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<h2>Hadoop Auth, Java HTTP SPNEGO 2.3.0 - Server Side Configuration<a name="Hadoop_Auth_Java_HTTP_SPNEGO_2.3.0_-_Server_Side_Configuration"></a></h2>
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<h3>Server Side Configuration Setup<a name="Server_Side_Configuration_Setup"></a></h3>
<p>The AuthenticationFilter filter is Hadoop Auth's server side component.</p>
<p>This filter must be configured in front of all the web application resources that required authenticated requests. For example:</p>
<p>The Hadoop Auth and dependent JAR files must be in the web application classpath (commonly the <tt>WEB-INF/lib</tt> directory).</p>
<p>Hadoop Auth uses SLF4J-API for logging. Auth Maven POM dependencies define the SLF4J API dependency but it does not define the dependency on a concrete logging implementation, this must be addded explicitly to the web application. For example, if the web applicationan uses Log4j, the SLF4J-LOG4J12 and LOG4J jar files must be part part of the web application classpath as well as the Log4j configuration file.</p>
<li><tt>config.prefix</tt>: If specified, all other configuration parameter names must start with the prefix. The default value is no prefix.</li>
<li><tt>[PREFIX.]type</tt>: the authentication type keyword (<tt>simple</tt> or <tt>kerberos</tt>) or a Authentication handler implementation.</li>
<li><tt>[PREFIX.]signature.secret</tt>: The secret to SHA-sign the generated authentication tokens. If a secret is not provided a random secret is generated at start up time. If using multiple web application instances behind a load-balancer a secret must be set for the application to work properly.</li>
<li><tt>[PREFIX.]token.validity</tt>: The validity -in seconds- of the generated authentication token. The default value is <tt>3600</tt> seconds.</li>
<li><tt>[PREFIX.]cookie.domain</tt>: domain to use for the HTTP cookie that stores the authentication token.</li>
<li><tt>[PREFIX.]cookie.path</tt>: path to use for the HTTP cookie that stores the authentication token.</li></ul></div>
<p><b>IMPORTANT</b>: A KDC must be configured and running.</p>
<p>To use Kerberos SPNEGO as the authentication mechanism, the authentication filter must be configured with the following init parameters:</p>
<li><tt>[PREFIX.]type</tt>: the keyword <tt>kerberos</tt>.</li>
<li><tt>[PREFIX.]kerberos.principal</tt>: The web-application Kerberos principal name. The Kerberos principal name must start with <tt>HTTP/...</tt>. For example: <tt>HTTP/localhost@LOCALHOST</tt>. There is no default value.</li>
<li><tt>[PREFIX.]kerberos.keytab</tt>: The path to the keytab file containing the credentials for the kerberos principal. For example: <tt>/Users/tucu/tucu.keytab</tt>. There is no default value.</li></ul>
<p>To use Pseudo/Simple as the authentication mechanism (trusting the value of the query string parameter 'user.name'), the authentication filter must be configured with the following init parameters:</p>
<li><tt>[PREFIX.]type</tt>: the keyword <tt>simple</tt>.</li>
<li><tt>[PREFIX.]simple.anonymous.allowed</tt>: is a boolean parameter that indicates if anonymous requests are allowed or not. The default value is <tt>false</tt>.</li></ul>
<p><b>IMPORTANT</b>: A KDC must be configured and running.</p>
<p>The AltKerberos authentication mechanism is a partially implemented derivative of the Kerberos SPNEGO authentication mechanism which allows a "mixed" form of authentication where Kerberos SPNEGO is used by non-browsers while an alternate form of authentication (to be implemented by the user) is used for browsers. To use AltKerberos as the authentication mechanism (besides providing an implementation), the authentication filter must be configured with the following init parameters, in addition to the previously mentioned Kerberos SPNEGO ones:</p>
<li><tt>[PREFIX.]type</tt>: the full class name of the implementation of AltKerberosAuthenticationHandler to use.</li>
<li><tt>[PREFIX.]alt-kerberos.non-browser.user-agents</tt>: a comma-separated list of which user-agents should be considered non-browsers.</li></ul>