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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Author: Theo Lemaire
# @Date: 2018-09-26 16:47:18
# @Last Modified by: Theo Lemaire
# @Last Modified time: 2018-09-28 14:06:48
import os
import ntpath
import pickle
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
from matplotlib.ticker import FormatStrFormatter
from ..core import NeuronalBilayerSonophore
from ..utils import logger, si_format, ASTIM_filecode, cm2inch
from ..postpro import findPeaks
from ..constants import *
from ..neurons import getNeuronsDict
def getActivationMap(root, neuron, a, Fdrive, tstim, PRF, amps, DCs):
''' Compute the activation map of a neuron at a given frequency and PRF, by computing
the spiking metrics of simulation results over a 2D space (amplitude x duty cycle).
:param root: directory containing the input data files
:param neuron: neuron name
:param a: sonophore diameter
:param Fdrive: US frequency (Hz)
:param tstim: duration of US stimulation (s)
:param PRF: pulse repetition frequency (Hz)
:param amps: vector of acoustic amplitudes (Pa)
:param DCs: vector of duty cycles (-)
:return the activation matrix
# Load activation map from file if it exists
actmap_filename = 'actmap {} {}Hz PRF{}Hz {}s.csv'.format(
neuron, *si_format([Fdrive, PRF, tstim], space=''))
actmap_filepath = os.path.join(root, actmap_filename)
if os.path.isfile(actmap_filepath):'Loading activation map for %s neuron', neuron)
return np.loadtxt(actmap_filepath, delimiter=',')
# Otherwise generate it'Generating activation map for %s neuron', neuron)
actmap = np.empty((amps.size, DCs.size))
nfiles = DCs.size * amps.size
for i, A in enumerate(amps):
for j, DC in enumerate(DCs):
fname = '{}.pkl'.format(ASTIM_filecode(neuron, a, Fdrive, A, tstim, PRF, DC, 'sonic'))
fpath = os.path.join(root, fname)
if not os.path.isfile(fpath):
logger.error('"{}" file not found'.format(fname))
actmap[i, j] = np.nan
# Load data
logger.debug('Loading file {}/{}: "{}"'.format(i * amps.size + j + 1, nfiles, fname))
with open(fpath, 'rb') as fh:
frame = pickle.load(fh)
df = frame['data']
meta = frame['meta']
tstim = meta['tstim']
t = df['t'].values
Qm = df['Qm'].values
dt = t[1] - t[0]
# Detect spikes on charge profile during stimulus
mpd = int(np.ceil(SPIKE_MIN_DT / dt))
ispikes, *_ = findPeaks(Qm[t <= tstim], SPIKE_MIN_QAMP, mpd, SPIKE_MIN_QPROM)
# Compute firing metrics
if ispikes.size == 0: # if no spike, assign -1
actmap[i, j] = -1
elif ispikes.size == 1: # if only 1 spike, assign 0
actmap[i, j] = 0
else: # if more than 1 spike, assign firing rate
FRs = 1 / np.diff(t[ispikes])
actmap[i, j] = np.mean(FRs)
# Save activation map to file
np.savetxt(actmap_filepath, actmap, delimiter=',')
return actmap
def computeMeshEdges(x, scale='lin'):
''' Compute the appropriate edges of a mesh that quads a linear or logarihtmic distribution.
:param x: the input vector
:param scale: the type of distribution ('lin' for linear, 'log' for logarihtmic)
:return: the edges vector
if scale is 'log':
x = np.log10(x)
dx = x[1] - x[0]
if scale is 'lin':
y = np.linspace(x[0] - dx / 2, x[-1] + dx / 2, x.size + 1)
elif scale is 'log':
y = np.logspace(x[0] - dx / 2, x[-1] + dx / 2, x.size + 1)
return y
def onClick(event, root, neuron, a, Fdrive, tstim, PRF, amps, DCs, meshedges, tmax, Vbounds):
''' Retrieve the specific input parameters of the x and y dimensions when the user clicks
on a cell in the 2D map, and define filename from it.
# Get DC and A from x and y coordinates
x, y = event.xdata, event.ydata
DC = DCs[np.searchsorted(meshedges[0], x * 1e-2) - 1]
Adrive = amps[np.searchsorted(meshedges[1], y * 1e3) - 1]
# Define filepath
fname = '{}.pkl'.format(ASTIM_filecode(neuron, a, Fdrive, Adrive, tstim, PRF, DC, 'sonic'))
filepath = os.path.join(root, fname)
# Plot Q-trace
plotQVeff(filepath, tmax=tmax, ybounds=Vbounds)
except FileNotFoundError as err:
def plotQVeff(filepath, tonset=10, tmax=None, ybounds=None, fs=8, lw=1):
''' Plot superimposed profiles of membrane charge density and effective membrane potential.
:param filepath: full path to the data file
:param tonset: pre-stimulus onset to add to profiles (ms)
:param tmax: max time value showed on graph (ms)
:param ybounds: y-axis bounds (mV / nC/cm2)
:return: handle to the generated figure
# Check file existence
fname = ntpath.basename(filepath)
if not os.path.isfile(filepath):
raise FileNotFoundError('Error: "{}" file does not exist'.format(fname))
# Load data
logger.debug('Loading data from "%s"', fname)
with open(filepath, 'rb') as fh:
frame = pickle.load(fh)
df = frame['data']
meta = frame['meta']
t = df['t'].values * 1e3 # ms
Qm = df['Qm'].values * 1e5 # nC/cm2
Vm = df['Vm'].values # mV
# Add onset to profiles
t = np.hstack((np.array([-tonset, t[0]]), t))
Vm = np.hstack((np.array([getNeuronsDict()[meta['neuron']]().Vm0] * 2), Vm))
Qm = np.hstack((np.array([Qm[0]] * 2), Qm))
# Determine axes bounds
if tmax is None:
tmax = t.max()
if ybounds is None:
ybounds = (min(Vm.min(), Qm.min()), max(Vm.max(), Qm.max()))
# Create figure
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=cm2inch(7, 3))
plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.2, bottom=0.2, right=0.95, top=0.95)
for key in ['top', 'right']:
for key in ['bottom', 'left']:
ax.spines[key].set_position(('axes', -0.03))
print(-tonset, tmax)
ax.set_xlim((-tonset, tmax))
ax.set_xlabel('{}s'.format(si_format((tonset + tmax) * 1e-3, space=' ')), fontsize=fs)
ax.set_ylabel('mV - $\\rm nC/cm^2$', fontsize=fs, labelpad=-15)
for item in ax.get_yticklabels():
# Plot Qm and Vmeff profiles
ax.plot(t, Vm, color='darkgrey', linewidth=lw)
ax.plot(t, Qm, color='k', linewidth=lw)
# fig.tight_layout()
return fig
def plotActivationMap(root, neuron, a, Fdrive, tstim, PRF, amps, DCs, Ascale='log', FRscale='log',
FRbounds=None, title=None, fs=8, rheobase=True, connect=False,
tmax=None, Vbounds=None):
''' Plot a neuron's activation map over the amplitude x duty cycle 2D space.
:param root: directory containing the input data files
:param neuron: neuron name
:param a: sonophore diameter
:param Fdrive: US frequency (Hz)
:param tstim: duration of US stimulation (s)
:param PRF: pulse repetition frequency (Hz)
:param amps: vector of acoustic amplitudes (Pa)
:param DCs: vector of duty cycles (-)
:param Ascale: scale to use for the amplitude dimension ('lin' or 'log')
:param FRscale: scale to use for the firing rate coloring ('lin' or 'log')
:param FRbounds: lower and upper bounds of firing rate color-scale
:param title: figure title
:param fs: fontsize to use for the title and labels
:return: 3-tuple with the handle to the generated figure and the mesh x and y coordinates
# Get activation map
actmap = getActivationMap(root, neuron, a, Fdrive, tstim, PRF, amps, DCs)
# Check firing rate bounding
minFR, maxFR = (actmap[actmap > 0].min(), actmap.max())'FR range: %.0f - %.0f Hz', minFR, maxFR)
if FRbounds is None:
FRbounds = (minFR, maxFR)
if minFR < FRbounds[0]:
logger.warning('Minimal firing rate (%.0f Hz) is below defined lower bound (%.0f Hz)',
minFR, FRbounds[0])
if maxFR > FRbounds[1]:
logger.warning('Maximal firing rate (%.0f Hz) is above defined upper bound (%.0f Hz)',
maxFR, FRbounds[1])
# Plot activation map
if FRscale == 'lin':
norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(*FRbounds)
elif FRscale == 'log':
norm = matplotlib.colors.LogNorm(*FRbounds)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=cm2inch(8, 5.8))
fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.15, bottom=0.15, right=0.8, top=0.92)
if title is None:
title = '{} neuron @ {}Hz, {}Hz PRF ({}m sonophore)'.format(
neuron, *si_format([Fdrive, PRF, a]))
ax.set_title(title, fontsize=fs)
if Ascale == 'log':
ax.set_xlabel('Duty cycle (%)', fontsize=fs, labelpad=-0.5)
ax.set_ylabel('Amplitude (kPa)', fontsize=fs)
ax.set_xlim(np.array([DCs.min(), DCs.max()]) * 1e2)
for item in ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels():
xedges = computeMeshEdges(DCs)
yedges = computeMeshEdges(amps, scale=Ascale)
actmap[actmap == -1] = np.nan
actmap[actmap == 0] = 1e-3
cmap = plt.get_cmap('viridis')
ax.pcolormesh(xedges * 1e2, yedges * 1e-3, actmap, cmap=cmap, norm=norm)
# Plot rheobase amplitudes if specified
if rheobase:'Computing rheobase amplitudes')
dDC = 0.01
DCs_dense = np.arange(dDC, 100 + dDC / 2, dDC) / 1e2
neuronobj = getNeuronsDict()[neuron]()
nbls = NeuronalBilayerSonophore(a, neuronobj)
Athrs = nbls.findRheobaseAmps(DCs_dense, Fdrive, neuron.VT)
ax.plot(DCs_dense * 1e2, Athrs * 1e-3, '-', color='#F26522', linewidth=2,
label='threshold amplitudes')
ax.legend(loc='lower center', frameon=False, fontsize=8)
# Plot firing rate colorbar
sm =, norm=norm)
sm._A = []
pos1 = ax.get_position() # get the map axis position
cbarax = fig.add_axes([pos1.x1 + 0.02, pos1.y0, 0.03, pos1.height])
fig.colorbar(sm, cax=cbarax)
cbarax.set_ylabel('Firing rate (Hz)', fontsize=fs)
for item in cbarax.get_yticklabels():
# Link callback to figure
if connect:
lambda event: onClick(event, root, neuron, a, Fdrive, tstim, PRF, amps, DCs,
(xedges, yedges), tmax, Vbounds)
return fig

Event Timeline