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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Author: Theo Lemaire
# @Email:
# @Date: 2016-09-29 16:16:19
# @Last Modified by: Theo Lemaire
# @Last Modified time: 2020-03-30 13:27:31
import time
from copy import deepcopy
import logging
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from .simulators import PWSimulator, HybridSimulator, PeriodicSimulator
from .bls import BilayerSonophore
from .pneuron import PointNeuron
from .model import Model
from .drives import Drive, AcousticDrive
from .protocols import TimeProtocol, PulsedProtocol
from ..utils import *
from ..threshold import threshold
from ..constants import *
from ..postpro import getFixedPoints
from .lookups import EffectiveVariablesLookup
from ..neurons import getPointNeuron
NEURONS_LOOKUP_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.split(__file__)[0] + "/../lookups/")
class NeuronalBilayerSonophore(BilayerSonophore):
''' This class inherits from the BilayerSonophore class and receives an PointNeuron instance
at initialization, to define the electro-mechanical NICE model and its SONIC variant. '''
tscale = 'ms' # relevant temporal scale of the model
simkey = 'ASTIM' # keyword used to characterize simulations made with this model
def __init__(self, a, pneuron, embedding_depth=0.0):
''' Constructor of the class.
:param a: in-plane radius of the sonophore structure within the membrane (m)
:param pneuron: point-neuron model
:param embedding_depth: depth of the embedding tissue around the membrane (m)
# Check validity of input parameters
if not isinstance(pneuron, PointNeuron):
raise ValueError(f'Invalid neuron type: "{}" (must inherit from PointNeuron class)')
self.pneuron = pneuron
# Initialize BilayerSonophore parent object
super().__init__(a, pneuron.Cm0, pneuron.Qm0, embedding_depth=embedding_depth)
def __repr__(self):
s = f'{self.__class__.__name__}({self.a * 1e9:.1f} nm, {self.pneuron}'
if self.d > 0.:
s += f', d={si_format(self.d, precision=1)}m'
return f'{s})'
def copy(self):
return self.__class__(self.a, self.pneuron, embedding_depth=self.d)
def meta(self):
return {
'a': self.a,
'd': self.d,
def initFromMeta(cls, meta):
return cls(meta['a'], getPointNeuron(meta['neuron']), embedding_depth=meta['d'])
def params(self):
return {**super().params(), **self.pneuron.params()}
def getPltVars(self, wrapleft='df["', wrapright='"]'):
return {**super().getPltVars(wrapleft, wrapright),
**self.pneuron.getPltVars(wrapleft, wrapright)}
def pltScheme(self):
return self.pneuron.pltScheme
def filecode(self, *args):
return Model.filecode(self, *args)
def inputs():
# Get parent input vars and supress irrelevant entries
inputvars = BilayerSonophore.inputs()
del inputvars['Qm']
# Fill in current input vars in appropriate order
'fs': {
'desc': 'sonophore membrane coverage fraction',
'label': 'f_s',
'unit': '\%',
'factor': 1e2,
'precision': 0
'method': None
return inputvars
def filecodes(self, drive, pp, fs, method, qss_vars):
codes = {
'simkey': self.simkey,
'nature': pp.nature,
'a': f'{self.a * 1e9:.0f}nm',
codes['fs'] = f'fs{fs * 1e2:.0f}%' if fs < 1 else None
codes['method'] = method
codes['qss_vars'] = qss_vars
return codes
def interpOnOffVariable(key, Qm, stim, lkp):
''' Interpolate Q-dependent effective variable along ON and OFF periods of a solution.
:param key: lookup variable key
:param Qm: charge density solution vector
:param stim: stimulation state solution vector
:param lkp: dictionary of lookups for ON and OFF states
:return: interpolated effective variable vector
x = np.zeros(stim.size)
x[stim == 0] = lkp['OFF'].interpVar1D(Qm[stim == 0], key)
x[stim == 1] = lkp['ON'].interpVar1D(Qm[stim == 1], key)
return x
def spatialAverage(fs, x, x0):
''' fs-modulated spatial averaging. '''
return fs * x + (1 - fs) * x0
def computeEffVars(self, drive, Qm, fs):
''' Compute "effective" coefficients of the HH system for a specific
acoustic stimulus and charge density.
A short mechanical simulation is run while imposing the specific charge density,
until periodic stabilization. The HH coefficients are then averaged over the last
acoustic cycle to yield "effective" coefficients.
:param drive: acoustic drive object
:param Qm: imposed charge density (C/m2)
:param fs: list of sonophore membrane coverage fractions
:return: list with computation time and a list of dictionaries of effective variables
# Run simulation and retrieve deflection and gas content vectors from last cycle
data = BilayerSonophore.simCycles(self, drive, Qm)
Z_last = data.loc[-NPC_DENSE:, 'Z'].values # m
Cm_last = self.v_capacitance(Z_last) # F/m2
# For each coverage fraction
effvars = []
for x in fs:
# Compute membrane capacitance and membrane potential vectors
Cm = self.spatialAverage(x, Cm_last, self.Cm0) # F/m2
Vm = Qm / Cm * 1e3 # mV
# Compute average cycle value for membrane potential and rate constants
effvars.append({**{'V': np.mean(Vm)}, **self.pneuron.getEffRates(Vm)})
# Log process
log = f'{self}: lookups @ {drive.desc}, {Qm * 1e5:.2f} nC/cm2'
if len(fs) > 1:
log += f', fs = {fs.min() * 1e2:.0f} - {fs.max() * 1e2:.0f}%'
# Return effective coefficients
return effvars
def getLookupFileName(self, a=None, f=None, A=None, fs=False):
fname = f'{}_lookups'
if a is not None:
fname += f'_{a * 1e9:.0f}nm'
if f is not None:
fname += f'_{f * 1e-3:.0f}kHz'
if A is not None:
fname += f'_{A * 1e-3:.0f}kPa'
if fs is True:
fname += '_fs'
return f'{fname}.pkl'
def getLookupFilePath(self, *args, **kwargs):
return os.path.join(NEURONS_LOOKUP_DIR, self.getLookupFileName(*args, **kwargs))
def getLookup(self, *args, **kwargs):
keep_tcomp = kwargs.pop('keep_tcomp', False)
lookup_path = self.getLookupFilePath(*args, **kwargs)
lkp = EffectiveVariablesLookup.fromPickle(lookup_path)
if not keep_tcomp:
del lkp.tables['tcomp']
return lkp
def getLookup2D(self, f, fs):
proj_kwargs = {'a': self.a, 'f': f, 'fs': fs}
if fs < 1.:
kwargs = proj_kwargs.copy()
kwargs['fs'] = True
kwargs = {}
return self.getLookup(**kwargs).projectN(proj_kwargs)
def fullDerivatives(self, t, y, drive, fs):
''' Compute the full system derivatives.
:param t: specific instant in time (s)
:param y: vector of state variables
:param drive: acoustic drive object
:param fs: sonophore membrane coverage fraction (-)
:return: vector of derivatives
dydt_mech = BilayerSonophore.derivatives(
self, t, y[:3], drive, y[3])
dydt_elec = self.pneuron.derivatives(
t, y[3:], Cm=self.spatialAverage(fs, self.capacitance(y[1]), self.Cm0))
return dydt_mech + dydt_elec
def effDerivatives(self, t, y, lkp1d, qss_vars):
''' Compute the derivatives of the n-ODE effective system variables,
based on 1-dimensional linear interpolation of "effective" coefficients
that summarize the system's behaviour over an acoustic cycle.
:param t: specific instant in time (s)
:param y: vector of HH system variables at time t
:param lkp: dictionary of 1D data points of "effective" coefficients
over the charge domain, for specific frequency and amplitude values.
:param qss_vars: list of QSS variables
:return: vector of effective system derivatives at time t
# Unpack values and interpolate lookup at current charge density
Qm, *states = y
lkp0d = lkp1d.interpolate1D(Qm)
# Compute states dictionary from differential and QSS variables
states_dict = {}
i = 0
for k in self.pneuron.statesNames():
if k in qss_vars:
states_dict[k] = self.pneuron.quasiSteadyStates()[k](lkp0d)
states_dict[k] = states[i]
i += 1
# Compute charge density derivative
dQmdt = - self.pneuron.iNet(lkp0d['V'], states_dict) * 1e-3
# Compute states derivative vector only for differential variable
dstates = []
for k in self.pneuron.statesNames():
if k not in qss_vars:
dstates.append(self.pneuron.derEffStates()[k](lkp0d, states_dict))
return [dQmdt, *dstates]
def __simFull(self, drive, pp, fs):
# Determine time step
dt = drive.dt
# Compute initial non-zero deflection
Z = self.computeInitialDeflection(drive, self.Qm0, dt)
# Set initial conditions
ss0 = self.pneuron.getSteadyStates(self.pneuron.Vm0)
y0 = np.concatenate(([0., 0., self.ng0, self.Qm0], ss0))
y1 = np.concatenate(([0., Z, self.ng0, self.Qm0], ss0))
drive_OFF = drive.copy()
drive_OFF.A = 0
# Initialize simulator and compute solution
logger.debug('Computing detailed solution')
simulator = PWSimulator(
lambda t, y: self.fullDerivatives(t, y, drive, fs),
lambda t, y: self.fullDerivatives(t, y, drive_OFF, fs))
t, y, stim = simulator(
y1, dt, pp,
print_progress=logger.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.INFO,
# monitor_func=lambda t, y: f't = {t * 1e3:.5f} ms, Qm = {y[3] * 1e5:.2f} nC/cm2')
# Prepend initial conditions (prior to stimulation)
t, y, stim = simulator.prependSolution(t, y, stim, y0=y0)
# Store output in dataframe and return
data = pd.DataFrame({
't': t,
'stimstate': stim,
'Z': y[:, 1],
'ng': y[:, 2],
'Qm': y[:, 3]
data['Vm'] = data['Qm'].values / self.spatialAverage(
fs, self.v_capacitance(data['Z'].values), self.Cm0) * 1e3 # mV
for i in range(len(self.pneuron.states)):
data[self.pneuron.statesNames()[i]] = y[:, i + 4]
return data
def __simHybrid(self, drive, pp, fs):
# Determine time steps
dt_dense, dt_sparse = [drive.dt, drive.dt_sparse]
# Compute initial non-zero deflection
Z = self.computeInitialDeflection(drive, self.Qm0, dt_dense)
# Set initial conditions
ss0 = self.pneuron.getSteadyStates(self.pneuron.Vm0)
y0 = np.concatenate(([0., 0., self.ng0, self.Qm0], ss0))
y1 = np.concatenate(([0., Z, self.ng0, self.Qm0], ss0))
drive_OFF = drive.copy()
drive_OFF.A = 0
# Initialize simulator and compute solution
is_dense_var = np.array([True] * 3 + [False] * (len(self.pneuron.states) + 1))
logger.debug('Computing hybrid solution')
simulator = HybridSimulator(
lambda t, y: self.fullDerivatives(t, y, drive, fs),
lambda t, y: self.fullDerivatives(t, y, drive_OFF, fs),
lambda t, y, Cm: self.pneuron.derivatives(
t, y, Cm=self.spatialAverage(fs, Cm, self.Cm0)),
lambda yref: self.capacitance(yref[1]),
ivars_to_check=[1, 2])
t, y, stim = simulator(y1, dt_dense, dt_sparse, drive.periodicity, pp)
# Prepend initial conditions (prior to stimulation)
t, y, stim = simulator.prependSolution(t, y, stim, y0=y0)
# Store output in dataframe and return
data = pd.DataFrame({
't': t,
'stimstate': stim,
'Z': y[:, 1],
'ng': y[:, 2],
'Qm': y[:, 3]
data['Vm'] = data['Qm'].values / self.spatialAverage(
fs, self.v_capacitance(data['Z'].values), self.Cm0) * 1e3 # mV
for i in range(len(self.pneuron.states)):
data[self.pneuron.statesNames()[i]] = y[:, i + 4]
return data
def __simSonic(self, drive, pp, fs, qss_vars=None, pavg=False):
# Load appropriate 2D lookups
lkp2d = self.getLookup2D(drive.f, fs)
# Interpolate 2D lookups at zero and US amplitude
logger.debug('Interpolating lookups at A = %.2f kPa and A = 0', drive.A * 1e-3)
lkps1d = {'ON': lkp2d.project('A', drive.A), 'OFF': lkp2d.project('A', 0.)}
# Adapt lookups and pulsing protocol if pulse-average mode is selected
if pavg:
lkps1d['ON'] = lkps1d['ON'] * pp.DC + lkps1d['OFF'] * (1 - pp.DC)
tstim = (int(pp.tstim * pp.PRF) - 1 + pp.DC) / pp.PRF
toffset = pp.tstim + pp.toffset - tstim
pp = TimeProtocol(tstim, toffset)
# # Determine QSS and differential variables
if qss_vars is None:
qss_vars = []
diff_vars = [item for item in self.pneuron.statesNames() if item not in qss_vars]
# Create 1D lookup of QSS variables with reference charge vector
QSS_1D_lkp = {
key: EffectiveVariablesLookup(
{k: self.pneuron.quasiSteadyStates()[k](val) for k in qss_vars})
for key, val in lkps1d.items()}
# Set initial conditions
sstates = [self.pneuron.steadyStates()[k](self.pneuron.Vm0) for k in diff_vars]
y0 = np.array([self.Qm0, *sstates])
# Initialize simulator and compute solution
logger.debug('Computing effective solution')
simulator = PWSimulator(
lambda t, y: self.effDerivatives(t, y, lkps1d['ON'], qss_vars),
lambda t, y: self.effDerivatives(t, y, lkps1d['OFF'], qss_vars))
t, y, stim = simulator(y0, self.pneuron.chooseTimeStep(), pp)
# Prepend initial conditions (prior to stimulation)
t, y, stim = simulator.prependSolution(t, y, stim)
# Store output vectors in dataframe: time, stim state, charge, potential
# and other differential variables
data = pd.DataFrame({
't': t,
'stimstate': stim,
'Qm': y[:, 0]
data['Vm'] = self.interpOnOffVariable('V', data['Qm'].values, stim, lkps1d)
for key in ['Z', 'ng']:
data[key] = np.full(t.size, np.nan)
for i, k in enumerate(diff_vars):
data[k] = y[:, i + 1]
# Interpolate QSS variables along charge vector and store them in dataframe
for k in qss_vars:
data[k] = self.interpOnOffVariable(k, data['Qm'].values, stim, QSS_1D_lkp)
return data
def intMethods(self):
''' Listing of model integration methods. '''
return {
'full': self.__simFull,
'hybrid': self.__simHybrid,
'sonic': self.__simSonic
def simQueue(cls, freqs, amps, durations, offsets, PRFs, DCs, fs, methods, qss_vars, **kwargs):
''' Create a serialized 2D array of all parameter combinations for a series of individual
parameter sweeps, while avoiding repetition of CW protocols for a given PRF sweep.
:param freqs: list (or 1D-array) of US frequencies
:param amps: list (or 1D-array) of acoustic amplitudes
:param durations: list (or 1D-array) of stimulus durations
:param offsets: list (or 1D-array) of stimulus offsets (paired with durations array)
:param PRFs: list (or 1D-array) of pulse-repetition frequencies
:param DCs: list (or 1D-array) of duty cycle values
:param fs: sonophore membrane coverage fractions (-)
:params methods: integration methods
:param qss_vars: QSS variables
:return: list of parameters (list) for each simulation
if ('full' in methods or 'hybrid' in methods) and kwargs['outputdir'] is None:
logger.warning('Running cumbersome simulation(s) without file saving')
if amps is None:
amps = [None]
drives = AcousticDrive.createQueue(freqs, amps)
protocols = PulsedProtocol.createQueue(durations, offsets, PRFs, DCs)
queue = []
for drive in drives:
for pp in protocols:
for cov in fs:
for method in methods:
queue.append([drive, pp, cov, method, qss_vars])
return queue
def checkInputs(self, drive, pp, fs, method, qss_vars):
if not isinstance(drive, Drive):
raise TypeError(f'Invalid "drive" parameter (must be an "Drive" object)')
if not isinstance(pp, PulsedProtocol):
raise TypeError('Invalid pulsed protocol (must be "PulsedProtocol" instance)')
if not isinstance(fs, float):
raise TypeError(f'Invalid "fs" parameter (must be float typed)')
if qss_vars is not None:
if not isIterable(qss_vars) or not isinstance(qss_vars[0], str):
raise ValueError('Invalid QSS variables: must be None or an iterable of strings')
sn = self.pneuron.statesNames()
for item in qss_vars:
if item not in sn:
raise ValueError(f'Invalid QSS variable: {item} (must be in {sn}')
if method not in list(self.intMethods().keys()):
raise ValueError(f'Invalid integration method: "{method}"')
def simulate(self, drive, pp, fs=1., method='sonic', qss_vars=None):
''' Simulate the electro-mechanical model for a specific set of US stimulation parameters,
and return output data in a dataframe.
:param drive: acoustic drive object
:param pp: pulse protocol object
:param fs: sonophore membrane coverage fraction (-)
:param method: selected integration method
:return: output dataframe
# Set the tissue elastic modulus
# Call appropriate simulation function and return
simfunc = self.intMethods()[method]
simargs = [drive, pp, fs]
if method == 'sonic':
return simfunc(*simargs)
def desc(self, meta):
method = meta['method'] if 'method' in meta else meta['model']['method']
fs = meta['fs'] if 'fs' in meta else meta['model']['fs']
s = f'{self}: {method} simulation @ {meta["drive"].desc}, {meta["pp"].desc}'
if fs < 1.0:
s += f', fs = {(fs * 1e2):.2f}%'
if 'qss_vars' in meta and meta['qss_vars'] is not None:
s += f" - QSS ({', '.join(meta['qss_vars'])})"
return s
def getNSpikes(data):
return PointNeuron.getNSpikes(data)
def Arange(self):
return (0., self.getLookup().refs['A'].max())
@logCache(os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], 'astim_titrations.log'))
def titrate(self, drive, pp, fs=1., method='sonic', qss_vars=None, xfunc=None, Arange=None):
''' Use a binary search to determine the threshold amplitude needed to obtain
neural excitation for a given frequency and pulsed protocol.
:param drive: unresolved acoustic drive object
:param pp: pulse protocol object
:param fs: sonophore membrane coverage fraction (-)
:param method: integration method
:param xfunc: function determining whether condition is reached from simulation output
:param Arange: search interval for acoustic amplitude, iteratively refined
:return: determined threshold amplitude (Pa)
# Default output function
if xfunc is None:
xfunc = self.pneuron.titrationFunc
# Default amplitude interval
if Arange is None:
Arange = self.Arange
return threshold(
lambda x: xfunc(self.simulate(
drive.updatedX(x), pp, fs=fs, method=method, qss_vars=qss_vars)[0]),
Arange, x0=ASTIM_AMP_INITIAL, eps_thr=ASTIM_ABS_CONV_THR, rel_eps_thr=1e0, precheck=True)
def getQuasiSteadyStates(self, f, amps=None, charges=None, DC=1.0, squeeze_output=False):
''' Compute the quasi-steady state values of the neuron's gating variables
for a combination of US amplitudes, charge densities,
at a specific US frequency and duty cycle.
:param f: US frequency (Hz)
:param amps: US amplitudes (Pa)
:param charges: membrane charge densities (C/m2)
:param DC: duty cycle
:return: 4-tuple with reference values of US amplitude and charge density,
as well as interpolated Vmeff and QSS gating variables
# Get DC-averaged lookups interpolated at the appropriate amplitudes and charges
lkp = self.getLookup().projectDC(amps=amps, DC=DC).projectN({'a': self.a, 'f': f})
if charges is not None:
lkp = lkp.project('Q', charges)
# Specify dimensions with A as the first axis
A_axis = lkp.getAxisIndex('A')
lkp.move('A', 0)
nA = lkp.dims()[0]
# Compute QSS states using these lookups
QSS = EffectiveVariablesLookup(
{k: v(lkp) for k, v in self.pneuron.quasiSteadyStates().items()})
# Compress outputs if needed
if squeeze_output:
QSS = QSS.squeeze()
lkp = lkp.squeeze()
return lkp, QSS
def iNetQSS(self, Qm, f, A, DC):
''' Compute quasi-steady state net membrane current for a given combination
of US parameters and a given membrane charge density.
:param Qm: membrane charge density (C/m2)
:param f: US frequency (Hz)
:param A: US amplitude (Pa)
:param DC: duty cycle (-)
:return: net membrane current (mA/m2)
lkp, QSS = self.getQuasiSteadyStates(
f, amps=A, charges=Qm, DC=DC, squeeze_output=True)
return self.pneuron.iNet(lkp['V'], QSS) # mA/m2
def fixedPointsQSS(self, f, A, DC, lkp, dQdt):
''' Compute QSS fixed points along the charge dimension for a given combination
of US parameters, and determine their stability.
:param f: US frequency (Hz)
:param A: US amplitude (Pa)
:param DC: duty cycle (-)
:param lkp: lookup dictionary for effective variables along charge dimension
:param dQdt: charge derivative profile along charge dimension
:return: 2-tuple with values of stable and unstable fixed points
pltvars = self.getPltVars()
logger.debug(f'A = {A * 1e-3:.2f} kPa, DC = {DC * 1e2:.0f}%')
# Extract fixed points from QSS charge variation profile
def dfunc(Qm):
return - self.iNetQSS(Qm, f, A, DC)
fixed_points = getFixedPoints(
lkp.refs['Q'], dQdt, filter='both', der_func=dfunc).tolist()
dfunc = lambda x: np.array(self.effDerivatives(_, x, lkp))
# classified_fixed_points = {'stable': [], 'unstable': [], 'saddle': []}
classified_fixed_points = []
# For each fixed point
for i, Qm in enumerate(fixed_points):
# Re-compute QSS at fixed point
*_, QSS = self.getQuasiSteadyStates(f, amps=A, charges=Qm, DC=DC,
# Classify fixed point stability by numerically evaluating its Jacobian and
# computing its eigenvalues
x = np.array([Qm, *QSS.tables.values()])
eigvals, key = classifyFixedPoint(x, dfunc)
# classified_fixed_points[key].append(Qm)
classified_fixed_points.append((x, eigvals, key))
# eigenvalues.append(eigvals)
logger.debug(f'{key} point @ Q = {(Qm * 1e5):.1f} nC/cm2')
# eigenvalues = np.array(eigenvalues).T
# print(eigenvalues.shape)
return classified_fixed_points
def isStableQSS(self, f, A, DC):
lookups, QSS = self.getQuasiSteadyStates(
f, amps=A, DCs=DC, squeeze_output=True)
dQdt = -self.pneuron.iNet(lookups['V'], QSS.tables) # mA/m2
classified_fixed_points = self.fixedPointsQSS(f, A, DC, lookups, dQdt)
return len(classified_fixed_points['stable']) > 0
class DrivenNeuronalBilayerSonophore(NeuronalBilayerSonophore):
simkey = 'DASTIM' # keyword used to characterize simulations made with this model
def __init__(self, Idrive, *args, **kwargs):
self.Idrive = Idrive
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def __repr__(self):
return super().__repr__()[:-1] + f', Idrive = {self.Idrive:.2f} mA/m2)'
def initFromMeta(cls, meta):
return cls(meta['Idrive'], meta['a'], getPointNeuron(meta['neuron']), embedding_depth=meta['d'])
def params(self):
return {**{'Idrive': self.Idrive}, **super().params()}
def inputs():
inputvars = NeuronalBilayerSonophore.inputs()
inputvars['Idrive'] = {
'desc': 'driving current density',
'label': 'I_{drive}',
'unit': 'mA/m2',
'factor': 1e0,
'precision': 0
return inputvars
def filecodes(self, *args):
codes = super().filecodes(*args)
codes['Idrive'] = f'Idrive{self.Idrive:.1f}mAm2'
return codes
def fullDerivatives(self, *args):
dydt = super().fullDerivatives(*args)
dydt[3] += self.Idrive * 1e-3
return dydt
def effDerivatives(self, *args):
dQmdt, *dstates = super().effDerivatives(*args)
dQmdt += self.Idrive * 1e-3
return [dQmdt, *dstates]
def meta(self, drive, pp, fs, method, qss_vars):
d = super().meta(drive, pp, fs, method, qss_vars)
d['Idrive'] = self.Idrive
return d

Event Timeline