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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Author: Theo Lemaire
# @Date: 2019-05-28 14:45:12
# @Last Modified by: Theo Lemaire
# @Last Modified time: 2019-06-01 19:45:34
import abc
import numpy as np
import nolds
from scipy.integrate import ode, odeint
from tqdm import tqdm
from ..utils import *
from ..constants import *
class Simulator(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
''' Generic interface to simulator object. '''
def initialize(self, y0):
''' Initialize global arrays.
:param y0: vector of initial conditions
:return: 3-tuple with the initialized time vector, solution matrix and state vector
t = np.array([0.])
y = np.atleast_2d(y0)
stim = np.array([1])
return t, y, stim
def appendSolution(self, t, y, stim, tnew, ynew, is_on):
''' Append to time vector, solution matrix and state vector.
:param t: preceding time vector
:param y: preceding solution matrix
:param stim: preceding stimulation state vector
:param tnew: integration time vector for current interval
:param ynew: derivative function for current interval
:param is_on: stimulation state for current interval
:return: 3-tuple with the appended time vector, solution matrix and state vector
t = np.concatenate((t, tnew[1:]))
y = np.concatenate((y, ynew[1:]), axis=0)
stim = np.concatenate((stim, np.ones(tnew.size - 1) * is_on))
return t, y, stim
def integrate(self, t, y, stim, tnew, dfunc, is_on):
''' Integrate system for a time interval and append to preceding solution arrays.
:param t: preceding time vector
:param y: preceding solution matrix
:param stim: preceding stimulation state vector
:param tnew: integration time vector for current interval
:param dfunc: derivative function for current interval
:param is_on: stimulation state for current interval
:return: 3-tuple with the appended time vector, solution matrix and state vector
if tnew.size == 0:
return t, y, stim
ynew = odeint(dfunc, y[-1], tnew)
return self.appendSolution(t, y, stim, tnew, ynew, is_on)
def resample(self, t, y, stim, target_dt):
''' Resample a solution to a new target time step.
:param t: time vector
:param y: solution matrix
:param stim: stimulation state vector
:target_dt: target time step after resampling
:return: 3-tuple with the resampled time vector, solution matrix and state vector
dt = t[1] - t[0]
rf = int(np.round(target_dt / dt))
assert rf >= 1, 'Hyper-sampling not supported'
'Downsampling output arrays by factor %u (Fs = %sHz)',
rf, si_format(1 / (dt * rf), 2))
return t[::rf], y[::rf, :], stim[::rf]
def compute(self):
''' Abstract compute method. '''
return 'Should never reach here'
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
''' Call and return compute method, with conditional time monitoring. '''
monitor_time = kwargs.pop('monitor_time')
if monitor_time:
start_time = time.perf_counter()
output = self.compute(*args, **kwargs)
if monitor_time:
end_time = time.perf_counter()
run_time = end_time - start_time
output = output, run_time
return output
class PeriodicSimulator(Simulator):
def __init__(self, dfunc, stopfunc=None, ivars_to_check=None):
''' Initialize simulator with specific derivative and stop functions
:param dfunc: derivative function
:param stopfunc: function estimating stopping criterion
:param ivars_to_check: solution indexes of variables to check for stability
self.dfunc = dfunc
self.ivars_to_check = ivars_to_check
if stopfunc is not None:
self.stopfunc = stopfunc
self.stopfunc = self.isPeriodicallyStable
def getNPerCycle(self, dt, T):
''' Compute number of samples per cycle given a time step and a specific periodicity.
:param dt: integration time step (s)
:param T: periodicity (s)
:return: number of samples per cycle
return int(np.round(T / dt)) + 1
def getTimeReference(self, dt, T):
''' Compute reference integration time vector for a specific periodicity.
:param dt: integration time step (s)
:param T: periodicity (s)
:return: time vector for 1 periodic cycle
return np.linspace(0, T, self.getNPerCycle(dt, T))
def isPeriodicallyStable(self, t, y, T):
''' Assess the periodic stabilization of a solution, by evaluating the deviation
of system variables between the last two periods.
:param t: time vector
:param y: solution matrix
:param T: periodicity (s)
:return: boolean stating whether the solution is periodically stable or not
# Extract the 2 cycles of interest from the solution
n = self.getNPerCycle(t[1] - t[0], T) - 1
y_last = y[-n:, :]
y_prec = y[-2 * n:-n, :]
# For each variable of interest, evaluate the RMSE between the two cycles, the
# variation range over the last cycle, and the ratio of these 2 quantities
ratios = np.array([rmse(y_last[:, ivar], y_prec[:, ivar]) / np.ptp(y_last[:, ivar])
for ivar in self.ivars_to_check])
# Classify the solution as periodically stable only if all RMSE/PTP ratios
# are below critical threshold
is_periodically_stable = np.all(ratios < MAX_RMSE_PTP_RATIO)
# logger.debug(
# 'step %u: ratios = [%s]', icycle,
# ', '.join(['{:.2e}'.format(r) for r in ratios]))
return is_periodically_stable
def isAsymptoticallyStable(self, t, y, T):
''' Assess the asymptotically stabilization of a solution, by evaluating the deviation
of system variables from their initial values.
:param t: time vector
:param y: solution matrix
:param T: periodicity (s)
:return: boolean stating whether the solution is asymptotically stable or not
# For each variable of interest, evaluate the ...
lyapunov_exponents = np.array([nolds.lyap_r(y[:, ivar]) for ivar in self.ivars_to_check])
is_asyptotically_stable = np.all(lyapunov_exponents < 1e-5)
return is_asyptotically_stable
def compute(self, y0, dt, T, t0=0., nmax=NCYCLES_MAX):
''' Simulate system with a specific periodicity until stopping criterion is met.
:param y0: 1D vector of initial conditions
:param dt: integration time step (s)
:param T: periodicity (s)
:param t0: starting time
:return: 3-tuple with the time profile, the effective solution matrix and a state vector
# If none specified, set all variables to be checked for stability
if self.ivars_to_check is None:
self.ivars_to_check = range(y0.size)
# Get reference time vector
tref = self.getTimeReference(dt, T)
# Initialize global arrays
t, y, stim = self.initialize(y0)
# Integrate system for a few cycles until stopping criterion is met
icycle = 0
stop = False
while not stop and icycle < nmax:
t, y, stim = self.integrate(t, y, stim, tref + icycle * T, self.dfunc, True)
if icycle > 0:
stop = self.stopfunc(t, y, T)
icycle += 1
t += t0
# Log stopping criterion
t_str = 't = {:.5f} ms'.format(t[-1] * 1e3)
if icycle == nmax:
logger.warning('%s: criterion not met -> stopping after %u cycles', t_str, icycle)
logger.debug('%s: stopping criterion met after %u cycles', t_str, icycle)
# Return output variables
return t, y, stim
class PWSimulator(Simulator):
def __init__(self, dfunc_on, dfunc_off):
''' Initialize simulator with specific derivative functions
:param dfunc_on: derivative function for ON periods
:param dfunc_off: derivative function for OFF periods
self.dfunc_on = dfunc_on
self.dfunc_off = dfunc_off
def getTimeReference(self, dt, tstim, toffset, PRF, DC):
''' Compute reference integration time vectors for a specific stimulus application pattern.
:param dt: integration time step (s)
:param tstim: duration of US stimulation (s)
:param toffset: duration of the offset (s)
:param PRF: pulse repetition frequency (Hz)
:param DC: pulse duty cycle (-)
:return: 3-tuple with time vectors for stimulus ON and OFF periods and stimulus offset
# Compute vector sizes
T_OFF = (1 - DC) / PRF
# For high-PRF pulsed protocols: adapt time step to ensure minimal
# number of samples during TON or TOFF
dt_warning_msg = 'high-PRF protocol: lowering time step to %.2e s to properly integrate %s'
for key, T in {'TON': T_ON, 'TOFF': T_OFF}.items():
if T > 0 and T / dt < MIN_SAMPLES_PER_PULSE_INT:
logger.warning(dt_warning_msg, dt, key)
# Initializing accurate time vectors pulse ON and OFF periods, as well as offset
t_on = np.linspace(0, T_ON, int(np.round(T_ON / dt)) + 1)
t_off = np.linspace(T_ON, 1 / PRF, int(np.round(T_OFF / dt)))
t_offset = np.linspace(tstim, tstim + toffset, int(np.round(toffset / dt)))
return t_on, t_off, t_offset
def adjustPRF(self, tstim, PRF, DC, print_progress):
''' Adjust the PRF in case of continuous wave stimulus, in order to obtain the desired
number of integration interval(s) during stimulus.
:param tstim: duration of US stimulation (s)
:param PRF: pulse repetition frequency (Hz)
:param DC: pulse duty cycle (-)
:param print_progress: boolean specifying whether to show a progress bar
:return: adjusted PRF value (Hz)
if DC < 1.0: # if PW stimuli, then no change
return PRF
else: # if CW stimuli, then divide integration according to presence of progress bar
return {True: 100., False: 1.}[print_progress] / tstim
def getNPulses(self, tstim, PRF):
''' Calculate number of pulses from stimulus temporal pattern.
:param tstim: duration of US stimulation (s)
:param toffset: duration of the offset (s)
:return: number of pulses during the stimulus
return int(np.round(tstim * PRF))
def compute(self, y0, dt, tstim, toffset, PRF, DC, target_dt=None, print_progress=False):
''' Simulate system for a specific stimulus application pattern.
:param y0: 1D vector of initial conditions
:param dt: integration time step (s)
:param tstim: duration of US stimulation (s)
:param toffset: duration of the offset (s)
:param PRF: pulse repetition frequency (Hz)
:param DC: pulse duty cycle (-)
:param target_dt: target time step after resampling
:param print_progress: boolean specifying whether to show a progress bar
:return: 3-tuple with the time profile, the effective solution matrix and a state vector
# Adjust PRF and get number of pulses
PRF = self.adjustPRF(tstim, PRF, DC, print_progress)
npulses = self.getNPulses(tstim, PRF)
# Get reference time vectors
t_on, t_off, t_offset = self.getTimeReference(dt, tstim, toffset, PRF, DC)
# Initialize global arrays
t, y, stim = self.initialize(y0)
# Initialize progress bar
if print_progress:
setHandler(logger, TqdmHandler(my_log_formatter))
ntot = int(npulses * (tstim + toffset) / tstim)
pbar = tqdm(total=ntot)
# Integrate ON and OFF intervals of each pulse
for i in range(npulses):
for j, (tref, func) in enumerate(zip([t_on, t_off], [self.dfunc_on, self.dfunc_off])):
t, y, stim = self.integrate(t, y, stim, tref + i / PRF, func, j == 0)
# Update progress bar
if print_progress:
# Integrate offset interval
t, y, stim = self.integrate(t, y, stim, t_offset, self.dfunc_off, False)
# Terminate progress bar
if print_progress:
# Resample solution if specified
if target_dt is not None:
t, y, stim = self.resample(t, y, stim, target_dt)
# Return output variables
return t, y, stim
class HybridSimulator(PWSimulator):
def __init__(self, dfunc_on, dfunc_off, dfunc_sparse, predfunc, is_dense_var,
stopfunc=None, ivars_to_check=None):
''' Initialize simulator with specific derivative functions
:param dfunc_on: derivative function for ON periods
:param dfunc_off: derivative function for OFF periods
:param dfunc_sparse: derivative function for sparse integration
:param predfunc: function computing the extra arguments necessary for sparse integration
:param is_dense_var: boolean array stating for each variable if it evolves fast or not
:param stopfunc: function estimating stopping criterion
:param ivars_to_check: solution indexes of variables to check for stability
PWSimulator.__init__(self, dfunc_on, dfunc_off)
self.sparse_solver = ode(dfunc_sparse)
self.sparse_solver.set_integrator('dop853', nsteps=SOLVER_NSTEPS, atol=1e-12)
self.predfunc = predfunc
self.is_dense_var = is_dense_var
self.is_sparse_var = np.invert(is_dense_var)
self.stopfunc = stopfunc
self.ivars_to_check = ivars_to_check
def integrate(self, t, y, stim, tnew, dfunc, is_on):
''' Integrate system for a time interval and append to preceding solution arrays,
using a hybrid scheme:
- First, the full ODE system is integrated for a few cycles with a dense time
granularity until a stopping criterion is met
- Second, the profiles of all variables over the last cycle are resampled to a
far lower (i.e. sparse) sampling rate
- Third, a subset of the ODE system is integrated with a sparse time granularity,
for the remaining of the time interval, while the remaining variables are
periodically expanded from their last cycle profile.
:param t: preceding time vector
:param y: preceding solution matrix
:param stim: preceding stimulation state vector
:param tnew: integration time vector for current interval
:param dfunc: derivative function for current interval
:param is_on: stimulation state for current interval
:return: 3-tuple with the appended time vector, solution matrix and state vector
if tnew.size == 0:
return t, y, stim
# Initialize periodic solver
dense_solver = PeriodicSimulator(
dfunc, stopfunc=self.stopfunc, ivars_to_check=self.ivars_to_check)
dt_dense = tnew[1] - tnew[0]
npc_dense = dense_solver.getNPerCycle(dt_dense, self.T)
# Until final integration time is reached
while t[-1] < tnew[-1]:
logger.debug('t = {:.5f} ms: starting new hybrid integration'.format(t[-1] * 1e3))
# Integrate dense system until stopping criterion is met
tdense, ydense, stimdense = dense_solver.compute(y[-1], dt_dense, self.T, t0=t[-1])
t, y, stim = self.appendSolution(t, y, stim, tdense, ydense, is_on)
# Resample signals over last cycle to match sparse time step
tlast, ylast, stimlast = self.resample(
tdense[-npc_dense:], ydense[-npc_dense:], stimdense[-npc_dense:],
npc_sparse = tlast.size
# Integrate until either the rest of the interval or max update interval is reached
t0 = tdense[-1]
tf = min(tnew[-1], tdense[0] + DT_UPDATE)
nsparse = int(np.round((tf - t0) / self.dt_sparse))
tsparse = np.linspace(t0, tf, nsparse)
ysparse = np.empty((nsparse, y.shape[1]))
ysparse[0] = y[-1]
self.sparse_solver.set_initial_value(y[-1, self.is_sparse_var], t[-1])
for j in range(1, tsparse.size):
self.sparse_solver.set_f_params(self.predfunc(ylast[j % npc_sparse]))
if not self.sparse_solver.successful():
raise ValueError(
'integration error at t = {:.5f} ms'.format(tsparse[j] * 1e3))
ysparse[j, self.is_dense_var] = ylast[j % npc_sparse, self.is_dense_var]
ysparse[j, self.is_sparse_var] = self.sparse_solver.y
t, y, stim = self.appendSolution(t, y, stim, tsparse, ysparse, is_on)
return t, y, stim
def compute(self, y0, dt_dense, dt_sparse, T, tstim, toffset, PRF, DC, print_progress=False):
''' Simulate system for a specific stimulus application pattern.
:param y0: 1D vector of initial conditions
:param dt_dense: dense integration time step (s)
:param dt_sparse: sparse integration time step (s)
:param T: periodicity (s)
:param tstim: duration of US stimulation (s)
:param toffset: duration of the offset (s)
:param PRF: pulse repetition frequency (Hz)
:param DC: pulse duty cycle (-)
:param print_progress: boolean specifying whether to show a progress bar
:return: 3-tuple with the time profile, the effective solution matrix and a state vector
# Set periodicity and sparse time step
self.T = T
self.dt_sparse = dt_sparse
# Call and return parent compute method
return PWSimulator.compute(
self, y0, dt_dense, tstim, toffset, PRF, DC,
target_dt=None, print_progress=print_progress)

Event Timeline