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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Author: Theo Lemaire
# @Email:
# @Date: 2019-11-12 18:04:45
# @Last Modified by: Theo Lemaire
# @Last Modified time: 2020-12-11 18:25:22
import abc
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import itertools
from ..utils import isIterable
from .stimobj import StimObject
from .batches import Batch
class TimeProtocol(StimObject):
def nature(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def stimEvents(self):
''' Return time-value pairs for each transition in stimulation state. '''
raise NotImplementedError
def tstop(self):
''' Stopping time. '''
raise NotImplementedError
def stimProfile(self):
events = self.stimEvents()
l = [(0., 0)]
for e in events:
l.append((e[0], l[-1][1]))
t, x = zip(*l)
return np.array(t), np.array(x)
def plot(self):
t, x = self.stimProfile()
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.set_title('stim vector')
ax.set_xlabel('time (ms)')
ax.plot(t * 1e3, x)
return fig
class CustomProtocol(TimeProtocol):
def __init__(self, tevents, xevents, tstop):
''' Class constructor.
:param tevents: vector of time events occurences (s)
:param xevents: vector of stimulus modulation values
:param tstop: stopping time (s)
self.tevents = tevents
self.xevents = xevents
self.tstop = tstop
def nature(self):
return 'custom'
def tevents(self):
return self._tevents
def tevents(self, value):
if not isIterable(value):
value = [value]
value = np.asarray([self.checkFloat('tevents', v) for v in value])
self.checkPositiveOrNull('tevents', value.min())
self._tevents = value
def xevents(self):
return self._xevents
def xevents(self, value):
if not isIterable(value):
value = [value]
value = np.asarray([self.checkFloat('xevents', v) for v in value])
self._xevents = value
def tstop(self):
return self._tstop
def tstop(self, value):
value = self.checkFloat('tstop', value)
self.checkBounded('tstop', value, (self.tevents.max(), np.inf))
self._tstop = value
def copy(self):
return self.__class__(self.tevents, self.xevents, self.tstop)
def inputs():
return {
'tevents': {
'desc': 'events times',
'label': 't_{events}',
'unit': 's',
'factor': 1e0,
'precision': 2
'xevents': {
'desc': 'events modulation factors',
'label': 'x_{events}',
'precision': 1
'tstop': {
'desc': 'stopping time',
'label': 't_{stop}',
'unit': 's',
'factor': 1e0,
'precision': 0
def stimEvents(self):
return sorted(list(zip(self.tevents, self.xevents)), key=lambda x: x[0])
class PulsedProtocol(TimeProtocol):
def __init__(self, tstim, toffset, PRF=100., DC=1., tstart=0.):
''' Class constructor.
:param tstim: pulse duration (s)
:param toffset: offset duration (s)
:param PRF: pulse repetition frequency (Hz)
:param DC: pulse duty cycle (-)
self.tstim = tstim
self.toffset = toffset
self.DC = DC
self.PRF = PRF
self.tstart = tstart
def tstim(self):
return self._tstim
def tstim(self, value):
value = self.checkFloat('tstim', value)
self.checkPositiveOrNull('tstim', value)
self._tstim = value
def toffset(self):
return self._toffset
def toffset(self, value):
value = self.checkFloat('toffset', value)
self.checkPositiveOrNull('toffset', value)
self._toffset = value
def DC(self):
return self._DC
def DC(self, value):
value = self.checkFloat('DC', value)
self.checkBounded('DC', value, (0., 1.))
self._DC = value
def PRF(self):
return self._PRF
def PRF(self, value):
value = self.checkFloat('PRF', value)
self.checkPositiveOrNull('PRF', value)
if self.DC < 1.:
self.checkBounded('PRF', value, (1 / self.tstim, np.inf))
self._PRF = value
def tstart(self):
return self._tstart
def tstart(self, value):
value = self.checkFloat('tstart', value)
self.checkPositiveOrNull('tstart', value)
self._tstart = value
def copy(self):
return self.__class__(
self.tstim, self.toffset, PRF=self.PRF, DC=self.DC, tstart=self.tstart)
def tstop(self):
return self.tstim + self.toffset
def pdict(self, **kwargs):
d = super().pdict(**kwargs)
if 'toffset' in d and self.toffset == 0.:
del d['toffset']
if self.isCW:
del d['PRF']
del d['DC']
if self.tstart == 0.:
del d['tstart']
return d
def T_ON(self):
return self.DC / self.PRF
def T_OFF(self):
return (1 - self.DC) / self.PRF
def npulses(self):
return int(np.round(self.tstim * self.PRF))
def isCW(self):
return self.DC == 1.
def nature(self):
return 'CW' if self.isCW else 'PW'
def inputs():
return {
'tstim': {
'desc': 'stimulus duration',
'label': 't_{stim}',
'unit': 's',
'factor': 1e0,
'precision': 0
'toffset': {
'desc': 'offset duration',
'label': 't_{offset}',
'unit': 's',
'factor': 1e0,
'precision': 0
'PRF': {
'desc': 'pulse repetition frequency',
'label': 'PRF',
'unit': 'Hz',
'factor': 1e0,
'precision': 2
'DC': {
'desc': 'duty cycle',
'label': 'DC',
'unit': '%',
'factor': 1e2,
'precision': 1,
'minfigs': 2
'tstart': {
'desc': 'stimulus start time',
'label': 't_{start}',
'unit': 's',
'precision': 0
def tOFFON(self):
''' Return vector of times of OFF-ON transitions (in s). '''
if self.isCW:
return np.array([self.tstart])
return np.arange(self.npulses) / self.PRF + self.tstart
def tONOFF(self):
''' Return vector of times of ON-OFF transitions (in s). '''
if self.isCW:
return np.array([self.tstart + self.tstim])
return (np.arange(self.npulses) + self.DC) / self.PRF + self.tstart
def stimEvents(self):
t_on_off = self.tONOFF()
t_off_on = self.tOFFON()
pairs = list(zip(t_off_on, [1] * len(t_off_on))) + list(zip(t_on_off, [0] * len(t_on_off)))
return sorted(pairs, key=lambda x: x[0])
def createQueue(cls, durations, offsets, PRFs, DCs):
''' Create a serialized 2D array of all parameter combinations for a series of individual
parameter sweeps, while avoiding repetition of CW protocols for a given PRF sweep.
:param durations: list (or 1D-array) of stimulus durations
:param offsets: list (or 1D-array) of stimulus offsets (paired with durations array)
:param PRFs: list (or 1D-array) of pulse-repetition frequencies
:param DCs: list (or 1D-array) of duty cycle values
:return: list of parameters (list) for each simulation
DCs = np.array(DCs)
queue = []
if 1.0 in DCs:
queue += Batch.createQueue(durations, offsets, min(PRFs), 1.0)
if np.any(DCs != 1.0):
queue += Batch.createQueue(durations, offsets, PRFs, DCs[DCs != 1.0])
queue = [cls(*item) for item in queue]
return queue
class BurstProtocol(PulsedProtocol):
def __init__(self, tburst, PRF=100., DC=1., BRF=None, nbursts=1, tstart=0.):
''' Class constructor.
:param tburst: burst duration (s)
:param BRF: burst repetition frequency (Hz)
:param nbursts: number of bursts
if BRF is None:
BRF = 1 / (2 * tburst)
self.checkBounded('BRF', BRF, (0, 1 / tburst)) # BRF pre-check
super().__init__(tburst, 1 / BRF - tburst, PRF=PRF, DC=DC, tstart=tstart)
self.BRF = BRF
self.nbursts = nbursts
def copy(self):
return self.__class__(
self.tburst, PRF=self.PRF, DC=self.DC, BRF=self.BRF, nbursts=self.nbursts)
def tburst(self):
return self.tstim
def tstop(self):
return self.nbursts / self.BRF
def BRF(self):
return self._BRF
def BRF(self, value):
value = self.checkFloat('BRF', value)
self.checkPositiveOrNull('BRF', value)
self.checkBounded('BRF', value, (0, 1 / self.tburst))
self._BRF = value
def inputs():
d = PulsedProtocol.inputs()
for k in ['tstim', 'toffset']:
del d[k]
'tburst': {
'desc': 'burst duration',
'label': 't_{burst}',
'unit': 's',
'factor': 1e0,
'precision': 0
'BRF': {
'desc': 'burst repetition frequency',
'label': 'BRF',
'unit': 'Hz',
'precision': 1
'nbursts': {
'desc': 'number of bursts',
'label': 'n_{bursts}'
return {
'tburst': d.pop('tburst'),
**{k: v for k, v in d.items()}
def repeatBurstArray(self, tburst):
return np.ravel(np.array([tburst + i / self.BRF for i in range(self.nbursts)]))
def tOFFON(self):
return self.repeatBurstArray(super().tOFFON())
def tONOFF(self):
return self.repeatBurstArray(super().tONOFF())
def createQueue(cls, durations, PRFs, DCs, BRFs, nbursts):
''' Create a serialized 2D array of all parameter combinations for a series of individual
parameter sweeps, while avoiding repetition of CW protocols for a given PRF sweep.
:param durations: list (or 1D-array) of stimulus durations
:param PRFs: list (or 1D-array) of pulse-repetition frequencies
:param DCs: list (or 1D-array) of duty cycle values
:param BRFs: list (or 1D-array) of burst-repetition frequencies
:param nbursts: list (or 1D-array) of number of bursts
:return: list of parameters (list) for each simulation
# Get pulsed protocols queue (with unique zero offset)
pp_queue = PulsedProtocol.createQueue(durations, [0.], PRFs, DCs)
# Extract parameters (without offset)
pp_queue = [[x.tstim, x.PRF, x.DC] for x in pp_queue]
# Complete queue with each BRF-nburts combination
queue = []
for item in pp_queue:
for nb in nbursts:
for BRF in BRFs:
queue.append(item + [BRF, nb])
# Construct and return objects queue
return [cls(*item) for item in queue]
class BalancedPulsedProtocol(PulsedProtocol):
def __init__(self, tpulse, xratio, toffset, tstim=None, PRF=100, tstart=0.):
self.tpulse = tpulse
self.xratio = xratio
if tstim is None:
tstim = self.ttotal
PRF = 1 / tstim
super().__init__(tstim, toffset, PRF=PRF, DC=self.tpulse * PRF, tstart=tstart)
def tpulse(self):
return self._tpulse
def tpulse(self, value):
value = self.checkFloat('tpulse', value)
self.checkPositiveOrNull('tpulse', value)
self._tpulse = value
def xratio(self):
return self._xratio
def xratio(self, value):
value = self.checkFloat('xratio', value)
self.checkBounded('xratio', value, (0., 1.))
self._xratio = value
def PRF(self):
return self._PRF
def PRF(self, value):
value = self.checkFloat('PRF', value)
self.checkPositiveOrNull('PRF', value)
if self.tstim != self.ttotal:
self.checkBounded('PRF', value, (1 / self.tstim, 1 / self.ttotal))
self._PRF = value
def treversal(self):
return self.tpulse / self.xratio
def ttotal(self):
return self.tpulse + self.treversal
def copy(self):
return self.__class__(
self.tpulse, self.xratio, self.toffset, tstim=self.tstim, PRF=self.PRF)
def inputs():
d = PulsedProtocol.inputs()
del d['DC']
return {
'tpulse': {
'desc': 'pulse width',
'label': 't_{pulse}',
'unit': 's',
'factor': 1e0,
'precision': 2
'xratio': {
'desc': 'balance amplitude factor',
'label': 'x_{ratio}',
'factor': 1e2,
'unit': '%',
'precision': 1
def tRev(self):
return self.tOFFON() + self.tpulse
def tONOFF(self):
return self.tOFFON() + self.ttotal
def stimEvents(self):
pairs = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable([
list(zip(t, [x] * len(t))) for t, x in [
(self.tOFFON(), 1), (self.tRev(), -self.xratio), (self.tONOFF(), 0)
return sorted(pairs, key=lambda x: x[0])
def getPulseTrainProtocol(PD, npulses, PRF):
''' Get a pulse train protocol for a given pulse duration, number of pulses and PRF.
:param PD: pulse duration (s)
:param npulses: number of pulses
:param PRF: pulse repetition frequency (Hz)
:return: PulsedProtocol object
tstim = npulses / PRF
tstart = 1 / PRF - PD
return PulsedProtocol(tstim + tstart, 0., PRF=PRF, DC=DC, tstart=tstart)

Event Timeline