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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Author: Theo Lemaire
# @Date: 2017-08-03 11:53:04
# @Email:
# @Last Modified by: Theo Lemaire
# @Last Modified time: 2018-09-28 14:14:12
import os
import time
import pickle
import abc
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import odeint
import pandas as pd
from ..postpro import findPeaks
from ..constants import *
from ..utils import si_format, logger, ESTIM_filecode
from ..batches import xlslog
class PointNeuron(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
''' Abstract class defining the common API (i.e. mandatory attributes and methods) of all
subclasses implementing the channels mechanisms of specific point neurons.
The mandatory attributes are:
- **name**: a string defining the name of the mechanism.
- **Cm0**: a float defining the membrane resting capacitance (in F/m2)
- **Vm0**: a float defining the membrane resting potential (in mV)
- **states_names**: a list of strings defining the names of the different state
probabilities governing the channels behaviour (i.e. the differential HH variables).
- **states0**: a 1D array of floats (NOT integers !!!) defining the initial values of
the different state probabilities.
- **coeff_names**: a list of strings defining the names of the different coefficients
to be used in effective simulations.
The mandatory methods are:
- **currNet**: compute the net ionic current density (in mA/m2) across the membrane,
given a specific membrane potential (in mV) and channel states.
- **steadyStates**: compute the channels steady-state values for a specific membrane
potential value (in mV).
- **derStates**: compute the derivatives of channel states, given a specific membrane
potential (in mV) and channel states. This method must return a list of derivatives
ordered identically as in the states0 attribute.
- **getEffRates**: get the effective rate constants of ion channels to be used in
effective simulations. This method must return an array of effective rates ordered
identically as in the coeff_names attribute.
- **derStatesEff**: compute the effective derivatives of channel states, based on
1-dimensional linear interpolators of "effective" coefficients. This method must
return a list of derivatives ordered identically as in the states0 attribute.
def __repr__(self):
return self.__class__.__name__
def pprint(self):
return '{} neuron'.format(self.__class__.__name__)
def name(self):
return 'Should never reach here'
def Cm0(self):
return 'Should never reach here'
def Vm0(self):
return 'Should never reach here'
def currNet(self, Vm, states):
''' Compute the net ionic current per unit area.
:param Vm: membrane potential (mV)
:states: state probabilities of the ion channels
:return: current per unit area (mA/m2)
def steadyStates(self, Vm):
''' Compute the channels steady-state values for a specific membrane potential value.
:param Vm: membrane potential (mV)
:return: array of steady-states
def derStates(self, Vm, states):
''' Compute the derivatives of channel states.
:param Vm: membrane potential (mV)
:states: state probabilities of the ion channels
:return: current per unit area (mA/m2)
def getEffRates(self, Vm):
''' Get the effective rate constants of ion channels, averaged along an acoustic cycle,
for future use in effective simulations.
:param Vm: array of membrane potential values for an acoustic cycle (mV)
:return: an array of rate average constants (s-1)
def derStatesEff(self, Qm, states, interp_data):
''' Compute the effective derivatives of channel states, based on
1-dimensional linear interpolation of "effective" coefficients
that summarize the system's behaviour over an acoustic cycle.
:param Qm: membrane charge density (C/m2)
:states: state probabilities of the ion channels
:param interp_data: dictionary of 1D vectors of "effective" coefficients
over the charge domain, for specific frequency and amplitude values.
def getGates(self):
''' Retrieve the names of the neuron's states that match an ion channel gating. '''
gates = []
for x in self.states_names:
if 'alpha{}'.format(x.lower()) in self.coeff_names:
return gates
def getRates(self, Vm):
''' Compute the ion channels rate constants for a given membrane potential.
:param Vm: membrane potential (mV)
:return: a dictionary of rate constants and their values at the given potential.
rates = {}
for x in self.getGates():
x = x.lower()
alpha_str, beta_str = ['{}{}'.format(s, x.lower()) for s in ['alpha', 'beta']]
inf_str, tau_str = ['{}inf'.format(x.lower()), 'tau{}'.format(x.lower())]
if hasattr(self, 'alpha{}'.format(x)):
alphax = getattr(self, alpha_str)(Vm)
betax = getattr(self, beta_str)(Vm)
elif hasattr(self, '{}inf'.format(x)):
xinf = getattr(self, inf_str)(Vm)
taux = getattr(self, tau_str)(Vm)
alphax = xinf / taux
betax = 1 / taux - alphax
rates[alpha_str] = alphax
rates[beta_str] = betax
return rates
def vtrap(self, x, y):
''' Generic function used to compute rate constants. '''
return x / (np.exp(x / y) - 1)
def Vderivatives(self, y, t, Iinj):
''' Compute the derivatives of a V-cast HH system for a
specific value of injected current.
:param y: vector of HH system variables at time t
:param t: time value (s, unused)
:param Iinj: injected current (mA/m2)
:return: vector of HH system derivatives at time t
Vm, *states = y
Iionic = self.currNet(Vm, states) # mA/m2
dVmdt = (- Iionic + Iinj) / self.Cm0 # mV/s
dstates = self.derStates(Vm, states)
return [dVmdt, *dstates]
def Qderivatives(self, y, t, Cm=None):
''' Compute the derivatives of the n-ODE HH system variables,
based on a value of membrane capacitance.
:param y: vector of HH system variables at time t
:param t: specific instant in time (s)
:param Cm: membrane capacitance (F/m2)
:return: vector of HH system derivatives at time t
if Cm is None:
Cm = self.Cm0
Qm, *states = y
Vm = Qm / Cm * 1e3 # mV
dQm = - self.currNet(Vm, states) * 1e-3 # A/m2
dstates = self.derStates(Vm, states)
return [dQm, *dstates]
def checkInputs(self, Astim, tstim, toffset, PRF, DC):
''' Check validity of electrical stimulation parameters.
:param Astim: pulse amplitude (mA/m2)
:param tstim: pulse duration (s)
:param toffset: offset duration (s)
:param PRF: pulse repetition frequency (Hz)
:param DC: pulse duty cycle (-)
# Check validity of stimulation parameters
if not all(isinstance(param, float) for param in [Astim, tstim, toffset, DC]):
raise TypeError('Invalid stimulation parameters (must be float typed)')
if tstim <= 0:
raise ValueError('Invalid stimulus duration: {} ms (must be strictly positive)'
.format(tstim * 1e3))
if toffset < 0:
raise ValueError('Invalid stimulus offset: {} ms (must be positive or null)'
.format(toffset * 1e3))
if DC <= 0.0 or DC > 1.0:
raise ValueError('Invalid duty cycle: {} (must be within ]0; 1])'.format(DC))
if DC < 1.0:
if not isinstance(PRF, float):
raise TypeError('Invalid PRF value (must be float typed)')
if PRF is None:
raise AttributeError('Missing PRF value (must be provided when DC < 1)')
if PRF < 1 / tstim:
raise ValueError('Invalid PRF: {} Hz (PR interval exceeds stimulus duration)'
def simulate(self, Astim, tstim, toffset, PRF=None, DC=1.0):
''' Compute solutions of a neuron's HH system for a specific set of
electrical stimulation parameters, using a classic integration scheme.
:param Astim: pulse amplitude (mA/m2)
:param tstim: pulse duration (s)
:param toffset: offset duration (s)
:param PRF: pulse repetition frequency (Hz)
:param DC: pulse duty cycle (-)
:return: 3-tuple with the time profile and solution matrix and a state vector
# Check validity of stimulation parameters
self.checkInputs(Astim, tstim, toffset, PRF, DC)
# Determine system time step
# if CW stimulus: divide integration during stimulus into single interval
if DC == 1.0:
PRF = 1 / tstim
# Compute vector sizes
npulses = int(np.round(PRF * tstim))
Tpulse_on = DC / PRF
Tpulse_off = (1 - DC) / PRF
# For high-PRF pulsed protocols: adapt time step to ensure minimal
# number of samples during TON or TOFF
dt_warning_msg = 'high-PRF protocol: lowering time step to %.2e s to properly integrate %s'
for key, Tpulse in {'TON': Tpulse_on, 'TOFF': Tpulse_off}.items():
if Tpulse > 0 and Tpulse / dt < MIN_SAMPLES_PER_PULSE_INT:
logger.warning(dt_warning_msg, dt, key)
n_pulse_on = int(np.round(Tpulse_on / dt))
n_pulse_off = int(np.round(Tpulse_off / dt))
# Compute offset size
n_off = int(np.round(toffset / dt))
# Set initial conditions
y0 = [self.Vm0, *self.states0]
nvar = len(y0)
# Initialize global arrays
t = np.array([0.])
states = np.array([1])
y = np.array([y0]).T
# Initialize pulse time and states vectors
t_pulse0 = np.linspace(0, Tpulse_on + Tpulse_off, n_pulse_on + n_pulse_off)
states_pulse = np.concatenate((np.ones(n_pulse_on), np.zeros(n_pulse_off)))
# Loop through all pulse (ON and OFF) intervals
for i in range(npulses):
# Construct and initialize arrays
t_pulse = t_pulse0 + t[-1]
y_pulse = np.empty((nvar, n_pulse_on + n_pulse_off))
# Integrate ON system
y_pulse[:, :n_pulse_on] = odeint(
self.Vderivatives, y[:, -1], t_pulse[:n_pulse_on], args=(Astim,)).T
# Integrate OFF system
if n_pulse_off > 0:
y_pulse[:, n_pulse_on:] = odeint(
self.Vderivatives, y_pulse[:, n_pulse_on - 1], t_pulse[n_pulse_on:],
# Append pulse arrays to global arrays
states = np.concatenate([states, states_pulse[1:]])
t = np.concatenate([t, t_pulse[1:]])
y = np.concatenate([y, y_pulse[:, 1:]], axis=1)
# Integrate offset interval
if n_off > 0:
t_off = np.linspace(0, toffset, n_off) + t[-1]
states_off = np.zeros(n_off)
y_off = odeint(self.Vderivatives, y[:, -1], t_off, args=(0.0, )).T
# Concatenate offset arrays to global arrays
states = np.concatenate([states, states_off[1:]])
t = np.concatenate([t, t_off[1:]])
y = np.concatenate([y, y_off[:, 1:]], axis=1)
# Return output variables
return (t, y, states)
def titrate(self, tstim, toffset, PRF=None, DC=1.0, Arange=(0., 2 * TITRATION_ESTIM_A_MAX)):
''' Use a dichotomic recursive search to determine the threshold amplitude needed
to obtain neural excitation for a given duration, PRF and duty cycle.
:param tstim: duration of US stimulation (s)
:param toffset: duration of the offset (s)
:param PRF: pulse repetition frequency (Hz)
:param DC: pulse duty cycle (-)
:param Arange: search interval for Astim, iteratively refined
:return: 5-tuple with the determined threshold, time profile,
solution matrix, state vector and response latency
Astim = (Arange[0] + Arange[1]) / 2
# Run simulation and detect spikes
t0 = time.time()
(t, y, states) = self.simulate(Astim, tstim, toffset, PRF, DC)
tcomp = time.time() - t0
dt = t[1] - t[0]
ipeaks, *_ = findPeaks(y[0, :], SPIKE_MIN_VAMP, int(np.ceil(SPIKE_MIN_DT / dt)),
nspikes = ipeaks.size
latency = t[ipeaks[0]] if nspikes > 0 else None
logger.debug('A = %sA/m2 ---> %s spike%s detected',
si_format(Astim * 1e-3, 2, space=' '),
nspikes, "s" if nspikes > 1 else "")
# If accurate threshold is found, return simulation results
if (Arange[1] - Arange[0]) <= TITRATION_ESTIM_DA_MAX and nspikes == 1:
return (Astim, t, y, states, latency, tcomp)
# Otherwise, refine titration interval and iterate recursively
if nspikes == 0:
# if Astim too close to max then stop
return (np.nan, t, y, states, latency, tcomp)
Arange = (Astim, Arange[1])
Arange = (Arange[0], Astim)
return self.titrate(tstim, toffset, PRF, DC, Arange=Arange)
def runAndSave(self, outdir, tstim, toffset, PRF=None, DC=1.0, Astim=None):
''' Run a simulation of the point-neuron Hodgkin-Huxley system with specific parameters,
and save the results in a PKL file.
:param outdir: full path to output directory
:param tstim: stimulus duration (s)
:param toffset: stimulus offset (s)
:param PRF: pulse repetition frequency (Hz)
:param DC: stimulus duty cycle (-)
:param Astim: stimulus amplitude (mA/m2)
# Get date and time info
date_str = time.strftime("%Y.%m.%d")
daytime_str = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
if Astim is not None:'%s: simulation @ A = %sA/m2, t = %ss%s',
self, si_format(Astim * 1e-3, 2, space=' '), si_format(tstim, 1, space=' '),
(', PRF = {}Hz, DC = {:.2f}%'.format(si_format(PRF, 2, space=' '), DC * 1e2)
if DC < 1.0 else ''))
# Run simulation
tstart = time.time()
t, y, states = self.simulate(Astim, tstim, toffset, PRF, DC)
Vm, *channels = y
tcomp = time.time() - tstart
# Detect spikes on Vm signal
dt = t[1] - t[0]
ipeaks, *_ = findPeaks(Vm, SPIKE_MIN_VAMP, int(np.ceil(SPIKE_MIN_DT / dt)),
nspikes = ipeaks.size
lat = t[ipeaks[0]] if nspikes > 0 else 'N/A'
outstr = '{} spike{} detected'.format(nspikes, 's' if nspikes > 1 else '')
else:'%s: titration @ t = %ss%s',
self, si_format(tstim, 1, space=' '),
(', PRF = {}Hz, DC = {:.2f}%'.format(si_format(PRF, 2, space=' '), DC * 1e2)
if DC < 1.0 else ''))
# Run titration
Astim, t, y, states, lat, tcomp = self.titrate(tstim, toffset, PRF, DC)
Vm, *channels = y
nspikes = 1
if Astim is np.nan:
outstr = 'no spikes detected within titration interval'
nspikes = 0
nspikes = 1
outstr = 'Athr = {}A/m2'.format(si_format(Astim * 1e-3, 2, space=' '))
logger.debug('completed in %s, %s', si_format(tcomp, 1), outstr)
sr = np.mean(1 / np.diff(t[ipeaks])) if nspikes > 1 else None
# Store dataframe and metadata
df = pd.DataFrame({
't': t,
'states': states,
'Vm': Vm,
'Qm': Vm * self.Cm0 * 1e-3
for j in range(len(self.states_names)):
df[self.states_names[j]] = channels[j]
meta = {
'Astim': Astim,
'tstim': tstim,
'toffset': toffset,
'DC': DC,
'tcomp': tcomp
# Export into to PKL file
simcode = ESTIM_filecode(, Astim, tstim, PRF, DC)
outpath = '{}/{}.pkl'.format(outdir, simcode)
with open(outpath, 'wb') as fh:
pickle.dump({'meta': meta, 'data': df}, fh)
logger.debug('simulation data exported to "%s"', outpath)
# Export key metrics to log file
logpath = os.path.join(outdir, 'log_ESTIM.xlsx')
logentry = {
'Date': date_str,
'Time': daytime_str,
'Neuron Type':,
'Astim (mA/m2)': Astim,
'Tstim (ms)': tstim * 1e3,
'PRF (kHz)': PRF * 1e-3 if DC < 1 else 'N/A',
'Duty factor': DC,
'# samples': t.size,
'Comp. time (s)': round(tcomp, 2),
'# spikes': nspikes,
'Latency (ms)': lat * 1e3 if isinstance(lat, float) else 'N/A',
'Spike rate (sp/ms)': sr * 1e-3 if isinstance(sr, float) else 'N/A'
if xlslog(logpath, logentry) == 1:
logger.debug('log exported to "%s"', logpath)
logger.error('log export to "%s" aborted', self.logpath)
return outpath
def findRheobaseAmps(self, DCs, Vthr, curr='net'):
''' Find the rheobase amplitudes (i.e. threshold amplitudes of infinite duration
that would result in excitation) of a specific neuron for various stimulation duty cycles.
:param DCs: duty cycles vector (-)
:param Vthr: threshold membrane potential above which the neuron necessarily fires (mV)
:return: rheobase amplitudes vector (mA/m2)
# Compute the pulse average net (or leakage) current along the amplitude space
if curr == 'net':
iNet = self.currNet(Vthr, self.steadyStates(Vthr))
elif curr == 'leak':
iNet = self.currL(Vthr)
# Compute rheobase amplitudes
return iNet / np.array(DCs)

Event Timeline