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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Author: Theo Lemaire
# @Date: 2017-07-31 15:20:54
# @Email:
# @Last Modified by: Theo Lemaire
# @Last Modified time: 2018-03-13 15:04:00
''' Channels mechanisms for leech ganglion neurons. '''
import logging
from functools import partialmethod
import numpy as np
from .base import BaseMech
# Get package logger
logger = logging.getLogger('PointNICE')
class LeechTouch(BaseMech):
''' Class defining the membrane channel dynamics of a leech touch sensory neuron.
with 4 different current types:
- Inward Sodium current
- Outward Potassium current
- Inward Calcium current
- Non-specific leakage current
- Calcium-dependent, outward Potassium current
- Outward, Sodium pumping current
*Cataldo, E., Brunelli, M., Byrne, J.H., Av-Ron, E., Cai, Y., and Baxter, D.A. (2005).
Computational model of touch sensory cells (T Cells) of the leech: role of the
afterhyperpolarization (AHP) in activity-dependent conduction failure.
J Comput Neurosci 18, 5–24.*
# Name of channel mechanism
name = 'LeechT'
# Cell-specific biophysical parameters
Cm0 = 1e-2 # Cell membrane resting capacitance (F/m2)
Vm0 = -53.58 # Cell membrane resting potential (mV)
VNa = 45.0 # Sodium Nernst potential (mV)
VK = -62.0 # Potassium Nernst potential (mV)
VCa = 60.0 # Calcium Nernst potential (mV)
VL = -48.0 # Non-specific leakage Nernst potential (mV)
VPumpNa = -300.0 # Sodium pump current reversal potential (mV)
GNaMax = 3500.0 # Max. conductance of Sodium current (S/m^2)
GKMax = 900.0 # Max. conductance of Potassium current (S/m^2)
GCaMax = 20.0 # Max. conductance of Calcium current (S/m^2)
GKCaMax = 236.0 # Max. conductance of Calcium-dependent Potassium current (S/m^2)
GL = 1.0 # Conductance of non-specific leakage current (S/m^2)
GPumpNa = 20.0 # Max. conductance of Sodium pump current (S/m^2)
taum = 0.1e-3 # Sodium activation time constant (s)
taus = 0.6e-3 # Calcium activation time constant (s)
# Original conversion constants from inward ion current (nA) to build-up of
# intracellular ion concentration (arb.)
K_Na_original = 0.016 # iNa to intracellular [Na+]
K_Ca_original = 0.1 # iCa to intracellular [Ca2+]
# Constants needed to convert K from original model (soma compartment)
# to current model (point-neuron)
surface = 6434.0e-12 # surface of cell assumed as a single soma (m2)
curr_factor = 1e6 # mA to nA
# Time constants for the removal of ions from intracellular pools (s)
tau_Na_removal = 16.0 # Na+ removal
tau_Ca_removal = 1.25 # Ca2+ removal
# Time constants for the iPumpNa and iKCa currents activation
# from specific intracellular ions (s)
tau_PumpNa_act = 0.1 # iPumpNa activation from intracellular Na+
tau_KCa_act = 0.01 # iKCa activation from intracellular Ca2+
# Default plotting scheme
pltvars_scheme = {
'i_{Na}\ kin.': ['m', 'h', 'm3h'],
'i_K\ kin.': ['n'],
'i_{Ca}\ kin.': ['s'],
'pools': ['C_Na_arb', 'C_Na_arb_activation', 'C_Ca_arb', 'C_Ca_arb_activation'],
'I': ['iNa', 'iK', 'iCa', 'iKCa', 'iPumpNa', 'iL', 'iNet']
def __init__(self):
''' Constructor of the class. '''
# Names and initial states of the channels state probabilities
self.states_names = ['m', 'h', 'n', 's', 'C_Na', 'A_Na', 'C_Ca', 'A_Ca']
self.states0 = np.array([])
# Names of the channels effective coefficients
self.coeff_names = ['alpham', 'betam', 'alphah', 'betah', 'alphan', 'betan',
'alphas', 'betas']
self.K_Na = self.K_Na_original * self.surface * self.curr_factor
self.K_Ca = self.K_Ca_original * self.surface * self.curr_factor
# Define initial channel probabilities (solving dx/dt = 0 at resting potential)
self.states0 = self.steadyStates(self.Vm0)
# Charge interval bounds for lookup creation
self.Qbounds = (np.round(self.Vm0 - 10.0) * 1e-5, 50.0e-5)
# ----------------- Generic -----------------
def _xinf(self, Vm, halfmax, slope, power):
''' Generic function computing the steady-state activation/inactivation of a
particular ion channel at a given voltage.
:param Vm: membrane potential (mV)
:param halfmax: half-(in)activation voltage (mV)
:param slope: slope parameter of (in)activation function (mV)
:param power: power exponent multiplying the exponential expression (integer)
:return: steady-state (in)activation (-)
return 1 / (1 + np.exp((Vm - halfmax) / slope))**power
def _taux(self, Vm, halfmax, slope, tauMax, tauMin):
''' Generic function computing the voltage-dependent, activation/inactivation time constant
of a particular ion channel at a given voltage.
:param Vm: membrane potential (mV)
:param halfmax: voltage at which (in)activation time constant is half-maximal (mV)
:param slope: slope parameter of (in)activation time constant function (mV)
:return: steady-state (in)activation (-)
return (tauMax - tauMin) / (1 + np.exp((Vm - halfmax) / slope)) + tauMin
def _derC_ion(self, Cion, Iion, Kion, tau):
''' Generic function computing the time derivative of the concentration
of a specific ion in its intracellular pool.
:param Cion: ion concentration in the pool (arbitrary unit)
:param Iion: ionic current (mA/m2)
:param Kion: scaling factor for current contribution to pool (arb. unit / nA???)
:param tau: time constant for removal of ions from the pool (s)
:return: variation of ionic concentration in the pool (arbitrary unit /s)
return (Kion * (-Iion) - Cion) / tau
def _derA_ion(self, Aion, Cion, tau):
''' Generic function computing the time derivative of the concentration and time
dependent activation function, for a specific pool-dependent ionic current.
:param Aion: concentration and time dependent activation function (arbitrary unit)
:param Cion: ion concentration in the pool (arbitrary unit)
:param tau: time constant for activation function variation (s)
:return: variation of activation function (arbitrary unit / s)
return (Cion - Aion) / tau
# ------------------ Na -------------------
minf = partialmethod(_xinf, halfmax=-35.0, slope=-5.0, power=1)
hinf = partialmethod(_xinf, halfmax=-50.0, slope=9.0, power=2)
tauh = partialmethod(_taux, halfmax=-36.0, slope=3.5, tauMax=14.0e-3, tauMin=0.2e-3)
def derM(self, Vm, m):
''' Instantaneous derivative of Sodium activation. '''
return (self.minf(Vm) - m) / self.taum # s-1
def derH(self, Vm, h):
''' Instantaneous derivative of Sodium inactivation. '''
return (self.hinf(Vm) - h) / self.tauh(Vm) # s-1
# ------------------ K -------------------
ninf = partialmethod(_xinf, halfmax=-22.0, slope=-9.0, power=1)
taun = partialmethod(_taux, halfmax=-10.0, slope=10.0, tauMax=6.0e-3, tauMin=1.0e-3)
def derN(self, Vm, n):
''' Instantaneous derivative of Potassium activation. '''
return (self.ninf(Vm) - n) / self.taun(Vm) # s-1
# ------------------ Ca -------------------
sinf = partialmethod(_xinf, halfmax=-10.0, slope=-2.8, power=1)
def derS(self, Vm, s):
''' Instantaneous derivative of Calcium activation. '''
return (self.sinf(Vm) - s) / self.taus # s-1
# ------------------ Pools -------------------
def derC_Na(self, C_Na, I_Na):
''' Derivative of Sodium concentration in intracellular pool. '''
return self._derC_ion(C_Na, I_Na, self.K_Na, self.tau_Na_removal)
def derA_Na(self, A_Na, C_Na):
''' Derivative of Sodium pool-dependent activation function for iPumpNa. '''
return self._derA_ion(A_Na, C_Na, self.tau_PumpNa_act)
def derC_Ca(self, C_Ca, I_Ca):
''' Derivative of Calcium concentration in intracellular pool. '''
return self._derC_ion(C_Ca, I_Ca, self.K_Ca, self.tau_Ca_removal)
def derA_Ca(self, A_Ca, C_Ca):
''' Derivative of Calcium pool-dependent activation function for iKCa. '''
return self._derA_ion(A_Ca, C_Ca, self.tau_KCa_act)
# ------------------ Currents -------------------
def currNa(self, m, h, Vm):
''' Sodium inward current. '''
return self.GNaMax * m**3 * h * (Vm - self.VNa)
def currK(self, n, Vm):
''' Potassium outward current. '''
return self.GKMax * n**2 * (Vm - self.VK)
def currCa(self, s, Vm):
''' Calcium inward current. '''
return self.GCaMax * s * (Vm - self.VCa)
def currKCa(self, A_Ca, Vm):
''' Calcium-activated Potassium outward current. '''
return self.GKCaMax * A_Ca * (Vm - self.VK)
def currPumpNa(self, A_Na, Vm):
''' Outward current mimicking the activity of the NaK-ATPase pump. '''
return self.GPumpNa * A_Na * (Vm - self.VPumpNa)
def currL(self, Vm):
''' Leakage current. '''
return self.GL * (Vm - self.VL)
def currNet(self, Vm, states):
''' Concrete implementation of the abstract API method. '''
m, h, n, s, _, A_Na, _, A_Ca = states
return (self.currNa(m, h, Vm) + self.currK(n, Vm) + self.currCa(s, Vm) +
self.currL(Vm) + self.currPumpNa(A_Na, Vm) + self.currKCa(A_Ca, Vm)) # mA/m2
def steadyStates(self, Vm):
''' Concrete implementation of the abstract API method. '''
# Standard gating dynamics: Solve the equation dx/dt = 0 at Vm for each x-state
meq = self.minf(Vm)
heq = self.hinf(Vm)
neq = self.ninf(Vm)
seq = self.sinf(Vm)
# PumpNa pool concentration and activation steady-state
INa_eq = self.currNa(meq, heq, Vm)
CNa_eq = self.K_Na * (-INa_eq)
ANa_eq = CNa_eq
# KCa current pool concentration and activation steady-state
ICa_eq = self.currCa(seq, Vm)
CCa_eq = self.K_Ca * (-ICa_eq)
ACa_eq = CCa_eq
return np.array([meq, heq, neq, seq, CNa_eq, ANa_eq, CCa_eq, ACa_eq])
def derStates(self, Vm, states):
''' Concrete implementation of the abstract API method. '''
# Unpack states
m, h, n, s, C_Na, A_Na, C_Ca, A_Ca = states
# Standard gating states derivatives
dmdt = self.derM(Vm, m)
dhdt = self.derH(Vm, h)
dndt = self.derN(Vm, n)
dsdt = self.derS(Vm, s)
# PumpNa current pool concentration and activation state
I_Na = self.currNa(m, h, Vm)
dCNa_dt = self.derC_Na(C_Na, I_Na)
dANa_dt = self.derA_Na(A_Na, C_Na)
# KCa current pool concentration and activation state
I_Ca = self.currCa(s, Vm)
dCCa_dt = self.derC_Ca(C_Ca, I_Ca)
dACa_dt = self.derA_Ca(A_Ca, C_Ca)
# Pack derivatives and return
return [dmdt, dhdt, dndt, dsdt, dCNa_dt, dANa_dt, dCCa_dt, dACa_dt]
def getEffRates(self, Vm):
''' Concrete implementation of the abstract API method. '''
# Compute average cycle value for rate constants
Tm = self.taum
minf = self.minf(Vm)
am_avg = np.mean(minf / Tm)
bm_avg = np.mean(1 / Tm) - am_avg
Th = self.tauh(Vm)
hinf = self.hinf(Vm)
ah_avg = np.mean(hinf / Th)
bh_avg = np.mean(1 / Th) - ah_avg
Tn = self.taun(Vm)
ninf = self.ninf(Vm)
an_avg = np.mean(ninf / Tn)
bn_avg = np.mean(1 / Tn) - an_avg
Ts = self.taus
sinf = self.sinf(Vm)
as_avg = np.mean(sinf / Ts)
bs_avg = np.mean(1 / Ts) - as_avg
# Return array of coefficients
return np.array([am_avg, bm_avg, ah_avg, bh_avg, an_avg, bn_avg, as_avg, bs_avg])
def derStatesEff(self, Qm, states, interp_data):
''' Concrete implementation of the abstract API method. '''
rates = np.array([np.interp(Qm, interp_data['Q'], interp_data[rn])
for rn in self.coeff_names])
Vmeff = np.interp(Qm, interp_data['Q'], interp_data['V'])
# Unpack states
m, h, n, s, C_Na, A_Na, C_Ca, A_Ca = states
# Standard gating states derivatives
dmdt = rates[0] * (1 - m) - rates[1] * m
dhdt = rates[2] * (1 - h) - rates[3] * h
dndt = rates[4] * (1 - n) - rates[5] * n
dsdt = rates[6] * (1 - s) - rates[7] * s
# PumpNa current pool concentration and activation state
I_Na = self.currNa(m, h, Vmeff)
dCNa_dt = self.derC_Na(C_Na, I_Na)
dANa_dt = self.derA_Na(A_Na, C_Na)
# KCa current pool concentration and activation state
I_Ca_eff = self.currCa(s, Vmeff)
dCCa_dt = self.derC_Ca(C_Ca, I_Ca_eff)
dACa_dt = self.derA_Ca(A_Ca, C_Ca)
# Pack derivatives and return
return [dmdt, dhdt, dndt, dsdt, dCNa_dt, dANa_dt, dCCa_dt, dACa_dt]
class LeechMech(BaseMech):
''' Class defining the basic dynamics of Sodium, Potassium and Calcium channels for several
neurons of the leech.
*Baccus, S.A. (1998). Synaptic facilitation by reflected action potentials: enhancement
of transmission when nerve impulses reverse direction at axon branch points. Proc. Natl.
Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 95, 8345–8350.*
alphaC_sf = 1e-5 # Calcium activation rate constant scaling factor (M)
betaC = 0.1e3 # beta rate for the open-probability of Ca2+-dependent Potassium channels (s-1)
T = 293.15 # Room temperature (K)
Rg = 8.314 # Universal gas constant (J.mol^-1.K^-1)
Faraday = 9.6485e4 # Faraday constant (C/mol)
def alpham(self, Vm):
''' Compute the alpha rate for the open-probability of Sodium channels.
:param Vm: membrane potential (mV)
:return: rate constant (s-1)
alpha = -0.03 * (Vm + 28) / (np.exp(- (Vm + 28) / 15) - 1) # ms-1
return alpha * 1e3 # s-1
def betam(self, Vm):
''' Compute the beta rate for the open-probability of Sodium channels.
:param Vm: membrane potential (mV)
:return: rate constant (s-1)
beta = 2.7 * np.exp(-(Vm + 53) / 18) # ms-1
return beta * 1e3 # s-1
def alphah(self, Vm):
''' Compute the alpha rate for the inactivation-probability of Sodium channels.
:param Vm: membrane potential (mV)
:return: rate constant (s-1)
alpha = 0.045 * np.exp(-(Vm + 58) / 18) # ms-1
return alpha * 1e3 # s-1
def betah(self, Vm):
''' Compute the beta rate for the inactivation-probability of Sodium channels.
:param Vm: membrane potential (mV)
:return: rate constant (s-1)
.. warning:: the original paper contains an error (multiplication) in the
expression of this rate constant, corrected in the mod file on ModelDB (division).
beta = 0.72 / (np.exp(-(Vm + 23) / 14) + 1) # ms-1
return beta * 1e3 # s-1
def alphan(self, Vm):
''' Compute the alpha rate for the open-probability of delayed-rectifier Potassium channels.
:param Vm: membrane potential (mV)
:return: rate constant (s-1)
alpha = -0.024 * (Vm - 17) / (np.exp(-(Vm - 17) / 8) - 1) # ms-1
return alpha * 1e3 # s-1
def betan(self, Vm):
''' Compute the beta rate for the open-probability of delayed-rectifier Potassium channels.
:param Vm: membrane potential (mV)
:return: rate constant (s-1)
beta = 0.2 * np.exp(-(Vm + 48) / 35) # ms-1
return beta * 1e3 # s-1
def alphas(self, Vm):
''' Compute the alpha rate for the open-probability of Calcium channels.
:param Vm: membrane potential (mV)
:return: rate constant (s-1)
alpha = -1.5 * (Vm - 20) / (np.exp(-(Vm - 20) / 5) - 1) # ms-1
return alpha * 1e3 # s-1
def betas(self, Vm):
''' Compute the beta rate for the open-probability of Calcium channels.
:param Vm: membrane potential (mV)
:return: rate constant (s-1)
beta = 1.5 * np.exp(-(Vm + 25) / 10) # ms-1
return beta * 1e3 # s-1
def alphaC(self, C_Ca_in):
''' Compute the alpha rate for the open-probability of Calcium-dependent Potassium channels.
:param C_Ca_in: intracellular Calcium concentration (M)
:return: rate constant (s-1)
alpha = 0.1 * C_Ca_in / self.alphaC_sf # ms-1
return alpha * 1e3 # s-1
def derM(self, Vm, m):
''' Compute the evolution of the open-probability of Sodium channels.
:param Vm: membrane potential (mV)
:param m: open-probability of Sodium channels (prob)
:return: derivative of open-probability w.r.t. time (prob/s)
return self.alpham(Vm) * (1 - m) - self.betam(Vm) * m
def derH(self, Vm, h):
''' Compute the evolution of the inactivation-probability of Sodium channels.
:param Vm: membrane potential (mV)
:param h: inactivation-probability of Sodium channels (prob)
:return: derivative of open-probability w.r.t. time (prob/s)
return self.alphah(Vm) * (1 - h) - self.betah(Vm) * h
def derN(self, Vm, n):
''' Compute the evolution of the open-probability of delayed-rectifier Potassium channels.
:param Vm: membrane potential (mV)
:param n: open-probability of delayed-rectifier Potassium channels (prob)
:return: derivative of open-probability w.r.t. time (prob/s)
return self.alphan(Vm) * (1 - n) - self.betan(Vm) * n
def derS(self, Vm, s):
''' Compute the evolution of the open-probability of Calcium channels.
:param Vm: membrane potential (mV)
:param s: open-probability of Calcium channels (prob)
:return: derivative of open-probability w.r.t. time (prob/s)
return self.alphas(Vm) * (1 - s) - self.betas(Vm) * s
def derC(self, c, C_Ca_in):
''' Compute the evolution of the open-probability of Calcium-dependent Potassium channels.
:param c: open-probability of Calcium-dependent Potassium channels (prob)
:param C_Ca_in: intracellular Calcium concentration (M)
:return: derivative of open-probability w.r.t. time (prob/s)
return self.alphaC(C_Ca_in) * (1 - c) - self.betaC * c
def currNa(self, m, h, Vm, C_Na_in):
''' Compute the inward Sodium current per unit area.
:param m: open-probability of Sodium channels
:param h: inactivation-probability of Sodium channels
:param Vm: membrane potential (mV)
:param C_Na_in: intracellular Sodium concentration (M)
:return: current per unit area (mA/m2)
GNa = self.GNaMax * m**4 * h
VNa = self.nernst(self.Z_Na, C_Na_in, self.C_Na_out) # Sodium Nernst potential
return GNa * (Vm - VNa)
def currK(self, n, Vm):
''' Compute the outward, delayed-rectifier Potassium current per unit area.
:param n: open-probability of delayed-rectifier Potassium channels
:param Vm: membrane potential (mV)
:return: current per unit area (mA/m2)
GK = self.GKMax * n**2
return GK * (Vm - self.VK)
def currCa(self, s, Vm, C_Ca_in):
''' Compute the inward Calcium current per unit area.
:param s: open-probability of Calcium channels
:param Vm: membrane potential (mV)
:param C_Ca_in: intracellular Calcium concentration (M)
:return: current per unit area (mA/m2)
GCa = self.GCaMax * s
VCa = self.nernst(self.Z_Ca, C_Ca_in, self.C_Ca_out) # Calcium Nernst potential
return GCa * (Vm - VCa)
def currKCa(self, c, Vm):
''' Compute the outward Calcium-dependent Potassium current per unit area.
:param c: open-probability of Calcium-dependent Potassium channels
:param Vm: membrane potential (mV)
:return: current per unit area (mA/m2)
GKCa = self.GKCaMax * c
return GKCa * (Vm - self.VK)
def currL(self, Vm):
''' Compute the non-specific leakage current per unit area.
:param Vm: membrane potential (mV)
:return: current per unit area (mA/m2)
return self.GL * (Vm - self.VL)
class LeechPressure(LeechMech):
''' Class defining the membrane channel dynamics of a leech pressure sensory neuron.
with 7 different current types:
- Inward Sodium current
- Outward Potassium current
- Inward high-voltage-activated Calcium current
- Non-specific leakage current
- Calcium-dependent, outward Potassium current
- Sodium pump current
- Calcium pump current
*Baccus, S.A. (1998). Synaptic facilitation by reflected action potentials: enhancement
of transmission when nerve impulses reverse direction at axon branch points. Proc. Natl.
Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 95, 8345–8350.*
# Name of channel mechanism
name = 'LeechP'
# Cell-specific biophysical parameters
Cm0 = 1e-2 # Cell membrane resting capacitance (F/m2)
Vm0 = -48.865 # Cell membrane resting potential (mV)
C_Na_out = 0.11 # Sodium extracellular concentration (M)
C_Ca_out = 1.8e-3 # Calcium extracellular concentration (M)
C_Na_in0 = 0.01 # Initial Sodium intracellular concentration (M)
C_Ca_in0 = 1e-7 # Initial Calcium intracellular concentration (M)
# VNa = 60 # Sodium Nernst potential, from MOD file on ModelDB (mV)
# VCa = 125 # Calcium Nernst potential, from MOD file on ModelDB (mV)
VK = -68.0 # Potassium Nernst potential (mV)
VL = -49.0 # Non-specific leakage Nernst potential (mV)
INaPmax = 70.0 # Maximum pump rate of the NaK-ATPase (mA/m2)
khalf_Na = 0.012 # Sodium concentration at which NaK-ATPase is at half its maximum rate (M)
ksteep_Na = 1e-3 # Sensitivity of NaK-ATPase to varying Sodium concentrations (M)
iCaS = 0.1 # Calcium pump current parameter (mA/m2)
GNaMax = 3500.0 # Max. conductance of Sodium current (S/m^2)
GKMax = 60.0 # Max. conductance of Potassium current (S/m^2)
GCaMax = 0.02 # Max. conductance of Calcium current (S/m^2)
GKCaMax = 8.0 # Max. conductance of Calcium-dependent Potassium current (S/m^2)
GL = 5.0 # Conductance of non-specific leakage current (S/m^2)
diam = 50e-6 # Cell soma diameter (m)
Z_Na = 1 # Sodium valence
Z_Ca = 2 # Calcium valence
# Default plotting scheme
pltvars_scheme = {
'i_{Na}\ kin.': ['m', 'h', 'm4h'],
'i_K\ kin.': ['n'],
'i_{Ca}\ kin.': ['s'],
'i_{KCa}\ kin.': ['c'],
'pools': ['C_Na', 'C_Ca'],
'I': ['iNa2', 'iK', 'iCa2', 'iKCa2', 'iPumpNa2', 'iPumpCa2', 'iL', 'iNet']
def __init__(self):
''' Constructor of the class. '''
SV_ratio = 6 / self.diam # surface to volume ratio of the (spherical) cell soma
# Conversion constant from membrane ionic currents into
# change rate of intracellular ionic concentrations
self.K_Na = SV_ratio / (self.Z_Na * self.Faraday) * 1e-6 # Sodium (M/s)
self.K_Ca = SV_ratio / (self.Z_Ca * self.Faraday) * 1e-6 # Calcium (M/s)
# Names and initial states of the channels state probabilities
self.states_names = ['m', 'h', 'n', 's', 'c', 'C_Na', 'C_Ca']
self.states0 = np.array([])
# Names of the channels effective coefficients
self.coeff_names = ['alpham', 'betam', 'alphah', 'betah', 'alphan', 'betan',
'alphas', 'betas']
# Define initial channel probabilities (solving dx/dt = 0 at resting potential)
self.states0 = self.steadyStates(self.Vm0)
# Charge interval bounds for lookup creation
self.Qbounds = (np.round(self.Vm0 - 10.0) * 1e-5, 60.0e-5)
def nernst(self, z_ion, C_ion_in, C_ion_out):
''' Return the Nernst potential of a specific ion given its intra and extracellular
:param z_ion: ion valence
:param C_ion_in: intracellular ion concentration (M)
:param C_ion_out: extracellular ion concentration (M)
:return: ion Nernst potential (mV)
return (self.Rg * self.T) / (z_ion * self.Faraday) * np.log(C_ion_out / C_ion_in) * 1e3
def currPumpNa(self, C_Na_in):
''' Outward current mimicking the activity of the NaK-ATPase pump.
:param C_Na_in: intracellular Sodium concentration (M)
:return: current per unit area (mA/m2)
return self.INaPmax / (1 + np.exp((self.khalf_Na - C_Na_in) / self.ksteep_Na))
def currPumpCa(self, C_Ca_in):
''' Outward current representing the activity of a Calcium pump.
:param C_Ca_in: intracellular Calcium concentration (M)
:return: current per unit area (mA/m2)
return self.iCaS * (C_Ca_in - self.C_Ca_in0) / 1.5
def currNet(self, Vm, states):
''' Concrete implementation of the abstract API method. '''
m, h, n, s, c, C_Na_in, C_Ca_in = states
return (self.currNa(m, h, Vm, C_Na_in) + self.currK(n, Vm) + self.currCa(s, Vm, C_Ca_in) +
self.currKCa(c, Vm) + self.currL(Vm) +
(self.currPumpNa(C_Na_in) / 3.) + self.currPumpCa(C_Ca_in)) # mA/m2
def steadyStates(self, Vm):
''' Concrete implementation of the abstract API method. '''
# Intracellular concentrations
C_Na_eq = self.C_Na_in0
C_Ca_eq = self.C_Ca_in0
# Standard gating dynamics: Solve the equation dx/dt = 0 at Vm for each x-state
meq = self.alpham(Vm) / (self.alpham(Vm) + self.betam(Vm))
heq = self.alphah(Vm) / (self.alphah(Vm) + self.betah(Vm))
neq = self.alphan(Vm) / (self.alphan(Vm) + self.betan(Vm))
seq = self.alphas(Vm) / (self.alphas(Vm) + self.betas(Vm))
ceq = self.alphaC(C_Ca_eq) / (self.alphaC(C_Ca_eq) + self.betaC)
return np.array([meq, heq, neq, seq, ceq, C_Na_eq, C_Ca_eq])
def derStates(self, Vm, states):
''' Concrete implementation of the abstract API method. '''
# Unpack states
m, h, n, s, c, C_Na_in, C_Ca_in = states
# Standard gating states derivatives
dmdt = self.derM(Vm, m)
dhdt = self.derH(Vm, h)
dndt = self.derN(Vm, n)
dsdt = self.derS(Vm, s)
dcdt = self.derC(c, C_Ca_in)
# Intracellular concentrations
dCNa_dt = - (self.currNa(m, h, Vm, C_Na_in) + self.currPumpNa(C_Na_in)) * self.K_Na # M/s
dCCa_dt = -(self.currCa(s, Vm, C_Ca_in) + self.currPumpCa(C_Ca_in)) * self.K_Ca # M/s
# Pack derivatives and return
return [dmdt, dhdt, dndt, dsdt, dcdt, dCNa_dt, dCCa_dt]
def getEffRates(self, Vm):
''' Concrete implementation of the abstract API method. '''
# Compute average cycle value for rate constants
am_avg = np.mean(self.alpham(Vm))
bm_avg = np.mean(self.betam(Vm))
ah_avg = np.mean(self.alphah(Vm))
bh_avg = np.mean(self.betah(Vm))
an_avg = np.mean(self.alphan(Vm))
bn_avg = np.mean(self.betan(Vm))
as_avg = np.mean(self.alphas(Vm))
bs_avg = np.mean(self.betas(Vm))
# Return array of coefficients
return np.array([am_avg, bm_avg, ah_avg, bh_avg, an_avg, bn_avg, as_avg, bs_avg])
def derStatesEff(self, Qm, states, interp_data):
''' Concrete implementation of the abstract API method. '''
rates = np.array([np.interp(Qm, interp_data['Q'], interp_data[rn])
for rn in self.coeff_names])
Vmeff = np.interp(Qm, interp_data['Q'], interp_data['V'])
# Unpack states
m, h, n, s, c, C_Na_in, C_Ca_in = states
# Standard gating states derivatives
dmdt = rates[0] * (1 - m) - rates[1] * m
dhdt = rates[2] * (1 - h) - rates[3] * h
dndt = rates[4] * (1 - n) - rates[5] * n
dsdt = rates[6] * (1 - s) - rates[7] * s
# KCa current gating state derivative
dcdt = self.derC(c, C_Ca_in)
# Intracellular concentrations
dCNa_dt = - (self.currNa(m, h, Vmeff, C_Na_in) + self.currPumpNa(C_Na_in)) * self.K_Na # M/s
dCCa_dt = -(self.currCa(s, Vmeff, C_Ca_in) + self.currPumpCa(C_Ca_in)) * self.K_Ca # M/s
# Pack derivatives and return
return [dmdt, dhdt, dndt, dsdt, dcdt, dCNa_dt, dCCa_dt]
class LeechRetzius(LeechMech):
''' Class defining the membrane channel dynamics of a leech Retzius neuron.
with 5 different current types:
- Inward Sodium current
- Outward Potassium current
- Inward high-voltage-activated Calcium current
- Non-specific leakage current
- Calcium-dependent, outward Potassium current
*Vazquez, Y., Mendez, B., Trueta, C., and De-Miguel, F.F. (2009). Summation of excitatory
postsynaptic potentials in electrically-coupled neurones. Neuroscience 163, 202–212.*
*ModelDB link:*
# Name of channel mechanism
# name = 'LeechR'
# Cell-specific biophysical parameters
Cm0 = 5e-2 # Cell membrane resting capacitance (F/m2)
Vm0 = -44.45 # Cell membrane resting potential (mV)
VNa = 50.0 # Sodium Nernst potential, from file on ModelDB (mV)
VCa = 125.0 # Calcium Nernst potential, from cachdend.mod file on ModelDB (mV)
VK = -79.0 # Potassium Nernst potential, from file on ModelDB (mV)
VL = -30.0 # Non-specific leakage Nernst potential, from leakdend.mod file on ModelDB (mV)
GNaMax = 1250.0 # Max. conductance of Sodium current (S/m^2)
GKMax = 10.0 # Max. conductance of Potassium current (S/m^2)
GAMax = 100.0 # Max. conductance of transient Potassium current (S/m^2)
GCaMax = 4.0 # Max. conductance of Calcium current (S/m^2)
GKCaMax = 130.0 # Max. conductance of Calcium-dependent Potassium current (S/m^2)
GL = 1.25 # Conductance of non-specific leakage current (S/m^2)
Vhalf = -73.1 # mV
C_Ca_in = 5e-8 # Calcium intracellular concentration, from file (M)
# Default plotting scheme
pltvars_scheme = {
'i_{Na}\ kin.': ['m', 'h', 'm4h'],
'i_K\ kin.': ['n'],
'i_A\ kin.': ['a', 'b', 'ab'],
'i_{Ca}\ kin.': ['s'],
'i_{KCa}\ kin.': ['c'],
'I': ['iNa', 'iK', 'iCa', 'iKCa2', 'iA', 'iL', 'iNet']
def __init__(self):
''' Constructor of the class. '''
# Names and initial states of the channels state probabilities
self.states_names = ['m', 'h', 'n', 's', 'c', 'a', 'b']
self.states0 = np.array([])
# Names of the channels effective coefficients
self.coeff_names = ['alpham', 'betam', 'alphah', 'betah', 'alphan', 'betan',
'alphas', 'betas', 'alphac', 'betac', 'alphaa', 'betaa'
'alphab', 'betab']
# Define initial channel probabilities (solving dx/dt = 0 at resting potential)
self.states0 = self.steadyStates(self.Vm0)
def ainf(self, Vm):
''' Steady-state activation probability of transient Potassium channels.
*Beck, H., Ficker, E., and Heinemann, U. (1992). Properties of two voltage-activated
potassium currents in acutely isolated juvenile rat dentate gyrus granule cells.
J. Neurophysiol. 68, 2086–2099.*
:param Vm: membrane potential (mV)
:return: time constant (s)
Vth = -55.0 # mV
return 0 if Vm <= Vth else min(1, 2 * (Vm - Vth)**3 / ((11 - Vth)**3 + (Vm - Vth)**3))
def taua(self, Vm):
''' Activation time constant of transient Potassium channels. (assuming T = 20°C).
*Beck, H., Ficker, E., and Heinemann, U. (1992). Properties of two voltage-activated
potassium currents in acutely isolated juvenile rat dentate gyrus granule cells.
J. Neurophysiol. 68, 2086–2099.*
:param Vm: membrane potential (mV)
:return: time constant (s)
x = -1.5 * (Vm - self.Vhalf) * 1e-3 * self.Faraday / (self.Rg * self.T) # [-]
alpha = np.exp(x) # ms-1
beta = np.exp(0.7 * x) # ms-1
return max(0.5, beta / (0.3 * (1 + alpha))) * 1e-3 # s
def binf(self, Vm):
''' Steady-state inactivation probability of transient Potassium channels.
*Beck, H., Ficker, E., and Heinemann, U. (1992). Properties of two voltage-activated
potassium currents in acutely isolated juvenile rat dentate gyrus granule cells.
J. Neurophysiol. 68, 2086–2099.*
:param Vm: membrane potential (mV)
:return: time constant (s)
return 1. / (1 + np.exp((self.Vhalf - Vm) / -6.3))
def taub(self, Vm):
''' Inactivation time constant of transient Potassium channels. (assuming T = 20°C).
*Beck, H., Ficker, E., and Heinemann, U. (1992). Properties of two voltage-activated
potassium currents in acutely isolated juvenile rat dentate gyrus granule cells.
J. Neurophysiol. 68, 2086–2099.*
:param Vm: membrane potential (mV)
:return: time constant (s)
x = 2 * (Vm - self.Vhalf) * 1e-3 * self.Faraday / (self.Rg * self.T)
alpha = np.exp(x)
beta = np.exp(0.65 * x)
return max(7.5, beta / (0.02 * (1 + alpha))) * 1e-3 # s
def derA(self, Vm, a):
''' Compute the evolution of the activation-probability of transient Potassium channels.
:param Vm: membrane potential (mV)
:param a: activation-probability of transient Potassium channels (prob)
:return: derivative of open-probability w.r.t. time (prob/s)
return (self.ainf(Vm) - a) / self.taua(Vm)
def derB(self, Vm, b):
''' Compute the evolution of the inactivation-probability of transient Potassium channels.
:param Vm: membrane potential (mV)
:param b: inactivation-probability of transient Potassium channels (prob)
:return: derivative of open-probability w.r.t. time (prob/s)
return (self.binf(Vm) - b) / self.taub(Vm)
def currA(self, a, b, Vm):
''' Compute the outward, transient Potassium current per unit area.
:param a: open-probability of transient Potassium channels
:param b: inactivation-probability of transient Potassium channels
:param Vm: membrane potential (mV)
:return: current per unit area (mA/m2)
GK = self.GAMax * a * b
return GK * (Vm - self.VK)
def currNet(self, Vm, states):
''' Concrete implementation of the abstract API method. '''
m, h, n, s, c, a, b = states
return (self.currNa(m, h, Vm) + self.currK(n, Vm) + self.currCa(s, Vm) + self.currL(Vm) +
self.currKCa(c, Vm) + self.currA(a, b, Vm)) # mA/m2
def steadyStates(self, Vm):
''' Concrete implementation of the abstract API method. '''
# Standard gating dynamics: Solve the equation dx/dt = 0 at Vm for each x-state
meq = self.alpham(Vm) / (self.alpham(Vm) + self.betam(Vm))
heq = self.alphah(Vm) / (self.alphah(Vm) + self.betah(Vm))
neq = self.alphan(Vm) / (self.alphan(Vm) + self.betan(Vm))
seq = self.alphas(Vm) / (self.alphas(Vm) + self.betas(Vm))
ceq = self.alphaC(self.C_Ca_in) / (self.alphaC(self.C_Ca_in) + self.betaC)
aeq = self.ainf(Vm)
beq = self.binf(Vm)
return np.array([meq, heq, neq, seq, ceq, aeq, beq])
def derStates(self, Vm, states):
''' Concrete implementation of the abstract API method. '''
# Unpack states
m, h, n, s, c, a, b = states
# Standard gating states derivatives
dmdt = self.derM(Vm, m)
dhdt = self.derH(Vm, h)
dndt = self.derN(Vm, n)
dsdt = self.derS(Vm, s)
dcdt = self.derC(c, self.C_Ca_in)
dadt = self.derA(Vm, a)
dbdt = self.derB(Vm, b)
# Pack derivatives and return
return [dmdt, dhdt, dndt, dsdt, dcdt, dadt, dbdt]
def getEffRates(self, Vm):
''' Concrete implementation of the abstract API method. '''
# Compute average cycle value for rate constants
am_avg = np.mean(self.alpham(Vm))
bm_avg = np.mean(self.betam(Vm))
ah_avg = np.mean(self.alphah(Vm))
bh_avg = np.mean(self.betah(Vm))
an_avg = np.mean(self.alphan(Vm))
bn_avg = np.mean(self.betan(Vm))
as_avg = np.mean(self.alphas(Vm))
bs_avg = np.mean(self.betas(Vm))
Ta = self.taua(Vm)
ainf = self.ainf(Vm)
aa_avg = np.mean(ainf / Ta)
ba_avg = np.mean(1 / Ta) - aa_avg
Tb = self.taub(Vm)
binf = self.binf(Vm)
ab_avg = np.mean(binf / Tb)
bb_avg = np.mean(1 / Tb) - ab_avg
# Return array of coefficients
return np.array([am_avg, bm_avg, ah_avg, bh_avg, an_avg, bn_avg, as_avg, bs_avg,
aa_avg, ba_avg, ab_avg, bb_avg])
def derStatesEff(self, Qm, states, interp_data):
''' Concrete implementation of the abstract API method. '''
rates = np.array([np.interp(Qm, interp_data['Q'], interp_data[rn])
for rn in self.coeff_names])
# Unpack states
m, h, n, s, c, a, b = states
# Standard gating states derivatives
dmdt = rates[0] * (1 - m) - rates[1] * m
dhdt = rates[2] * (1 - h) - rates[3] * h
dndt = rates[4] * (1 - n) - rates[5] * n
dsdt = rates[6] * (1 - s) - rates[7] * s
dadt = rates[8] * (1 - a) - rates[9] * a
dbdt = rates[10] * (1 - b) - rates[11] * b
# KCa current gating state derivative
dcdt = self.derC(c, self.C_Ca_in)
# Pack derivatives and return
return [dmdt, dhdt, dndt, dsdt, dcdt, dadt, dbdt]

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