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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Author: Theo Lemaire
# @Date: 2018-09-25 16:19:19
# @Last Modified by: Theo Lemaire
# @Last Modified time: 2018-09-28 14:06:57
import sys
import pickle
import ntpath
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from ..utils import *
from ..core import BilayerSonophore
from .pltvars import pltvars
from ..neurons import getNeuronsDict
def plotBatch(filepaths, vars_dict=None, plt_save=False, directory=None,
ask_before_save=True, fig_ext='png', tag='fig', fs=15, lw=2, title=True,
''' Plot a figure with profiles of several specific NICE output variables, for several
NICE simulations.
:param filepaths: list of full paths to output data files to be compared
:param vars_dict: dict of lists of variables names to extract and plot together
:param plt_save: boolean stating whether to save the created figures
:param directory: directory where to save figures
:param ask_before_save: boolean stating whether to show the created figures
:param fig_ext: file extension for the saved figures
:param tag: suffix added to the end of the figures name
:param fs: labels font size
:param lw: curves line width
:param title: boolean stating whether to display a general title on the figures
:param show_patches: boolean indicating whether to indicate periods of stimulation with
colored rectangular patches
# Check validity of plot variables
if vars_dict:
yvars = list(sum(list(vars_dict.values()), []))
for key in yvars:
if key not in pltvars:
raise KeyError('Unknown plot variable: "{}"'.format(key))
# Dictionary of neurons
neurons_dict = getNeuronsDict()
# Loop through data files
figs = []
for filepath in filepaths:
# Get code from file name
pkl_filename = ntpath.basename(filepath)
filecode = pkl_filename[0:-4]
# Retrieve sim type
mo1 = rgxp.fullmatch(pkl_filename)
mo2 = rgxp_mech.fullmatch(pkl_filename)
if mo1:
mo = mo1
elif mo2:
mo = mo2
logger.error('Error: "%s" file does not match regexp pattern', pkl_filename)
sim_type =
if sim_type not in ('MECH', 'ASTIM', 'ESTIM'):
raise ValueError('Invalid simulation type: {}'.format(sim_type))
# Load data'Loading data from "%s"', pkl_filename)
with open(filepath, 'rb') as fh:
frame = pickle.load(fh)
df = frame['data']
meta = frame['meta']
# Extract variables'Extracting variables')
t = df['t'].values
states = df['states'].values
nsamples = t.size
# Initialize channel mechanism
if sim_type in ['ASTIM', 'ESTIM']:
neuron_name =
global neuron
neuron = neurons_dict[neuron_name]()
neuron_states = [df[sn].values for sn in neuron.states_names]
Cm0 = neuron.Cm0
Qm0 = Cm0 * neuron.Vm0 * 1e-3
t_plt = pltvars['t_ms']
Cm0 = meta['Cm0']
Qm0 = meta['Qm0']
t_plt = pltvars['t_us']
# Initialize BLS
if sim_type in ['MECH', 'ASTIM']:
global bls
Fdrive = meta['Fdrive']
a = meta['a']
bls = BilayerSonophore(a, Cm0, Qm0)
# Determine patches location
npatches, tpatch_on, tpatch_off = getStimPulses(t, states)
# Adding onset to time vector
if t_plt['onset'] > 0.0:
tonset = np.array([-t_plt['onset'], -t[0] - t[1]])
t = np.hstack((tonset, t))
states = np.hstack((states, np.zeros(2)))
# Determine variables to plot if not provided
if not vars_dict:
if sim_type == 'ASTIM':
vars_dict = {'Z': ['Z'], 'Q_m': ['Qm']}
elif sim_type == 'ESTIM':
vars_dict = {'V_m': ['Vm']}
elif sim_type == 'MECH':
vars_dict = {'P_{AC}': ['Pac'], 'Z': ['Z'], 'n_g': ['ng']}
if sim_type in ['ASTIM', 'ESTIM'] and hasattr(neuron, 'pltvars_scheme'):
labels = list(vars_dict.keys())
naxes = len(vars_dict)
# Plotting
if naxes == 1:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(11, 4))
axes = [ax]
fig, axes = plt.subplots(naxes, 1, figsize=(11, min(3 * naxes, 9)))
for i in range(naxes):
ax = axes[i]
for item in ['top', 'right']:
ax_pltvars = [pltvars[j] for j in vars_dict[labels[i]]]
nvars = len(ax_pltvars)
# X-axis
if i < naxes - 1:
ax.set_xlabel('${}\ ({})$'.format(t_plt['label'], t_plt['unit']), fontsize=fs)
for tick in ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks():
# Y-axis
if ax_pltvars[0]['unit']:
ax.set_ylabel('${}\ ({})$'.format(labels[i], ax_pltvars[0]['unit']),
ax.set_ylabel('${}$'.format(labels[i]), fontsize=fs)
if 'min' in ax_pltvars[0] and 'max' in ax_pltvars[0]:
ax_min = min([ap['min'] for ap in ax_pltvars])
ax_max = max([ap['max'] for ap in ax_pltvars])
ax.set_ylim(ax_min, ax_max)
ax.locator_params(axis='y', nbins=2)
for tick in ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks():
# Time series
icolor = 0
for j in range(nvars):
# Extract variable
pltvar = ax_pltvars[j]
if 'alias' in pltvar:
var = eval(pltvar['alias'])
elif 'key' in pltvar:
var = df[pltvar['key']].values
elif 'constant' in pltvar:
var = eval(pltvar['constant']) * np.ones(nsamples)
var = df[vars_dict[labels[i]][j]].values
if var.size == t.size - 2:
if pltvar['desc'] == 'membrane potential':
var = np.hstack((np.array([neuron.Vm0] * 2), var))
var = np.hstack((np.array([var[0]] * 2), var))
# var = np.insert(var, 0, var[0])
# Plot variable
if 'constant' in pltvar or pltvar['desc'] in ['net current']:
ax.plot(t * t_plt['factor'], var * pltvar['factor'], '--', c='black', lw=lw,
ax.plot(t * t_plt['factor'], var * pltvar['factor'],
c='C{}'.format(icolor), lw=lw, label='${}$'.format(pltvar['label']))
icolor += 1
# Patches
if show_patches == 1:
(ybottom, ytop) = ax.get_ylim()
for j in range(npatches):
ax.axvspan(tpatch_on[j] * t_plt['factor'], tpatch_off[j] * t_plt['factor'],
edgecolor='none', facecolor='#8A8A8A', alpha=0.2)
# Legend
if nvars > 1:
ax.legend(fontsize=fs, loc=7, ncol=nvars // 4 + 1)
# Title
if title:
if sim_type == 'ESTIM':
fig_title = ESTIM_title(, meta['Astim'], meta['tstim'] * 1e3, meta['PRF'], meta['DC'] * 1e2)
elif sim_type == 'ASTIM':
fig_title = ASTIM_title(, Fdrive * 1e-3, meta['Adrive'] * 1e-3, meta['tstim'] * 1e3,
meta['PRF'], meta['DC'] * 1e2)
elif sim_type == 'MECH':
fig_title = MECH_title(a * 1e9, Fdrive * 1e-3, meta['Adrive'] * 1e-3)
axes[0].set_title(fig_title, fontsize=fs)
# Save figure if needed (automatic or checked)
if plt_save:
if directory is None:
directory = os.path.split(filepath)[0]
if ask_before_save:
plt_filename = SaveFileDialog(
'{}_{}.{}'.format(filecode, tag, fig_ext),
dirname=directory, ext=fig_ext)
plt_filename = '{}/{}_{}.{}'.format(directory, filecode, tag, fig_ext)
if plt_filename:
plt.savefig(plt_filename)'Saving figure as "{}"'.format(plt_filename))
return figs

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