<a href="../hadoop-mapreduce-client/hadoop-mapreduce-client-core/MapReduce_Compatibility_Hadoop1_Hadoop2.html">Compatibilty between Hadoop 1.x and Hadoop 2.x</a>
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<h3>Accessing a Hadoop Auth protected URL Using a browser<a name="Accessing_a_Hadoop_Auth_protected_URL_Using_a_browser"></a></h3>
<p><b>IMPORTANT:</b> The browser must support HTTP Kerberos SPNEGO. For example, Firefox or Internet Explorer.</p>
<p>For Firefox access the low level configuration page by loading the <tt>about:config</tt> page. Then go to the <tt>network.negotiate-auth.trusted-uris</tt> preference and add the hostname or the domain of the web server that is HTTP Kerberos SPNEGO protected (if using multiple domains and hostname use comma to separate them).</p></div>
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<h3>Accessing a Hadoop Auth protected URL Using <tt>curl</tt><a name="Accessing_a_Hadoop_Auth_protected_URL_Using_curl"></a></h3>
<p><b>IMPORTANT:</b> The <tt>curl</tt> version must support GSS, run <tt>curl -V</tt>.</p>
<p>Edit the <tt>hadoop-auth-examples/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml</tt> and set the right configuration init parameters for the <tt>AuthenticationFilter</tt> definition configured for Kerberos (the right Kerberos principal and keytab file must be specified). Refer to the <a href="./Configuration.html">Configuration document</a> for details.</p>
<p>Create the web application WAR file by running the <tt>mvn package</tt> command.</p>
<p>Deploy the WAR file in a servlet container. For example, if using Tomcat, copy the WAR file to Tomcat's <tt>webapps/</tt> directory.</p>
<p>Start the servlet container.</p></div>
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<h4>Accessing the server using <tt>curl</tt><a name="Accessing_the_server_using_curl"></a></h4>
<p>Try accessing protected resources using <tt>curl</tt>. The protected resources are:</p>