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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Author: Theo Lemaire
# @Email:
# @Date: 2018-09-25 16:18:45
# @Last Modified by: Theo Lemaire
# @Last Modified time: 2019-06-14 16:04:59
import re
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle
from ..core import getModel
from ..postpro import findPeaks
from ..utils import *
from .pltutils import *
class TimeSeriesPlot:
''' Generic interface to build a plot displaying temporal profiles of model simulations. '''
def __init__(self, filepaths):
''' Constructor.
:param filepaths: list of full paths to output data files to be compared
if not isIterable(filepaths):
filepaths = [filepaths]
self.filepaths = filepaths
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.render(*args, **kwargs)
def getData(self, entry, frequency):
if isinstance(entry, str):
simkey = self.getSimType(os.path.basename(entry))
data, meta = loadData(entry, frequency)
simkey, data, meta = entry
data = data.iloc[::frequency]
return simkey, data, meta
def render(*args, **kwargs):
return NotImplementedError
def checkInputs(self, *args, **kwargs):
return NotImplementedError
def createBackBone(self, *args, **kwargs):
return NotImplementedError
def getSimType(self, fname):
''' Get sim type from filename. '''
mo ='(^[A-Z]*)_(.*).pkl', fname)
if not mo:
raise ValueError('Could not find sim-key in filename: "{}"'.format(fname))
def getTimePltVar(self, tscale):
''' Return time plot variable for a given temporal scale. '''
return {
'desc': 'time',
'label': 'time',
'unit': tscale,
'factor': {'ms': 1e3, 'us': 1e6}[tscale],
'onset': {'ms': 1e-3, 'us': 1e-6}[tscale]
def getStimPulses(self, t, states):
''' Determine the onset and offset times of pulses from a stimulation vector.
:param t: time vector (s).
:param states: a vector of stimulation state (ON/OFF) at each instant in time.
:return: 3-tuple with number of patches, timing of STIM-ON an STIM-OFF instants.
# Compute states derivatives and identify bounds indexes of pulses
dstates = np.diff(states)
ipulse_on = np.insert(np.where(dstates > 0.0)[0] + 1, 0, 0)
ipulse_off = np.where(dstates < 0.0)[0] + 1
if ipulse_off.size < ipulse_on.size:
ioff = t.size - 1
if ipulse_off.size == 0:
ipulse_off = np.array([ioff])
ipulse_off = np.insert(ipulse_off, ipulse_off.size - 1, ioff)
# Get time instants for pulses ON and OFF
tpulse_on = t[ipulse_on]
tpulse_off = t[ipulse_off]
return tpulse_on, tpulse_off
def addLegend(self, ax, fs, black=False, straight=False, interactive=False):
lh = ax.legend(loc=1, fontsize=fs, frameon=False)
if black:
for l in lh.get_lines():
if straight:
for l in lh.get_lines():
def getStimStates(self, df):
stimstate = df['stimstate']
except KeyError:
stimstate = df['states']
return stimstate.values
def materializeSpikes(self, ax, data, tf, yf, color, mode, add_to_legend=False):
if 'Qm' not in data:
raise ValueError('charge profile not avilable in dataframe')
# Get spikes details
t, Qm = [data[k].values for k in['t', 'Qm']]
dt = t[1] - t[0]
mpd = int(np.ceil(SPIKE_MIN_DT / dt))
ipeaks, prominences, widths, halfmaxbounds, _ = findPeaks(
data['Qm'].values, mph=SPIKE_MIN_QAMP, mpd=mpd, mpp=SPIKE_MIN_QPROM)
if ipeaks is not None:
ax.scatter(t[ipeaks] * tf, Qm[ipeaks] * yf + 10, color=color,
label='spikes' if add_to_legend else None, marker='v')
if mode == 'details':
widths *= dt
indexes = np.arange(t.size)
tleftbounds = np.interp(halfmaxbounds[:, 0], indexes, t, left=np.nan, right=np.nan)
trightbounds = np.interp(halfmaxbounds[:, 1], indexes, t, left=np.nan, right=np.nan)
for i in range(len(ipeaks)):
ax.plot(np.array([t[ipeaks[i]]] * 2) * tf,
np.array([Qm[ipeaks[i]], Qm[ipeaks[i]] - prominences[i]]) * yf,
'--', color=color,
label='prominences' if i == 0 and add_to_legend else '')
ax.plot(np.array([tleftbounds[i], trightbounds[i]]) * tf,
np.array([Qm[ipeaks[i]] - 0.5 * prominences[i]] * 2) * yf,
'-.', color=color,
label='widths' if i == 0 and add_to_legend else '')
return add_to_legend
def prepareTime(self, t, tplt):
if tplt['onset'] > 0.0:
tonset = np.array([-tplt['onset'], -t[0] - t[1]])
t = np.hstack((tonset, t))
return t * tplt['factor']
def addPatches(self, ax, tpatch_on, tpatch_off, tfactor, color='#8A8A8A'):
for i in range(tpatch_on.size):
ax.axvspan(tpatch_on[i] * tfactor, tpatch_off[i] * tfactor,
edgecolor='none', facecolor=color, alpha=0.2)
def postProcess(self, *args, **kwargs):
return NotImplementedError
def addInset(self, fig, ax, inset):
''' Create inset axis. '''
inset_ax = fig.add_axes(ax.get_position())
inset_ax.set_xlim(inset['xlims'][0], inset['xlims'][1])
inset_ax.set_ylim(inset['ylims'][0], inset['ylims'][1])
inset_ax.add_patch(Rectangle((inset['xlims'][0], inset['ylims'][0]),
inset['xlims'][1] - inset['xlims'][0],
inset['ylims'][1] - inset['ylims'][0],
return inset_ax
def materializeInset(self, ax, inset_ax, inset):
''' Materialize inset with zoom boox. '''
# Re-position inset axis
axpos = ax.get_position()
left, right, = rescale(inset['xcoords'], ax.get_xlim()[0], ax.get_xlim()[1],
axpos.x0, axpos.x0 + axpos.width)
bottom, top, = rescale(inset['ycoords'], ax.get_ylim()[0], ax.get_ylim()[1],
axpos.y0, axpos.y0 + axpos.height)
inset_ax.set_position([left, bottom, right - left, top - bottom])
for i in inset_ax.spines.values():
# Materialize inset target region with contour frame
ax.plot(inset['xlims'], [inset['ylims'][0]] * 2, linestyle='-', color='k')
ax.plot(inset['xlims'], [inset['ylims'][1]] * 2, linestyle='-', color='k')
ax.plot([inset['xlims'][0]] * 2, inset['ylims'], linestyle='-', color='k')
ax.plot([inset['xlims'][1]] * 2, inset['ylims'], linestyle='-', color='k')
# Link target and inset with dashed lines if possible
if inset['xcoords'][1] < inset['xlims'][0]:
ax.plot([inset['xcoords'][1], inset['xlims'][0]],
[inset['ycoords'][0], inset['ylims'][0]],
linestyle='--', color='k')
ax.plot([inset['xcoords'][1], inset['xlims'][0]],
[inset['ycoords'][1], inset['ylims'][1]],
linestyle='--', color='k')
elif inset['xcoords'][0] > inset['xlims'][1]:
ax.plot([inset['xcoords'][0], inset['xlims'][1]],
[inset['ycoords'][0], inset['ylims'][0]],
linestyle='--', color='k')
ax.plot([inset['xcoords'][0], inset['xlims'][1]],
[inset['ycoords'][1], inset['ylims'][1]],
linestyle='--', color='k')
logger.warning('Inset x-coordinates intersect with those of target region')
def addInsetPatches(self, ax, inset_ax, inset, tpatch_on, tpatch_off, tfactor, color):
ybottom, ytop = ax.get_ylim()
cond_on = np.logical_and(tpatch_on > (inset['xlims'][0] / tfactor),
tpatch_on < (inset['xlims'][1] / tfactor))
cond_off = np.logical_and(tpatch_off > (inset['xlims'][0] / tfactor),
tpatch_off < (inset['xlims'][1] / tfactor))
cond_glob = np.logical_and(tpatch_on < (inset['xlims'][0] / tfactor),
tpatch_off > (inset['xlims'][1] / tfactor))
cond_onoff = np.logical_or(cond_on, cond_off)
cond = np.logical_or(cond_onoff, cond_glob)
npatches_inset = np.sum(cond)
for i in range(npatches_inset):
inset_ax.add_patch(Rectangle((tpatch_on[cond][i] * tfactor, ybottom),
(tpatch_off[cond][i] - tpatch_on[cond][i]) *
tfactor, ytop - ybottom, color=color,
def removeSpines(self, ax):
for item in ['top', 'right']:
def setTimeLabel(self, ax, tplt, fs):
ax.set_xlabel('$\\rm {}\ ({})$'.format(tplt['label'], tplt['unit']), fontsize=fs)
def setYLabel(self, ax, yplt, fs, grouplabel=None):
lbl = grouplabel if grouplabel is not None else yplt['label']
ax.set_ylabel('$\\rm {}\ ({})$'.format(lbl, yplt.get('unit', '')), fontsize=fs)
def setYTicks(self, ax, yticks=None):
if yticks is not None:
def setTickLabelsFontSize(self, ax, fs):
for tick in ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks() + ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks():
class ComparativePlot(TimeSeriesPlot):
''' Interface to build a comparative plot displaying profiles of a specific output variable
across different model simulations. '''
def __init__(self, filepaths, varname):
''' Constructor.
:param filepaths: list of full paths to output data files to be compared
:param varname: name of variable to extract and compare
self.simkey_ref = None
self.varname = varname
def checkInputs(self, lines, labels, colors, patches):
# Input check: labels
if labels is not None:
if len(labels) != len(self.filepaths):
raise ValueError(
'Invalid labels ({}): not matching number of compared files ({})'.format(
len(labels), len(self.filepaths)))
if not all(isinstance(x, str) for x in labels):
raise TypeError('Invalid labels: must be string typed')
# Input check: line styles and colors
if colors is None:
colors = ['C{}'.format(j) for j in range(len(self.filepaths))]
if lines is None:
lines = ['-'] * len(self.filepaths)
# Input check: STIM-ON patches
greypatch = False
if patches == 'none':
patches = [False] * len(self.filepaths)
elif patches == 'all':
patches = [True] * len(self.filepaths)
elif patches == 'one':
patches = [True] + [False] * (len(self.filepaths) - 1)
greypatch = True
elif isinstance(patches, list):
if len(patches) != len(self.filepaths):
raise ValueError(
'Invalid patches ({}): not matching number of compared files ({})'.format(
len(patches), len(self.filepaths)))
if not all(isinstance(p, bool) for p in patches):
raise TypeError('Invalid patch sequence: all list items must be boolean typed')
raise ValueError(
'Invalid patches: must be either "none", all", "one", or a boolean list')
return lines, labels, colors, patches, greypatch
def createBackBone(self, figsize):
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize)
return fig, ax
def postProcess(self, ax, tplt, yplt, fs, xticks, yticks):
if 'bounds' in yplt:
self.setTimeLabel(ax, tplt, fs)
self.setYLabel(ax, yplt, fs, grouplabel=None)
if xticks is not None: # optional x-ticks
self.setYTicks(ax, yticks)
self.setTickLabelsFontSize(ax, fs)
def render(self, figsize=(11, 4), fs=10, lw=2, labels=None, colors=None, lines=None,
patches='one', xticks=None, yticks=None, blacklegend=False, straightlegend=False,
inset=None, frequency=1, spikes='none'):
''' Render plot.
:param figsize: figure size (x, y)
:param fs: labels fontsize
:param lw: linewidth
:param labels: list of labels to use in the legend
:param colors: list of colors to use for each curve
:param lines: list of linestyles
:param patches: string indicating whether/how to mark stimulation periods
with rectangular patches
:param xticks: list of x-ticks
:param yticks: list of y-ticks
:param blacklegend: boolean indicating whether to use black lines in the legend
:param straightlegend: boolean indicating whether to use straight lines in the legend
:param inset: string indicating whether/how to mark an inset zooming on
a particular region of the graph
:param frequency: frequency at which to plot samples
:param spikes: string indicating how to show spikes ("none", "marks" or "details")
:return: figure handle
lines, labels, colors, patches, greypatch = self.checkInputs(
lines, labels, colors, patches)
fig, ax = self.createBackBone(figsize)
if inset is not None:
inset_ax = self.addInset(fig, ax, inset)
# Loop through data files
for j, filepath in enumerate(self.filepaths):
# Load data
simkey, data, meta = self.getData(filepath, frequency)
# Check consistency if sim types
if self.simkey_ref is None:
self.simkey_ref = simkey
elif simkey != self.simkey_ref:
raise ValueError('Invalid comparison: different simulation types')
# Extract model
model = getModel(simkey, meta)
# Extract time and stim pulses
t = data['t'].values
stimstate = self.getStimStates(data)
tpatch_on, tpatch_off = self.getStimPulses(t, stimstate)
tplt = self.getTimePltVar(model.tscale)
t = self.prepareTime(t, tplt)
# Extract y-variable
pltvars = model.getPltVars()
if self.varname not in pltvars:
raise KeyError(
'Unknown plot variable: "{}". Possible plot variables are: {}'.format(
self.varname, ', '.join(['"{}"'.format(p) for p in pltvars.keys()])))
yplt = pltvars[self.varname]
y = extractPltVar(model, yplt, data, meta, t.size, self.varname)
# Plot time series
ax.plot(t, y, linewidth=lw, linestyle=lines[j], color=colors[j],
label=labels[j] if labels is not None else figtitle(meta))
# Optional: add spikes
if self.varname == 'Qm' and spikes != 'none':
ax, data, tplt['factor'], yplt['factor'], colors[j], spikes)
# Plot optional inset
if inset is not None:
inset_window = np.logical_and(t > (inset['xlims'][0] / tplt['factor']),
t < (inset['xlims'][1] / tplt['factor']))
inset_ax.plot(t[inset_window] * tplt['factor'], y[inset_window] * yplt['factor'],
linewidth=lw, linestyle=lines[j], color=colors[j])
# Add optional STIM-ON patches
if patches[j]:
ybottom, ytop = ax.get_ylim()
color = '#8A8A8A' if greypatch else handle[0].get_color()
self.addPatches(ax, tpatch_on, tpatch_off, tplt['factor'], color)
if inset is not None:
ax, inset_ax, inset, tpatch_on, tpatch_off, tplt['factor'], color)
# Postprocess figure
self.postProcess(ax, tplt, yplt, fs, xticks, yticks)
if inset is not None:
self.materializeInset(ax, inset_ax, inset)
# Add legend
self.addLegend(ax, fs, black=blacklegend, straight=straightlegend)
return fig
class SchemePlot(TimeSeriesPlot):
''' Interface to build a plot displaying profiles of several output variables
arranged into specific schemes. '''
def __init__(self, filepaths, pltscheme=None):
''' Constructor.
:param filepaths: list of full paths to output data files to be compared
:param varname: name of variable to extract and compare
self.pltscheme = pltscheme
def createBackBone(self, pltscheme):
naxes = len(pltscheme)
if naxes == 1:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(11, 4))
axes = [ax]
fig, axes = plt.subplots(naxes, 1, figsize=(11, min(3 * naxes, 9)))
return fig, axes
def postProcess(self, axes, tplt, yplt, fs):
for ax in axes:
self.setTickLabelsFontSize(ax, fs)
for ax in axes[:-1]:
self.setTimeLabel(axes[-1], tplt, fs)
def render(self, fs=10, lw=2, labels=None, colors=None, lines=None, patches=True, title=True,
save=False, directory=None, fig_ext='png', frequency=1, spikes='none'):
figs = []
for filepath in self.filepaths:
# Load data and extract model
simkey, data, meta = self.getData(filepath, frequency)
model = getModel(simkey, meta)
# Extract time and stim pulses
t = data['t'].values
stimstate = self.getStimStates(data)
tpatch_on, tpatch_off = self.getStimPulses(t, stimstate)
tplt = self.getTimePltVar(model.tscale)
t = self.prepareTime(t, tplt)
# Check plot scheme if provided, otherwise generate it
pltvars = model.getPltVars()
if self.pltscheme is not None:
for key in list(sum(list(self.pltscheme.values()), [])):
if key not in pltvars:
raise KeyError('Unknown plot variable: "{}"'.format(key))
pltscheme = self.pltscheme
pltscheme = model.getPltScheme()
# Create figure
fig, axes = self.createBackBone(pltscheme)
# Loop through each subgraph
for ax, (grouplabel, keys) in zip(axes, pltscheme.items()):
ax_legend_spikes = False
# Extract variables to plot
nvars = len(keys)
ax_pltvars = [pltvars[k] for k in keys]
if nvars == 1:
ax_pltvars[0]['color'] = 'k'
ax_pltvars[0]['ls'] = '-'
# Set y-axis unit and bounds
self.setYLabel(ax, ax_pltvars[0], fs, grouplabel=grouplabel)
if 'bounds' in ax_pltvars[0]:
ax_min = min([ap['bounds'][0] for ap in ax_pltvars])
ax_max = max([ap['bounds'][1] for ap in ax_pltvars])
ax.set_ylim(ax_min, ax_max)
# Plot time series
icolor = 0
for yplt, name in zip(ax_pltvars, pltscheme[grouplabel]):
color = yplt.get('color', 'C{}'.format(icolor))
y = extractPltVar(model, yplt, data, meta, t.size, name)
ax.plot(t, y, yplt.get('ls', '-'), c=color, lw=lw,
label='$\\rm {}$'.format(yplt['label']))
if 'color' not in yplt:
icolor += 1
# Optional: add spikes
if name == 'Qm' and spikes != 'none':
ax_legend_spikes = self.materializeSpikes(
ax, data, tplt['factor'], yplt['factor'],
color, spikes, add_to_legend=True)
# Add legend
if nvars > 1 or 'gate' in ax_pltvars[0]['desc'] or ax_legend_spikes:
ax.legend(fontsize=fs, loc=7, ncol=nvars // 4 + 1, frameon=False)
if patches:
for ax in axes:
self.addPatches(ax, tpatch_on, tpatch_off, tplt['factor'])
# Post-process figure
self.postProcess(axes, tplt, yplt, fs)
if title:
axes[0].set_title(figtitle(meta), fontsize=fs)
# Save figure if needed (automatic or checked)
if save:
filecode = model.filecode(meta)
if directory is None:
directory = os.path.split(filepath)[0]
plt_filename = '{}/{}.{}'.format(directory, filecode, fig_ext)
plt.savefig(plt_filename)'Saving figure as "{}"'.format(plt_filename))
return figs
if __name__ == '__main__':
# example of use
filepaths = OpenFilesDialog('pkl')[0]
comp_plot = ComparativePlot(filepaths, 'Qm')
fig = comp_plot.render(
lines=['-', '--'],
labels=['60 kPa', '80 kPa'],
colors=['r', 'g'],
xticks=[0, 100],
yticks=[-80, +50],
inset={'xcoords': [5, 40], 'ycoords': [-35, 45], 'xlims': [57.5, 60.5], 'ylims': [10, 35]}
scheme_plot = SchemePlot(filepaths)
figs = scheme_plot.render()

Event Timeline