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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Author: Theo Lemaire
# @Email:
# @Date: 2021-05-14 17:50:14
# @Last Modified by: Theo Lemaire
# @Last Modified time: 2021-05-25 15:12:19
import os
import pickle
import logging
import numpy as np
from ..utils import logger, isWithin
from ..core import Model, NeuronalBilayerSonophore, EventDrivenSolver
from ..core.timeseries import TimeSeries, SpatiallyExtendedTimeSeries
class CoupledSonophores:
''' Interface allowing to run benchmark simulations of a two-compartment coupled NBLS model. '''
simkey = 'COUPLED_ASTIM' # keyword used to characterize simulations made with this model
ga_bounds = [1e-10, 1e10] # S/m2
def __init__(self, nodes, ga):
''' Initialization.
:param nodes: list of nbls objects
:param ga: axial conductance (S/m2)
assert all(x.pneuron == nodes[0].pneuron for x in nodes), 'differing point-neuron models'
self.nodes = nodes
self.nnodes = len(nodes) = ga
def normalizedConductanceMatrix(self):
ones = np.ones(self.nnodes)
return np.diag(ones, 0) + np.diag(-ones[:-1], -1) + np.diag(-ones[:-1], 1)
def copy(self):
return self.__class__(self.nodes,
def meta(self):
return {
'nodes': [x.meta for x in self.nodes],
def initFromMeta(cls, meta):
nodes, ga = meta['nodes'], meta['ga']
except KeyError:
meta = meta['model']
nodes, ga = meta['nodes'], meta['ga']
nodes = [NeuronalBilayerSonophore.initFromMeta(x) for x in nodes]
return cls(nodes, ga)
def refnode(self):
return self.nodes[0]
def refpneuron(self):
return self.refnode.pneuron
def gastr(self):
return f'{} S/m2'
def mechstr(self):
def __repr__(self):
params = [f'ga = {self.gastr}']
return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({self.mechstr} dynamics, {", ".join(params)})'
def ga(self):
return self._ga
def ga(self, value):
if value != 0.:
assert isWithin('ga', value, self.ga_bounds)
self._ga = value
self.ga_matrix = self.normalizedConductanceMatrix() * value
def Iax(self, Vm):
''' Compute array of axial currents in each compartment based on array of potentials. '''
return # mA/m2
def serialize(self, y):
''' Serialize a single state vector into a state-per-node matrix. '''
return np.reshape(y.copy(), (self.npernode * self.nnodes))
def deserialize(self, y):
''' Deserialize a state per node matrix into a single state vector. '''
return np.reshape(y.copy(), (self.nnodes, self.npernode))
def fullDerivatives(self, t, y, drives, fs):
''' full derivatives method. '''
# Deserialize states vector
y = self.deserialize(y)
# Compute derivatives array for uncoupled nbls systems
dydt = np.vstack([self.nodes[i].fullDerivatives(t, y[i], drives[i], fs[i])
for i in range(self.nnodes)])
# Compute membrane capacitance and potential profiles
iZ, iQ = 1, 3
Cm = np.array([x.spatialAverage(fs[i], x.capacitance(y[i, iZ]), x.Cm0)
for i, x in enumerate(self.nodes)]) # F/m2
Vm = y[:, iQ] / Cm * 1e3 # mV
# Add axial currents to charge derivatives column
dydt[:, iQ] += self.Iax(Vm) * 1e-3 # A/m2
# Return serialized derivatives vector
return self.serialize(dydt)
def effDerivatives(self, t, y, lkps1d):
''' effective derivatives method. '''
# Deserialize states vector
y = self.deserialize(y)
# Compute derivatives array for uncoupled nbls systems
iQ = 0
dydt = np.vstack([self.nodes[i].effDerivatives(t, y[i], lkps1d[i], [])
for i in range(self.nnodes)])
# Interpolate membrane potentials
Vm = np.array([x.interpolate1D(Qm)['V'] for x, Qm in zip(lkps1d, y[:, iQ])]) # mV
# Add axial currents to charge derivatives column
dydt[:, iQ] += self.Iax(Vm) * 1e-3 # A/m2
# Return serialized derivatives vector
return self.serialize(dydt)
def deserializeSolution(self, data):
''' Re-arrange solution per node. '''
inputs = [data.time, data.stim]
output_keys = {
f'node{i + 1}': list(filter(lambda x: x.endswith(f'_{i + 1}'), data.outputs))
for i in range(self.nnodes)}
outputs = {k: {x[:-2]: data[x].values for x in v} for k, v in output_keys.items()}
return SpatiallyExtendedTimeSeries({
k: TimeSeries(*inputs, v) for k, v in outputs.items()})
def __simFull(self, drives, pp, fs):
# Determine time step
assert drives.is_monofrequency(), 'differing carrier frequencies'
dt = drives.dt
# Compute and serialize initial conditions
y0 = [self.nodes[i].fullInitialConditions(drives[i], self.nodes[i].Qm0, dt)
for i in range(self.nnodes)]
self.npernode = len(y0[0])
y0 = {f'{k}_{i + 1}': v for i, x in enumerate(y0) for k, v in x.items()}
# Define event function
def updateDrives(obj, x):
for sd, d in zip(obj.drives, drives):
sd.xvar = d.xvar * x
# Initialize solver
solver = EventDrivenSolver(
lambda x: updateDrives(solver, x),
lambda t, y: self.fullDerivatives(t, y, solver.drives, fs),
event_params={'drives': drives.nullCopy()},
# Compute serialized solution
data = solver(
y0, pp.stimEvents(), pp.tstop, target_dt=CLASSIC_TARGET_DT,
log_period=pp.tstop / 100 if logger.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.INFO else None,
# logfunc=lambda y: f'Qm = {y[3] * 1e5:.2f} nC/cm2'
# Re-arrange solution per node
data = self.deserializeSolution(data)
# Remove velocity and add voltage timeseries to solution
for i, (nodekey, nodedata) in enumerate(data.items()):
del nodedata['U']
'Vm', self.nodes[i].deflectionDependentVm(nodedata['Qm'], nodedata['Z'], fs[i]))
# Return solution
return data
def __simSonic(self, drives, pp, fs):
# Determine time step
assert drives.is_monofrequency(), 'differing carrier frequencies'
dt = drives.periodicity # s
# Load appropriate 2D lookups
lkps = [self.nodes[i].getLookup2D(drives[i].f, fs[i]) for i in range(self.nnodes)]
# Compute and serialize initial conditions
y0 = [{'Qm': x.Qm0, **{k: v(x.pneuron.Vm0) for k, v in x.pneuron.steadyStates().items()}}
for x in self.nodes]
self.npernode = len(y0[0])
y0 = {f'{k}_{i + 1}': v for i, x in enumerate(y0) for k, v in x.items()}
# Define event function
def updateLookups(obj, x):
for i, (lkp, drive) in enumerate(zip(lkps, drives)):
obj.lkps[i] = lkp.project('A', drive.xvar * x)
# Initialize solver
solver = EventDrivenSolver(
lambda x: updateLookups(solver, x),
lambda t, y: self.effDerivatives(t, y, solver.lkps),
event_params={'lkps': [lkp.project('A', 0.) for lkp in lkps]},
# Compute serialized solution
data = solver(
y0, pp.stimEvents(), pp.tstop,
log_period=pp.tstop / 100 if pp.tstop >= 5 else None,
# Re-arrange solution per node
data = self.deserializeSolution(data)
# Add voltage timeseries to solution (interpolated along Qm) and dummy Z and ng vectors
for i, (nodekey, nodedata) in enumerate(data.items()):
nodedata.addColumn('Vm', self.nodes[i].interpEffVariable(
'V', nodedata['Qm'], nodedata.stim * drives[i].A, lkps[i]))
for key in ['Z', 'ng']:
nodedata[key] = np.full(nodedata.time.size, np.nan)
# Return solution dataframe
return data
def intMethods(self):
''' Listing of model integration methods. '''
return {
'full': self.__simFull,
'sonic': self.__simSonic
def desc(self, meta):
method = meta['method'] if 'method' in meta else meta['model']['method']
fs = meta['fs'] if 'fs' in meta else meta['model']['fs']
drives_str = meta['drives'].desc
fs_str = f'fs = ({", ".join([f"{x * 1e2:.2f}%" for x in fs])})'
return f'{self}: {method} simulation @ ({drives_str}), {meta["pp"].desc}, {fs_str}'
def simulate(self, drives, pp, fs, method='sonic'):
''' Simulate the coupled-nbls model for a specific set of US stimulation parameters,
and coverage fractions, and return spatially-distributed output data.
:param drives: acoustic drive array
:param pp: pulse protocol object
:param fs: list of sonophore membrane coverage fractions (-)
:param method: selected integration method
:return: SpatiallyExtendedTimeSeries object
# Check that inputs dimensions matches number of nodes
assert len(drives) == self.nnodes, 'number of drives does not match number of nodes'
assert len(fs) == self.nnodes, 'number of coverage inputs does not match number of nodes'
simfunc = self.intMethods()[method]
return simfunc(drives, pp, fs)
def filecodes(self, drives, pp, fs, method):
codes = {
'simkey': self.simkey,
'nnodes': f'{self.nnodes}node{"s" if self.nnodes > 1 else ""}',
'ga': f'ga{}S_m2',
'a': f'a{"_".join([f"{x.a * 1e9:.0f}nm" for x in self.nodes])}',
codes['fs'] = f'fs{"_".join([f"{x * 1e2:.0f}%" for x in fs])}'
codes['method'] = method
return codes
def filecode(self, *args):
return '_'.join([x for x in self.filecodes(*args).values() if x is not None])
def simAndSave(self, *args, outdir=None, overwrite=False, minimize_output=True):
runsim = True
if outdir is not None:
fname = f'{self.filecode(*args)}.pkl'
fpath = os.path.join(outdir, fname)
if os.path.isfile(fpath) and not overwrite:'Loading data from "{os.path.basename(fpath)}"')
with open(fpath, 'rb') as fh:
frame = pickle.load(fh)
data, meta = frame['data'], frame['meta']
runsim = False
if runsim:
data, meta = self.simulate(*args)
if minimize_output:
data.dumpOutputsOtherThan(['Qm', 'Vm'])
if outdir is not None:
with open(fpath, 'wb') as fh:
pickle.dump({'meta': meta, 'data': data}, fh)
logger.debug(f'simulation data exported to "{fpath}"')
return data, meta
def tauax(self):
''' Axial time constant (s). '''
return self.refnode.Cm0 /
def taum(self):
''' Passive membrane time constant (s). '''
return self.refpneuron.tau_pas
def taumax(self):
''' Maximal time constant of the model (s). '''
return max(self.taum, self.tauax)

Event Timeline