# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @Author: Theo Lemaire # @Email: theo.lemaire@epfl.ch # @Date: 2016-11-04 13:23:31 # @Last Modified by: Theo Lemaire # @Last Modified time: 2019-06-13 23:52:38 ''' Numerical constants used in the package. ''' # -------------------------- Biophysical constants -------------------------- FARADAY = 9.64853e4 # Faraday constant (C/mol) Rg = 8.31342 # Universal gas constant (Pa.m^3.mol^-1.K^-1 or J.mol^-1.K^-1) Z_Ca = 2 # Calcium valence Z_Na = 1 # Sodium valence Z_K = 1 # Potassium valence CELSIUS_2_KELVIN = 273.15 # Celsius to Kelvin conversion constant # -------------------------- Intermolecular pressure fitting -------------------------- LJFIT_PM_MAX = 1e8 # Pm value at the deflection lower bound for LJ fitting (Pa) PNET_EQ_MAX = 1e-1 # Pnet error threshold at computed equilibrium position (Pa) PMAVG_STD_ERR_MAX = 3000 # error threshold in intermolecular pressure nonlinear fit (Pa) # -------------------------- Simulations -------------------------- MAX_RMSE_PTP_RATIO = 1e-4 # threshold RMSE / peak-to-peak ratio for periodic convergence Z_ERR_MAX = 1e-11 # periodic convergence threshold for deflection (m) NG_ERR_MAX = 1e-24 # periodic convergence threshold for gas content (mol) NCYCLES_MAX = 10 # max number of cycles in periodic simulations CHARGE_RANGE = (-200e-5, 150e-5) # physiological charge range constraining the membrane (C/m2) SOLVER_NSTEPS = 1000 # max number of steps during one ODE solver call CLASSIC_TARGET_DT = 1e-8 # target time step in output arrays of detailed simulations NPC_DENSE = 1000 # nb of samples per acoustic period in detailed simulations NPC_SPARSE = 40 # nb of samples per acoustic period in sparse simulations HYBRID_UPDATE_INTERVAL = 5e-4 # time interval between two hybrid integrations (s) DT_EFFECTIVE = 5e-5 # time step for effective integration (s) MIN_SAMPLES_PER_PULSE_INTERVAL = 1 # minimal number of time points per pulse interval (TON of TOFF) # -------------------------- Post-processing -------------------------- SPIKE_MIN_DT = 5e-4 # minimal time interval for spike detection on charge signal (s) SPIKE_MIN_QAMP = 5e-5 # threshold amplitude for spike detection on charge signal (C/m2) SPIKE_MIN_QPROM = 20e-5 # threshold prominence for spike detection on charge signal (C/m2) SPIKE_MIN_VAMP = 10.0 # threshold amplitude for spike detection on potential signal (mV) SPIKE_MIN_VPROM = 20.0 # threshold prominence for spike detection on potential signal (mV) MIN_NSPIKES_SPECTRUM = 3 # minimum number of spikes to compute firing rate spectrum # -------------------------- Titrations -------------------------- AMP_UPPER_BOUND_ESTIM = 50.0 # initial current density upper bound for titration (mA/m2) THRESHOLD_CONV_RANGE_ESTIM = 0.1 # current density search range threshold for titration (mA/m2) THRESHOLD_CONV_RANGE_ASTIM = 1e2 # acoustic pressure search range threshold for titration (Pa) # -------------------------- QSS stability analysis -------------------------- QSS_REL_OFFSET = .05 # relative state perturbation amplitude: s = s0 * (1 +/- x) QSS_HISTORY_INTERVAL = 30e-3 # recent history interval (s) QSS_INTEGRATION_INTERVAL = 1e-3 # iterative integration interval (s) QSS_MAX_INTEGRATION_DURATION = 1000e-3 # iterative integration interval (s) QSS_Q_CONV_THR = 1e-7 # max. charge deviation to infer convergence (C/m2) QSS_Q_DIV_THR = 1e-4 # min. charge deviation to infer divergence (C/m2) TMIN_STABILIZATION = 500e-3 # time window for stabilization analysis (s)