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Sat, Oct 19, 18:30

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## This file is part of Invenio.
## Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 CERN.
## Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
## published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
## License, or (at your option) any later version.
## Invenio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Invenio; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
## 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
__revision__ = "$Id$"
import cgi
from invenio.config import CFG_SITE_URL, CFG_SITE_LANG
def create_html_table_from_tuple(tableheader=None, tablebody=None, start="", end=""):
"""Create a table from a tuple or a list.
@param header: optional header for the columns (MUST be a list of header titles)
@param tablebody: table body (rows - tuple of tuples)
@param start: text to be added in the beginning, most likely beginning of a form
@param end: text to be added in the end, most likely end of a form.
if type(tableheader) is None:
tableheader = ()
if type(tablebody) is None:
tablebody = ()
## determine table cells alignment based upon first row alignment
align = []
if type(tablebody[0]) in [int, long]:
align = ['admintdright']
elif type(tablebody[0]) in [str, dict]:
align = ['admintdleft']
for item in tablebody[0]:
if type(item) is int:
except IndexError:
## Empty tablebody
## table header row:
tblstr = ""
for hdr in tableheader:
tblstr += """ <th class="adminheader">%s</th>\n""" % (hdr,)
if tblstr != "":
tblstr = """ <tr>\n%s</tr>\n""" % (tblstr, )
tblstr = start + """<table class="admin_wvar_nomargin">\n""" + tblstr
## table body
if len(tablebody) > 0:
for row in tablebody:
tblstr += """ <tr>\n"""
if type(row) not in [int, long, str, dict]:
for i in range(len(row)):
tblstr += """<td class="%s">%s</td>\n""" % (align[i], row[i])
tblstr += """ <td class="%s">%s</td>\n""" % (align[0], row)
tblstr += """ </tr>\n"""
# Empty tuple of table data - display message:
tblstr += """<tr>
<td class="admintdleft" colspan="%s"><span class="info">None</span></td>
""" % (len(tableheader),)
tblstr += """</table>\n"""
tblstr += end
return tblstr
def create_html_select_list(select_name, option_list, selected_values="", default_opt="", multiple="", list_size="", css_style="", css_class=""):
"""Make a HTML "select" element from the parameters passed.
@param select_name: Name given to the HTML "select" element
@param option_list: a tuple of tuples containing the options (their values, followed by their
display text). Thus: ( (opt_val, opt_txt), (opt_val, opt_txt) )
It is also possible to provide a tuple of single-element tuples in the case when it is not desirable
to have different option text to the value, thus: ( (opt_val,), (opt_val,) ).
@param selected_value: can be a list/tuple of strings, or a single string/unicode string. Treated as
the "selected" values for the select list's options. E.g. if a value in the "option_list" param was
"test", and the "selected_values" parameter contained "test", then the test option would appear as
follows: '<option value="test" selected>'.
@param default_opt: The default option (value and displayed text) for the select list. If left blank, there
will be no default option, and the first "natural" option will appear first in the list.
If the value of "default_opt" is a string, then this string will be used both as the value and the displayed
text of the default option. If the value of "default_opt" is a tuple/list, then the first option will be
used as the option "value", and the second will be used as the option "displayed text". In the case that
the list/tuple length is only 1, the value will be used for both option "value" and "displayed text".
@param multiple: shall this be a multiple select box? If present, select box will be marked as "multiple".
@param list_size: the size for a multiple select list. If mutiple is present, then this optional size can
be provided. If not provided, the list size attribute will automatically be given the value of the list
length, up to 30.
@param css_style: A string: any additional CSS style information to be placed as the select element's "style"
attribute value.
@param css_class: A string: any class value for CSS.
@return: a string containing the completed HTML Select element
## sanity checking:
if type(css_style) not in (str, unicode):
css_style = ""
if type(option_list) not in (list, tuple):
option_list = ()
txt = """\n <select name="%s"%s""" % ( cgi.escape(select_name, 1),
(multiple != "" and " multiple") or ("")
if multiple != "":
## Size attribute for multiple-select list
if (type(list_size) is str and list_size.isdigit()) or type(list_size) is int:
txt += """ size="%s\"""" % (list_size,)
txt += """ size="%s\"""" % ( (len(option_list) <= 30 and str(len(option_list))) or ("30"),)
if css_style != "":
txt += """ style="%s\"""" % (cgi.escape(css_style, 1),)
txt += """>\n"""
if default_opt != "":
if type(default_opt) in (str, unicode):
## default_opt is a string - use its value as both option value and displayed text
txt += """ <option value="%(deflt_opt)s">%(deflt_opt)s</option>\n""" % {'deflt_opt' : cgi.escape(default_opt, 1)}
elif type(default_opt) in (list, tuple):
txt += """ <option value="%(deflt_opt)s">""" % {'deflt_opt' : cgi.escape(default_opt[0], 1) }
txt += """%(deflt_opt)s""" % {'deflt_opt' : cgi.escape(default_opt[1], 1) }
except IndexError:
txt += """%(deflt_opt)s""" % {'deflt_opt' : cgi.escape(default_opt[0], 1) }
txt += """</option>\n"""
except IndexError:
## seems to be an empty list - there will be no default opt
for option in option_list:
txt += """ <option value="%(option_val)s\"""" % { 'option_val' : cgi.escape(option[0], 1) }
if type(selected_values) in (list, tuple):
txt += """%(option_selected)s""" % \
{ 'option_selected' : (option[0] in selected_values and " selected") or ("") }
elif type(selected_values) in (str, unicode) and selected_values != "":
txt += """%(option_selected)s""" % \
{ 'option_selected' : (option[0] == selected_values and " selected") or ("") }
txt += """>%(option_txt)s</option>\n""" % { 'option_txt' : cgi.escape(option[1], 1) }
except IndexError:
txt += """>%(option_txt)s</option>\n""" % { 'option_txt' : cgi.escape(option[0], 1) }
except IndexError:
## empty option tuple - skip
txt += """ </select>\n"""
return txt
class Template:
"""Invenio Template class for creating Web interface"""
def tmpl_navtrail(self, ln=CFG_SITE_LANG):
"""display the navtrail, e.g.:
Home > Admin Area > WebSubmit Administration > Available WebSubmit Actions
@param title: the last part of the navtrail. Is not a link
@param ln: language
return html formatted navtrail
return '<a class="navtrail" href="%s/help/admin">Admin Area</a> ' % (CFG_SITE_URL,)
def _create_adminbox(self, header="", datalist=[], cls="admin_wvar"):
"""Create an adminbox table around the main data on a page - row based.
@param header: the header for the "adminbox".
@param datalist: contents of the "body" to be encapsulated by the "adminbox".
@param cls: css-class to format the look of the table.
@return: the "adminbox" and its contents.
if len(datalist) == 1:
per = "100"
per = "75"
output = """
<table class="%s" width="95%%">
""" % (cls,)
output += """
<th class="adminheaderleft" colspan="%s">
<tbody>""" % (len(datalist), header)
output += """
<td style="vertical-align: top; margin-top: 5px; width: %s;">
""" % (per+'%', datalist[0])
if len(datalist) > 1:
output += """
<td style="vertical-align: top; margin-top: 5px; width: %s;">
</td>""" % ('25%', datalist[1])
output += """
return output
def _create_user_message_string(self, user_msg):
"""Create and return a string containing any message(s) to be shown to the user.
In particular, these messages are generally info/warning messages.
@param user_msg: The message to be shown to the user. This parameter can have either a
string value (in the case where one message is to be shown to the user), or a list/tuple
value, where each value in the list is a string containing the message to be shown to the
@return: EITHER: a string containing a HTML "DIV" section, which contains the message(s) to be
displayed to the user. In the case where there were multiple messages, each message will be
placed on its own line, by means of a "<br />" tag.
OR: an empty string - in the case that the parameter "user_msg" was an empty string.
user_msg_str = ""
user_msg_str_end = ""
if type(user_msg) in (str, unicode):
if user_msg == "":
user_msg = ()
user_msg = (user_msg,)
if len(user_msg) > 0:
user_msg_str += """<div align="center">\n"""
user_msg_str_end = """</div><br />\n"""
for msg in user_msg:
user_msg_str += """<span class="info">%s</span><br />\n""" % (cgi.escape(msg, 1),)
user_msg_str += user_msg_str_end
return user_msg_str
def _create_websubmitadmin_main_menu_header(self):
"""Create the main menu to be displayed on WebSubmit Admin pages."""
menu_body = """
<td>0.&nbsp;<small><a href="%(adminurl)s/showall">Show all</a></small></td>
<td>&nbsp;1.&nbsp;<small><a href="%(adminurl)s/doctypelist">Available Document Types</a></small></td>
<td>&nbsp;2.&nbsp;<small><a href="%(adminurl)s/doctypeadd">Add New Document Type</a></small></td>
<td>&nbsp;3.&nbsp;<small><a href="%(adminurl)s/doctyperemove">Remove Document Type</a></small></td>
<td>&nbsp;4.&nbsp;<small><a href="%(adminurl)s/actionlist">Available Actions</a></small></td>
<td>&nbsp;5.&nbsp;<small><a href="%(adminurl)s/jschecklist">Available Checks</a></small></td>
<td>6.&nbsp;<small><a href="%(adminurl)s/elementlist">Available Elements</a></small></td>
<td>&nbsp;7.&nbsp;<small><a href="%(adminurl)s/functionlist">Available Functions</a></small></td>
<td>&nbsp;8.&nbsp;<small><a href="%(adminurl)s/organisesubmissionpage">Organise Main Page</a></small></td>
<td colspan=2>&nbsp;9.&nbsp;<small><a href="%(siteurl)s/help/admin/websubmit-admin-guide">Guide</a></small></td>
<br />
""" % { 'adminurl' : WEBSUBMITADMINURL, 'siteurl': CFG_SITE_URL }
return self._create_adminbox(header="Main Menu", datalist=[menu_body])
def _element_display_preview_get_element(self,
"""Return the raw display-code for an individual element.
preview = "%s" % (ellabel,)
preview += {"D" : """&nbsp;&nbsp;%s&nbsp;&nbsp;""" % (elfidesc,),
"F" : """<input type="file" %sname="dummyfile">""" % \
( (elsize != "" and """size="%s" """ % (cgi.escape(elsize, 1),) ) or (""),),
"H" : """<span class="info">Hidden Input. Contains Following Value: %s</span>""" % (cgi.escape(elval, 1),),
"I" : """<input type="text" %sname="dummyinput" value="%s">""" % \
( (elsize != "" and """size="%s" """ % (cgi.escape(elsize, 1),) ) or (""), cgi.escape(elval, 1)),
"R" : """<span class="info">Cannot Display Response Element - See Element Description</span>""",
"S" : """&nbsp;%s&nbsp;""" % (elfidesc,),
"T" : """<textarea name="dummytextarea" %s%s></textarea>""" % \
( (elrows != "" and """rows="%s" """ % (cgi.escape(elrows, 1),) ) or (""),
(elcols != "" and """cols="%s" """ % (cgi.escape(elcols, 1),) ) or (""),)
except KeyError:
## Unknown element type - display warning:
preview += """<span class="info">Element Type not Recognised - Cannot Display</span>"""
return preview
def _element_display_preview(self,
"""Return a form containing a preview of an element, based on the values of the parameters provided
@param elname: element name
@param eltype: element type (e.g. text, user-defined, etc)
@param elsize: element size (e.g. for text input element)
@param elrows: number of rows (e.g. for textarea element)
@param elcols: number of columns (e.g. for textarea element)
@param elval: value of element (e.g. for text input element)
@param elfidesc: description for element (e.g. for user-defined element)
@return: string of HTML making up a preview of the element in a table
## Open a dummy form and table in which to display a preview of the element
body = """<div><br />
<form name="dummyeldisplay" action="%(adminurl)s/elementlist">
<table class="admin_wvar" align="center">
<th class="adminheaderleft" colspan="1">
Element Preview:
<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;
""" % {'adminurl' : WEBSUBMITADMINURL}
## Based on element type, display a preview of element:
body += self._element_display_preview_get_element(eltype=eltype, elsize=elsize, elrows=elrows, elcols=elcols,
elval=elval, elfidesc=elfidesc)
## Close dummy form and preview table:
body += """&nbsp;&nbsp;<br />
return body
def tmpl_display_addelementform(self,
"""Display Web form used to add a new element to the database
@param elname: element name
@param elmarccode: marc code of element
@param eltype: element type (e.g. text, user-defined, etc)
@param elsize: element size (e.g. for text input element)
@param elrows: number of rows (e.g. for textarea element)
@param elcols: number of columns (e.g. for textarea element)
@param elmaxlength: maximum length of a text input field
@param elval: value of element (e.g. for text input element)
@param elfidesc: description for element (e.g. for user-defined element)
@param elmodifytext: element's modification text
@param elcd: creation date of element
@param elmd: last modification date of element
@param user_msg: Any message to be displayed on screen, such as a status report for the last task, etc.
@param el_use_tuple:
@return: HTML page body.
## First, get a rough preview of the element:
output = ""
etypes = {"D" : "User Defined Input", "F" : "File Input", "H" : "Hidden Input", "I" : "Text Input", \
"R" : "Response", "S" : "Select Box", "T" : "Text Area Element"}
etypeids = etypes.keys()
body_content = ""
output += self._create_user_message_string(user_msg)
if perform_act != "elementadd":
body_content += self._element_display_preview(elname=elname, eltype=eltype, elsize=elsize, \
elrows=elrows, elcols=elcols, elval=elval, elfidesc=elfidesc)
body_content += "<br />"
body_content += """<form method="post" action="%(adminurl)s/%(perform_action)s">""" \
% {'adminurl': WEBSUBMITADMINURL, 'perform_action': perform_act}
body_content += """
<table width="100%%" class="admin_wvar">
<th class="adminheaderleft" colspan="2">
Enter Element Details:
<td width="20%%">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="80%%">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">Element Name:</span></td>
<td width="80%%">"""
if perform_act == "elementadd":
body_content += """
<input type="text" size="30" name="elname" value="%(el_name)s" />""" % {'el_name' : cgi.escape(elname, 1)}
body_content += """<span class="info">%(el_name)s</span><input type="hidden" name="elname" value="%(el_name)s" />""" \
% {'el_name' : cgi.escape(elname, 1)}
body_content += """</td>
if elcd != "" and elcd is not None:
body_content += """
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">Creation Date:</span></td>
<td width="80%%"><span class="info">%s</span></td>
</tr>""" % (cgi.escape(str(elcd), 1),)
if elmd != "" and elmd is not None:
body_content += """
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">Last Modification Date:</span></td>
<td width="80%%"><span class="info">%s</span></td>
</tr>""" % (cgi.escape(str(elmd), 1),)
body_content += """
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">Modification Text:</span></td>
<td width="80%%"><input type="text" size="90" name="elmodifytext" value="%(el_modifytext)s" /></td>
</tr>""" % {'el_modifytext' : cgi.escape(elmodifytext, 1)}
body_content += """
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">Element Type:</span></td>
<td width="80%%">
<select name="eltype">
<option value="NONE_SELECTED">Select:</option>\n"""
for itm in etypeids:
body_content += """ <option value="%s"%s>%s</option>\n""" % \
( itm, (eltype == itm and " selected" ) or (""), cgi.escape(etypes[itm], 1) )
body_content += """ </select>
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">Marc Code:</span></td>
<td width="80%%"><input type="text" size="15" name="elmarccode" value="%(el_marccode)s" /></td>
""" % {'el_marccode' : cgi.escape(elmarccode, 1)}
body_content += """
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">Size <i><small>(text elements)</small></i>:</span></td>
<td width="80%%"><input type="text" size="10" name="elsize" value="%(el_size)s" /></td>
""" % {'el_size' : cgi.escape(elsize, 1)}
body_content += """
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">No. Rows <i><small>(textarea elements)</small></i>:</span></td>
<td width="80%%"><input type="text" size="6" name="elrows" value="%(el_rows)s" /></td>
""" % {'el_rows' : cgi.escape(elrows, 1)}
body_content += """
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">No. Columns <i><small>(textarea elements)</small></i>:</span></td>
<td width="80%%"><input type="text" size="6" name="elcols" value="%(el_cols)s" /></td>
""" % {'el_cols' : cgi.escape(elcols, 1)}
body_content += """
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">Maximum Length <i><small>(text elements)</small></i>:</span></td>
<td width="80%%"><input type="text" size="6" name="elmaxlength" value="%(el_maxlength)s" /></td>
""" % {'el_maxlength' : cgi.escape(elmaxlength, 1)}
body_content += """
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">Value <i><small>(text/hidden elements)</small></i>:</span></td>
<td width="80%%"><input type="text" size="90" name="elval" value="%(el_val)s" /></td>
""" % {'el_val' : cgi.escape(elval, 1)}
body_content += """
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">Element Description <i><small>(e.g. user-defined elements)</small></i>:</span></td>
<td width="80%%"><textarea cols="100" rows="30" name="elfidesc" wrap="nowarp">%(el_fidesc)s</textarea></td>
""" % {'el_fidesc' : cgi.escape(elfidesc, 1)}
body_content += """
<td width="20%%">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="80%%"><input name="elcommit" class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="Save Details" /></td>
## If there is information about which submission pages use this element, display it:
if type(el_use_tuple) is tuple and len(el_use_tuple) > 0:
body_content += """<br /><br />
<table width="100%%" class="admin_wvar">
<th class="adminheaderleft" colspan="2">
Element Usage:
<td width="20%%">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="80%%">"""
for usecase in el_use_tuple:
body_content += """<small><a href="%(adminurl)s/doctypeconfiguresubmissionpageelements?doctype=%(doctype)s"""\
"""&action=%(action)s&pagenum=%(pageno)s">&nbsp;%(subname)s: Page %(pageno)s</a></small><br />\n"""\
% { 'adminurl' : WEBSUBMITADMINURL,
'doctype' : usecase[0],
'action' : usecase[1],
'subname' : "%s%s" % (usecase[1], usecase[0]),
'pageno' : usecase[2]
except KeyError, e:
body_content += """&nbsp;</td>
output += self._create_websubmitadmin_main_menu_header()
output += self._create_adminbox(header="Element Details:", datalist=[body_content])
return output
def tmpl_display_submission_page_organisation(self,
def _build_collection_tree_display(branch, level=0):
outstr = ""
level = int(level)
except TypeError:
level = 0
## open a table in which collection and doctype children will be displayed:
outstr += """<table border ="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">\n<tr>"""
## Display details of this collection:
if level != 0:
## Button to allow deletion of collection from tree:
outstr += """<td><a href="%(adminurl)s/organisesubmissionpage?sbmcolid=%(collection_id)s""" \
"""&deletesbmcollection=1"><img border="0" src="%(siteurl)s/img/iconcross.gif" """ \
"""title="Remove submission collection from tree"></a></td>""" \
% { 'siteurl' : cgi.escape(CFG_SITE_URL, 1),
'adminurl' : cgi.escape(WEBSUBMITADMINURL, 1),
'collection_id' : cgi.escape(str(branch['collection_id']), 1),
## does this collection have a collection brother above it?
if branch['has_brother_above'] == 1:
## Yes it does - add 'up' arrow:
outstr += """<td><a href="%(adminurl)s/organisesubmissionpage?sbmcolid=%(collection_id)s""" \
"""&movesbmcollectionup=1"><img border="0" src="%(siteurl)s/img/smallup.gif" """\
"""title="Move submission collection up"></a></td>""" \
% { 'siteurl' : cgi.escape(CFG_SITE_URL, 1),
'adminurl' : cgi.escape(WEBSUBMITADMINURL, 1),
'collection_id' : cgi.escape(str(branch['collection_id']), 1),
## No it doesn't - no 'up' arrow:
outstr += """<td><img border="0" src="%(siteurl)s/img/white_field.gif"></td>"""\
% { 'siteurl' : cgi.escape(CFG_SITE_URL, 1), }
## does this collection have a collection brother below it?
if branch['has_brother_below'] == 1:
## Yes it does - add 'down' arrow:
outstr += """<td><a href="%(adminurl)s/organisesubmissionpage?sbmcolid=%(collection_id)s""" \
"""&movesbmcollectiondown=1"><img border="0" src="%(siteurl)s/img/smalldown.gif" """\
"""title="Move submission collection down"></a></td>""" \
% { 'siteurl' : cgi.escape(CFG_SITE_URL, 1),
'adminurl' : cgi.escape(WEBSUBMITADMINURL, 1),
'collection_id' : cgi.escape(str(branch['collection_id']), 1),
## No it doesn't - no 'down' arrow:
outstr += """<td><img border="0" src="%(siteurl)s/img/white_field.gif"></td>"""\
% { 'siteurl' : cgi.escape(CFG_SITE_URL, 1), }
## Display the collection name:
outstr += """<td>&nbsp;<span style="color: green; font-weight: bold;">%s</span></td>""" \
% branch['collection_name']
outstr += "<td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td>"
outstr += "</tr>\n"
## If there are doctype children attached to this collection, display them:
num_doctype_children = len(branch['doctype_children'])
if num_doctype_children > 0:
outstr += """<tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>""" \
"""<table border ="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">\n"""
for child_num in xrange(0, num_doctype_children):
outstr += """<tr>\n"""
## Button to allow doctype to be detached from tree:
outstr += """<td><a href="%(adminurl)s/organisesubmissionpage?sbmcolid=%(collection_id)s""" \
"""&doctype=%(doctype)s&catscore=%(catalogueorder)s&deletedoctypefromsbmcollection=1"><img border="0" """\
"""src="%(siteurl)s/img/iconcross.gif" title="Remove doctype from branch"></a></td>""" \
% { 'siteurl' : cgi.escape(CFG_SITE_URL, 1),
'adminurl' : cgi.escape(WEBSUBMITADMINURL, 1),
'collection_id' : cgi.escape(str(branch['collection_id']), 1),
'doctype' : cgi.escape(branch['doctype_children'][child_num]['doctype_id']),
'catalogueorder' : cgi.escape(str(branch['doctype_children'][child_num]['catalogue_order']), 1),
## Does this doctype have a brother above it?
if child_num > 0:
## Yes it does - add an 'up' arrow:
outstr += """<td><a href="%(adminurl)s/organisesubmissionpage?sbmcolid=%(collection_id)s""" \
"""&doctype=%(doctype)s&catscore=%(catalogueorder)s&movedoctypeupinsbmcollection=1"><img border="0" """ \
"""src="%(siteurl)s/img/smallup.gif" title="Move doctype up"></a></td>""" \
% { 'siteurl' : cgi.escape(CFG_SITE_URL, 1),
'adminurl' : cgi.escape(WEBSUBMITADMINURL, 1),
'collection_id' : cgi.escape(str(branch['collection_id']), 1),
'doctype' : cgi.escape(branch['doctype_children'][child_num]['doctype_id']),
'catalogueorder' : cgi.escape(str(branch['doctype_children'][child_num]['catalogue_order']), 1),
## No it doesn't - no 'up' arrow:
outstr += """<td><img border="0" src="%(siteurl)s/img/white_field.gif"></td>"""\
% { 'siteurl' : cgi.escape(CFG_SITE_URL, 1), }
## Does this doctype have a brother below it?
if child_num < num_doctype_children - 1:
## Yes it does - add a 'down' arrow:
outstr += """<td><a href="%(adminurl)s/organisesubmissionpage?sbmcolid=%(collection_id)s""" \
"""&doctype=%(doctype)s&catscore=%(catalogueorder)s&movedoctypedowninsbmcollection=1"><img border="0" """ \
"""src="%(siteurl)s/img/smalldown.gif" title="Move doctype down"></a></td>""" \
% { 'siteurl' : cgi.escape(CFG_SITE_URL, 1),
'adminurl' : cgi.escape(WEBSUBMITADMINURL, 1),
'collection_id' : cgi.escape(str(branch['collection_id']), 1),
'doctype' : cgi.escape(branch['doctype_children'][child_num]['doctype_id']),
'catalogueorder' : cgi.escape(str(branch['doctype_children'][child_num]['catalogue_order']), 1),
## No it doesn't - no 'down' arrow:
outstr += """<td><img border="0" src="%(siteurl)s/img/white_field.gif"></td>"""\
% { 'siteurl' : cgi.escape(CFG_SITE_URL, 1), }
## Display the document type details:
outstr += """<td>&nbsp;<small><a href="%(adminurl)s/doctypeconfigure?doctype=%(doctype)s">"""\
"""%(doctype_name)s [%(doctype)s]</a></small></td>""" \
% { 'adminurl' : WEBSUBMITADMINURL,
'doctype' : cgi.escape(branch['doctype_children'][child_num]['doctype_id'], 1),
'doctype_name' : cgi.escape(branch['doctype_children'][child_num]['doctype_lname'], 1),
outstr += "</tr>\n"
## If there were doctype children attached to this collection, they have been displayed,
## so close up the row:
if num_doctype_children > 0:
outstr += "</table>\n</td></tr>"
## Display Lower branches of tree:
for lower_branch in branch['collection_children']:
outstr += "<tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>"
outstr += _build_collection_tree_display(branch=lower_branch, level=level+1)
outstr += "</td></tr>\n"
outstr += "</table>"
return outstr
## begin display:
output = ""
body_content = """<br />
<table class="admin_wvar" width="100%%">
<th class="adminheaderleft">
Submission Page Organisational Hierarchy:
<td><br />"""
body_content += _build_collection_tree_display(submission_collection_tree)
body_content += """</td>
body_content += """
<td><br /></td>
<td><br />"""
## Form to allow user to add a new submission-collection:
body_content += """
<form method="post" action="%(adminurl)s/organisesubmissionpage">
<span class="adminlabel">You can add a new Submission-Collection:</span><br />
<small style="color: navy;">Name:</small>&nbsp;&nbsp;
<input type="text" name="addsbmcollection" style="margin: 5px 10px 5px 10px;" />
&nbsp;&nbsp;<small style="color: navy;">Attached to:</small>&nbsp;&nbsp;""" \
% { 'adminurl' : cgi.escape(WEBSUBMITADMINURL, 1), }
if len(submission_collections) > 0:
body_content += """
%(submission_collections)s""" \
% { 'submission_collections' : \
css_style="margin: 5px 10px 5px 10px;")
body_content += """<input type="hidden" name="addtosbcollection" value="0" />
<span style="color: green;">Top Level</span>"""
body_content += """<input name="sbmcollectionadd" class="adminbutton" type="submit" """ \
"""value="Add" />
body_content += """</td>
<td><br /><br /></td>
## if there are doctypes in the system, provide a form to enable the user to
## connect a document type to the submission-collection tree:
if len(submission_collections) > 1 and len(doctypes) > 0:
body_content += """<tr><td>
<form method="post" action="%(adminurl)s/organisesubmissionpage">
<span class="adminlabel">You can attach a Document Type to a Submission-Collection:</span><br />
<small style="color: navy;">Document Type Name:</small><br />
<br /><small style="color: navy;">Attached to:</small>&nbsp;&nbsp;""" \
% { 'adminurl' : cgi.escape(WEBSUBMITADMINURL, 1),
'doctypes' : create_html_select_list(select_name="adddoctypes",
css_style="margin: 5px 10px 5px 10px;",
body_content += """
%(submission_collections)s""" \
% { 'submission_collections' : \
css_style="margin: 5px 10px 5px 10px;")
body_content += """<input name="submissioncollectionadd" class="adminbutton" type="submit" """ \
"""value="Add" />
body_content += """</tbody>
output += self._create_user_message_string(user_msg)
output += self._create_websubmitadmin_main_menu_header()
output += self._create_adminbox(header="Submission-Collections of Submission Page:", datalist=[body_content])
return output
def tmpl_display_addactionform(self,
perform_act = "actionadd",
"""Display web form used to add a new action to Websubmit.
@param actid: Value of the "sactname" (action id) parameter of the Websubmit action.
@param actname: Value of the "lactname" (long action name) parameter of the Websubmit action.
@param working_dir: Value of the "dir" (action working/archive directory) parameter of the Websubmit action.
@param status_text: Value of the "statustext" (action status text) parameter of the WebSubmit action.
@param perform_act: action for form (minus websubmitadmin base url)
@param cd: Creation date of action.
@param md: Modification date of action.
@param user_msg: Any message to be displayed on screen, such as a status report for the last task, etc.
@return: HTML page body.
output = ""
output += self._create_user_message_string(user_msg)
body_content = """<form method="post" action="%(adminurl)s/%(perform_action)s">""" \
% {'adminurl': WEBSUBMITADMINURL, 'perform_action': perform_act}
body_content += """
<table width="90%%">
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">Action Code:</span></td>
<td width="80%%">"""
if perform_act == "actionadd":
body_content += """
<input type="text" size="6" name="actid" value="%(ac_id)s" />""" % {'ac_id' : cgi.escape(actid, 1)}
body_content += """<span class="info">%(ac_id)s</span><input type="hidden" name="actid" value="%(ac_id)s" />""" \
% {'ac_id' : cgi.escape(actid, 1)}
body_content += """</td>
if "" not in (cd, md):
if cd is not None:
body_content += """
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">Creation Date:</span></td>
<td width="80%%"><span class="info">%s</span></td>
</tr>""" % (cgi.escape(str(cd), 1),)
if md is not None:
body_content += """
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">Last Modification Date:</span></td>
<td width="80%%"><span class="info">%s</span></td>
</tr>""" % (cgi.escape(str(md), 1), )
body_content += """
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">Action Description:</span></td>
<td width="80%%"><input type="text" size="60" name="actname" value="%(ac_name)s" /></td>
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">Action dir:</span></td>
<td width="80%%"><input type="text" size="40" name="working_dir" value="%(w_dir)s" /></td>
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">Action Status Text:</span></td>
<td width="80%%"><input type="text" size="60" name="status_text" value="%(s_txt)s" /></td>
</tr>""" % {'ac_name' : cgi.escape(actname, 1), 'w_dir' : cgi.escape(working_dir, 1), \
's_txt' : cgi.escape(status_text, 1)}
body_content += """
<td colspan="2">
<input name="actcommit" class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="Save Details" />
<br />
<form method="post" action="%(adminurl)s/actionlist">
<input name="actcommitcancel" class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="Cancel" />
""" % { 'adminurl' : WEBSUBMITADMINURL }
output += self._create_websubmitadmin_main_menu_header()
output += self._create_adminbox(header="Enter Action Details:", datalist=[body_content])
return output
def tmpl_display_addjscheckform(self,
perform_act = "jscheckadd",
"""Display web form used to add a new Check to Websubmit.
@param chname: Value of the "chname" (check ID/name) parameter of the WebSubmit Check.
@param chdesc: Value of the "chdesc" (check description - i.e. JS code) parameter of the
WebSubmit Check.
@param perform_act: action for form (minus websubmitadmin base url)
@param cd: Creation date of check.
@param md: Modification date of check.
@param user_msg: Any message to be displayed on screen, such as a status report for the last task, etc.
@return: HTML page body.
output = ""
output += self._create_user_message_string(user_msg)
body_content = """<form method="post" action="%(adminurl)s/%(perform_action)s">""" \
% {'adminurl': WEBSUBMITADMINURL, 'perform_action': perform_act}
body_content += """
<table width="90%%">
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">Check Name:</span></td>
<td width="80%%">"""
if perform_act == "jscheckadd":
body_content += """
<input type="text" size="15" name="chname" value="%(ch_name)s" />""" % {'ch_name' : cgi.escape(chname, 1)}
body_content += """<span class="info">%(ch_name)s</span><input type="hidden" name="chname" value="%(ch_name)s" />""" \
% {'ch_name' : cgi.escape(chname, 1)}
body_content += """</td>
if "" not in (cd, md):
if cd is not None:
body_content += """
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">Creation Date:</span></td>
<td width="80%%"><span class="info">%s</span></td>
</tr>""" % (cgi.escape(str(cd), 1),)
if md is not None:
body_content += """
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">Last Modification Date:</span></td>
<td width="80%%"><span class="info">%s</span></td>
</tr>""" % (cgi.escape(str(md), 1),)
body_content += """
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">Check Description:</span></td>
<td width="80%%">
<textarea cols="90" rows="22" name="chdesc">%(ch_descr)s</textarea>
<td width="20%%">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="80%%"><input name="chcommit" class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="Save Details" /></td>
""" % {'ch_descr' : cgi.escape(chdesc, 1)}
output += self._create_websubmitadmin_main_menu_header()
output += self._create_adminbox(header="Enter Action Details:", datalist=[body_content])
return output
def tmpl_display_addfunctionform(self,
"""Display web form used to add a new function to Websubmit.
@param funcname: Value of the "function" (unique function name) parameter
@param chdesc: Value of the "description" (function textual description) parameter
@param perform_act: action for form (minus websubmitadmin base url)
@param user_msg: Any message to be displayed on screen, such as a status report for the last task, etc.
@param func_docstring: the docstring of the displayed function (or error message if function could not be loaded). None if no docstring
@return: HTML page body.
if type(func_parameters) not in (list, tuple):
## bad parameters list - reset
func_parameters = ()
if type(all_websubmit_func_parameters) not in (list, tuple):
## bad list of function parameters - reset
all_websubmit_func_parameters = ()
output = ""
output += self._create_user_message_string(user_msg)
body_content = """<form method="post" action="%(adminurl)s/%(perform_action)s">""" \
% {'adminurl' : WEBSUBMITADMINURL, 'perform_action': perform_act}
## Function Name and description:
body_content += """<br />
<table width="100%%" class="admin_wvar">
<th class="adminheaderleft" colspan="2">
%sFunction Details:
<td width="20%%">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="80%%">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">Function Name:</span></td>
<td width="80%%">""" % ((funcname != "" and cgi.escape(funcname, 1) + " ") or (""), )
if perform_act == "functionadd" and funcname == "":
body_content += """
<input type="text" size="30" name="funcname" />"""
body_content += """<span class="info">%(func_name)s</span><input type="hidden" name="funcname" value="%(func_name)s" />""" \
% {'func_name' : cgi.escape(funcname, 1)}
body_content += """</td>
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">Function Description:</span></td>
<td width="80%%"><input type="text" size="90" name="funcdescr" value="%(func_descr)s" />
""" % {'func_descr' : cgi.escape(funcdescr, 1)}
if func_docstring:
body_content += """
<td width="20%%" valign="top"><span class="adminlabel">Function Documentation:</span></td>
<td width="80%%">%(func_docstring)s</td>
""" % {'func_docstring': func_docstring}
body_content += """
<td width="20%%" colspan="2">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="20%%" colspan="2"><input name="%s" class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="Save Details" /></td>
</table>""" % ( ((perform_act == "functionadd" and funcname == "") and "funcaddcommit") or ("funcdescreditcommit"), )
if funcname not in ("", None):
body_content += """<br />
<table width="100%%" class="admin_wvar">
<th class="adminheaderleft">
Parameters for Function %(func_name)s:
<td><br />""" % {'func_name' : cgi.escape(funcname, 1)}
params_tableheader = ["Parameter", "&nbsp;"]
params_tablebody = []
for parameter in func_parameters:
params_tablebody.append( ("<small>%s</small>" % (cgi.escape(parameter[0], 1),),
"""<small><a href="%(adminurl)s/functionedit?funcparamdelcommit=funcparamdelcommit""" \
"""&amp;funcname=%(func_name)s&amp;funceditdelparam=%(delparam_name)s">delete</a></small>""" \
% { 'adminurl' : WEBSUBMITADMINURL,
'func_name' : cgi.escape(funcname, 1),
'delparam_name' : cgi.escape(parameter[0], 1)
) )
body_content += create_html_table_from_tuple(tableheader=params_tableheader, tablebody=params_tablebody)
body_content += """</td>
<br />"""
## Add a parameter?
body_content += """<table width="100%%" class="admin_wvar">
<th class="adminheaderleft" colspan="2">
Add Parameter to Function %(func_name)s:
<tbody>""" % {'func_name' : cgi.escape(funcname, 1)}
body_content += """
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">Add Parameter:</span></td>
<td width="80%%"><small>Select a parameter to add to function:</small>&nbsp;%s&nbsp;&nbsp;""" \
% (create_html_select_list(select_name="funceditaddparam", option_list=all_websubmit_func_parameters),)
body_content += """<small>-Or-</small>&nbsp;&nbsp;<small>Enter a new parameter:</small>&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="text" """ \
+ """name="funceditaddparamfree" size="15" /><input name="funcparamaddcommit" class="adminbutton" """ \
+ """type="submit" value="Add" /></td>
output += self._create_websubmitadmin_main_menu_header()
output += self._create_adminbox(header="Enter Function Details:", datalist=[body_content])
return output
def tmpl_display_function_usage(self, funcname, func_usage, user_msg=""):
"""Display a table containing the details of a function's usage in the various actions of the various doctypes.
Displayed will be information about the document type and action, and the score and step at which
the function is called within that action.
@param funcname: (string) function name.
@param func_usage: (tuple) A tuple of tuples, each containing details of the function usage:
(doctype, docname, function-step, function-score, action id, action name)
@param user_msg: Any message to be displayed on screen, such as a status report for the last task, etc.
@return: (string) HTML page body.
output = ""
body_content = ""
header = ["Doctype", "&nbsp;", "Action", "&nbsp;", "Score", "Step", "Show Details"]
tbody = []
output += self._create_user_message_string(user_msg)
body_content += "<br />"
for usage in func_usage:
tbody.append( ("<small>%s</small>" % (cgi.escape(usage[0], 1),),
"<small>%s</small>" % (cgi.escape(usage[1], 1),),
"<small>%s</small>" % (cgi.escape(usage[2], 1),),
"<small>%s</small>" % (cgi.escape(usage[3], 1),),
"<small>%s</small>" % (cgi.escape(usage[4], 1),),
"<small>%s</small>" % (cgi.escape(usage[5], 1),),
"""<small><a href="%s/doctypeconfiguresubmissionfunctions?doctype=%s&action=%s"""\
% (WEBSUBMITADMINURL, cgi.escape(usage[0], 1), cgi.escape(usage[2], 1))
body_content += create_html_table_from_tuple(tableheader=header, tablebody=tbody)
output += self._create_websubmitadmin_main_menu_header()
output += self._create_adminbox(header="""Usage of the "%s" Function:""" % (cgi.escape(funcname, 1),), datalist=[body_content])
return output
def tmpl_display_allactions(self,
"""Create the page body used for displaying all Websubmit actions.
@param actions: A tuple of tuples containing the action id, and the action name (actid, actname).
@param user_msg: Any message to be displayed on screen, such as a status report for the last task, etc.
@return: HTML page body.
output = ""
output += self._create_user_message_string(user_msg)
body_content = """<div>
for action in actions:
body_content += """<tr>
<td align="left">&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="%s/actionedit?actid=%s">%s: %s</a></td>
""" % (WEBSUBMITADMINURL, cgi.escape(action[0], 1), cgi.escape(action[0], 1), cgi.escape(action[1], 1))
body_content += """</table>"""
## Button to create new action:
body_content += """<br /><form action="%s/actionadd" METHOD="post"><input class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="Add Action" /></form>""" \
body_content += """</div>"""
output += self._create_websubmitadmin_main_menu_header()
output += self._create_adminbox(header="Select an Action:", datalist=[body_content])
return output
def tmpl_display_alldoctypes(self,
user_msg = ""):
"""Create the page body used for displaying all Websubmit document types.
@param doctypes: A tuple of tuples containing the doctype id, and the doctype name (docid, docname).
@param user_msg: Any message to be displayed on screen, such as a status report for the last task, etc.
return: HTML page body.
output = ""
output += self._create_user_message_string(user_msg)
body_content = """<div>
for doctype in doctypes:
body_content += """<tr>
<td align="left">&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="%s/doctypeconfigure?doctype=%s">%s&nbsp;&nbsp;[%s]</a></td>
""" % (WEBSUBMITADMINURL, cgi.escape(doctype[0], 1), cgi.escape(doctype[1], 1), cgi.escape(doctype[0], 1))
body_content += """</table>"""
## Button to create new action:
body_content += """<br /><form action="%s/doctypeadd" METHOD="post"><input class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="Add New Doctype" /></form>""" \
body_content += """</div>"""
output += self._create_websubmitadmin_main_menu_header()
output += self._create_adminbox(header="Select a Document Type:", datalist=[body_content])
return output
def tmpl_display_alljschecks(self,
user_msg = ""):
"""Create the page body used for displaying all Websubmit JavaScript Checks.
@param jschecks: A tuple of tuples containing the check name (chname, which is unique for
each check.)
@param user_msg: Any message to be displayed on screen, such as a status report for the last task, etc.
return: HTML page body.
output = ""
output += self._create_user_message_string(user_msg)
body_content = """<div>
for jscheck in jschecks:
body_content += """<tr>
<td align="left">&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="%s/jscheckedit?chname=%s">%s</a></td>
""" % (WEBSUBMITADMINURL, cgi.escape(jscheck[0], 1), cgi.escape(jscheck[0], 1))
body_content += """</table>"""
## Button to create new action:
body_content += """<br /><form action="%s/jscheckadd" METHOD="post"><input class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="Add Check" /></form>""" \
body_content += """</div>"""
output += self._create_websubmitadmin_main_menu_header()
output += self._create_adminbox(header="Select a Checking Function:", datalist=[body_content])
return output
def tmpl_display_allfunctions(self,
user_msg = ""):
"""Create the page body used for displaying all Websubmit functions.
@param functions: A tuple of tuples containing the function name, and the function
description (function, description).
@param user_msg: Any message to be displayed on screen, such as a status report for the last task, etc.
return: HTML page body.
output = ""
header = ["Function Name", "View Usage", "Edit Details"]
output += self._create_user_message_string(user_msg)
body_content = """<div><br />\n"""
tbody = []
for function in functions:
tbody.append(("&nbsp;&nbsp;%s" % (cgi.escape(function[0], 1),),
"""<small><a href="%s/functionusage?funcname=%s">View Usage</a></small>""" % \
(WEBSUBMITADMINURL, cgi.escape(function[0], 1)),
"""<small><a href="%s/functionedit?funcname=%s">Edit Details</a></small>""" % \
(WEBSUBMITADMINURL, cgi.escape(function[0], 1))
button_newfunc = """<form action="%s/functionadd" METHOD="post">
<input class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="Add New Function" />
body_content += create_html_table_from_tuple(tableheader=header, tablebody=tbody, end=button_newfunc)
body_content += """</div>"""
output += self._create_websubmitadmin_main_menu_header()
output += self._create_adminbox(header="WebSubmit Functions:", datalist=[body_content])
return output
def tmpl_display_allelements(self,
user_msg = ""):
"""Create the page body used for displaying all Websubmit elements.
@param elements: A tuple of tuples containing the element name (name).
@param user_msg: Any message to be displayed on screen, such as a status report for the last task, etc.
return: HTML page body.
output = ""
output += self._create_user_message_string(user_msg)
body_content = """<div>
<table style="align:center;">
for element in elements:
body_content += """<tr>
<td align="left">&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="%s/elementedit?elname=%s">%s</a></td>
""" % (WEBSUBMITADMINURL, cgi.escape(element[0], 1), cgi.escape(element[0], 1))
body_content += """</table>"""
## Button to create new action:
body_content += """<br /><form action="%s/elementadd" METHOD="post"><input class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="Add New Element" /></form>""" \
body_content += """</div>"""
output += self._create_websubmitadmin_main_menu_header()
output += self._create_adminbox(header="Select an Element:", datalist=[body_content])
return output
def tmpl_display_delete_doctype_form(self, doctype="", alldoctypes="", user_msg=""):
output = ""
output += self._create_user_message_string(user_msg)
body_content = "<div>"
if doctype not in ("", None) and type(doctype) in (str, unicode):
## Display the confirmation message:
body_content += """<form method="get" action="%(adminurl)s/doctyperemove">""" \
"""<input type="hidden" name="doctype" value="%(doc_type)s" />\n""" \
% { 'adminurl' : WEBSUBMITADMINURL, 'doc_type' : cgi.escape(doctype, 1) }
body_content += """<div><span class="info"><i>Really</i> remove document type "%s" and all of its configuration details?</span> <input name="doctypedeleteconfirm" class="adminbutton\""""\
"""type="submit" value="Confirm" /></div>\n</form>\n""" % (cgi.escape(doctype,) )
## just display the list of document types to delete:
if type(alldoctypes) not in (list, tuple):
## bad list of document types - reset
alldoctypes = ()
body_content += """<form method="get" action="%(adminurl)s/doctyperemove">""" \
% { 'adminurl' : WEBSUBMITADMINURL }
body_content += """
<table width="100%%" class="admin_wvar">
<th class="adminheaderleft">
Select a Document Type to Remove:
<td>&nbsp;&nbsp;%s&nbsp;&nbsp;<input name="doctypedelete" class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="Remove" /></td>
</form>""" \
% (create_html_select_list(select_name="doctype", option_list=alldoctypes),)
body_content += """</div>"""
output += self._create_websubmitadmin_main_menu_header()
output += self._create_adminbox(header="Remove a Document Type:", datalist=[body_content])
return output
def tmpl_display_submission_clone_form(self,
if type(clonefrom_list) not in (list, tuple):
clonefrom_list = ()
output = ""
output += self._create_user_message_string(user_msg)
body_content = """<form method="get" action="%(adminurl)s/%(formaction)s">""" \
% { 'adminurl' : WEBSUBMITADMINURL , 'formaction' : cgi.escape("doctypeconfigure", 1) }
body_content += """
<input type="hidden" name="doctype" value="%(doctype)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="%(action)s" />
<table width="90%%">
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">Clone from Document Type:</span></td>
<td width="80%%">
<td width="20%%">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="80%%">
<input name="doctypesubmissionaddclonechosen" class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="Continue" />&nbsp;
<input name="doctypesubmissionaddclonechosencancel" class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="Cancel" />&nbsp;
</form>""" % { 'doctype' : cgi.escape(doctype, 1),
'action' : cgi.escape(action, 1),
'clonefrom' : create_html_select_list(select_name="doctype_cloneactionfrom",
default_opt=("None", "Do not clone from another Document Type/Submission"),
css_style="margin: 5px 10px 5px 10px;"
output += self._create_websubmitadmin_main_menu_header()
output += self._create_adminbox(header="Add Submission '%s' to Document Type '%s':" % (action, doctype),
return output
def tmpl_display_delete_doctypesubmission_form(self, doctype="", action="", user_msg=""):
output = ""
output += self._create_user_message_string(user_msg)
body_content = """<div>"""
## Display the confirmation message:
body_content += """<form method="get" action="%(adminurl)s/%(formaction)s">""" \
"""<input type="hidden" name="doctype" value="%(doctype)s" />\n""" \
"""<input type="hidden" name="action" value="%(action)s" />\n""" \
% { 'adminurl' : WEBSUBMITADMINURL,
'formaction' : "doctypeconfigure",
'doctype' : cgi.escape(doctype, 1),
'action' : cgi.escape(action, 1)
body_content += """<div><span class="info"><i>Really</i> remove the Submission "%s" and all related details from Document Type "%s"?</span> <input name="doctypesubmissiondeleteconfirm" class="adminbutton" """ \
"""type="submit" value="Confirm" /></div>\n</form>\n""" % (cgi.escape(action, 1), cgi.escape(doctype, 1) )
body_content += """</div>"""
output += self._create_websubmitadmin_main_menu_header()
output += self._create_adminbox(header="""Delete Submission "%s" from Document Type "%s"\"""" % (action, doctype), datalist=[body_content])
return output
def tmpl_display_submissiondetails_form(self,
output = ""
output += self._create_user_message_string(user_msg)
body_content = """<form method="get" action="%(adminurl)s/%(action)s">""" \
% { 'adminurl' : WEBSUBMITADMINURL , 'action' : cgi.escape(perform_act, 1) }
body_content += """
<table width="90%%">"""
if cd not in ("", None):
body_content += """
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">Creation Date:</span></td>
<td width="80%%"><span class="info">%s</span></td>
</tr>""" % (cgi.escape(str(cd), 1),)
if md not in ("", None):
body_content += """
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">Last Modification Date:</span></td>
<td width="80%%"><span class="info">%s</span></td>
</tr>""" % (cgi.escape(str(md), 1),)
body_content += """
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">Submission Displayed on Start Page:</span></td>
<td width="80%%">
<select name="displayed">
<option value="Y"%s>Yes</option>
<option value="N"%s>No</option>
</tr>""" % ( (displayed == "Y" and " selected") or (""),
(displayed == "N" and " selected") or ("")
body_content += """
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">Button Order:</span></td>
<td width="80%%">
<input type="text" size="4" name="buttonorder" value="%(buttonorder)s" />
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">Status Text:</span></td>
<td width="80%%">
<input type="text" size="35" name="statustext" value="%(statustext)s" />
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">Level:</span></td>
<td width="80%%">
<input type="text" size="4" name="level" value="%(level)s" />
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">Score:</span></td>
<td width="80%%">
<input type="text" size="4" name="score" value="%(score)s" />
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">Stpage:</span></td>
<td width="80%%">
<input type="text" size="4" name="stpage" value="%(stpage)s" />
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">End Text:</span></td>
<td width="80%%">
<input type="text" size="35" name="endtxt" value="%(endtxt)s" />
<td width="20%%">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="80%%">
<input type="hidden" name="doctype" value="%(doctype)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="%(action)s" />
<input name="%(savebutton)s" class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="Save Details" />
<input name="doctypesubmissiondetailscancel" class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="Cancel" />
""" % { 'doctype' : cgi.escape(doctype, 1),
'action' : cgi.escape(action, 1),
'displayed' : cgi.escape(displayed, 1),
'buttonorder' : cgi.escape(buttonorder, 1),
'statustext' : cgi.escape(statustext, 1),
'level' : cgi.escape(level, 1),
'score' : cgi.escape(score, 1),
'stpage' : cgi.escape(stpage, 1),
'endtxt' : cgi.escape(endtxt, 1),
'cd' : cgi.escape(cd, 1),
'md' : cgi.escape(md, 1),
'savebutton' : ((saveaction == "edit" and "doctypesubmissioneditdetailscommit") or ("doctypesubmissionadddetailscommit"))
output += self._create_websubmitadmin_main_menu_header()
output += self._create_adminbox(header="Enter Details of '%s' Submission of '%s' Document Type:" % (action, doctype),
return output
def tmpl_display_doctypedetails_form(self, doctype="", doctypename="", doctypedescr="", cd="", md="", clonefrom="", \
alldoctypes="", user_msg="", perform_act="doctypeadd"):
output = ""
body_content = ""
if perform_act == "doctypeadd":
formheader = "Add a new Document Type:"
formheader = "Edit Document Type Details:"
output += self._create_user_message_string(user_msg)
if type(alldoctypes) not in (list, tuple):
## bad list of document types - reset
alldoctypes = ()
body_content += """<form method="post" action="%(adminurl)s/%(action)s">""" \
% { 'adminurl' : WEBSUBMITADMINURL , 'action' : cgi.escape(perform_act, 1) }
body_content += """
<table width="90%%">
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">Document Type ID:</span></td>
<td width="80%%">"""
if perform_act == "doctypeadd":
body_content += """<input type="text" size="15" name="doctype" value="%(doctype_id)s" />""" \
% {'doctype_id' : cgi.escape(doctype, 1)}
body_content += """<span class="info">%(doctype_id)s</span><input type="hidden" name="doctype" value="%(doctype_id)s" />""" \
% {'doctype_id' : cgi.escape(doctype, 1)}
body_content += """</td>
if perform_act != "doctypeadd":
if cd not in ("", None):
body_content += """
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">Creation Date:</span></td>
<td width="80%%"><span class="info">%s</span></td>
</tr>""" % (cgi.escape(str(cd), 1),)
if md not in ("", None):
body_content += """
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">Last Modification Date:</span></td>
<td width="80%%"><span class="info">%s</span></td>
</tr>""" % (cgi.escape(str(md), 1), )
body_content += """
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">Document Type Name:</span></td>
<td width="80%%"><input type="text" size="60" name="doctypename" value="%(doctype_name)s" /></td>
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">Document Type Description:</span></td>
<td width="80%%"><textarea name="doctypedescr" cols="60" rows="8">%(doctype_description)s</textarea></td>
</tr>""" % { 'doctype_name' : cgi.escape(doctypename, 1),
'doctype_description' : "%s" % ((doctypedescr is not None and cgi.escape(str(doctypedescr), 1)) or ("")),
if perform_act == "doctypeadd":
body_content += """
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">Document Type to Clone:</span></td>
<td width="80%%">%(doctype_select_list)s</td>
</tr>""" % { 'doctype_select_list' :
default_opt=('None', 'Select:')
body_content += """
<td width="20%%">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="80%%">
<input name="doctypedetailscommit" class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="Save Details" />"""
if perform_act != "doctypeadd":
## add a cancel button if this is not a call to add a new document type:
body_content += """
<input name="doctypedetailscommitcancel" class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="cancel" />"""
body_content += """
output += self._create_websubmitadmin_main_menu_header()
output += self._create_adminbox(header=formheader, datalist=[body_content])
return output
def _tmpl_configire_doctype_overview_create_doctype_details(self, doctype="", doctypename="", doctypedescr="",
doctype_cdate="", doctype_mdate="", perform_act="doctypeconfigure"
"""Display the details of a document type"""
txt = """
<table class="admin_wvar" rules="rows" width="100%%">
<tr style="border-bottom: hidden">
<th class="adminheaderleft" colspan="2">
%(doctype_id)s Document Type Details:
<tr style="border-top: hidden; border-bottom: hidden">
<td width="20%%">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="80%%">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="20%%" style="border-bottom: hidden"><span class="adminlabel">Document Type ID:</span></td>
<td width="80%%"><span class="info">%(doctype_id)s</span></td>
<td width="20%%" style="border-bottom: hidden"><span class="adminlabel">Creation Date:</span></td>
<td width="80%%"><span class="info">%(doctype_cdate)s</span></td>
<td width="20%%" style="border-bottom: hidden"><span class="adminlabel">Modification Date:</span></td>
<td width="80%%"><span class="info">%(doctype_mdate)s</span></td>
<td width="20%%" style="border-top: hidden; border-bottom: hidden"><span class="adminlabel">Document Type Name:</span></td>
<td width="80%%"><span>%(doctype_name)s</span></td>
<tr style="border-bottom: hidden">
<td width="20%%" style="border-top: hidden"><span class="adminlabel">Document Type Description:</span></td>
<td width="80%%"><span>%(doctype_descr)s</span></td>
<tr style="border-top: hidden">
<td colspan="2">
<form method="post" action="%(adminurl)s/%(performaction)s">
<input name="doctype" type="hidden" value="%(doctype_id)s" />
<input name="doctypedetailsedit" class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="Edit Details" />
</table>\n""" % { 'doctype_id' : cgi.escape(doctype, 1),
'doctype_cdate' : "%s" % ((doctype_cdate not in ("", None) and cgi.escape(str(doctype_cdate), 1)) or (""),),
'doctype_mdate' : "%s" % ((doctype_mdate not in ("", None) and cgi.escape(str(doctype_mdate), 1)) or (""),),
'doctype_name' : cgi.escape(doctypename, 1),
'doctype_descr' : doctypedescr,
'performaction' : cgi.escape(perform_act, 1),
'adminurl' : cgi.escape(WEBSUBMITADMINURL, 1)
return txt
def _tmpl_configure_doctype_overview_create_categories_view(self,
"""Display the details of the categories for a given document type"""
## sanity checking for categories list:
if type(doctype_categories) not in (list, tuple):
doctype_categories = ()
txt = """
<table class="admin_wvar" width="100%%">
<th class="adminheaderleft">
Categories of Document Type %(doctype_id)s:
<td><br />""" % { 'doctype_id' : cgi.escape(doctype, 1) }
modify_categ_txt = ""
categs_tableheader = ["Categ ID", "Description", "&nbsp;", "&nbsp;", "&nbsp;", "&nbsp;", "&nbsp;", "&nbsp;"]
categs_tablebody = []
num_categs = len(doctype_categories)
for i in range(0, num_categs):
this_categname = doctype_categories[i][0]
this_categdescr = doctype_categories[i][1]
this_categscore = doctype_categories[i][2]
t_row = ["""&nbsp;&nbsp;%s""" % cgi.escape(this_categname, 1),
"""&nbsp;&nbsp;%s""" % cgi.escape(this_categdescr, 1)]
## up arrow:
if i != 0:
t_row += ["""<a href="%(adminurl)s/%(performaction)s?doctype=%(doctype)s&categid=%(categid)s&"""\
"""<img border="0" src="%(siteurl)s/img/smallup.gif" title="Move Category Up" /></a>""" \
% { 'adminurl' : cgi.escape(WEBSUBMITADMINURL, 1),
'performaction' : cgi.escape(perform_act, 1),
'siteurl' : cgi.escape(CFG_SITE_URL, 1),
'doctype' : cgi.escape(doctype, 1),
'categid' : cgi.escape(str(this_categname), 1),
## this is the first category - don't provide an arrow to move it up
t_row += ["&nbsp;"]
## down arrow:
if i != num_categs - 1:
t_row += ["""<a href="%(adminurl)s/%(performaction)s?doctype=%(doctype)s&categid=%(categid)s&"""\
"""<img border="0" src="%(siteurl)s/img/smalldown.gif" title="Move Category Down" /></a>""" \
% { 'adminurl' : cgi.escape(WEBSUBMITADMINURL, 1),
'performaction' : cgi.escape(perform_act, 1),
'siteurl' : cgi.escape(CFG_SITE_URL, 1),
'doctype' : cgi.escape(doctype, 1),
'categid' : cgi.escape(str(this_categname), 1),
## this is the first function - don't provide an arrow to move it up
t_row += ["&nbsp;"]
## 'jump-out' arrow:
if jumpcategout in ("", None):
## provide "move from" arrows for all categories:
if num_categs > 1:
t_row += ["""<a href="%(adminurl)s/%(performaction)s?doctype=%(doctype)s&jumpcategout=%(categid)s">"""\
"""<img border="0" src="%(siteurl)s/img/move_from.gif" title="Move category [%(categid)s] """\
"""from score %(categscore)s" /></a>"""\
% { 'adminurl' : cgi.escape(WEBSUBMITADMINURL, 1),
'performaction' : cgi.escape(perform_act, 1),
'siteurl' : cgi.escape(CFG_SITE_URL, 1),
'doctype' : cgi.escape(doctype, 1),
'categid' : cgi.escape(str(this_categname), 1),
'categscore' : cgi.escape(str(this_categscore), 1),
t_row += ["&nbsp;"]
## there is a value for "jumpcategout", so a "moveto" button must be provided
if num_categs > 1:
## is this the categ that will be moved?
if jumpcategout == this_categname:
## yes it is - no "move-to" arrow here
t_row += ["&nbsp;"]
## no it isn't - "move-to" arrow here
t_row += ["""<a href="%(adminurl)s/%(performaction)s?doctype=%(doctype)s"""\
"""<img border="0" src="%(siteurl)s/img/move_to.gif" title="Move category"""\
""" [%(jumpcategout)s] to this location" /></a>"""\
% { 'adminurl' : cgi.escape(WEBSUBMITADMINURL, 1),
'performaction' : cgi.escape(perform_act, 1),
'siteurl' : cgi.escape(CFG_SITE_URL, 1),
'doctype' : cgi.escape(doctype, 1),
'categid' : cgi.escape(str(this_categname), 1),
'jumpcategout' : cgi.escape(str(jumpcategout), 1),
## there is only 1 category - cannot perform a "move"
t_row += ["&nbsp;"]
## 'edit' button:
t_row += ["""<form class="hyperlinkform" method="post" action="%(adminurl)s/%(performaction)s">""" \
"""<input class="hyperlinkformHiddenInput" name="doctype" value="%(doctype)s" type""" \
"""="hidden" />""" \
"""<input class="hyperlinkformHiddenInput" name="categid" value="%(category)s" type""" \
"""="hidden" />""" \
"""<input type="submit" name="doctypecategoryedit" value="edit" """\
"""class="hyperlinkformSubmitButton" />""" \
"""</form>""" % { 'doctype' : cgi.escape(doctype, 1),
'category' : cgi.escape(str(this_categname), 1),
'performaction' : cgi.escape(perform_act, 1),
'adminurl' : cgi.escape(WEBSUBMITADMINURL, 1),
## 'delete' button:
t_row += ["""<form class="hyperlinkform" method="post" action="%(adminurl)s/%(performaction)s">""" \
"""<input class="hyperlinkformHiddenInput" name="doctype" value="%(doctype)s" type""" \
"""="hidden" />""" \
"""<input class="hyperlinkformHiddenInput" name="categid" value="%(category)s" type""" \
"""="hidden" />""" \
"""<input type="submit" name="doctypecategorydelete" value="delete" """\
"""class="hyperlinkformSubmitButton" />""" \
"""</form>""" % { 'doctype' : cgi.escape(doctype, 1),
'category' : cgi.escape(str(this_categname), 1),
'performaction' : cgi.escape(perform_act, 1),
'adminurl' : cgi.escape(WEBSUBMITADMINURL, 1),
## 'jumping-out from' arrow:
if jumpcategout not in ("", None):
if jumpcategout == this_categname and num_categs > 1:
t_row += ["""<img border="0" src="%(siteurl)s/img/move_from.gif" title="Moving category """\
"""[%(categid)s] from this location (score %(categscore)s)" />"""\
% { 'adminurl' : cgi.escape(WEBSUBMITADMINURL, 1),
'performaction' : cgi.escape(perform_act, 1),
'siteurl' : cgi.escape(CFG_SITE_URL, 1),
'categid' : cgi.escape(str(this_categname), 1),
'categscore' : cgi.escape(str(this_categscore), 1),
t_row += ["&nbsp;"]
t_row += ["&nbsp;"]
## finally, append the newly created row to the tbody list:
txt += create_html_table_from_tuple(tableheader=categs_tableheader, tablebody=categs_tablebody)
except IndexError:
## categs tuple was not in expected format ((sname, lname), (sname, lname)[, ...])
txt += """<span class="info">Unable to correctly display categories</span>"""
txt += """</td>
<td><br />
## form to add a new category:
txt += """
<span class="adminlabel">Add a new Category:</span><br />
<form method="post" action="%(adminurl)s/%(formaction)s">
<input name="doctype" type="hidden" value="%(doctype)s" />
<small style="color: navy;">ID:&nbsp;</small>
<input style="margin: 5px 10px 5px 10px;" name="categid" type="text" size="10" />&nbsp;
<small style="color: navy;">Description:&nbsp;</small>
<input style="margin: 5px 10px 5px 10px;" name="categdescr" type="text" size="25" />&nbsp;
<input name="doctypecategoryadd" class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="Add Category" />
</table>""" % { 'formaction' : cgi.escape(perform_act, 1),
'doctype' : cgi.escape(doctype, 1),
'adminurl' : cgi.escape(WEBSUBMITADMINURL, 1)
return txt
def _tmpl_configure_doctype_overview_create_submissions_view(self,
"""Display the details of the submissions for a given document type"""
## sanity checking for submissions list:
if type(doctype_submissions) not in (list, tuple):
doctype_submissions = ()
if type(add_actions_list) not in (list, tuple):
add_actions_list = ()
txt = """
<table class="admin_wvar" width="100%%">
<th class="adminheaderleft">
Submissions of Document Type %(doctype_id)s:
<td><br />""" % { 'doctype_id' : cgi.escape(doctype, 1) }
submissions_tableheader = ["Action", "Creation<br />Date", "Modification<br />Date", "Displayed?", "No.<br />Pages", \
"Button<br />Order", "Status<br />Text", "Level", "Score", "Stpage", "End<br />Text", \
"View Submission<br />Interface", "View Submission<br />Functions", \
"Edit Submission<br />Details", "Delete<br />Submission"]
submissions_tablebody = []
for subm in doctype_submissions:
submissions_tablebody.append( ("%s" % (cgi.escape(str(subm[2]), 1),),
"%s" % (cgi.escape(str(subm[5]), 1),),
"%s" % (cgi.escape(str(subm[6]), 1),),
"%s" % (cgi.escape(str(subm[3]), 1),),
"%s" % (cgi.escape(str(subm[4]), 1),),
"%s" % (cgi.escape(str(subm[7]), 1),),
"%s" % (cgi.escape(str(subm[8]), 1),),
"%s" % (cgi.escape(str(subm[9]), 1),),
"%s" % (cgi.escape(str(subm[10]), 1),),
"%s" % (cgi.escape(str(subm[11]), 1),),
"%s" % (cgi.escape(str(subm[12]), 1),),
"""<form class="hyperlinkform" method="get" action="%(adminurl)s/doctypeconfiguresubmissionpages">""" \
"""<input class="hyperlinkformHiddenInput" name="doctype" value="%(doctype)s" type""" \
"""="hidden" />""" \
"""<input class="hyperlinkformHiddenInput" name="action" value="%(action)s" type""" \
"""="hidden" />""" \
"""<input type="submit" name="viewSubmissionInterface" value="view interface" """\
"""class="hyperlinkformSubmitButton" />""" \
"""</form>""" % { 'doctype' : cgi.escape(doctype, 1),
'action' : cgi.escape(str(subm[2]), 1),
'adminurl' : cgi.escape(WEBSUBMITADMINURL, 1)
"""<form class="hyperlinkform" method="get" action="%(adminurl)s/doctypeconfiguresubmissionfunctions">""" \
"""<input class="hyperlinkformHiddenInput" name="doctype" value="%(doctype)s" type""" \
"""="hidden" />""" \
"""<input class="hyperlinkformHiddenInput" name="action" value="%(action)s" type""" \
"""="hidden" />""" \
"""<input type="submit" name="viewSubmissionFunctions" value="view functions" """\
"""class="hyperlinkformSubmitButton" />""" \
"""</form>""" % { 'doctype' : cgi.escape(doctype, 1),
'action' : cgi.escape(str(subm[2]), 1),
'adminurl' : cgi.escape(WEBSUBMITADMINURL, 1)
"""<form class="hyperlinkform" method="get" action="%(adminurl)s/%(formaction)s">""" \
"""<input class="hyperlinkformHiddenInput" name="doctype" value="%(doctype)s" type""" \
"""="hidden" />""" \
"""<input class="hyperlinkformHiddenInput" name="action" value="%(action)s" type""" \
"""="hidden" />""" \
"""<input type="submit" name="doctypesubmissionedit" value="edit submission" """\
"""class="hyperlinkformSubmitButton" />""" \
"""</form>""" % { 'doctype' : cgi.escape(doctype, 1),
'action' : cgi.escape(str(subm[2]), 1),
'formaction' : cgi.escape(perform_act, 1),
'adminurl' : cgi.escape(WEBSUBMITADMINURL, 1)
"""<form class="hyperlinkform" method="get" action="%(adminurl)s/%(formaction)s">""" \
"""<input class="hyperlinkformHiddenInput" name="doctype" value="%(doctype)s" type""" \
"""="hidden" />""" \
"""<input class="hyperlinkformHiddenInput" name="action" value="%(action)s" type""" \
"""="hidden" />""" \
"""<input type="submit" name="doctypesubmissiondelete" value="delete submission" """\
"""class="hyperlinkformSubmitButton" />""" \
"""</form>""" % { 'doctype' : cgi.escape(doctype, 1),
'action' : cgi.escape(str(subm[2]), 1),
'formaction' : cgi.escape(perform_act, 1),
'adminurl' : cgi.escape(WEBSUBMITADMINURL, 1)
) )
txt += create_html_table_from_tuple(tableheader=submissions_tableheader, tablebody=submissions_tablebody)
except IndexError:
## submissions tuple was not in expected format
txt += """<span class="info">Unable to correctly display details of submissions</span>"""
txt += """</td>
## now, display a list of actions that can be added
txt += """
<span class="adminlabel">Add a new Submission:</span><br />"""
if len(add_actions_list) > 0:
txt += """
<form method="get" action="%(adminurl)s/%(performaction)s">
<input type="hidden" name="doctype" value="%(doctype)s" />
<input name="doctypesubmissionadd" class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="Add Submission" />
</form>""" \
% { 'doctype' : cgi.escape(doctype, 1),
'performaction' : cgi.escape(perform_act, 1),
'adminurl' : cgi.escape(WEBSUBMITADMINURL, 1),
'submissions_list' : create_html_select_list(select_name="action", option_list=add_actions_list,
css_style="margin: 5px 10px 5px 10px;")
txt += """
<br />
<span class="info">No Available Actions to Add</span>"""
txt += """
return txt
def _tmpl_configure_doctype_overview_create_referees_view(self,
"""Display the details of the referees of the various categories of a given document type"""
## sanity checking for doctype_referees:
if type(doctype_referees) is not dict:
doctype_referees = {}
txt = """
<table class="admin_wvar" width="100%%">
<th class="adminheaderleft">
Manage Referees for Document Type %(doctype_id)s:
<td><br />""" % { 'doctype_id' : cgi.escape(doctype, 1) }
referees_tableheader = ["Referee"]
referees_tablebody = []
referee_roles = doctype_referees.keys()
for role in referee_roles:
if doctype_referees[role][0] == "*":
referees_tablebody.append( ("""<span style="color: navy;">%s</span>""" % (cgi.escape(doctype_referees[role][1], 1)),
"&nbsp;") )
referees_tablebody.append( ("""<span style="color: navy;">%s (%s)</span>""" % (cgi.escape(doctype_referees[role][0], 1), \
cgi.escape(doctype_referees[role][1], 1)),
"&nbsp;") )
for referee in doctype_referees[role][2]:
referees_tablebody.append( ("""<small>%s</small>""" % (cgi.escape(referee[1], 1),),))
txt += create_html_table_from_tuple(tableheader=referees_tableheader, tablebody=referees_tablebody)
except IndexError:
## referees dictionary was not in expected format
txt += """<span class="info">Unable to correctly display details of referees</span>"""
txt += """
<form method="post" action="%(adminurl)s/">
<input type="hidden" name="doctype" value="%(doctype_id)s" />
<input name="managerefereesdoctype" class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="Manage Referees" />
</table>""" % { 'doctype_id' : cgi.escape(doctype, 1),
'performaction' : cgi.escape(perform_act, 1),
'adminurl' : cgi.escape(WEBSUBMITADMINURL_OLD, 1)
return txt
def tmpl_configure_doctype_overview(self, doctype="", doctypename="", doctypedescr="", doctype_cdate="", doctype_mdate="", \
doctype_categories="", jumpcategout="", doctype_submissions="", \
doctype_referees="", user_msg="", add_actions_list=None, perform_act="doctypeconfigure"):
## sanity checking:
if type(doctype_categories) not in (list, tuple):
doctype_categories = ()
if type(doctype_submissions) not in (list, tuple):
doctype_submissions = ()
if type(add_actions_list) not in (list, tuple):
add_actions_list = ()
output = ""
body_content = ""
output += self._create_user_message_string(user_msg)
## table containing document type details:
body_content += """<br />%s""" % (self._tmpl_configire_doctype_overview_create_doctype_details(doctype=doctype,
body_content += """<hr style="width: 80%%;" />"""
## this document type's submissions:
body_content += """<br />%s""" % (self._tmpl_configure_doctype_overview_create_submissions_view(doctype=doctype,
body_content += """<hr style="width: 80%%;" />"""
## table containing document type's categories:
body_content += """<br />%s""" % (self._tmpl_configure_doctype_overview_create_categories_view(doctype=doctype,
body_content += """<hr style="width: 80%%;" />"""
## button for allocation of referees:
body_content += """<br />%s""" % (self._tmpl_configure_doctype_overview_create_referees_view(doctype=doctype,
output += self._create_websubmitadmin_main_menu_header()
output += self._create_adminbox(header="Configure Document Type:", datalist=[body_content])
return output
def tmpl_display_edit_category_form(self, doctype, categid, categdescr, user_msg="", perform_act="doctypeconfigure"):
output = ""
body_content = "<div>"
output += self._create_user_message_string(user_msg)
body_content += """
<form method="get" action="%(adminurl)s/%(performaction)s">
<table width="90%%">
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">Category Name:</span></td>
<td width="80%%"><span class="info">%(categid)s</span></td>
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">Category Description:</span></td>
<td width="80%%"><input type="text" size="60" name="categdescr" value="%(categdescr)s" /></td>
<td width="20%%">&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td width="80%%">
<input type="hidden" name="doctype" value="%(doctype)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="categid" value="%(categid)s" />
<input name="doctypecategoryeditcommit" class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="Save Details" />
<input name="doctypecategoryeditcancel" class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="Cancel" />
""" % {
'categid' : cgi.escape(categid, 1),
'doctype' : cgi.escape(doctype, 1),
'categdescr' : cgi.escape(categdescr, 1),
'performaction' : cgi.escape(perform_act, 1),
'adminurl' : cgi.escape(WEBSUBMITADMINURL, 1)
output += self._create_websubmitadmin_main_menu_header()
output += self._create_adminbox(header="Edit Details of '%(categid)s' Category of '%(doctype)s' Document Type:" \
% { 'doctype' : cgi.escape(doctype, 1), 'categid' : cgi.escape(categid, 1) },
return output
def tmpl_configuredoctype_add_submissionfunction(self,
## sanity checking:
if type(cursubmissionfunctions) not in (list, tuple):
submissionfunctions = ()
if type(allWSfunctions) not in (list, tuple):
allWSfunctions = ()
output = ""
output += self._create_user_message_string(user_msg)
## display a form to add a function to the submission:
body_content = """
<br />
<table class="admin_wvar" width="55%%">
<th class="adminheaderleft" colspan="2">
Add function:
<td width="20%%">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="80%%">&nbsp;
<form method="get" action="%(adminurl)s/%(performaction)s">
<input name="doctype" type="hidden" value="%(doctype)s" />
<input name="action" type="hidden" value="%(action)s" />
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">Function Name:</span></td>
<td width="80%%"><span class="info">%(allWSfunctions)s</span></td>
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">Step:</span></td>
<td width="80%%"><span class="info"><input name="addfunctionstep" type="text" value="%(step)s" size="5" /></span></td>
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">Score:</span></td>
<td width="80%%"><span class="info"><input name="addfunctionscore" type="text" value="%(score)s" size="5" /></span></td>
<td colspan="2">
<input name="configuresubmissionaddfunctioncommit" class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="Save Details" />
<br />
<form method="post" action="%(adminurl)s/%(performaction)s">
<input name="doctype" type="hidden" value="%(doctype)s" />
<input name="action" type="hidden" value="%(action)s" />
<input name="configuresubmissionaddfunctioncancel" class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="Cancel" />
</table>""" % { 'doctype' : cgi.escape(doctype, 1),
'action' : cgi.escape(action, 1),
'adminurl' : cgi.escape(WEBSUBMITADMINURL, 1),
'performaction' : cgi.escape(perform_act, 1),
'step' : cgi.escape(addfunctionstep, 1),
'score' : cgi.escape(addfunctionscore, 1),
'allWSfunctions' : create_html_select_list(select_name="addfunctionname",
default_opt=("", "Select function to add:"))
## build a table of the functions currently associated with the submission:
body_content += """<hr />\n"""
header = ["Function Name", "Step", "Score"]
tbody = []
for functn in cursubmissionfunctions:
thisfunctionname = functn[0]
thisfunctionstep = str(functn[1])
thisfunctionscore = str(functn[2])
## function name:
t_row = ["""&nbsp;&nbsp;%s""" % (cgi.escape(thisfunctionname, 1),)]
## function step:
t_row += ["""%s""" % (cgi.escape(thisfunctionstep, 1),) ]
## function score:
t_row += ["""%s""" % (cgi.escape(thisfunctionscore, 1),) ]
## finally, append the newly created row to the tbody list:
body_content += """
<table class="admin_wvar" width="55%%">
<th class="adminheaderleft">
Current submission functions configuration:
<td width="100%%">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="100%%">"""
body_content += create_html_table_from_tuple(tableheader=header, tablebody=tbody)
body_content += """
output += self._create_websubmitadmin_main_menu_header()
output += self._create_adminbox(header="""Add a function to the [%s] submission of the [%s] document type""" \
% (cgi.escape(action, 1), cgi.escape(doctype, 1)), datalist=[body_content])
return output
def tmpl_configuredoctype_display_submissionfunctions(self,
"""Create the page body used for displaying all Websubmit functions.
@param functions: A tuple of tuples containing the function name, and the function
description (function, description).
@param user_msg: Any message to be displayed on screen, such as a status report for the last task, etc.
return: HTML page body.
## sanity checking:
if type(submissionfunctions) not in (list, tuple):
submissionfunctions = ()
output = ""
output += self._create_user_message_string(user_msg)
body_content = """<div><br />\n"""
header = ["Function Name", "&nbsp;", "&nbsp;", "&nbsp;", "Step", "Score", "View Parameters", "Delete", "&nbsp;"]
tbody = []
num_functions = len(submissionfunctions)
for i in range(0, num_functions):
thisfunctionname = submissionfunctions[i][0]
thisfunctionstep = str(submissionfunctions[i][1])
thisfunctionscore = str(submissionfunctions[i][2])
t_row = ["""&nbsp;&nbsp;%s""" % (cgi.escape(thisfunctionname, 1),)]
## up arrow:
if i != 0:
t_row += ["""<a href="%(adminurl)s/%(performaction)s?doctype=%(doctype)s&action=%(action)s&"""\
"""<img border="0" src="%(siteurl)s/img/smallup.gif" title="Move Function Up" /></a>""" \
% { 'adminurl' : cgi.escape(WEBSUBMITADMINURL, 1),
'performaction' : cgi.escape(perform_act, 1),
'siteurl' : cgi.escape(CFG_SITE_URL, 1),
'doctype' : cgi.escape(doctype, 1),
'action' : cgi.escape(action, 1),
'func' : cgi.escape(thisfunctionname, 1),
'step' : cgi.escape(thisfunctionstep, 1),
'score' : cgi.escape(thisfunctionscore, 1)
## this is the first function - don't provide an arrow to move it up
t_row += ["&nbsp;"]
## down arrow:
if num_functions > 1 and i < num_functions - 1:
t_row += ["""<a href="%(adminurl)s/%(performaction)s?doctype=%(doctype)s&action=%(action)s&"""\
"""<img border="0" src="%(siteurl)s/img/smalldown.gif" title="Move Function Down" /></a>""" \
% { 'adminurl' : cgi.escape(WEBSUBMITADMINURL, 1),
'performaction' : cgi.escape(perform_act, 1),
'siteurl' : cgi.escape(CFG_SITE_URL, 1),
'doctype' : cgi.escape(doctype, 1),
'action' : cgi.escape(action, 1),
'func' : cgi.escape(thisfunctionname, 1),
'step' : cgi.escape(thisfunctionstep, 1),
'score' : cgi.escape(thisfunctionscore, 1)
t_row += ["&nbsp;"]
if movefromfunctionname in ("", None):
## provide "move from" arrows for all functions
if num_functions > 1:
t_row += ["""<a href="%(adminurl)s/%(performaction)s?doctype=%(doctype)s&action=%(action)s&"""\
"""<img border="0" src="%(siteurl)s/img/move_from.gif" title="Move %(func)s (step %(step)s, score %(score)s)"""\
""" from this location" /></a>"""\
% { 'adminurl' : cgi.escape(WEBSUBMITADMINURL, 1),
'performaction' : cgi.escape(perform_act, 1),
'siteurl' : cgi.escape(CFG_SITE_URL, 1),
'doctype' : cgi.escape(doctype, 1),
'action' : cgi.escape(action, 1),
'func' : cgi.escape(thisfunctionname, 1),
'step' : cgi.escape(thisfunctionstep, 1),
'score' : cgi.escape(thisfunctionscore, 1)
t_row += ["&nbsp;"]
## there is a value for "movefromfunctionname", so a "moveto" button must be provided
if num_functions > 1:
## is this the function that will be moved?
if movefromfunctionname == thisfunctionname and \
movefromfunctionstep == thisfunctionstep and \
movefromfunctionscore == thisfunctionscore:
## yes it is - no "move-to" arrow here
t_row += ["&nbsp;"]
## no it isn't - "move-to" arrow here
t_row += ["""<a href="%(adminurl)s/%(performaction)s?doctype=%(doctype)s&action=%(action)s&"""\
"""<img border="0" src="%(siteurl)s/img/move_to.gif" title="Move %(fromfunc)s (step %(fromstep)s, score %(fromscore)s)"""\
""" to this location (step %(tostep)s, score %(toscore)s)" /></a>"""\
% { 'adminurl' : cgi.escape(WEBSUBMITADMINURL, 1),
'performaction' : cgi.escape(perform_act, 1),
'siteurl' : cgi.escape(CFG_SITE_URL, 1),
'doctype' : cgi.escape(doctype, 1),
'action' : cgi.escape(action, 1),
'fromfunc' : cgi.escape(movefromfunctionname, 1),
'fromstep' : cgi.escape(movefromfunctionstep, 1),
'fromscore' : cgi.escape(movefromfunctionscore, 1),
'tofunc' : cgi.escape(thisfunctionname, 1),
'tostep' : cgi.escape(thisfunctionstep, 1),
'toscore' : cgi.escape(thisfunctionscore, 1)
## there is only 1 function - cannot perform a "move"!
t_row += ["&nbsp;"]
## function step:
t_row += ["""%s""" % (cgi.escape(thisfunctionstep, 1),) ]
## function score:
t_row += ["""%s""" % (cgi.escape(thisfunctionscore, 1),) ]
## "view parameters" link:
t_row += ["""<form class="hyperlinkform" method="get" action="%(adminurl)s/doctypeconfiguresubmissionfunctionsparameters">"""\
"""<input class="hyperlinkformHiddenInput" name="doctype" value="%(doctype)s" type="hidden" />"""\
"""<input class="hyperlinkformHiddenInput" name="action" value="%(action)s" type="hidden" />"""\
"""<input class="hyperlinkformHiddenInput" name="functionname" value="%(thisfunctionname)s" type="hidden" />"""\
"""<input type="submit" name="viewfunctionparameters" value="view parameters" class="hyperlinkformSubmitButton" />"""\
% { 'adminurl' : cgi.escape(WEBSUBMITADMINURL, 1),
'doctype' : cgi.escape(doctype, 1),
'action' : cgi.escape(action, 1),
'thisfunctionname' : cgi.escape(thisfunctionname, 1)
} ]
## "delete function" link:
t_row += ["""<form class="hyperlinkform" method="get" action="%(adminurl)s/%(performaction)s">"""\
"""<input class="hyperlinkformHiddenInput" name="doctype" value="%(doctype)s" type="hidden" />"""\
"""<input class="hyperlinkformHiddenInput" name="action" value="%(action)s" type="hidden" />"""\
"""<input class="hyperlinkformHiddenInput" name="deletefunctionname" value="%(thisfunctionname)s" type="hidden" />"""\
"""<input class="hyperlinkformHiddenInput" name="deletefunctionstep" value="%(step)s" type="hidden" />"""\
"""<input class="hyperlinkformHiddenInput" name="deletefunctionscore" value="%(score)s" type="hidden" />"""\
"""<input type="submit" name="deletefunction" value="delete" class="hyperlinkformSubmitButton" />"""\
% { 'adminurl' : cgi.escape(WEBSUBMITADMINURL, 1),
'performaction' : cgi.escape(perform_act, 1),
'doctype' : cgi.escape(doctype, 1),
'action' : cgi.escape(action, 1),
'thisfunctionname' : cgi.escape(thisfunctionname, 1),
'step' : cgi.escape(thisfunctionstep, 1),
'score' : cgi.escape(thisfunctionscore, 1)
} ]
## final column containing "jumping-out from" image when moving a function:
if movefromfunctionname not in ("", None):
if movefromfunctionname == thisfunctionname and \
movefromfunctionstep == thisfunctionstep and \
movefromfunctionscore == thisfunctionscore and \
num_functions > 1:
t_row += ["""<img border="0" src="%(siteurl)s/img/move_from.gif" title="Moving %(fromfunc)s (step %(fromstep)s, """\
"""score %(fromscore)s) from this location" />"""\
% { 'adminurl' : cgi.escape(WEBSUBMITADMINURL, 1),
'performaction' : cgi.escape(perform_act, 1),
'siteurl' : cgi.escape(CFG_SITE_URL, 1),
'fromfunc' : cgi.escape(movefromfunctionname, 1),
'fromstep' : cgi.escape(movefromfunctionstep, 1),
'fromscore' : cgi.escape(movefromfunctionscore, 1)
t_row += ["&nbsp;"]
t_row += ["&nbsp;"]
## finally, append the newly created row to the tbody list:
body_content += create_html_table_from_tuple(tableheader=header, tablebody=tbody)
body_content += """</div>"""
## buttons for "add a function" and "finished":
body_content += """
<br />
<form method="post" action="%(adminurl)s/doctypeconfiguresubmissionfunctions">
<input name="doctype" type="hidden" value="%(doctype)s" />
<input name="action" type="hidden" value="%(action)s" />
<input name="configuresubmissionaddfunction" class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="Add a Function" />
<br />
<form method="post" action="%(adminurl)s/doctypeconfigure">
<input name="doctype" type="hidden" value="%(doctype)s" />
<input name="funishedviewsubmissionfunctions" class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="Finished" />
</table>""" % { 'doctype' : cgi.escape(doctype, 1),
'action' : cgi.escape(action, 1),
'adminurl' : cgi.escape(WEBSUBMITADMINURL, 1)
output += self._create_websubmitadmin_main_menu_header()
output += self._create_adminbox(header="""Functions of the "%s" Submission of the "%s" Document Type:""" \
% (cgi.escape(action, 1), cgi.escape(doctype, 1)), datalist=[body_content])
return output
def _tmpl_configuredoctype_submissionfield_display_changeable_fields(self,
"""Used when displaying the details of a submission field that is to be edited or inserted onto a
submission page.
This function creates the form elements for the values that can be edited by the user, such as the field's
label, short description, etc. (Examples of details of the submission field that could not be edited by the
user and are therefore not included in this function, are the creation-date/modification-date of the field,
@param fieldtext: (string) the label used for a field
@param fieldlevel: (char) 'M' or 'O' - whether a field is Mandatory or Optional
@param fieldshortdesc: (string) the short description of a field
@param fieldcheck: (string) the JavaScript checking function applied to a field
@param allchecks: (tuple of strings) the names of all WebSubmit JavaScript checks
@return: (string) a section of a form
## sanity checking
if type(allchecks) not in (tuple, list):
allchecks = []
## make form-section
txt = """
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">Field Label:</span></td>
<td width="80%%"><br /><textarea name="fieldtext" rows="5" cols="50">%(fieldtext)s</textarea><br /><br /></td>
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">Field Level:</span></td>
<td width="80%%"><span>%(fieldlevel)s</span></td>
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">Field Short Description:</span></td>
<td width="80%%"><br /><input type="text" size="35" name="fieldshortdesc" value="%(fieldshortdesc)s" /><br /><br /></td>
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">JavaScript Check:</span></td>
<td width="80%%"><span>%(fieldcheck)s</span></td>
</tr>""" % { 'fieldtext' : cgi.escape(fieldtext, 1),
'fieldlevel' : create_html_select_list(select_name="fieldlevel",
option_list=(("M", "Mandatory"), ("O", "Optional")),
'fieldshortdesc' : cgi.escape(fieldshortdesc, 1),
'fieldcheck' : create_html_select_list(select_name="fieldcheck",
default_opt=("", "--NO CHECK--")
return txt
def tmpl_configuredoctype_add_submissionfield(self,
## sanity checking
if type(allelements) not in (tuple, list):
allelements = []
## begin template:
output = ""
body_content = ""
output += self._create_user_message_string(user_msg)
body_content += """
<table class="admin_wvar" width="95%%">
<th class="adminheaderleft" colspan="2">
Add a field to page %(pagenum)s of submission %(submission)s
<td width="20%%">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="80%%">&nbsp;<form method="get" action="%(adminurl)s/%(performaction)s"></td>
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">Page Number:</span></td>
<td width="80%%"><span class="info">%(pagenum)s</span></td>
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">Field Name:</span></td>
<td width="80%%">%(fieldname)s</td>
</tr>""" % { 'adminurl' : cgi.escape(WEBSUBMITADMINURL, 1),
'fieldname' : create_html_select_list(select_name="fieldname",
default_opt=("", "Select a Field:")
'pagenum' : cgi.escape(pagenum, 1),
'submission' : cgi.escape("%s%s" % (action, doctype), 1),
'performaction' : cgi.escape(perform_act, 1)
body_content += self._tmpl_configuredoctype_submissionfield_display_changeable_fields(fieldtext=fieldtext,
body_content += """
<td colspan="2">
<input name="doctype" type="hidden" value="%(doctype)s" />
<input name="action" type="hidden" value="%(action)s" />
<input name="pagenum" type="hidden" value="%(pagenum)s" />
<input name="addfieldcommit" class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="Add Field" />
<br />
<form method="post" action="%(adminurl)s/%(performaction)s">
<input name="doctype" type="hidden" value="%(doctype)s" />
<input name="action" type="hidden" value="%(action)s" />
<input name="pagenum" type="hidden" value="%(pagenum)s" />
<input name="canceladdsubmissionfield" class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="Cancel" />
</table>\n""" % { 'adminurl' : cgi.escape(WEBSUBMITADMINURL, 1),
'performaction' : cgi.escape(perform_act, 1),
'doctype' : cgi.escape(doctype, 1),
'action' : cgi.escape(action, 1),
'pagenum' : cgi.escape(pagenum, 1)
output += self._create_websubmitadmin_main_menu_header()
output += self._create_adminbox(header="Field Details:", datalist=[body_content])
return output
def tmpl_configuredoctype_edit_submissionfield(self,
## begin template:
output = ""
body_content = ""
output += self._create_user_message_string(user_msg)
body_content += """
<table class="admin_wvar" width="95%%">
<th class="adminheaderleft" colspan="2">
Details of the %(fieldname)s field as it appears at position %(fieldnum)s on Page %(pagenum)s of the %(submission)s Submission:
<td width="20%%">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="80%%">&nbsp;<form method="get" action="%(adminurl)s/%(performaction)s"></td>
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">Page Number:</span></td>
<td width="80%%"><span class="info">%(pagenum)s</span></td>
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">Field Number:</span></td>
<td width="80%%"><span class="info">%(fieldnum)s</span></td>
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">Field Name:</span></td>
<td width="80%%"><span class="info">%(fieldname)s</span></td>
</tr>""" % { 'adminurl' : cgi.escape(WEBSUBMITADMINURL, 1),
'pagenum' : cgi.escape(pagenum, 1),
'fieldnum' : cgi.escape(fieldnum, 1),
'fieldname' : cgi.escape(fieldname, 1),
'submission' : cgi.escape("%s%s" % (action, doctype), 1),
'performaction' : cgi.escape(perform_act, 1)
## field creation date:
if cd not in ("", None):
body_content += """
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">Creation Date:</span></td>
<td width="80%%"><span class="info">%s</span></td>
</tr>""" % (cgi.escape(str(cd), 1),)
## field last-modified date:
if md not in ("", None):
body_content += """
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">Last Modification Date:</span></td>
<td width="80%%"><span class="info">%s</span></td>
</tr>""" % (cgi.escape(str(md), 1), )
body_content += self._tmpl_configuredoctype_submissionfield_display_changeable_fields(fieldtext=fieldtext,
body_content += """
<td colspan="2">
<input name="doctype" type="hidden" value="%(doctype)s" />
<input name="action" type="hidden" value="%(action)s" />
<input name="pagenum" type="hidden" value="%(pagenum)s" />
<input name="editfieldposn" type="hidden" value="%(fieldnum)s" />
<input name="editfieldposncommit" class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="Save Changes" />
<br />
<form method="post" action="%(adminurl)s/%(performaction)s">
<input name="doctype" type="hidden" value="%(doctype)s" />
<input name="action" type="hidden" value="%(action)s" />
<input name="pagenum" type="hidden" value="%(pagenum)s" />
<input name="canceleditsubmissionfield" class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="Cancel" />
</table>\n""" % { 'doctype' : cgi.escape(doctype, 1),
'action' : cgi.escape(action, 1),
'pagenum' : cgi.escape(pagenum, 1),
'fieldnum' : cgi.escape(fieldnum, 1),
'adminurl' : cgi.escape(WEBSUBMITADMINURL, 1),
'performaction' : cgi.escape(perform_act, 1)
output += self._create_websubmitadmin_main_menu_header()
output += self._create_adminbox(header="Field Details:", datalist=[body_content])
return output
def tmpl_configuredoctype_display_submissionpage_preview(self, doctype, action, pagenum, fields, user_msg=""):
"""Create a page displaying a simple preview of a submission page
@param doctype: (string) the unique ID of a document type
@param action: (string) the unique ID of an action
@param pagenum: (string) the number of the page that is to be previewed
@param fields: a tuple of tuples, whereby each tuple contains the details of a field on the submission page:
(fieldname, check-name, field-type, size, rows, cols, field-description)
@param user_msg: a tuple or string, containing any message(s) to be displayed to the user
@return: a string, which makes up the page body
## Sanity Checking of elements:
if type(fields) not in (list, tuple):
fields = ()
if type(fields[0]) not in (tuple, list):
fields = ()
except IndexError:
## begin template:
output = ""
body_content = ""
output += self._create_user_message_string(user_msg)
## hyperlink back to page details:
body_content += """
<div style="text-align: center;">
<a href="%(adminurl)s/doctypeconfiguresubmissionpageelements?doctype=%(doctype)s&action=%(action)s&pagenum=%(pagenum)s">
Return to details of page [%(pagenum)s] of submission [%(submission)s]</a>
<hr />""" % { 'adminurl' : WEBSUBMITADMINURL,
'doctype' : cgi.escape(doctype, 1),
'action' : cgi.escape(action, 1),
'pagenum' : cgi.escape(pagenum, 1),
'submission' : cgi.escape("%s%s" % (action, doctype), 1)
body_content += """<div><br />
<form name="dummyeldisplay" action="%(adminurl)s">
<table class="admin_wvar" align="center">
<th class="adminheaderleft" colspan="1">
Page Preview:
<tr bgcolor="#f1f1f1">
<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;
""" % {'adminurl' : WEBSUBMITADMINURL}
for field in fields:
body_content += self._element_display_preview_get_element(elname=field[0], eltype=field[3], elsize=field[4],
elrows=field[5], elcols=field[6], elval=field[8],
elfidesc=field[7], ellabel=field[1])
body_content += "\n"
body_content += """&nbsp;&nbsp;<br />
output += self._create_websubmitadmin_main_menu_header()
output += self._create_adminbox(header="Preview of Page %s of Submission %s:" \
% (pagenum, "%s%s" % (action, doctype)), datalist=[body_content])
return output
def tmpl_configuredoctype_list_submissionelements(self,
## Sanity Checking of elements:
if type(page_elements) not in (list, tuple):
page_elements = ()
if type(page_elements[0]) not in (tuple, list):
page_elements = ()
except IndexError:
except ValueError:
movefieldfromposn = ""
## begin template:
output = ""
body_content = ""
output += self._create_user_message_string(user_msg)
number_elements = len(page_elements)
if number_elements > 0:
body_content += """
<table width="100%%" class="admin_wvar">
<td style="text-align: center;">
<br />
<form method="get" action="%(adminurl)s/doctypeconfiguresubmissionpagespreview">
<input type="hidden" name="doctype" value="%(doctype_id)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="%(action)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="pagenum" value="%(pagenum)s" />
<input name="viewsubmissionpagepreview" class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="View Page Preview" />
</table>""" % { 'adminurl' : WEBSUBMITADMINURL,
'doctype_id' : cgi.escape(doctype, 1),
'action' : cgi.escape(action, 1),
'pagenum' : cgi.escape(pagenum, 1)
t_header = ["&nbsp;", "&nbsp;", "&nbsp;", "&nbsp;", "Name", "Element Label",
"Level", "Short Descr.", "Check", "Creation Date", "Modification Date", "&nbsp;",
"&nbsp;", "&nbsp;", "&nbsp;"]
t_body = []
for i in range(0, number_elements):
## Field number:
t_row = ["""%s""" % (cgi.escape(page_elements[i][1], 1),) ]
## Move a field from posn - to posn arrows:
if movefieldfromposn in ("", None):
## provide "move from" arrow for all element
if number_elements > 1:
t_row += ["""<a href="%(adminurl)s/doctypeconfiguresubmissionpageelements?doctype=%(doctype)s&action=%(action)s&"""\
"""<img border="0" src="%(siteurl)s/img/move_from.gif" title="Move field at position %(fieldnum)s"""\
""" from this location" /></a>"""\
% { 'adminurl' : cgi.escape(WEBSUBMITADMINURL, 1),
'siteurl' : cgi.escape(CFG_SITE_URL, 1),
'doctype' : cgi.escape(doctype, 1),
'action' : cgi.escape(action, 1),
'pagenum' : cgi.escape(pagenum, 1),
'fieldnum' : cgi.escape(page_elements[i][1], 1)
t_row += ["&nbsp;"]
## there is a value for "movefieldfromposn", so a "moveto" button must be provided
if number_elements > 1:
## is this the field that will be moved?
if movefieldfromposn == page_elements[i][1]:
## yes it is - no "move-to" arrow here
t_row += ["&nbsp;"]
## no it isn't - "move-to" arrow here
t_row += ["""<a href="%(adminurl)s/doctypeconfiguresubmissionpageelements?doctype=%(doctype)s&action=%(action)s&"""\
"""<img border="0" src="%(siteurl)s/img/move_to.gif" title="Move field at position %(movefieldfromposn)s"""\
""" to this location at position %(fieldnum)s" /></a>"""\
% { 'adminurl' : cgi.escape(WEBSUBMITADMINURL, 1),
'siteurl' : cgi.escape(CFG_SITE_URL, 1),
'doctype' : cgi.escape(doctype, 1),
'action' : cgi.escape(action, 1),
'pagenum' : cgi.escape(pagenum, 1),
'fieldnum' : cgi.escape(page_elements[i][1], 1),
'movefieldfromposn' : cgi.escape(movefieldfromposn, 1)
## there is only 1 field - cannot perform a "move"!
t_row += ["&nbsp;"]
## up arrow:
if i != 0:
t_row += ["""<a href="%(adminurl)s/doctypeconfiguresubmissionpageelements?doctype=%(doctype)s&action=%(action)s&"""\
"""<img border="0" src="%(siteurl)s/img/smallup.gif" title="Move Element Up" /></a>"""\
% { 'adminurl' : cgi.escape(WEBSUBMITADMINURL, 1),
'siteurl' : cgi.escape(CFG_SITE_URL, 1),
'doctype' : cgi.escape(doctype, 1),
'action' : cgi.escape(action, 1),
'pagenum' : cgi.escape(pagenum, 1),
'fieldnum' : cgi.escape(page_elements[i][1], 1),
'previousfield' : cgi.escape(str(int(page_elements[i][1])-1), 1)
## first element - don't provide up arrow:
t_row += ["&nbsp;"]
## down arrow:
if number_elements > 1 and i < number_elements - 1:
t_row += ["""<a href="%(adminurl)s/doctypeconfiguresubmissionpageelements?doctype=%(doctype)s&action=%(action)s&"""\
"""<img border="0" src="%(siteurl)s/img/smalldown.gif" title="Move Element Down" /></a>"""\
% { 'adminurl' : cgi.escape(WEBSUBMITADMINURL, 1),
'siteurl' : cgi.escape(CFG_SITE_URL, 1),
'doctype' : cgi.escape(doctype, 1),
'action' : cgi.escape(action, 1),
'pagenum' : cgi.escape(pagenum, 1),
'fieldnum' : cgi.escape(page_elements[i][1], 1),
'nextfield' : cgi.escape(str(int(page_elements[i][1])+1), 1)
t_row += ["&nbsp;"]
## Element Name:
t_row += ["""<span class="info">%s</span>""" % (cgi.escape(str(page_elements[i][2]), 1),) ]
## Element Label:
t_row += ["""%s""" % (cgi.escape(str(page_elements[i][3]), 1),) ]
## Level:
t_row += ["""%s""" % (cgi.escape(str(page_elements[i][4]), 1),) ]
## Short Descr:
t_row += ["""%s""" % (cgi.escape(str(page_elements[i][5]), 1),) ]
## Check:
t_row += ["""%s""" % (cgi.escape(str(page_elements[i][6]), 1),) ]
## Creation Date:
if page_elements[i][7] not in ("", None):
t_row += ["%s" % (cgi.escape(str(page_elements[i][7]), 1),)]
t_row += ["&nbsp;"]
## Modification Date:
if page_elements[i][8] not in ("", None):
t_row += ["%s" % (cgi.escape(str(page_elements[i][8]), 1),)]
t_row += ["&nbsp;"]
## View/Edit field:
t_row += ["""<a href="%(adminurl)s/doctypeconfiguresubmissionpageelements?doctype=%(doctype)s&action=%(action)s&"""\
% { 'adminurl' : cgi.escape(WEBSUBMITADMINURL, 1),
'siteurl' : cgi.escape(CFG_SITE_URL, 1),
'doctype' : cgi.escape(doctype, 1),
'action' : cgi.escape(action, 1),
'pagenum' : cgi.escape(pagenum, 1),
'fieldnum' : cgi.escape(page_elements[i][1], 1)
## Delete Element from page:
t_row += ["""<a href="%(adminurl)s/doctypeconfiguresubmissionpageelements?doctype=%(doctype)s&action=%(action)s&"""\
% { 'adminurl' : cgi.escape(WEBSUBMITADMINURL, 1),
'siteurl' : cgi.escape(CFG_SITE_URL, 1),
'doctype' : cgi.escape(doctype, 1),
'action' : cgi.escape(action, 1),
'pagenum' : cgi.escape(pagenum, 1),
'fieldnum' : cgi.escape(page_elements[i][1], 1)
## View/Edit Element Definition:
t_row += ["""<a href="%(adminurl)s/elementedit?elname=%(elementname)s&doctype=%(doctype)s&action=%(action)s&"""\
% { 'adminurl' : cgi.escape(WEBSUBMITADMINURL, 1),
'siteurl' : cgi.escape(CFG_SITE_URL, 1),
'doctype' : cgi.escape(doctype, 1),
'action' : cgi.escape(action, 1),
'pagenum' : cgi.escape(pagenum, 1),
'elementname' : cgi.escape(page_elements[i][2], 1)
## Jump element out-from:
t_row += ["&nbsp;"]
## final column containing "jumping-out from" image when moving a field:
if movefieldfromposn not in ("", None):
if movefieldfromposn == page_elements[i][1] and number_elements > 1:
t_row += ["""<img border="0" src="%(siteurl)s/img/move_from.gif" title="Move field at position %(fieldnum)s"""\
""" from this location" />"""\
% { 'siteurl' : cgi.escape(CFG_SITE_URL, 1),
'fieldnum' : cgi.escape(page_elements[i][1], 1)
t_row += ["&nbsp;"]
t_row += ["&nbsp;"]
## finally, append the newly created row to the tbody list:
## now create the table and include it into the page body:
body_content += """
<table width="100%%">
<td colspan="2"><br />"""
body_content += create_html_table_from_tuple(tableheader=t_header, tablebody=t_body)
body_content += """
<br />
body_content += """
<td width="20%%">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="80%%">
<form method="get" action="%(adminurl)s/doctypeconfiguresubmissionpageelements">
<input type="hidden" name="doctype" value="%(doctype_id)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="%(action)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="pagenum" value="%(pagenum)s" />
<input name="addfield" class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="Add a Field" />
<form method="get" action="%(adminurl)s/doctypeconfiguresubmissionpages">
<input type="hidden" name="doctype" value="%(doctype_id)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="%(action)s" />
<input name="finishedviewfields" class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="Finished" />
</tr>""" % { 'adminurl' : WEBSUBMITADMINURL,
'doctype_id' : cgi.escape(doctype, 1),
'action' : cgi.escape(action, 1),
'pagenum' : cgi.escape(pagenum, 1)
body_content += """
output += self._create_websubmitadmin_main_menu_header()
output += self._create_adminbox(header="Submission Page Details:", datalist=[body_content])
return output
def tmpl_configuredoctype_edit_functionparameter_file(self, doctype, action, function, paramfilename,
paramfilecontent, paramname="", user_msg=""):
## begin template:
output = ""
body_content = ""
output += self._create_user_message_string(user_msg)
body_content += """
<table class="admin_wvar" width="95%%">
<td width="20%%">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="80%%">&nbsp;<form method="post" action="%(adminurl)s/doctypeconfiguresubmissionfunctionsparameters"></td>
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">Parameter Value:</span></td>
<td width="80%%"><textarea cols="115" rows="22" name="paramfilecontent">%(paramfilecontent)s</textarea></td>
<td colspan="2">
<input name="doctype" type="hidden" value="%(doctype)s" />
<input name="action" type="hidden" value="%(action)s" />
<input name="functionname" type="hidden" value="%(function)s" />
<input name="paramname" type="hidden" value="%(paramname)s" />
<input name="paramfilename" type="hidden" value="%(paramfilename)s" />
<input name="editfunctionparameterfilecommit" class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="Save Changes" />
<br />
<form method="post" action="%(adminurl)s/doctypeconfiguresubmissionfunctionsparameters">
<input name="doctype" type="hidden" value="%(doctype)s" />
<input name="action" type="hidden" value="%(action)s" />
<input name="functionname" type="hidden" value="%(function)s" />
<input name="editfunctionparameterfilecancel" class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="Cancel" />
</table>\n""" % { 'adminurl' : cgi.escape(WEBSUBMITADMINURL, 1),
'doctype' : cgi.escape(doctype, 1),
'action' : cgi.escape(action, 1),
'function' : cgi.escape(function, 1),
'paramname' : cgi.escape(paramname, 1),
'paramfilename' : cgi.escape(paramfilename, 1),
'paramfilecontent' : cgi.escape(paramfilecontent, 1)
output += self._create_websubmitadmin_main_menu_header()
output += self._create_adminbox(header="Edit the [%s] parameter file:" % (paramfilename,), datalist=[body_content])
return output
def tmpl_configuredoctype_edit_functionparameter_value(self,
## begin template:
output = ""
body_content = ""
output += self._create_user_message_string(user_msg)
body_content += """
<table class="admin_wvar" width="95%%">
<td width="20%%">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="80%%">&nbsp;<form method="get" action="%(adminurl)s/doctypeconfiguresubmissionfunctionsparameters"></td>
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">Parameter Value:</span></td>
<td width="80%%"><input type="text" size="35" name="paramval" value="%(paramval)s" /></td>
<td colspan="2">
<input name="doctype" type="hidden" value="%(doctype)s" />
<input name="action" type="hidden" value="%(action)s" />
<input name="functionname" type="hidden" value="%(function)s" />
<input name="paramname" type="hidden" value="%(paramname)s" />
<input name="editfunctionparametervaluecommit" class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="Save Changes" />
<br />
<form method="post" action="%(adminurl)s/doctypeconfiguresubmissionfunctionsparameters">
<input name="doctype" type="hidden" value="%(doctype)s" />
<input name="action" type="hidden" value="%(action)s" />
<input name="functionname" type="hidden" value="%(function)s" />
<input name="editfunctionparametervaluecancel" class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="Cancel" />
</table>\n""" % { 'adminurl' : cgi.escape(WEBSUBMITADMINURL, 1),
'doctype' : cgi.escape(doctype, 1),
'action' : cgi.escape(action, 1),
'function' : cgi.escape(function, 1),
'paramname' : cgi.escape(paramname, 1),
'paramval' : cgi.escape(paramval, 1)
output += self._create_websubmitadmin_main_menu_header()
output += self._create_adminbox(header="Edit the value of the %s Parameter:" % (paramname,), datalist=[body_content])
return output
def tmpl_configuredoctype_list_functionparameters(self,
"""Display the parameters and their values for a given function as applied to a given document type
linktoparamfile = 0
## sanity checking:
if type(params) not in (list, tuple):
params = ()
## make table of function parameters:
linktoparamfile = 1
t_header = ["Parameter Name", "Parameter Value", "Edit Parameter", "%s" \
% ((linktoparamfile == 1 and "Edit File") or ("&nbsp;"),)]
t_body = []
num_params = len(params)
for i in range(0, num_params):
thisparamname = params[i][0]
thisparamval = params[i][1]
## parameter name:
t_row = ["""&nbsp;&nbsp;%s""" % (cgi.escape(thisparamname, 1),)]
## parameter value:
t_row += ["""&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class="info">%s</span>""" % (cgi.escape(thisparamval, 1),)]
## button to edit parameter value:
t_row += ["""<form class="hyperlinkform" method="get" action="%(adminurl)s/doctypeconfiguresubmissionfunctionsparameters">"""\
"""<input class="hyperlinkformHiddenInput" name="doctype" value="%(doctype)s" type="hidden" />"""\
"""<input class="hyperlinkformHiddenInput" name="action" value="%(action)s" type="hidden" />"""\
"""<input class="hyperlinkformHiddenInput" name="functionname" value="%(function)s" type="hidden" />"""\
"""<input class="hyperlinkformHiddenInput" name="paramname" value="%(thisparamname)s" type="hidden" />"""\
"""<input type="submit" name="editfunctionparametervalue" value="edit value" class="hyperlinkformSubmitButton" />"""\
% { 'adminurl' : cgi.escape(WEBSUBMITADMINURL, 1),
'doctype' : cgi.escape(doctype, 1),
'action' : cgi.escape(action, 1),
'function' : cgi.escape(function, 1),
'thisparamname' : cgi.escape(thisparamname, 1)
} ]
## button to edit the value of a parameter's file:
editstr = """<form class="hyperlinkform" method="get" action="%(adminurl)s/doctypeconfiguresubmissionfunctionsparameters">"""\
"""<input class="hyperlinkformHiddenInput" name="doctype" value="%(doctype)s" type="hidden" />"""\
"""<input class="hyperlinkformHiddenInput" name="action" value="%(action)s" type="hidden" />"""\
"""<input class="hyperlinkformHiddenInput" name="functionname" value="%(function)s" type="hidden" />"""\
"""<input class="hyperlinkformHiddenInput" name="paramname" value="%(thisparamname)s" type="hidden" />"""\
"""<input type="submit" name="editfunctionparameterfile" value="edit file" class="hyperlinkformSubmitButton" />"""\
% { 'adminurl' : cgi.escape(WEBSUBMITADMINURL, 1),
'doctype' : cgi.escape(doctype, 1),
'action' : cgi.escape(action, 1),
'function' : cgi.escape(function, 1),
'thisparamname' : cgi.escape(thisparamname, 1)
t_row += ["%s" % ((linktoparamfile == 1 and editstr) or ("&nbsp;"),)]
## finally, append the newly created row to the tbody list:
## create display of page
output = ""
output += self._create_user_message_string(user_msg)
body_content = """
<table class="admin_wvar" width="100%%">
<br />
<br />
<form method="get" action="%(adminurl)s/doctypeconfiguresubmissionfunctions">
<input type="hidden" name="doctype" value="%(doctype)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="%(action)s" />
<input name="finishedviewfields" class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="Finished" />
</table>""" % { 'adminurl' : cgi.escape(WEBSUBMITADMINURL, 1),
'doctype' : cgi.escape(doctype, 1),
'action' : cgi.escape(action, 1),
'paramstable' : create_html_table_from_tuple(tableheader=t_header, tablebody=t_body)
output += self._create_websubmitadmin_main_menu_header()
output += self._create_adminbox(header="""Parameters of the %(function)s Function, belonging to the %(doctype)s Document Type:"""\
% { 'function' : cgi.escape(function, 1), 'doctype' : cgi.escape(doctype, 1) },
return output
def tmpl_configuredoctype_list_submissionpages(self,
## sanity checking:
number_pages = int(number_pages)
except ValueError:
number_pages = 0
deletepagenum = str(deletepagenum)
output = ""
body_content = ""
output += self._create_user_message_string(user_msg)
body_content += """
<table width="90%%">
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">Document Type ID:</span></td>
<td width="80%%"><span class="info">%(doctype_id)s</span></td>
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">Submission ID:</span></td>
<td width="80%%"><span class="info">%(action)s</span></td>
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">Number of Pages:</span></td>
<td width="80%%"><span class="info">%(num_pages)s</span></td>
</tr>""" % { 'doctype_id' : cgi.escape(doctype, 1),
'action' : cgi.escape(action, 1),
'num_pages' : cgi.escape(str(number_pages), 1)
if cd not in ("", None):
body_content += """
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">Creation Date:</span></td>
<td width="80%%"><span class="info">%s</span></td>
</tr>""" % (cgi.escape(str(cd), 1),)
if md not in ("", None):
body_content += """
<td width="20%%"><span class="adminlabel">Last Modification Date:</span></td>
<td width="80%%"><span class="info">%s</span></td>
</tr>""" % (cgi.escape(str(md), 1), )
## EITHER: Make a table of links to each page -OR-
## prompt for confirmation of deletion of a page:
if deletepagenum == "":
## This is a normal visit to display details of a submission's pages
## make a table of links to each page:
t_header = ["Page", "&nbsp;", "&nbsp;", "View Page", "Delete"]
t_body = []
for i in range(1, number_pages + 1):
t_row = ["""Page %d""" % (i,)]
## up arrow:
if i != 1:
t_row += ["""<a href="%(adminurl)s/doctypeconfiguresubmissionpages?doctype=%(doctype)s&action=%(action)s&"""\
"""<img border="0" src="%(siteurl)s/img/smallup.gif" title="Move Page Up" /></a>""" \
% { 'adminurl' : cgi.escape(WEBSUBMITADMINURL, 1),
'siteurl' : cgi.escape(CFG_SITE_URL, 1),
'doctype' : cgi.escape(doctype, 1),
'action' : cgi.escape(action, 1),
'pagenum' : cgi.escape(str(i), 1)
## this is the first function - don't provide an arrow to move it up
t_row += ["&nbsp;"]
## down arrow:
if number_pages > 1 and i < number_pages:
t_row += ["""<a href="%(adminurl)s/doctypeconfiguresubmissionpages?doctype=%(doctype)s&action=%(action)s&"""\
"""<img border="0" src="%(siteurl)s/img/smalldown.gif" title="Move Page Down" /></a>""" \
% { 'adminurl' : cgi.escape(WEBSUBMITADMINURL, 1),
'siteurl' : cgi.escape(CFG_SITE_URL, 1),
'doctype' : cgi.escape(doctype, 1),
'action' : cgi.escape(action, 1),
'pagenum' : cgi.escape(str(i), 1)
t_row += ["&nbsp;"]
## "view page" link:
t_row += ["""<small><a href="%(adminurl)s/doctypeconfiguresubmissionpageelements?doctype=%(doctype)s&action=%(action)s&"""\
"""pagenum=%(pagenum)s">view page</a></small>""" \
% { 'adminurl' : cgi.escape(WEBSUBMITADMINURL, 1),
'doctype' : cgi.escape(doctype, 1),
'action' : cgi.escape(action, 1),
'pagenum' : cgi.escape(str(i), 1)
## "delete page" link:
t_row += ["""<small><a href="%(adminurl)s/doctypeconfiguresubmissionpages?doctype=%(doctype)s&action=%(action)s&"""\
"""pagenum=%(pagenum)s&deletepage=true">delete page</a></small>""" \
% { 'adminurl' : cgi.escape(WEBSUBMITADMINURL, 1),
'doctype' : cgi.escape(doctype, 1),
'action' : cgi.escape(action, 1),
'pagenum' : cgi.escape(str(i), 1)
## finally, append the newly created row to the tbody list:
## now create the table and include it into the page body:
body_content += """
<td colspan="2"><br />"""
body_content += create_html_table_from_tuple(tableheader=t_header, tablebody=t_body)
body_content += """
<br />
body_content += """
<td width="20%%">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="80%%">
<form method="get" action="%(adminurl)s/doctypeconfiguresubmissionpages">
<input type="hidden" name="doctype" value="%(doctype_id)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="%(action)s" />
<input name="addpage" class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="Add a Page" />
<form method="get" action="%(adminurl)s/doctypeconfigure">
<input type="hidden" name="doctype" value="%(doctype_id)s" />
<input name="finishedviewpages" class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="Finished" />
</tr>""" % { 'adminurl' : WEBSUBMITADMINURL,
'doctype_id' : cgi.escape(doctype, 1),
'action' : cgi.escape(action, 1)
## user has requested the deletion of a page from the current submission, and this visit should
## simply prompt them for confirmation:
body_content += """
<td width="20%%">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="80%%"><br /><span class="info">REALLY delete page %(pagenum)s and all of its associated interface elements from """\
"""this submission? You CANNOT undo this!</span></td>
<td width="20%%">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="80%%">
<form method="get" action="%(adminurl)s/doctypeconfiguresubmissionpages">
<input type="hidden" name="doctype" value="%(doctype_id)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="%(action)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="deletepage" value="true" />
<input type="hidden" name="pagenum" value="%(pagenum)s" />
<input name="deletepageconfirm" class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="Confirm" />
<form method="get" action="%(adminurl)s/doctypeconfiguresubmissionpages">
<input type="hidden" name="doctype" value="%(doctype_id)s" />
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="%(action)s" />
<input name="cancelpagedelete" class="adminbutton" type="submit" value="No! Stop!" />
</tr>""" % { 'adminurl' : WEBSUBMITADMINURL,
'doctype_id' : cgi.escape(doctype, 1),
'action' : cgi.escape(action, 1),
'pagenum' : cgi.escape(deletepagenum, 1)
body_content += """
output += self._create_websubmitadmin_main_menu_header()
output += self._create_adminbox(header="Submission Page Details:", datalist=[body_content])
return output

Event Timeline