,
return page(title= actname,
body = t,
navtrail = p_navtrail,
description="submit documents",
uid = uid,
language = ln,
req = req,
def home(req, c=CFG_SITE_NAME, ln=CFG_SITE_LANG):
"""This function generates the WebSubmit "home page".
Basically, this page contains a list of submission-collections
in WebSubmit, and gives links to the various document-type
Document-types only appear on this page when they have been
connected to a submission-collection in WebSubmit.
@param req: (apache request object)
@param c: (string) - defaults to CFG_SITE_NAME
@param ln: (string) - The CDS Invenio interface language of choice.
Defaults to CFG_SITE_LANG (the default language of the installation).
@return: (string) - the Web page to be displayed.
ln = wash_language(ln)
# get user ID:
uid = getUid(req)
except Error, e:
return errorMsg(e, req, c, ln)
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
user_info = collect_user_info(req)
finaltext = websubmit_templates.tmpl_submit_home_page(
ln = ln,
catalogues = makeCataloguesTable(user_info, ln)
return page(title=_("Submit"),
description="submit documents",
def makeCataloguesTable(user_info, ln=CFG_SITE_LANG):
"""Build the 'catalogues' (submission-collections) tree for
the WebSubmit home-page. This tree contains the links to
the various document types in WebSubmit.
@param user_info: (dict) - the user information in order to decide
whether to display a submission.
@param ln: (string) - the language of the interface.
(defaults to 'CFG_SITE_LANG').
@return: (string) - the submission-collections tree.
text = ""
catalogues = []
## Get the submission-collections attached at the top level
## of the submission-collection tree:
top_level_collctns = get_collection_children_of_submission_collection(0)
if len(top_level_collctns) != 0:
## There are submission-collections attatched to the top level.
## retrieve their details for displaying:
for child_collctn in top_level_collctns:
catalogues.append(getCatalogueBranch(child_collctn[0], 1, user_info))
text = websubmit_templates.tmpl_submit_home_catalogs(
text = websubmit_templates.tmpl_submit_home_catalog_no_content(ln=ln)
return text
def getCatalogueBranch(id_father, level, user_info):
"""Build up a given branch of the submission-collection
tree. I.e. given a parent submission-collection ID,
build up the tree below it. This tree will include
doctype-children, as well as other submission-
collections and their children.
Finally, return the branch as a dictionary.
@param id_father: (integer) - the ID of the submission-collection
from which to begin building the branch.
@param level: (integer) - the level of the current submission-
collection branch.
@param user_info: (dict) - the user information in order to decide
whether to display a submission.
@return: (dictionary) - the branch and its sub-branches.
elem = {} ## The dictionary to contain this branch of the tree.
## First, get the submission-collection-details:
collctn_name = get_submission_collection_name(id_father)
if collctn_name is not None:
## Got the submission-collection's name:
elem['name'] = collctn_name
## The submission-collection is unknown to the DB
## set its name as empty:
elem['name'] = ""
elem['id'] = id_father
elem['level'] = level
## Now get details of the doctype-children of this
## submission-collection:
elem['docs'] = [] ## List to hold the doctype-children
## of the submission-collection
doctype_children = \
for child_doctype in doctype_children:
if acc_authorize_action(user_info, 'submit', authorized_if_no_roles=True, doctype=child_doctype[0])[0] == 0:
## Now, get the collection-children of this submission-collection:
elem['sons'] = []
collctn_children = \
for child_collctn in collctn_children:
elem['sons'].append(getCatalogueBranch(child_collctn[0], level + 1, user_info))
## Now return this branch of the built-up 'collection-tree':
return elem
def getDoctypeBranch(doctype):
"""Create a document-type 'leaf-node' for the submission-collections
tree. Basically, this leaf is a dictionary containing the name
and ID of the document-type submission to which it links.
@param doctype: (string) - the ID of the document type.
@return: (dictionary) - the document-type 'leaf node'. Contains
the following values:
+ id: (string) - the document-type ID.
+ name: (string) - the (long) name of the document-type.
ldocname = get_longname_of_doctype(doctype)
if ldocname is None:
ldocname = "Unknown Document Type"
return { 'id' : doctype, 'name' : ldocname, }
def displayCatalogueBranch(id_father, level, catalogues):
text = ""
collctn_name = get_submission_collection_name(id_father)
if collctn_name is None:
## If this submission-collection wasn't known in the DB,
## give it the name "Unknown Submission-Collection" to
## avoid errors:
collctn_name = "Unknown Submission-Collection"
## Now, create the display for this submission-collection:
if level == 1:
text = "<LI><font size=\"+1\"><strong>%s</strong></font>\n" \
% collctn_name
## TODO: These are the same (and the if is ugly.) Why?
if level == 2:
text = "<LI>%s\n" % collctn_name
if level > 2:
text = "<LI>%s\n" % collctn_name
## Now display the children document-types that are attached
## to this submission-collection:
## First, get the children:
doctype_children = get_doctype_children_of_submission_collection(id_father)
collctn_children = get_collection_children_of_submission_collection(id_father)
if len(doctype_children) > 0 or len(collctn_children) > 0:
## There is something to display, so open a list:
text = text + "<UL>\n"
## First, add the doctype leaves of this branch:
for child_doctype in doctype_children:
## Add the doctype 'leaf-node':
text = text + displayDoctypeBranch(child_doctype[0], catalogues)
## Now add the submission-collection sub-branches:
for child_collctn in collctn_children:
text = text + displayCatalogueBranch(child_collctn[0], level+1, catalogues)
## Finally, close up the list if there were nodes to display
## at this branch:
if len(doctype_children) > 0 or len(collctn_children) > 0:
text = text + "</UL>\n"
return text
def displayDoctypeBranch(doctype, catalogues):
text = ""
ldocname = get_longname_of_doctype(doctype)
if ldocname is None:
ldocname = "Unknown Document Type"
text = "<LI><a href=\"\" onmouseover=\"javascript:" \
"popUpTextWindow('%s',true,event);\" onmouseout" \
"=\"javascript:popUpTextWindow('%s',false,event);\" " \
"onClick=\"document.forms[0].doctype.value='%s';" \
"document.forms[0].submit();return false;\">%s</a>\n" \
% (doctype, doctype, doctype, ldocname)
return text
def action(req, c=CFG_SITE_NAME, ln=CFG_SITE_LANG, doctype=""):
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
nbCateg = 0
snameCateg = []
lnameCateg = []
actionShortDesc = []
indir = []
actionbutton = []
statustext = []
t = ""
ln = wash_language(ln)
# get user ID:
uid = getUid(req)
uid_email = get_email(uid)
except Error, e:
return errorMsg(e, req, c, ln)
#parses database to get all data
## first, get the list of categories
doctype_categs = get_categories_of_doctype(doctype)
for doctype_categ in doctype_categs:
nbCateg = nbCateg+1
## Now get the details of the document type:
doctype_details = get_doctype_details(doctype)
if doctype_details is None:
## Doctype doesn't exist - raise error:
return warningMsg(_("Unable to find document type: %s") % escape(str(doctype)), req, c, ln)
docFullDesc = doctype_details[0]
# Also update the doctype as returned by the database, since
# it might have a differnent case (eg. DemOJrN->demoJRN)
doctype = docShortDesc = doctype_details[1]
description = doctype_details[4]
## Get the details of the actions supported by this document-type:
doctype_actions = get_actions_on_submission_page_for_doctype(doctype)
for doctype_action in doctype_actions:
## Get the details of this action:
action_details = get_action_details(doctype_action[0])
if action_details is not None:
## Send the gathered information to the template so that the doctype's
## home-page can be displayed:
t = websubmit_templates.tmpl_action_page(
uid=uid, guest=(uid_email == "" or uid_email == "guest"),
pid = os.getpid(),
now = time.time(),
doctype = doctype,
description = description,
docfulldesc = docFullDesc,
snameCateg = snameCateg,
lnameCateg = lnameCateg,
actionShortDesc = actionShortDesc,
indir = indir,
# actionbutton = actionbutton,
statustext = statustext,
p_navtrail = """<a href="/submit?ln=%(ln)s" class="navtrail">%(submit)s</a>""" % {'submit' : _("Submit"),
'ln' : ln}
return page(title = docFullDesc,
description="submit documents",
def Request_Print(m, txt):
"""The argumemts to this function are the display mode (m) and the text
to be displayed (txt).
return txt
def Evaluate_Parameter (field, doctype):
# Returns the literal value of the parameter. Assumes that the value is
# uniquely determined by the doctype, i.e. doctype is the primary key in
# the table
# If the table name is not null, evaluate the parameter
## TODO: The above comment looks like nonesense? This
## function only seems to get the values of parameters
## from the db...
## Get the value for the parameter:
param_val = get_parameter_value_for_doctype(doctype, field)
if param_val is None:
## Couldn't find a value for this parameter for this doctype.
## Instead, try with the default doctype (DEF):
param_val = get_parameter_value_for_doctype("DEF", field)
if param_val is None:
## There was no value for the parameter for the default doctype.
## Nothing can be done about it - return an empty string:
return ""
## There was some kind of value for the parameter; return it:
return param_val
def Get_Parameters (function, doctype):
"""For a given function of a given document type, a dictionary
of the parameter names and values are returned.
@param function: (string) - the name of the function for which the
parameters are to be retrieved.
@param doctype: (string) - the ID of the document type.
@return: (dictionary) - of the parameters of the function.
Keyed by the parameter name, values are of course the parameter
parray = {}
## Get the names of the parameters expected by this function:
func_params = get_parameters_of_function(function)
for func_param in func_params:
## For each of the parameters, get its value for this document-
## type and add it into the dictionary of parameters:
parameter = func_param[0]
parray[parameter] = Evaluate_Parameter (parameter, doctype)
return parray
def get_level(doctype, action):
"""Get the level of a given submission. If unknown, return 0
as the level.
@param doctype: (string) - the ID of the document type.
@param action: (string) - the ID of the action.
@return: (integer) - the level of the submission; 0 otherwise.
subm_details = get_details_of_submission(doctype, action)
if subm_details is not None:
## Return the level of this action
subm_level = subm_details[9]
except ValueError:
return 0
return subm_level
return 0
def action_details (doctype, action):
# Prints whether the action is mandatory or optional. The score of the
# action is returned (-1 if the action was optional)
subm_details = get_details_of_submission(doctype, action)
if subm_details is not None:
if subm_details[9] != "0":
## This action is mandatory; return the score:
return subm_details[10]
return -1
return -1
def print_function_calls (req, doctype, action, step, form, start_time, access, curdir, dismode, rn, last_step, action_score, ln=CFG_SITE_LANG):
# Calls the functions required by an "action" action on a "doctype" document
# In supervisor mode, a table of the function calls is produced
user_info = collect_user_info(req)
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
t = ""
## Here follows the global protect environment.
the_globals = {
'doctype' : doctype,
'action' : action,
'step' : step,
'access' : access,
'ln' : ln,
'curdir' : curdir,
'uid' : user_info['uid'],
'uid_email' : user_info['email'],
'rn' : rn,
'last_step' : last_step,
'action_score' : action_score,
'__websubmit_in_jail__' : True,
'form' : form,
'user_info' : user_info,
'__builtins__' : globals()['__builtins__'],
'Request_Print': Request_Print
## Get the list of functions to be called
funcs_to_call = get_functions_for_submission_step(doctype, action, step)
## If no functions are found at this step for this doctype,
## get the functions for the DEF(ault) doctype:
if len(funcs_to_call) == 0:
funcs_to_call = get_functions_for_submission_step("DEF", action, step)
if len(funcs_to_call) > 0:
# while there are functions left...
functions = []
for function in funcs_to_call:
function_name = function[0]
function_score = function[1]
currfunction = {
'name' : function_name,
'score' : function_score,
'error' : 0,
'text' : '',
if os.path.exists("%s/invenio/websubmit_functions/" % (CFG_PYLIBDIR, function_name)):
# import the function itself
#function = getattr(invenio.websubmit_functions, function_name)
execfile("%s/invenio/websubmit_functions/" % (CFG_PYLIBDIR, function_name), the_globals)
if function_name not in the_globals:
currfunction['error'] = 1
the_globals['function'] = the_globals[function_name]
# Evaluate the parameters, and place them in an array
the_globals['parameters'] = Get_Parameters(function_name, doctype)
# Call function:
log_function(curdir, "Start %s" % function_name, start_time)
## Attempt to call the function with 4 arguments:
## ("parameters", "curdir" and "form" as usual),
## and "user_info" - the dictionary of user
## information:
## Note: The function should always be called with
## these keyword arguments because the "TypeError"
## except clause checks for a specific mention of
## the 'user_info' keyword argument when a legacy
## function (one that accepts only 'parameters',
## 'curdir' and 'form') has been called and if
## the error string doesn't contain this,
## the TypeError will be considered as a something
## that was incorrectly handled in the function and
## will be propagated as an
## InvenioWebSubmitFunctionError instead of the
## function being called again with the legacy 3
## arguments.
func_returnval = eval("function(parameters=parameters, curdir=curdir, form=form, user_info=user_info)", the_globals)
except TypeError, err:
## If the error contains the string "got an
## unexpected keyword argument", it means that the
## function doesn't accept the "user_info"
## argument. Test for this:
if "got an unexpected keyword argument 'user_info'" in \
## As expected, the function doesn't accept
## the user_info keyword argument. Call it
## again with the legacy 3 arguments
## (parameters, curdir, form):
func_returnval = eval("function(parameters=parameters, curdir=curdir, form=form)", the_globals)
## An unexpected "TypeError" was caught.
## It looks as though the function itself didn't
## handle something correctly.
## Convert this error into an
## InvenioWebSubmitFunctionError and raise it:
msg = "Unhandled TypeError caught when " \
"calling [%s] WebSubmit function: " \
"[%s]" % (function_name, str(err))
raise InvenioWebSubmitFunctionError(msg)
except InvenioWebSubmitFunctionWarning, err:
## There was an unexpected behaviour during the
## execution. Log the message into function's log
## and go to next function
log_function(curdir, "***Warning*** from %s: %s" \
% (function_name, str(err)), start_time)
## Reset "func_returnval" to None:
func_returnval = None
register_exception(req=req, alert_admin=True, prefix="Warning in executing function %s with globals %s" % (pprint.pformat(currfunction), pprint.pformat(the_globals)))
log_function(curdir, "End %s" % function_name, start_time)
if func_returnval is not None:
## Append the returned value as a string:
currfunction['text'] = str(func_returnval)
## The function the NoneType. Don't keep that value as
## the currfunction->text. Replace it with the empty
## string.
currfunction['text'] = ""
currfunction['error'] = 1
except InvenioWebSubmitFunctionStop, err:
## The submission asked to stop execution. This is
## ok. Do not alert admin, and raise exception further
log_function(curdir, "***Stop*** from %s: %s" \
% (function_name, str(err)), start_time)
register_exception(req=req, alert_admin=True, prefix="Error in executing function %s with globals %s" % (pprint.pformat(currfunction), pprint.pformat(the_globals)))
t = websubmit_templates.tmpl_function_output(
ln = ln,
display_on = (dismode == 'S'),
action = action,
doctype = doctype,
step = step,
functions = functions,
else :
if dismode == 'S':
t = "<br /><br /><b>" + _("The chosen action is not supported by the document type.") + "</b>"
return (t, the_globals['last_step'], the_globals['action_score'])
def Propose_Next_Action (doctype, action_score, access, currentlevel, indir, ln=CFG_SITE_LANG):
t = ""
next_submissions = \
get_submissions_at_level_X_with_score_above_N(doctype, currentlevel, action_score)
if len(next_submissions) > 0:
actions = []
first_score = next_submissions[0][10]
for action in next_submissions:
if action[10] == first_score:
## Get the submission directory of this action:
nextdir = get_storage_directory_of_action(action[1])
if nextdir is None:
nextdir = ""
curraction = {
'page' : action[11],
'action' : action[1],
'doctype' : doctype,
'nextdir' : nextdir,
'access' : access,
'indir' : indir,
'name' : action[12],
t = websubmit_templates.tmpl_next_action(
ln = ln,
actions = actions,
return t
def specialchars(text):
text = string.replace(text, "&#147;", "\042");
text = string.replace(text, "&#148;", "\042");
text = string.replace(text, "&#146;", "\047");
text = string.replace(text, "&#151;", "\055");
text = string.replace(text, "&#133;", "\056\056\056");
return text
def log_function(curdir, message, start_time, filename="function_log"):
"""Write into file the message and the difference of time
between starttime and current time
@param curdir:(string) path to the destination dir
@param message: (string) message to write into the file
@param starttime: (float) time to compute from
@param filname: (string) name of log file
time_lap = "%.3f" % (time.time() - start_time)
if os.access(curdir, os.F_OK|os.W_OK):
fd = open("%s/%s" % (curdir, filename), "a+")
fd.write("""%s --- %s\n""" % (message, time_lap))
## FIXME: Duplicated
def errorMsg(title, req, c=CFG_SITE_NAME, ln=CFG_SITE_LANG):
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
return page(title = _("Error"),
body = create_error_box(req, title=title, verbose=0, ln=ln),
description="%s - Internal Error" % c,
keywords="%s, Internal Error" % c,
uid = getUid(req),
def warningMsg(title, req, c=CFG_SITE_NAME, ln=CFG_SITE_LANG):
# load the right message language
_ = gettext_set_language(ln)
return page(title = _("Warning"),
body = title,
description="%s - Warning" % c,
keywords="%s, Warning" % c,
uid = getUid(req),

Event Timeline