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Tue, Oct 15, 12:38
TITLE TC neuron
: Equations governing the behavior of a thalamo-cortical neuron
: during ultrasonic stimulation, according to the NICE model.
: Written by Theo Lemaire and Simon Narduzzi, EPFL, 2018
: Contact:
:(mA) = (milliamp)
:(mV) = (millivolt)
:(uF) = (microfarad)
:(nC) = (nanocoulomb)
(molar) = (1/liter) : moles do not appear in units
(M) = (molar)
(mM) = (millimolar)
(um) = (micron)
(mA) = (milliamp)
(msM) = (ms mM)
: Definition of NEURON mechanism
: mechanism name and constituting currents
: simulation parameters (stimulus and dt)
RANGE duration, PRF, DC, stimon
: physiological variables
RANGE Q, Vmeff, gnabar, gkdbar, gkl, gcabar, gleak, ghbar, eleak, ek, ena, eca, eh
RANGE k1, k2, k3, k4, nca
RANGE depth, taur, camin
FARADAY = 96494 (coul) : moles do not appear in units
: Parameters set by the user upon initialization
: simulation parameters (stimulus and dt)
duration = 100 (ms)
offset = 0 (ms)
PRF = 0 (Hz)
DC = 0
dt = 0.05 (ms)
: membrane properties
cm = 1 (uF/cm2)
ena = 50 (mV)
eca = 120 (mV)
ek = -90 (mV)
eh = -40 (mV)
eleak = -70 (mV)
gnabar = 0.09 (mho/cm2)
gkdbar = 0.01 (mho/cm2)
gkl = 1.38e-5 (mho/cm2)
gcabar = 0.002 (mho/cm2)
ghbar = 1.75e-5 (mho/cm2)
gleak = 1e-5 (mho/cm2)
: iH Calcium dependence properties
k1 = 2.5e19 (1/M*M*M*M*ms) : CB protein Calcium-driven activation rate
k2 = 0.0004 (1/ms) : CB protein inactivation rate
k3 = 0.1 (1/ms) : CB protein iH channel binding rate
k4 = 0.001 (1/ms) : CB protein iH channel unbinding rate
nca = 4 : number of Calcium binding sites on CB protein
: submembrane Calcium evolution properties
depth = 1e-7 (m) : depth of shell
taur = 5 (ms) : rate of calcium removal
camin = 5e-8 (M) : minimal intracellular Calcium concentration
: Differential variables other than v
m : iNa activation gate
h : iNa inactivation gate
n : iKd activation gate
s : iCa activation gate
u : iCa inactivation gate
C1 : iH channel closed state
O1 : iH channel open state
P0 : proportion of unbound CB protein
C_Ca (M) : submembrane Calcium concentration
: Variables computed during the simulation and whose value can be retrieved
Q (nC/cm2)
Vmeff (mV)
v (mV)
iNa (mA/cm2)
iKd (mA/cm2)
iKl (mA/cm2)
iCa (mA/cm2)
iH (mA/cm2)
iLeak (mA/cm2)
alpha_h (/ms)
beta_h (/ms)
alpha_m (/ms)
beta_m (/ms)
alpha_n (/ms)
beta_n (/ms)
alpha_s (/ms)
beta_s (/ms)
alpha_u (/ms)
beta_u (/ms)
alpha_o (/ms)
beta_o (/ms)
iCadrive (M/ms)
tint (ms)
: Main computation block
: compute Q
Q = v * cm
: update stimulation boolean
: integrate states
SOLVE states METHOD cnexp
: check iH states and restrict them if needed
if(O1 < 0.) {O1 = 0.}
if(O1 > 1.) {O1 = 1.}
if(C1 < 0.) {C1 = 0.}
if(C1 > 1.) {C1 = 1.}
: compute Vmeff
if(stimon) {Vmeff = veff_on(Q)} else {Vmeff = veff_off(Q)}
: compute ionic currents
iNa = gnabar * m * m * m * h * (Vmeff - ena)
iKd = gkdbar * n * n * n * n * (Vmeff - ek)
iKl = gkl * (Vmeff - ek)
iCa = gcabar * s * s * u * (Vmeff - eca)
iLeak = gleak * (Vmeff - eleak)
iH = ghbar * (O1 + 2 * (1 - O1 - C1)) * (Vmeff - eh)
UNITSOFF : turning off units checking for functions not working with standard SI units
: Compute states derivatives
: compute ON or OFF rate constants accordingly to stimon value
if(stimon) {interpolate_on(Q)} else {interpolate_off(Q)}
: compute gating states derivatives
m' = alpha_m * (1 - m) - beta_m * m
h' = alpha_h * (1 - h) - beta_h * h
n' = alpha_n * (1 - n) - beta_n * n
s' = alpha_s * (1 - s) - beta_s * s
u' = alpha_u * (1 - u) - beta_u * u
: compute derivatives of variables for the kinetics system of Ih
iCadrive = -1e-5 * iCa / (2 * FARADAY * depth)
C_Ca' = (camin - C_Ca) / taur + iCadrive
P0' = k2 * (1 - P0) - k1 * P0 * capow(C_Ca)
C1' = beta_o * O1 - alpha_o * C1
O1' = alpha_o * C1 - beta_o * O1 - k3 * O1 * (1 - P0) + k4 * (1 - O1 - C1)
: Initialize variables and parameters
: compute Q
Q = v * cm
: set initial states values
m = alpham_off(Q) / (alpham_off(Q) + betam_off(Q))
h = alphah_off(Q) / (alphah_off(Q) + betah_off(Q))
n = alphan_off(Q) / (alphan_off(Q) + betan_off(Q))
s = alphas_off(Q) / (alphas_off(Q) + betas_off(Q))
u = alphau_off(Q) / (alphau_off(Q) + betau_off(Q))
: compute steady-state Calcium concentration
iCa = gcabar * s * s * u * (veff_off(Q) - eca)
iCadrive = -1e-5 * iCa / (2 * FARADAY * depth)
C_Ca = camin + taur * iCadrive
: compute steady values for the kinetics system of Ih
P0 = k2 / (k2 + k1 * C_Ca^nca)
O1 = k4 / (k3 * (1 - P0) + k4 * (1 + betao_off(Q) / alphao_off(Q)))
C1 = betao_off(Q) / alphao_off(Q) * O1
: initialize tint, set stimulation state and correct PRF
tint = 0
stimon = 0
PRF = PRF / 2 : for some reason PRF must be halved in order to ensure proper on/off switch
: Define function tables for variables to be interpolated during ON and OFF periods
FUNCTION_TABLE veff_on(x) (mV)
FUNCTION_TABLE veff_off(x) (mV)
FUNCTION_TABLE alpham_on(x) (/ms)
FUNCTION_TABLE alpham_off(x) (/ms)
FUNCTION_TABLE betam_on(x) (/ms)
FUNCTION_TABLE betam_off(x) (/ms)
FUNCTION_TABLE alphah_on(x) (/ms)
FUNCTION_TABLE alphah_off(x) (/ms)
FUNCTION_TABLE betah_on(x) (/ms)
FUNCTION_TABLE betah_off(x) (/ms)
FUNCTION_TABLE alphan_on(x) (/ms)
FUNCTION_TABLE alphan_off(x) (/ms)
FUNCTION_TABLE betan_on(x) (/ms)
FUNCTION_TABLE betan_off(x) (/ms)
FUNCTION_TABLE alphas_on(x) (/ms)
FUNCTION_TABLE alphas_off(x) (/ms)
FUNCTION_TABLE betas_on(x) (/ms)
FUNCTION_TABLE betas_off(x) (/ms)
FUNCTION_TABLE alphau_on(x) (/ms)
FUNCTION_TABLE alphau_off(x) (/ms)
FUNCTION_TABLE betau_on(x) (/ms)
FUNCTION_TABLE betau_off(x) (/ms)
FUNCTION_TABLE alphao_on(x) (/ms)
FUNCTION_TABLE alphao_off(x) (/ms)
FUNCTION_TABLE betao_on(x) (/ms)
FUNCTION_TABLE betao_off(x) (/ms)
PROCEDURE interpolate_on(Q){
: Interpolate rate constants durong US-ON periods from appropriate tables
alpha_m = alpham_on(Q)
beta_m = betam_on(Q)
alpha_h = alphah_on(Q)
beta_h = betah_on(Q)
alpha_n = alphan_on(Q)
beta_n = betan_on(Q)
alpha_s = alphas_on(Q)
beta_s = betas_on(Q)
alpha_u = alphau_on(Q)
beta_u = betau_on(Q)
alpha_o = alphao_on(Q)
beta_o = betao_on(Q)
PROCEDURE interpolate_off(Q){
: Interpolate rate constants durong US-OFF periods from appropriate tables
alpha_m = alpham_off(Q)
beta_m = betam_off(Q)
alpha_h = alphah_off(Q)
beta_h = betah_off(Q)
alpha_n = alphan_off(Q)
beta_n = betan_off(Q)
alpha_s = alphas_off(Q)
beta_s = betas_off(Q)
alpha_u = alphau_off(Q)
beta_u = betau_off(Q)
alpha_o = alphao_off(Q)
beta_o = betao_off(Q)
FUNCTION capow(C_Ca (M)) (M*M*M*M) {
capow = C_Ca^nca
UNITSON : turn back units checking
PROCEDURE stimonoff(){
: Switch integration to ON or OFF system according to stimulus
if(t < duration - dt){
if(tint >= 1000 / PRF){ : reset on at pulse onset
stimon = 1
tint = 0
}else if(tint <= DC * 1000 / PRF){ : ON during TON
stimon = 1
}else{ : OFF during TOFF
stimon = 0
tint = tint + dt : increment by dt
}else{ : OFF during stimulus offset
stimon = 0

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