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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Author: Theo Lemaire
# @Date: 2017-06-02 17:50:10
# @Email:
# @Last Modified by: Theo Lemaire
# @Last Modified time: 2018-09-23 16:16:28
""" Create lookup table for specific neuron. """
import os
import pickle
import logging
import numpy as np
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from PySONIC.utils import logger, getLookupDir
from PySONIC.batches import createQueue, runBatch
from PySONIC.neurons import getNeuronsDict
from PySONIC.core import NeuronalBilayerSonophore
# Default parameters
defaults = dict(
diams=np.array([16.0, 32.0, 64.0]), # nm
freqs=np.array([20., 100., 500., 1e3, 2e3, 3e3, 4e3]), # kHz
amps=np.insert(np.logspace(np.log10(0.1), np.log10(600), num=50), 0, 0.0) # kPa
def computeAStimLookups(neuron, aref, fref, Aref, phi=np.pi, mpi=False, loglevel=logging.INFO):
''' Run simulations of the mechanical system for a multiple combinations of
imposed US frequencies, acoustic amplitudes and charge densities, compute
effective coefficients and store them in a dictionary of 3D arrays.
:param neuron: neuron object
:param aref: array of sonophore diameters (m)
:param fref: array of acoustic drive frequencies (Hz)
:param Aref: array of acoustic drive amplitudes (Pa)
:param phi: acoustic drive phase (rad)
:param mpi: boolean statting wether or not to use multiprocessing
:return: lookups dictionary
# Check validity of input parameters
for key, values in {'diameters': aref, 'frequencies': fref, 'amplitudes': Aref}.items():
if not (isinstance(values, list) or isinstance(values, np.ndarray)):
raise TypeError('Invalid {} (must be provided as list or numpy array)'.format(key))
if not all(isinstance(x, float) for x in values):
raise TypeError('Invalid {} (must all be float typed)'.format(key))
if len(values) == 0:
raise ValueError('Empty {} array'.format(key))
if key in ('diameters', 'frequencies') and min(values) <= 0:
raise ValueError('Invalid {} (must all be strictly positive)'.format(key))
if key is 'amplitudes' and min(values) < 0:
raise ValueError('Invalid {} (must all be positive or null)'.format(key))
# create simulation queue
Qref = np.arange(neuron.Qbounds[0], neuron.Qbounds[1] + 1e-5, 1e-5) # C/m2
na, nf, nA, nQ = len(aref), len(fref), len(Aref), len(Qref)
queue = createQueue((fref, Aref, Qref))
# run simulations and populate outputs (list of lists)'Starting simulation batch for %s neuron',
outputs = []
for a in aref:
nbls = NeuronalBilayerSonophore(a, neuron)
outputs += runBatch(nbls, 'computeEffVars', queue, mpi=mpi, loglevel=loglevel)
outputs = np.array(outputs).T
# populate lookups dictionary with input vectors
lookups = dict(
a=aref, # nm
f=fref, # Hz
A=Aref, # Pa
Q=Qref # C/m2
# reshape outputs into 4D arrays and add them to lookups dictionary'Reshaping output into lookup tables')
for cname, output in zip(neuron.coeff_names, outputs):
lookups[cname] = output.reshape(na, nf, nA, nQ)
return lookups
def main():
ap = ArgumentParser()
# Runtime options
ap.add_argument('--mpi', default=False, action='store_true', help='Use multiprocessing')
ap.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', default=False, action='store_true', help='Increase verbosity')
# Stimulation parameters
ap.add_argument('-n', '--neuron', type=str, default=defaults['neuron'],
help='Neuron name (string)')
ap.add_argument('-a', '--diams', nargs='+', type=float, help='Sonophore diameter (nm)')
ap.add_argument('-f', '--freqs', nargs='+', type=float, help='US frequency (kHz)')
ap.add_argument('-A', '--amps', nargs='+', type=float, help='Acoustic pressure amplitude (kPa)')
# Parse arguments
args = {key: value for key, value in vars(ap.parse_args()).items() if value is not None}
loglevel = logging.DEBUG if args['verbose'] is True else logging.INFO
mpi = args['mpi']
neuron_str = args['neuron']
diams = np.array(args.get('diams', defaults['diams'])) * 1e-9 # m
freqs = np.array(args.get('freqs', defaults['freqs'])) * 1e3 # Hz
amps = np.array(args.get('amps', defaults['amps'])) * 1e3 # Pa
# Check neuron name validity
if neuron_str not in getNeuronsDict():
logger.error('Unknown neuron type: "%s"', neuron_str)
neuron = getNeuronsDict()[neuron_str]()
# Check if lookup file already exists
lookup_file = 'SONIC_{}.pkl'.format(
lookup_filepath = '{0}/{1}'.format(getLookupDir(), lookup_file)
if os.path.isfile(lookup_filepath):
logger.warning('"%s" file already exists and will be overwritten. ' +
'Continue? (y/n)', lookup_file)
user_str = input()
if user_str not in ['y', 'Y']:
logger.error('%s Lookup creation canceled',
# compute lookups
lookup_dict = computeAStimLookups(neuron, diams, freqs, amps, mpi=mpi, loglevel=loglevel)
# Save dictionary in lookup file'Saving %s neuron lookup table in file: "%s"',, lookup_file)
with open(lookup_filepath, 'wb') as fh:
pickle.dump(lookup_dict, fh)
if __name__ == '__main__':

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