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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Author: Theo Lemaire
# @Email:
# @Date: 2017-08-03 11:53:04
# @Last Modified by: Theo Lemaire
# @Last Modified time: 2020-06-03 16:15:58
from functools import wraps
from inspect import getdoc
import abc
import inspect
import numpy as np
from boltons.strutils import cardinalize
from .batches import Batch
from ..threshold import titrate
from ..utils import *
class Model(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
''' Generic model interface. '''
def tscale(self):
''' Relevant temporal scale of the model. '''
raise NotImplementedError
def simkey(self):
''' Keyword used to characterize simulations made with the model. '''
raise NotImplementedError
def __repr__(self):
''' String representation. '''
raise NotImplementedError
def params(self):
''' Return a dictionary of all model parameters (class and instance attributes) '''
def toAvoid(p):
return (p.startswith('__') and p.endswith('__')) or p.startswith('_abc_')
class_attrs = inspect.getmembers(self.__class__, lambda a: not(inspect.isroutine(a)))
inst_attrs = inspect.getmembers(self, lambda a: not(inspect.isroutine(a)))
class_attrs = [a for a in class_attrs if not toAvoid(a[0])]
inst_attrs = [a for a in inst_attrs if not toAvoid(a[0]) and a not in class_attrs]
params_dict = {a[0]: a[1] for a in class_attrs + inst_attrs}
return params_dict
def description(cls):
return getdoc(cls).split('\n', 1)[0].strip()
def copy(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def inputs():
''' Return an informative dictionary on input variables used to simulate the model. '''
raise NotImplementedError
def filecodes(self, *args):
''' Return a dictionary of string-encoded inputs used for file naming. '''
raise NotImplementedError
def filecode(self, *args):
return filecode(self, *args)
def getPltVars(self, *args, **kwargs):
''' Return a dictionary with information about all plot variables related to the model. '''
raise NotImplementedError
def pltScheme(self):
''' Return a dictionary model plot variables grouped by context. '''
raise NotImplementedError
def checkOutputDir(queuefunc):
''' Check if an output directory is provided in input arguments, and if so, add it
to each item of the returned queue (along with an "overwrite" boolean).
def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
outputdir = kwargs.get('outputdir')
queue = queuefunc(self, *args, **kwargs)
if outputdir is not None:
overwrite = kwargs.get('overwrite', True)
queue = queuefunc(self, *args, **kwargs)
for i, params in enumerate(queue):
position_args, keyword_args = Batch.resolve(params)
keyword_args['overwrite'] = overwrite
keyword_args['outputdir'] = outputdir
queue[i] = (position_args, keyword_args)
if len(queue) > 5:
logger.warning('Running more than 5 simulations without file saving')
return queue
return wrapper
def simQueue(cls, *args, outputdir=None, overwrite=True):
raise NotImplementedError
def checkInputs(self, *args):
''' Check the validity of simulation input parameters. '''
raise NotImplementedError
def derivatives(self, *args, **kwargs):
''' Compute ODE derivatives for a specific set of ODE states and external parameters. '''
raise NotImplementedError
def simulate(self, *args, **kwargs):
''' Simulate the model's differential system for specific input parameters
and return output data in a dataframe. '''
raise NotImplementedError
def meta(self, *args):
''' Return an informative dictionary about model and simulation parameters. '''
raise NotImplementedError
def addMeta(simfunc):
''' Add informative dictionary to simulation output '''
def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
data, tcomp = timer(simfunc)(self, *args, **kwargs)
logger.debug('completed in %ss', si_format(tcomp, 1))
meta_dict = getMeta(self, simfunc, *args, **kwargs)
meta_dict['tcomp'] = tcomp
return data, meta_dict
return wrapper
def logNSpikes(simfunc):
''' Log number of detected spikes on charge profile of simulation output. '''
def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
out = simfunc(self, *args, **kwargs)
if out is None:
return None
data, meta = out
nspikes = self.getNSpikes(data)
logger.debug(f'{nspikes} {cardinalize("spike", nspikes)} detected')
return data, meta
return wrapper
def checkSimParams(simfunc):
''' Check simulation parameters before launching simulation. '''
def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
args, kwargs = alignWithMethodDef(simfunc, args, kwargs)
self.checkInputs(*args, *list(kwargs.values()))
return simfunc(self, *args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
def logDesc(simfunc):
''' Log description of model and simulation parameters. '''
def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
args, kwargs = alignWithMethodDef(simfunc, args, kwargs), simfunc, *args, **kwargs)))
return simfunc(self, *args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
def titrate(self, *args, **kwargs):
return titrate(self, *args, **kwargs)
def checkTitrate(simfunc):
''' If unresolved drive provided in the list of input parameters,
perform a titration to find the threshold drive, and simulate with resolved drive.
def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
# Extract drive object from args
drive, *other_args = args
# If drive is titratable and not fully resolved
if drive.is_searchable:
if not drive.is_resolved:
# Titrate
xthr = self.titrate(*args)
# If no threshold was found, return None
if np.isnan(xthr):
f'Could not find threshold {drive.inputs()[drive.xkey]["desc"]}')
return None
# Otherwise, update args list with resovled drive
args = (drive.updatedX(xthr), *other_args)
# Execute simulation function
return simfunc(self, *args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
def simAndSave(self, *args, **kwargs):
return simAndSave(self, *args, **kwargs)
def getOutput(self, *args, **kwargs):
''' Get simulation output data for a specific parameters combination, by looking
for an output file into a specific directory.
If a corresponding output file is not found in the specified directory, the model
is first run and results are saved in the output file.
fpath = self.simAndSave(*args, overwrite=False, **kwargs)
return loadData(fpath)

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