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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Author: Theo Lemaire
# @Date: 2017-08-22 14:33:04
# @Last Modified by: Theo Lemaire
# @Last Modified time: 2018-09-22 19:45:11
''' Utility functions to detect spikes on signals and compute spiking metrics. '''
import logging
import pickle
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from .constants import *
# Get package logger
logger = logging.getLogger('PySONIC')
def detectPeaks(x, mph=None, mpd=1, threshold=0, edge='rising', kpsh=False, valley=False, ax=None):
Detect peaks in data based on their amplitude and other features.
Adapted from Marco Duarte:
:param x: 1D array_like data.
:param mph: minimum peak height (default = None).
:param mpd: minimum peak distance in indexes (default = 1)
:param threshold : minimum peak prominence (default = 0)
:param edge : for a flat peak, keep only the rising edge ('rising'), only the
falling edge ('falling'), both edges ('both'), or don't detect a flat peak (None).
(default = 'rising')
:param kpsh: keep peaks with same height even if they are closer than `mpd` (default = False).
:param valley: detect valleys (local minima) instead of peaks (default = False).
:param show: plot data in matplotlib figure (default = False).
:param ax: a matplotlib.axes.Axes instance, optional (default = None).
:return: 1D array with the indices of the peaks
print('min peak height:', mph, ', min peak distance:', mpd,
', min peak prominence:', threshold)
# Convert input to numpy array
x = np.atleast_1d(x).astype('float64')
# Revert signal sign for valley detection
if valley:
x = -x
# Differentiate signal
dx = np.diff(x)
# Find indices of all peaks with edge criterion
ine, ire, ife = np.array([[], [], []], dtype=int)
if not edge:
ine = np.where((np.hstack((dx, 0)) < 0) & (np.hstack((0, dx)) > 0))[0]
if edge.lower() in ['rising', 'both']:
ire = np.where((np.hstack((dx, 0)) <= 0) & (np.hstack((0, dx)) > 0))[0]
if edge.lower() in ['falling', 'both']:
ife = np.where((np.hstack((dx, 0)) < 0) & (np.hstack((0, dx)) >= 0))[0]
ind = np.unique(np.hstack((ine, ire, ife)))
# Remove first and last values of x if they are detected as peaks
if ind.size and ind[0] == 0:
ind = ind[1:]
if ind.size and ind[-1] == x.size - 1:
ind = ind[:-1]
print('{} raw peaks'.format(ind.size))
# Remove peaks < minimum peak height
if ind.size and mph is not None:
ind = ind[x[ind] >= mph]
print('{} height-filtered peaks'.format(ind.size))
# Remove peaks - neighbors < threshold
if ind.size and threshold > 0:
dx = np.min(np.vstack([x[ind] - x[ind - 1], x[ind] - x[ind + 1]]), axis=0)
ind = np.delete(ind, np.where(dx < threshold)[0])
print('{} prominence-filtered peaks'.format(ind.size))
# Detect small peaks closer than minimum peak distance
if ind.size and mpd > 1:
ind = ind[np.argsort(x[ind])][::-1] # sort ind by peak height
idel = np.zeros(ind.size, dtype=bool)
for i in range(ind.size):
if not idel[i]:
# keep peaks with the same height if kpsh is True
idel = idel | (ind >= ind[i] - mpd) & (ind <= ind[i] + mpd) \
& (x[ind[i]] > x[ind] if kpsh else True)
idel[i] = 0 # Keep current peak
# remove the small peaks and sort back the indices by their occurrence
ind = np.sort(ind[~idel])
print('{} distance-filtered peaks'.format(ind.size))
return ind
def detectPeaksTime(t, y, mph, mtd, mpp=0):
""" Extension of the detectPeaks function to detect peaks in data based on their
amplitude and time difference, with a non-uniform time vector.
:param t: time vector (not necessarily uniform)
:param y: signal
:param mph: minimal peak height
:param mtd: minimal time difference
:mpp: minmal peak prominence
:return: array of peak indexes
# Determine whether time vector is uniform (threshold in time step variation)
dt = np.diff(t)
if (dt.max() - dt.min()) / dt.min() < 1e-2:
isuniform = True
isuniform = False
if isuniform:
print('uniform time vector')
dt = t[1] - t[0]
mpd = int(np.ceil(mtd / dt))
ipeaks = detectPeaks(y, mph, mpd=mpd, threshold=mpp)
print('non-uniform time vector')
# Detect peaks on signal with no restriction on inter-peak distance
irawpeaks = detectPeaks(y, mph, mpd=1, threshold=mpp)
npeaks = irawpeaks.size
if npeaks > 0:
# Filter relevant peaks with temporal distance
ipeaks = [irawpeaks[0]]
for i in range(1, npeaks):
i1 = ipeaks[-1]
i2 = irawpeaks[i]
if t[i2] - t[i1] < mtd:
if y[i2] > y[i1]:
ipeaks[-1] = i2
ipeaks = []
ipeaks = np.array(ipeaks)
return ipeaks
def detectSpikes(t, Qm, min_amp, min_dt):
''' Detect spikes on a charge density signal, and
return their number, latency and rate.
:param t: time vector (s)
:param Qm: charge density vector (C/m2)
:param min_amp: minimal charge amplitude to detect spikes (C/m2)
:param min_dt: minimal time interval between 2 spikes (s)
:return: 3-tuple with number of spikes, latency (s) and spike rate (sp/s)
i_spikes = detectPeaksTime(t, Qm, min_amp, min_dt)
if len(i_spikes) > 0:
latency = t[i_spikes[0]] # s
n_spikes = i_spikes.size
if n_spikes > 1:
first_to_last_spike = t[i_spikes[-1]] - t[i_spikes[0]] # s
spike_rate = (n_spikes - 1) / first_to_last_spike # spikes/s
spike_rate = 'N/A'
latency = 'N/A'
spike_rate = 'N/A'
n_spikes = 0
return (n_spikes, latency, spike_rate)
def findPeaks(y, mph=None, mpd=None, mpp=None):
''' Detect peaks in a signal based on their height, prominence and/or separating distance.
:param y: signal vector
:param mph: minimum peak height (in signal units, default = None).
:param mpd: minimum inter-peak distance (in indexes, default = None)
:param mpp: minimum peak prominence (in signal units, default = None)
:return: 4-tuple of arrays with the indexes of peaks occurence, peaks prominence,
peaks width at half-prominence and peaks half-prominence bounds (left and right)
Adapted from:
- Marco Duarte's detect_peaks function
- MATLAB findpeaks function (
# Define empty output
empty = (np.array([]),) * 4
# Differentiate signal
dy = np.diff(y)
# Find all peaks and valleys
# s = np.sign(dy)
# ipeaks = np.where(np.diff(s) < 0.0)[0] + 1
# ivalleys = np.where(np.diff(s) > 0.0)[0] + 1
ipeaks = np.where((np.hstack((dy, 0)) <= 0) & (np.hstack((0, dy)) > 0))[0]
ivalleys = np.where((np.hstack((dy, 0)) >= 0) & (np.hstack((0, dy)) < 0))[0]
# Return empty output if no peak detected
if ipeaks.size == 0:
return empty
logger.debug('%u peaks found, starting at index %u and ending at index %u',
ipeaks.size, ipeaks[0], ipeaks[-1])
if ivalleys.size > 0:
logger.debug('%u valleys found, starting at index %u and ending at index %u',
ivalleys.size, ivalleys[0], ivalleys[-1])
logger.debug('no valleys found')
# Ensure each peak is bounded by two valleys, adding signal boundaries as valleys if necessary
if ivalleys.size == 0 or ipeaks[0] < ivalleys[0]:
ivalleys = np.insert(ivalleys, 0, -1)
if ipeaks[-1] > ivalleys[-1]:
ivalleys = np.insert(ivalleys, ivalleys.size, y.size - 1)
if ivalleys.size - ipeaks.size != 1:
logger.debug('Cleaning up incongruities')
i = 0
while i < min(ipeaks.size, ivalleys.size) - 1:
if ipeaks[i] < ivalleys[i]: # 2 peaks between consecutive valleys -> remove lowest
idel = i - 1 if y[ipeaks[i - 1]] < y[ipeaks[i]] else i
logger.debug('Removing abnormal peak at index %u', ipeaks[idel])
ipeaks = np.delete(ipeaks, idel)
if ipeaks[i] > ivalleys[i + 1]:
idel = i + 1 if y[ivalleys[i]] < y[ivalleys[i + 1]] else i
logger.debug('Removing abnormal valley at index %u', ivalleys[idel])
ivalleys = np.delete(ivalleys, idel)
i += 1
logger.debug('Post-cleanup: %u peaks and %u valleys', ipeaks.size, ivalleys.size)
# Remove peaks < minimum peak height
if mph is not None:
ipeaks = ipeaks[y[ipeaks] >= mph]
if ipeaks.size == 0:
return empty
# Detect small peaks closer than minimum peak distance
if mpd is not None:
ipeaks = ipeaks[np.argsort(y[ipeaks])][::-1] # sort ipeaks by descending peak height
idel = np.zeros(ipeaks.size, dtype=bool) # initialize boolean deletion array (all false)
for i in range(ipeaks.size): # for each peak
if not idel[i]: # if not marked for deletion
closepeaks = (ipeaks >= ipeaks[i] - mpd) & (ipeaks <= ipeaks[i] + mpd) # close peaks
idel = idel | closepeaks # mark for deletion along with previously marked peaks
# idel = idel | (ipeaks >= ipeaks[i] - mpd) & (ipeaks <= ipeaks[i] + mpd)
idel[i] = 0 # keep current peak
# remove the small peaks and sort back the indices by their occurrence
ipeaks = np.sort(ipeaks[~idel])
# Detect smallest valleys between consecutive relevant peaks
ibottomvalleys = []
if ipeaks[0] > ivalleys[0]:
itrappedvalleys = ivalleys[ivalleys < ipeaks[0]]
for i, j in zip(ipeaks[:-1], ipeaks[1:]):
itrappedvalleys = ivalleys[np.logical_and(ivalleys > i, ivalleys < j)]
if ipeaks[-1] < ivalleys[-1]:
itrappedvalleys = ivalleys[ivalleys > ipeaks[-1]]
ipeaks = ipeaks
ivalleys = np.array(ibottomvalleys, dtype=int)
# Ensure each peak is bounded by two valleys, adding signal boundaries as valleys if necessary
if ipeaks[0] < ivalleys[0]:
ivalleys = np.insert(ivalleys, 0, 0)
if ipeaks[-1] > ivalleys[-1]:
ivalleys = np.insert(ivalleys, ivalleys.size, y.size - 1)
# Remove peaks < minimum peak prominence
if mpp is not None:
# Compute peaks prominences as difference between peaks and their closest valley
prominences = y[ipeaks] - np.amax((y[ivalleys[:-1]], y[ivalleys[1:]]), axis=0)
# initialize peaks and valleys deletion tables
idelp = np.zeros(ipeaks.size, dtype=bool)
idelv = np.zeros(ivalleys.size, dtype=bool)
# for each peak (sorted by ascending prominence order)
for ind in np.argsort(prominences):
ipeak = ipeaks[ind] # get peak index
# get peak bases as first valleys on either side not marked for deletion
indleftbase = ind
indrightbase = ind + 1
while idelv[indleftbase]:
indleftbase -= 1
while idelv[indrightbase]:
indrightbase += 1
ileftbase = ivalleys[indleftbase]
irightbase = ivalleys[indrightbase]
# Compute peak prominence and mark for deletion if < mpp
indmaxbase = indleftbase if y[ileftbase] > y[irightbase] else indrightbase
if y[ipeak] - y[ivalleys[indmaxbase]] < mpp:
idelp[ind] = True # mark peak for deletion
idelv[indmaxbase] = True # mark highest surrouding valley for deletion
# remove irrelevant peaks and valleys, and sort back the indices by their occurrence
ipeaks = np.sort(ipeaks[~idelp])
ivalleys = np.sort(ivalleys[~idelv])
if ipeaks.size == 0:
return empty
# Compute peaks prominences and reference half-prominence levels
prominences = y[ipeaks] - np.amax((y[ivalleys[:-1]], y[ivalleys[1:]]), axis=0)
refheights = y[ipeaks] - prominences / 2
# Compute half-prominence bounds
ibounds = np.empty((ipeaks.size, 2))
for i in range(ipeaks.size):
# compute the index of the left-intercept at half max
ileft = ipeaks[i]
while ileft >= ivalleys[i] and y[ileft] > refheights[i]:
ileft -= 1
if ileft < ivalleys[i]: # intercept exactly on valley
ibounds[i, 0] = ivalleys[i]
else: # interpolate intercept linearly between signal boundary points
a = (y[ileft + 1] - y[ileft]) / 1
b = y[ileft] - a * ileft
ibounds[i, 0] = (refheights[i] - b) / a
# compute the index of the right-intercept at half max
iright = ipeaks[i]
while iright <= ivalleys[i + 1] and y[iright] > refheights[i]:
iright += 1
if iright > ivalleys[i + 1]: # intercept exactly on valley
ibounds[i, 1] = ivalleys[i + 1]
else: # interpolate intercept linearly between signal boundary points
if iright == y.size - 1: # special case: if end of signal is reached, decrement iright
iright -= 1
a = (y[iright + 1] - y[iright]) / 1
b = y[iright] - a * iright
ibounds[i, 1] = (refheights[i] - b) / a
# Compute peaks widths at half-prominence
widths = np.diff(ibounds, axis=1)
return (ipeaks - 1, prominences, widths, ibounds)
def computeSpikeMetrics(filenames):
''' Analyze the charge density profile from a list of files and compute for each one of them
the following spiking metrics:
- latency (ms)
- firing rate mean and standard deviation (Hz)
- spike amplitude mean and standard deviation (nC/cm2)
- spike width mean and standard deviation (ms)
:param filenames: list of files to analyze
:return: a dataframe with the computed metrics
# Initialize metrics dictionaries
keys = [
'latencies (ms)',
'mean firing rates (Hz)',
'std firing rates (Hz)',
'mean spike amplitudes (nC/cm2)',
'std spike amplitudes (nC/cm2)',
'mean spike widths (ms)',
'std spike widths (ms)'
metrics = {k: [] for k in keys}
# Compute spiking metrics
for fname in filenames:
# Load data from file
logger.debug('loading data from file "{}"'.format(fname))
with open(fname, 'rb') as fh:
frame = pickle.load(fh)
df = frame['data']
meta = frame['meta']
tstim = meta['tstim']
t = df['t'].values
Qm = df['Qm'].values
dt = t[1] - t[0]
# Detect spikes on charge profile
mpd = int(np.ceil(SPIKE_MIN_DT / dt))
ispikes, prominences, widths, _ = findPeaks(Qm, SPIKE_MIN_QAMP, mpd, SPIKE_MIN_QPROM)
widths *= dt
if ispikes.size > 0:
# Compute latency
latency = t[ispikes[0]]
# Select prior-offset spikes
ispikes_prior = ispikes[t[ispikes] < tstim]
latency = np.nan
ispikes_prior = np.array([])
# Compute spikes widths and amplitude
if ispikes_prior.size > 0:
widths_prior = widths[:ispikes_prior.size]
prominences_prior = prominences[:ispikes_prior.size]
widths_prior = np.array([np.nan])
prominences_prior = np.array([np.nan])
# Compute inter-spike intervals and firing rates
if ispikes_prior.size > 1:
ISIs_prior = np.diff(t[ispikes_prior])
FRs_prior = 1 / ISIs_prior
ISIs_prior = np.array([np.nan])
FRs_prior = np.array([np.nan])
# Log spiking metrics
logger.debug('%u spikes detected (%u prior to offset)', ispikes.size, ispikes_prior.size)
logger.debug('latency: %.2f ms', latency * 1e3)
logger.debug('average spike width within stimulus: %.2f +/- %.2f ms',
np.nanmean(widths_prior) * 1e3, np.nanstd(widths_prior) * 1e3)
logger.debug('average spike amplitude within stimulus: %.2f +/- %.2f nC/cm2',
np.nanmean(prominences_prior) * 1e5, np.nanstd(prominences_prior) * 1e5)
logger.debug('average ISI within stimulus: %.2f +/- %.2f ms',
np.nanmean(ISIs_prior) * 1e3, np.nanstd(ISIs_prior) * 1e3)
logger.debug('average FR within stimulus: %.2f +/- %.2f Hz',
np.nanmean(FRs_prior), np.nanstd(FRs_prior))
# Complete metrics dictionaries
metrics['latencies (ms)'].append(latency * 1e3)
metrics['mean firing rates (Hz)'].append(np.mean(FRs_prior))
metrics['std firing rates (Hz)'].append(np.std(FRs_prior))
metrics['mean spike amplitudes (nC/cm2)'].append(np.mean(prominences_prior) * 1e5)
metrics['std spike amplitudes (nC/cm2)'].append(np.std(prominences_prior) * 1e5)
metrics['mean spike widths (ms)'].append(np.mean(widths_prior) * 1e3)
metrics['std spike widths (ms)'].append(np.std(widths_prior) * 1e3)
# Return dataframe with metrics
return pd.DataFrame(metrics, columns=metrics.keys())

Event Timeline