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Fri, Nov 15, 15:25
import inspect
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm, colors
from ..postpro import getFixedPoints
from ..core import NeuronalBilayerSonophore
from .pltutils import *
from ..utils import logger
from ..batches import runBatch
def plotVarQSSDynamics(neuron, a, Fdrive, Adrive, charges, varname, varrange, fs=12):
''' Plot the QSS-approximated derivative of a specific variable as function of
the variable itself, as well as equilibrium values, for various membrane
charge densities at a given acoustic amplitude.
:param neuron: neuron object
:param a: sonophore radius (m)
:param Fdrive: US frequency (Hz)
:param Adrive: US amplitude (Pa)
:param charges: charge density vector (C/m2)
:param varname: name of variable to plot
:param varrange: range over which to compute the derivative
:return: figure handle
# Extract information about variable to plot
pltvar = neuron.getPltVars()[varname]
# Get methods to compute derivative and steady-state of variable of interest
derX_func = getattr(neuron, 'der{}{}'.format(varname[0].upper(), varname[1:]))
Xinf_func = getattr(neuron, '{}inf'.format(varname))
derX_args = inspect.getargspec(derX_func)[0][1:]
Xinf_args = inspect.getargspec(Xinf_func)[0][1:]
# Get dictionary of charge and amplitude dependent QSS variables
nbls = NeuronalBilayerSonophore(a, neuron, Fdrive)
_, Qref, lookups, QSS = nbls.quasiSteadyStates(
Fdrive, amps=Adrive, charges=charges, squeeze_output=True)
df = QSS
df['Vm'] = lookups['V']
# Create figure
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 4))
ax.set_title('{} neuron - QSS {} dynamics @ {:.2f} kPa'.format(, pltvar['desc'], Adrive * 1e-3), fontsize=fs)
for key in ['top', 'right']:
ax.set_xlabel('$\\rm {}\ ({})$'.format(pltvar['label'], pltvar.get('unit', '')),
ax.set_ylabel('$\\rm QSS\ d{}/dt\ ({}/s)$'.format(pltvar['label'], pltvar.get('unit', '1')),
ax.set_ylim(-40, 40)
ax.axhline(0, c='k', linewidth=0.5)
y0_str = '{}0'.format(varname)
if hasattr(neuron, y0_str):
ax.axvline(getattr(neuron, y0_str) * pltvar.get('factor', 1),
label=y0_str, c='k', linewidth=0.5)
# For each charge value
icolor = 0
for j, Qm in enumerate(charges):
lbl = 'Q = {:.0f} nC/cm2'.format(Qm * 1e5)
# Compute variable derivative as a function of its value, as well as equilibrium value,
# keeping other variables at quasi steady-state
derX_inputs = [varrange if arg == varname else df[arg][j] for arg in derX_args]
Xinf_inputs = [df[arg][j] for arg in Xinf_args]
dX_QSS = neuron.derCai(*derX_inputs)
Xeq_QSS = neuron.Caiinf(*Xinf_inputs)
# Plot variable derivative and its root as a function of the variable itself
c = 'C{}'.format(icolor)
ax.plot(varrange * pltvar.get('factor', 1), dX_QSS * pltvar.get('factor', 1), c=c, label=lbl)
ax.axvline(Xeq_QSS * pltvar.get('factor', 1), linestyle='--', c=c)
icolor += 1
ax.legend(frameon=False, fontsize=fs - 3)
for item in ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels():
fig.canvas.set_window_title('{}_QSS_{}_dynamics_{:.2f}kPa'.format(, varname, Adrive * 1e-3))
return fig
def plotQSSvars(neuron, a, Fdrive, Adrive, fs=12):
''' Plot effective membrane potential, quasi-steady states and resulting membrane currents
as a function of membrane charge density, for a given acoustic amplitude.
:param neuron: neuron object
:param a: sonophore radius (m)
:param Fdrive: US frequency (Hz)
:param Adrive: US amplitude (Pa)
:return: figure handle
# Get neuron-specific pltvars
pltvars = neuron.getPltVars()
# Compute neuron-specific charge and amplitude dependent QS states at this amplitude
nbls = NeuronalBilayerSonophore(a, neuron, Fdrive)
_, Qref, lookups, QSS = nbls.quasiSteadyStates(Fdrive, amps=Adrive, squeeze_output=True)
Vmeff = lookups['V']
# Compute QSS currents
currents = neuron.currents(Vmeff, np.array([QSS[k] for k in neuron.states]))
iNet = sum(currents.values())
# Compute fixed points in dQdt profile
dQdt = -iNet
Q_SFPs = getFixedPoints(Qref, dQdt, filter='stable')
Q_UFPs = getFixedPoints(Qref, dQdt, filter='unstable')
# Extract dimensionless states
norm_QSS = {}
for x in neuron.states:
if 'unit' not in pltvars[x]:
norm_QSS[x] = QSS[x]
# Create figure
fig, axes = plt.subplots(3, 1, figsize=(7, 9))
axes[-1].set_xlabel('$\\rm Q_m\ (nC/cm^2)$', fontsize=fs)
for ax in axes:
for skey in ['top', 'right']:
for item in ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels():
for item in ax.get_xticklabels(minor=True):
figname = '{} neuron - QSS dynamics @ {:.2f} kPa'.format(, Adrive * 1e-3)
fig.suptitle(figname, fontsize=fs)
# Subplot: Vmeff
ax = axes[0]
ax.set_ylabel('$V_m^*$ (mV)', fontsize=fs)
ax.plot(Qref * 1e5, Vmeff, color='k')
ax.axhline(neuron.Vm0, linewidth=0.5, color='k')
# Subplot: dimensionless quasi-steady states
cset = plt.get_cmap('Dark2').colors + plt.get_cmap('tab10').colors
ax = axes[1]
ax.set_ylabel('QSS gating variables (-)', fontsize=fs)
ax.set_yticks([0, 0.5, 1])
ax.set_ylim([-0.05, 1.05])
for i, (label, QS_state) in enumerate(norm_QSS.items()):
ax.plot(Qref * 1e5, QS_state, label=label, c=cset[i])
# Subplot: currents
ax = axes[2]
cset = plt.get_cmap('tab10').colors
ax.set_ylabel('QSS currents ($\\rm A/m^2$)', fontsize=fs)
for i, (k, I) in enumerate(currents.items()):
ax.plot(Qref * 1e5, -I * 1e-3, '--', c=cset[i],
label='$\\rm -{}$'.format(neuron.getPltVars()[k]['label']))
ax.plot(Qref * 1e5, -iNet * 1e-3, color='k', label='$\\rm -I_{Net}$')
ax.axhline(0, color='k', linewidth=0.5)
if Q_SFPs.size > 0:
ax.plot(Q_SFPs * 1e5, np.zeros(Q_SFPs.size), 'o', c='k', markersize=5, zorder=2)
if Q_SFPs.size > 0:
ax.plot(Q_UFPs * 1e5, np.zeros(Q_UFPs.size), 'o', c='k', markersize=5, mfc='none', zorder=2)
for ax in axes[1:]:
ax.legend(loc='center right', fontsize=fs, frameon=False, bbox_to_anchor=(1.3, 0.5))
for ax in axes[:-1]:
'{}_QSS_states_vs_Qm_{:.2f}kPa'.format(, Adrive * 1e-3))
return fig
def plotQSSVarVsAmp(neuron, a, Fdrive, varname, amps=None, DC=1.,
fs=12, cmap='viridis', yscale='lin', zscale='lin'):
''' Plot a specific QSS variable (state or current) as a function of
membrane charge density, for various acoustic amplitudes.
:param neuron: neuron object
:param a: sonophore radius (m)
:param Fdrive: US frequency (Hz)
:param amps: US amplitudes (Pa)
:param DC: duty cycle (-)
:param varname: extraction key for variable to plot
:return: figure handle
# Determine stimulation modality
if a is None and Fdrive is None:
stim_type = 'elec'
a = 32e-9
Fdrive = 500e3
stim_type = 'US'
# Extract information about variable to plot
pltvar = neuron.getPltVars()[varname]
Qvar = neuron.getPltVars()['Qm']
Afactor = {'US': 1e-3, 'elec': 1.}[stim_type]
# Q_SFPs = []
# Q_UFPs = []
log = 'plotting {} neuron QSS {} vs. amp for {} stimulation @ {:.0f}% DC'.format(, varname, stim_type, DC * 1e2)
nbls = NeuronalBilayerSonophore(a, neuron, Fdrive)
# Get reference dictionaries for zero amplitude
_, Qref, lookups0, QSS0 = nbls.quasiSteadyStates(Fdrive, amps=0., squeeze_output=True)
Vmeff0 = lookups0['V']
if stim_type == 'elec': # if E-STIM case, compute steady states with constant capacitance
Vmeff0 = Qref / neuron.Cm0 * 1e3
QSS0 = neuron.steadyStates(Vmeff0)
df0 = QSS0
df0['Vm'] = Vmeff0
# Create figure
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 4))
title = '{} neuron - {}steady-state {}'.format(, 'quasi-' if amps is not None else '', pltvar['desc'])
if amps is not None:
title += '\nvs. {} amplitude @ {:.0f}% DC'.format(stim_type, DC * 1e2)
ax.set_title(title, fontsize=fs)
ax.set_xlabel('$\\rm {}\ ({})$'.format(Qvar['label'], Qvar['unit']), fontsize=fs)
ax.set_ylabel('$\\rm QSS\ {}\ ({})$'.format(pltvar['label'], pltvar.get('unit', '')),
if yscale == 'log':
for key in ['top', 'right']:
# Plot y-variable reference line, if any
y0 = None
y0_str = '{}0'.format(varname)
if hasattr(neuron, y0_str):
y0 = getattr(neuron, y0_str) * pltvar.get('factor', 1)
elif varname in neuron.getCurrentsNames() + ['iNet', 'dQdt']:
y0 = 0.
y0_str = ''
if y0 is not None:
ax.axhline(y0, label=y0_str, c='k', linewidth=0.5)
# Plot reference QSS profile of variable as a function of charge density
var0 = extractPltVar(
neuron, pltvar, pd.DataFrame({k: df0[k] for k in df0.keys()}), name=varname)
ax.plot(Qref * Qvar['factor'], var0, '--', c='k', zorder=1,
label='$\\rm A_{{{}}}=0$'.format(stim_type))
# if varname == 'dQdt':
# Q_SFPs += getFixedPoints(Qref, var0, filter='stable').tolist()
# Q_UFPs += getFixedPoints(Qref, var0, filter='unstable').tolist()
# Define color code
mymap = plt.get_cmap(cmap)
zref = amps * Afactor
if zscale == 'lin':
norm = colors.Normalize(zref.min(), zref.max())
elif zscale == 'log':
norm = colors.LogNorm(zref.min(), zref.max())
sm = cm.ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=mymap)
sm._A = []
# Get amplitude-dependent QSS dictionary
if stim_type == 'US':
# Get dictionary of charge and amplitude dependent QSS variables
_, Qref, lookups, QSS = nbls.quasiSteadyStates(
Fdrive, amps=amps, DCs=DC, squeeze_output=True)
df = QSS
df['Vm'] = lookups['V']
# Repeat zero-amplitude QSS dictionary for all amplitudes
df = {k: np.tile(df0[k], (amps.size, 1)) for k in df0}
# Plot QSS profiles for various amplitudes
for i, A in enumerate(amps):
var = extractPltVar(
neuron, pltvar, pd.DataFrame({k: df[k][i] for k in df.keys()}), name=varname)
if varname == 'dQdt' and stim_type == 'elec':
var += A * DC * pltvar['factor']
ax.plot(Qref * Qvar['factor'], var, c=sm.to_rgba(A * Afactor), zorder=0)
# if varname == 'dQdt':
# # mark eq. point if starting point provided, otherwise mark all FPs
# Q_SFPs += getFixedPoints(Qref, var, filter='stable').tolist()
# Q_UFPs += getFixedPoints(Qref, var, filter='unstable').tolist()
# # Plot fixed-points, if any
# if len(Q_SFPs) > 0:
# ax.plot(np.array(Q_SFPs) * Qvar['factor'], np.zeros(len(Q_SFPs)), 'o', c='k',
# markersize=5, zorder=2)
# if len(Q_UFPs) > 0:
# ax.plot(np.array(Q_UFPs) * Qvar['factor'], np.zeros(len(Q_UFPs)), 'x', c='k',
# markersize=5, zorder=2)
# Add legend and adjust layout
ax.legend(frameon=False, fontsize=fs)
for item in ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels():
fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15, top=0.9, right=0.80, hspace=0.5)
# Plot amplitude colorbar
if amps is not None:
cbarax = fig.add_axes([0.85, 0.15, 0.03, 0.75])
fig.colorbar(sm, cax=cbarax)
'Amplitude ({})'.format({'US': 'kPa', 'elec': 'mA/m2'}[stim_type]), fontsize=fs)
for item in cbarax.get_yticklabels():
title = '{}_{}SS_{}'.format(, 'Q' if amps is not None else '', varname)
if amps is not None:
title += '_vs_{}A_{}_{:.0f}%DC'.format(zscale, stim_type, DC * 1e2)
return fig
def plotEqChargeVsAmp(neurons, a, Fdrive, amps=None, tstim=250e-3, toffset=50e-3, PRF=100.0,
DCs=[1.], fs=12, xscale='lin', titrate=False, mpi=False):
''' Plot the equilibrium membrane charge density as a function of acoustic amplitude,
given an initial value of membrane charge density.
:param neurons: neuron objects
:param a: sonophore radius (m)
:param Fdrive: US frequency (Hz)
:param amps: US amplitudes (Pa)
:return: figure handle
# Determine stimulation modality
if a is None and Fdrive is None:
stim_type = 'elec'
a = 32e-9
Fdrive = 500e3
stim_type = 'US''plotting equilibrium charges for %s stimulation', stim_type)
# Create figure
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 4))
figname = 'charge stability vs. amplitude'
ax.set_xlabel('Amplitude ({})'.format({'US': 'kPa', 'elec': 'mA/m2'}[stim_type]),
ax.set_ylabel('$\\rm Q_m\ (nC/cm^2)$', fontsize=fs)
if xscale == 'log':
for skey in ['top', 'right']:
for item in ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels():
Qrange = (np.inf, -np.inf)
icolor = 0
for i, neuron in enumerate(neurons):
nbls = NeuronalBilayerSonophore(a, neuron, Fdrive)
# Compute reference charge variation array for zero amplitude
_, Qref, lookups0, QSS0 = nbls.quasiSteadyStates(Fdrive, amps=0., squeeze_output=True)
Qrange = (min(Qrange[0], Qref.min()), max(Qrange[1], Qref.max()))
Vmeff0 = lookups0['V']
if stim_type == 'elec': # if E-STIM case, compute steady states with constant capacitance
Vmeff0 = Qref / neuron.Cm0 * 1e3
QSS0 = neuron.steadyStates(Vmeff0)
dQdt0 = -neuron.iNet(Vmeff0, np.array([QSS0[k] for k in neuron.states])) # mA/m2
# Compute 3D QSS charge variation array
if stim_type == 'US':
_, _, lookups, QSS = nbls.quasiSteadyStates(Fdrive, amps=amps, DCs=DCs)
dQdt = -neuron.iNet(lookups['V'], np.array([QSS[k] for k in neuron.states])) # mA/m2
Afactor = 1e-3
Afactor = 1.
dQdt = np.empty((amps.size, Qref.size, DCs.size))
for iA, A in enumerate(amps):
for iDC, DC in enumerate(DCs):
dQdt[iA, :, iDC] = dQdt0 + A * DC
# For each duty cycle
for iDC, DC in enumerate(DCs):
color = 'k' if len(neurons) * len(DCs) == 1 else 'C{}'.format(icolor)
# Initialize containers for stable and unstable fixed points
SFPs = []
UFPs = []
stab_points = []
# Generate QSS batch queue
QSS_queue = []
for iA, Adrive in enumerate(amps):
lookups1D = {k: v[iA, :, iDC] for k, v in lookups.items()}
lookups1D['Q'] = Qref
QSS_queue.append([Fdrive, Adrive, DC, lookups1D, dQdt[iA, :, iDC]])
# Run batch to find stable and unstable fixed points at each amplitude
QSS_output = runBatch(nbls, 'quasiSteadyStateFixedPoints', QSS_queue, mpi=mpi)
# Generate simulations batch queue
sim_queue = nbls.createQueue([Fdrive], amps, [tstim], [toffset], [PRF], [DC], method)
# Run batch to find stabilization points at each amplitude
sim_output = runBatch(nbls, 'runIfNone', sim_queue, extra_params=[outdir], mpi=mpi)
# Retrieve batch output
for i, Adrive in enumerate(amps):
SFPs += [(Adrive, Qm) for Qm in QSS_output[i][0]]
UFPs += [(Adrive, Qm) for Qm in QSS_output[i][1]]
# TODO: get stabilization point from simulation, if any
# Plot charge SFPs and UFPs for each acoustic amplitude
lbl = '{} neuron - {{}}stable fixed points @ {:.0f} % DC'.format(, DC * 1e2)
if len(SFPs) > 0:
A_SFPs, Q_SFPs = np.array(SFPs).T
ax.plot(np.array(A_SFPs) * Afactor, np.array(Q_SFPs) * 1e5, 'o', c=color,
markersize=3, label=lbl.format(''))
if len(UFPs) > 0:
A_UFPs, Q_UFPs = np.array(UFPs).T
ax.plot(np.array(A_UFPs) * Afactor, np.array(Q_UFPs) * 1e5, 'x', c=color,
markersize=3, label=lbl.format('un'))
# If specified, compute and plot the threshold excitation amplitude
if titrate:
if stim_type == 'US':
Athr = nbls.titrate(Fdrive, tstim, toffset, PRF=PRF, DC=DC)
ax.axvline(Athr * Afactor, c=color, linestyle='--')
for Arange, ls in zip([(0., amps.max(amps.min(), 0.)), ()], ['--', '-.']):
Athr = neuron.titrate(tstim, toffset, PRF=PRF, DC=DC, Arange=Arange)
ax.axvline(Athr * Afactor, c=color, linestyle=ls)
icolor += 1
# Post-process figure
ax.set_ylim(np.array([Qrange[0], 0]) * 1e5)
ax.legend(frameon=False, fontsize=fs)
'_'.join([ for n in neurons]),
'_'.join(['{:.0f}'.format(DC * 1e2) for DC in DCs]),
'_with_thresholds' if titrate else ''
return fig

Event Timeline