#! /usr/bin/python ################################################################ from __future__ import print_function ################################################################ import re as myre import PythonLatex.latex_structure as tex import types import sympy as sym import hashlib import dill ################################################################ from sympy.printing.latex import LatexPrinter from sympy import latex from sympy.core.function import Derivative ################################################################ class CustomStrPrinter(LatexPrinter): def nbIdenticalDx(self, expr): first_dx = expr.args[1:][0] count = 0 for dx in expr.args[1:]: if dx == first_dx: count += 1 if count == len(expr.args[1:]): return count, first_dx return 0, None def _print_Derivative(self, expr): # print expr # print LatexPrinter._print_Derivative(self,expr) count, dx = self.nbIdenticalDx(expr) f = expr.args[0] if len(f.args) == 0: return LatexPrinter._print_Derivative(self, expr) dxf = f.args[0] f_nargs = len(f.args) # case where ' applies if f_nargs == 1 and dx == dxf: return (latex(expr.args[0].func) + "'" * len(expr.args[1:]) + "(" + latex(dxf) + ")") return LatexPrinter._print_Derivative(self, expr) def _print_Subs(self, expr): if not isinstance(expr.args[0], Derivative): return LatexPrinter._print_Subs(self, expr) # print expr deriv = expr.args[0] _dxs = deriv.args[1:] # print _dxs p1 = expr.args[1] p2 = expr.args[2] # print len(_dxs) _subst = {} _subst2 = {} for i in range(0, len(p1)): _subst[p1[i]] = p2[i] if hasattr(p2[i], 'args'): _p2 = type(p2[i]) _subst2[p1[i]] = _p2 _dxs = [e.subs(_subst2) for e in _dxs] new_f = deriv.args[0].subs(_subst) # print 'CCCCCCCCC' # print new_f # print _dxs # print _subst tmp = Derivative(new_f, *_dxs) # print tmp return latex(tmp) # return LatexPrinter._print_Subs(self,expr) ################################################################ class PyCode(object): """ """ def checkLine(self, line): m = myre.match(r"\\end{python}", line) if m: return Block() return Block.checkLine(self, line) def checkValidity(self): for c in self.content: if isinstance(c, types.InstanceType): raise Exception("python block cannot have subblocks") def __str__(self): return "" def generateHashSource(self): txt_content = self.content.encode() self.hash_source = hashlib.sha1(txt_content).hexdigest() gl = globals() self.global_keys_before = gl.keys() self.local_keys_before = self.__dict__.keys() def needReexecute(self): if self.alias == 'header': return True if 'loaded_hash_source' in self.__dict__: return not self.loaded_hash_source == self.hash_source return True def saveBlockOutputInfo(self): if self.alias == 'header': return global_keys = globals().keys() global_keys_to_save = set(global_keys) - set(self.global_keys_before) global_keys_to_save = list(global_keys_to_save) global_entries_to_save = dict( [(e, globals()[e]) for e in global_keys_to_save]) local_keys = self.__dict__.keys() local_keys_to_save = set(local_keys) - set(self.local_keys_before) local_keys_to_save = list(local_keys_to_save) local_entries_to_save = dict( [(e, self.__dict__[e]) for e in local_keys_to_save]) try: for k in global_entries_to_save: try: print('try to save ', k, ' ', latex(global_entries_to_save[k])) global_entries_to_save[k] = dill.dumps( global_entries_to_save[k]) print('saved ', k) except Exception as e: print(e) self.global_block_result = dill.dumps( global_entries_to_save) self.local_block_result = dill.dumps(local_entries_to_save) self.global_hash_result = hashlib.sha1( self.global_block_result).hexdigest() self.local_hash_result = hashlib.sha1( self.local_block_result).hexdigest() except Exception as e: print("cannot save block: {0}\n{1}".format(self.alias, e)) self.global_block_result = None self.global_hash_result = None self.local_block_result = None self.local_hash_result = None self.hash_source = None filename = self.alias + '.pytex.out' f = open(filename, 'w') # print "save symbols {0}: hash_source {1}".format( # self.alias,self.hash_source) raw_save = [self.hash_source, self.global_hash_result, self.global_block_result, self.local_hash_result, self.local_block_result] dill.dump(raw_save, f) f.close() def loadBlockOutputInfo(self): return if self.alias == 'header': return filename = self.alias + '.pytex.out' try: f = open(filename, 'r') self.loaded_hash_source, self.global_hash_result, self.global_block_result, self.local_hash_result, self.local_block_result = dill.load(f) # print "loaded symbols" # print "AAAAAAAAAAA " + str(self.loaded_hash_source) globals().update(dill.loads(self.global_block_result)) self.__dict__.update(dill.loads(self.local_block_result)) # print pickle.loads(self.global_block_result).keys() # print self.__dict__.keys() f.close() print('loaded {0}'.format(filename)) except Exception: # print "Could not load block " + self.alias # print e pass def evalBlock(self): txt_content = self.content self.generateHashSource() self.loadBlockOutputInfo() need_reexecute = self.needReexecute() if need_reexecute or reexec: print("execute block: {0}".format(self.alias)) gl = globals() gl.update({'self': self}) try: exec(txt_content, gl) except Exception as e: mesg = """For block '{0}' there was an execution problem {1} Block was: ************ {2} """.format(self.alias, e, txt_content) if (not continue_flag): raise Exception(mesg) else: print(mesg) del gl['self'] self.saveBlockOutputInfo() def getContent(self, varname): try: c = self.__dict__[varname] except Exception as ex: print(ex) raise Exception("cannot retreive variable " + varname + " from block " + self.alias) if (myre.search('sympy', str(type(c)))): c = sym.latex(c) return c def __init__(self, name, alias, content): self.name = name self.alias = alias self.content = content if not self.name == 'python': raise Exception( 'cannot create a PyCode block from block type ' + self.name) if self.alias is None: raise Exception("not valid python block") self.block_eval = None ################################################################ def evaluatePythonBlock(b): if isinstance(b, tex.LatexEnvironment) and b.name == 'python': b.hide = True b = PyCode(b.name, b.option, str(b.toks[1])) globals()[b.alias] = b b.evalBlock() def replaceAliases(b, text): if isinstance(b, tex.LatexEnvironment) and b.name == 'python': return text if type(text) == str: # print text regex = r'\\py{(.*?)}' m = myre.findall(regex, text) if not m: return text # print text for expression in m: # print('replaceAliasses: ', expression) try: d = dict() exec("ans = " + expression, globals(), d) except Exception as e: print("Block " + str(b.name) + " Cannot parse expression '" + str(expression) + "'\n" + str(e)) ans = d['ans'] rep = '\\py{' + expression + '}' try: ans_str = str(latex(ans)) except Exception as e: print("AAAAAAAA " + str(e)) return text # print "ans is now " + str(ans) globals().update({'ans': ans}) # print "replace " + rep + " with " + cont text = text.replace(rep, ans_str, 1) return text ################################################################ def collectScript(b, text): if isinstance(b, tex.LatexEnvironment) and b.name == 'python': # print('AAAA ', b) globals()['total_python_script'] += "{0} = CodeEval()\n".format( b.option) globals()['total_python_script'] += text.replace( 'self', b.option) return text if type(text) == str: # print text regex = r'\\py{(.*?)}' m = myre.findall(regex, text) if not m: return text # print m for expression in m: globals()['total_python_script'] += ( "print('printing expression: {0}')\n".format( str(expression).replace("'", "\\'"))) globals()['total_python_script'] += ( "ans = " + expression + "\n") globals()['total_python_script'] += ( "print(str(latex(ans)) + '\\n\\n'\n)") return text ################################################################ continue_flag = False reexec = True def interpretPython(filename, c_flag, reexec_flag): continue_flag = c_flag reexec = reexec_flag tex_struct = tex.LatexStructure() # tex_struct.buildLatexBlocks(filename) tex_struct.parseLatexFile(filename) total_python_script = """ from PythonLatex.generate_latex import * class CodeEval: pass """ globals().update({'total_python_script': total_python_script}) globals().update({'reexec': reexec}) globals().update({'continue_flag': continue_flag}) tex_struct.pathInBlock(text_functor=collectScript) tex_struct.pathInBlock(begin_functor=evaluatePythonBlock, text_functor=replaceAliases) total_python_script = globals()['total_python_script'] # pyblocks = tex_struct.getBlocksFromType("python") # # for b in pyblocks: # total_python_script += b.content[0] tmp_file = open('python_script.py', 'w') tmp_file.write(total_python_script) tmp_file.close() return str(tex_struct)