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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Author: Theo Lemaire
# @Email:
# @Date: 2017-08-22 14:33:04
# @Last Modified by: Theo Lemaire
# @Last Modified time: 2019-09-30 18:01:49
''' Utility functions to detect spikes on signals and compute spiking metrics. '''
import pickle
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.optimize import brentq
from scipy.signal import find_peaks, peak_prominences
from .constants import *
from .utils import logger, debug, isIterable, loadData, plural
def detectCrossings(x, thr=0.0, edge='both'):
Detect crossings of a threshold value in a 1D signal.
:param x: 1D array_like data.
:param edge: 'rising', 'falling', or 'both'
:return: 1D array with the indices preceding the crossings
ine, ire, ife = np.array([[], [], []], dtype=int)
x_padright = np.hstack((x, x[-1]))
x_padleft = np.hstack((x[0], x))
if edge.lower() in ['falling', 'both']:
ire = np.where((x_padright <= thr) & (x_padleft > thr))[0]
if edge.lower() in ['rising', 'both']:
ife = np.where((x_padright >= thr) & (x_padleft < thr))[0]
ind = np.unique(np.hstack((ine, ire, ife))) - 1
return ind
def getFixedPoints(x, dx, filter='stable', der_func=None):
''' Find fixed points in a 1D plane phase profile.
:param x: variable (1D array)
:param dx: derivative (1D array)
:param filter: string indicating whether to consider only stable/unstable
fixed points or both
:param: der_func: derivative function
:return: array of fixed points values (or None if none is found)
fps = []
edge = {'stable': 'falling', 'unstable': 'rising', 'both': 'both'}[filter]
izc = detectCrossings(dx, edge=edge)
if izc.size > 0:
for i in izc:
# If derivative function is provided, find root using iterative Brent method
if der_func is not None:
fps.append(brentq(der_func, x[i], x[i + 1], xtol=1e-16))
# Otherwise, approximate root by linear interpolation
fps.append(x[i] - dx[i] * (x[i + 1] - x[i]) / (dx[i + 1] - dx[i]))
return np.array(fps)
return np.array([])
def getEqPoint1D(x, dx, x0):
''' Determine equilibrium point in a 1D plane phase profile, for a given starting point.
:param x: variable (1D array)
:param dx: derivative (1D array)
:param x0: abscissa of starting point (float)
:return: abscissa of equilibrium point (or np.nan if none is found)
# Find stable fixed points in 1D plane phase profile
x_SFPs = getFixedPoints(x, dx, filter='stable')
if x_SFPs.size == 0:
return np.nan
# Determine relevant stable fixed point from y0 sign
y0 = np.interp(x0, x, dx, left=np.nan, right=np.nan)
inds_subset = x_SFPs >= x0
ind_SFP = 0
if y0 < 0:
inds_subset = ~inds_subset
ind_SFP = -1
x_SFPs = x_SFPs[inds_subset]
if len(x_SFPs) == 0:
return np.nan
return x_SFPs[ind_SFP]
def convertTime2SampleCriterion(x, dt, nsamples):
if isIterable(x) and len(x) == 2:
return (convertTime2Sample(x[0], dt, nsamples), convertTime2Sample(x[1], dt, nsamples))
if isIterable(x) and len(x) == nsamples:
return np.array([convertTime2Sample(item, dt, nsamples) for item in x])
elif x is None:
return None
return int(np.ceil(x / dt))
def computeTimeStep(t):
''' Compute time step based on time vector.
:param t: time vector (s)
:return: average time step (s)
# Compute time step vector
dt = np.diff(t) # s
# Raise error if time step vector is not uniform
is_uniform_dt = np.allclose(np.diff(dt), np.zeros(dt.size - 1), atol=1e-5)
if not is_uniform_dt:
raise ValueError(f'non-uniform time step: from {dt.min():.2e} s (index {dt.argmin()}) to {dt.max():.2e} s (index {dt.argmax()})')
# Return average dt value
return np.mean(dt) # s
def resample(t, y, dt):
''' Resample a dataframe at regular time step. '''
n = int(np.ptp(t) / dt) + 1
ts = np.linspace(t.min(), t.max(), n)
ys = np.interp(ts, t, y)
return ts, ys
def resolveIndexes(indexes, y, choice='max'):
if indexes.size == 0:
return indexes
icomp = np.array([np.floor(indexes), np.ceil(indexes)]).astype(int).T
ycomp = np.array([y[i] for i in icomp])
method = {'min': np.argmin, 'max': np.argmax}[choice]
ichoice = method(ycomp, axis=1)
return np.array([x[ichoice[i]] for i, x in enumerate(icomp)])
def resampleDataFrame(data, dt):
''' Resample a dataframe at regular time step. '''
t = data['t'].values
n = int(np.ptp(t) / dt) + 1
tnew = np.linspace(t.min(), t.max(), n)
new_data = {}
for key in data:
kind = 'nearest' if key == 'stimstate' else 'linear'
new_data[key] = interp1d(t, data[key].values, kind=kind)(tnew)
return pd.DataFrame(new_data)
def prependDataFrame(data):
''' Resample dataframe at regular time step. '''
tnew = np.insert(data['t'].values, 0, 0)
new_data = {'t': tnew}
for key in data:
if key == 't':
x0 = 0.
elif key == 'stimstate':
x0 = 0
x0 = data[key].values[0]
new_data[key] = np.insert(data[key].values, 0, x0)
return pd.DataFrame(new_data)
def find_tpeaks(t, y, **kwargs):
''' Wrapper around the scipy.signal.find_peaks function that provides a time vector
associated to the signal, and translates time-based selection criteria into
index-based criteria before calling the function.
:param t: time vector
:param y: signal vector
:return: 2-tuple with peaks timings and properties dictionary
# Remove initial samples from vectors if time values are redundant
ipad = 0
while t[ipad + 1] == t[ipad]:
ipad += 1
if ipad > 0:
ss = 'from vectors (redundant time values)'
if ipad == 1:
logger.debug(f'Removing index 0 {ss}')
logger.debug(f'Removing indexes 0-{ipad - 1} {ss}')
t = t[ipad:]
y = y[ipad:]
# If time step is irregular, resample vectors at a uniform time step
dt = computeTimeStep(t) # s
t_raw, y_raw = None, None
indexes_raw = None
except ValueError as err:
new_dt = max(np.diff(t).min(), 1e-7)
logger.debug(f'Resampling vector at regular time step (dt = {new_dt:.2e}s)')
t_raw, y_raw = t.copy(), y.copy()
indexes_raw = np.arange(t_raw.size)
t, y = resample(t, y, new_dt)
dt = computeTimeStep(t) # s
ipad = 0
# Compute index vector
nsamples = t.size
indexes = np.arange(nsamples)
# Convert provided time-based input criteria into samples-based criteria
time_based_inputs = ['distance', 'width', 'wlen', 'plateau_size']
for key in time_based_inputs:
if key in kwargs:
kwargs[key] = convertTime2SampleCriterion(kwargs[key], dt, nsamples)
if 'width' not in kwargs:
kwargs['width'] = 1
# Find peaks in the regularly sampled signal
ipeaks, properties = find_peaks(y, **kwargs)
# print(t[ipeaks] * 1e3)
# Adjust peak prominences and bases with restricted analysis window length
# based on smallest peak width
if len(ipeaks) > 0:
wlen = 5 * min(properties['widths'])
properties['prominences'], properties['left_bases'], properties['right_bases'] = peak_prominences(
y, ipeaks, wlen=wlen)
# If needed, re-project index-based outputs onto original sampling
if t_raw is not None:
logger.debug(f're-projecting index-based outputs onto original sampling')
# Interpolate peak indexes and round to neighbor integer with max y value
ipeaks_raw = np.interp(t[ipeaks], t_raw, indexes_raw, left=np.nan, right=np.nan)
ipeaks = resolveIndexes(ipeaks_raw, y_raw, choice='max')
# print(t_raw[ipeaks] * 1e3)
# Interpolate peak base indexes and round to neighbor integer with min y value
for key in ['left_bases', 'right_bases']:
if key in properties:
# print(key)
# print(t[properties[key]] * 1e3)
ibase_raw = np.interp(t[properties[key]], t_raw, indexes_raw, left=np.nan, right=np.nan)
properties[key] = resolveIndexes(ibase_raw, y_raw, choice='min')
# print(t_raw[properties[key]] * 1e3)
# Interpolate peak half-width interpolated positions
for key in ['left_ips', 'right_ips']:
if key in properties:
# print(key)
# print(properties[key])
# print(dt * properties[key] * 1e3)
properties[key] = np.interp(dt * properties[key], t_raw, indexes_raw, left=np.nan, right=np.nan)
# print(properties[key])
# If original vectors were cropped, correct offset in index-based outputs
if ipad > 0:
logger.debug(f'offseting index-based outputs by {ipad} to compensate initial cropping')
ipeaks += ipad
for key in ['left_bases', 'right_bases', 'left_ips', 'right_ips']:
if key in properties:
properties[key] += ipad
# Convert index-based peak widths into time-based widths
if 'widths' in properties:
properties['widths'] = np.array(properties['widths']) * dt
# Return updated properties
return ipeaks, properties
def detectSpikes(data, key='Qm', mpt=SPIKE_MIN_DT, mph=SPIKE_MIN_QAMP, mpp=SPIKE_MIN_QPROM):
''' Detect spikes in simulation output data, by detecting peaks with specific height, prominence
and distance properties on a given signal.
:param data: simulation output dataframe
:param key: key of signal on which to detect peaks
:param mpt: minimal time interval between two peaks (s)
:param mph: minimal peak height (in signal units)
:param mpp: minimal peak prominence (in signal units)
:return: indexes and properties of detected spikes
if key not in data:
raise ValueError(f'{key} vector not available in dataframe')
# Detect peaks
return find_tpeaks(
def convertPeaksProperties(t, properties):
''' Convert index-based peaks properties into time-based properties.
:param t: time vector (s)
:param properties: properties dictionary (with index-based information)
:return: properties dictionary (with time-based information)
indexes = np.arange(t.size)
for key in ['left_bases', 'right_bases','left_ips', 'right_ips']:
if key in properties:
properties[key] = np.interp(properties[key], indexes, t, left=np.nan, right=np.nan)
return properties
def computeFRProfile(data):
''' Compute temporal profile of firing rate from simulaton output.
:param data: simulation output dataframe
:return: firing rate profile interpolated along time vector
# Detect spikes in data
ispikes, _ = detectSpikes(data)
# Compute firing rate as function of spike time
t = data['t'].values
tspikes = t[ispikes][:-1]
sr = 1 / np.diff(t[ispikes])
if len(sr) == 0:
return np.ones(t.size) * np.nan
# Interpolate firing rate vector along time vector
return np.interp(t, tspikes, sr, left=np.nan, right=np.nan)
def computeSpikingMetrics(filenames):
''' Analyze the charge density profile from a list of files and compute for each one of them
the following spiking metrics:
- latency (ms)
- firing rate mean and standard deviation (Hz)
- spike amplitude mean and standard deviation (nC/cm2)
- spike width mean and standard deviation (ms)
:param filenames: list of files to analyze
:return: a dataframe with the computed metrics
# Initialize metrics dictionaries
keys = [
'latencies (ms)',
'mean firing rates (Hz)',
'std firing rates (Hz)',
'mean spike amplitudes (nC/cm2)',
'std spike amplitudes (nC/cm2)',
'mean spike widths (ms)',
'std spike widths (ms)'
metrics = {k: [] for k in keys}
# Compute spiking metrics
for fname in filenames:
# Load data from file
data, meta = loadData(fname)
tstim = meta['tstim']
t = data['t'].values
# Detect spikes in data and extract features
ispikes, properties = detectSpikes(data)
widths = properties['widths']
prominences = properties['prominences']
if ispikes.size > 0:
# Compute latency
latency = t[ispikes[0]]
# Select prior-offset spikes
ispikes_prior = ispikes[t[ispikes] < tstim]
latency = np.nan
ispikes_prior = np.array([])
# Compute spikes widths and amplitude
if ispikes_prior.size > 0:
widths_prior = widths[:ispikes_prior.size]
prominences_prior = prominences[:ispikes_prior.size]
widths_prior = np.array([np.nan])
prominences_prior = np.array([np.nan])
# Compute inter-spike intervals and firing rates
if ispikes_prior.size > 1:
ISIs_prior = np.diff(t[ispikes_prior])
FRs_prior = 1 / ISIs_prior
ISIs_prior = np.array([np.nan])
FRs_prior = np.array([np.nan])
# Log spiking metrics
logger.debug('%u spikes detected (%u prior to offset)', ispikes.size, ispikes_prior.size)
logger.debug('latency: %.2f ms', latency * 1e3)
logger.debug('average spike width within stimulus: %.2f +/- %.2f ms',
np.nanmean(widths_prior) * 1e3, np.nanstd(widths_prior) * 1e3)
logger.debug('average spike amplitude within stimulus: %.2f +/- %.2f nC/cm2',
np.nanmean(prominences_prior) * 1e5, np.nanstd(prominences_prior) * 1e5)
logger.debug('average ISI within stimulus: %.2f +/- %.2f ms',
np.nanmean(ISIs_prior) * 1e3, np.nanstd(ISIs_prior) * 1e3)
logger.debug('average FR within stimulus: %.2f +/- %.2f Hz',
np.nanmean(FRs_prior), np.nanstd(FRs_prior))
# Complete metrics dictionaries
metrics['latencies (ms)'].append(latency * 1e3)
metrics['mean firing rates (Hz)'].append(np.mean(FRs_prior))
metrics['std firing rates (Hz)'].append(np.std(FRs_prior))
metrics['mean spike amplitudes (nC/cm2)'].append(np.mean(prominences_prior) * 1e5)
metrics['std spike amplitudes (nC/cm2)'].append(np.std(prominences_prior) * 1e5)
metrics['mean spike widths (ms)'].append(np.mean(widths_prior) * 1e3)
metrics['std spike widths (ms)'].append(np.std(widths_prior) * 1e3)
# Return dataframe with metrics
return pd.DataFrame(metrics, columns=metrics.keys())

Event Timeline