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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Author: Theo Lemaire
# @Email:
# @Date: 2017-06-02 17:50:10
# @Last Modified by: Theo Lemaire
# @Last Modified time: 2019-06-14 10:01:25
''' Create lookup table for specific neuron. '''
import os
import itertools
import pickle
import logging
import numpy as np
from PySONIC.utils import logger, isIterable
from PySONIC.neurons import getPointNeuron, NEURONS_LOOKUP_DIR, getNeuronLookupsFileName
from PySONIC.core import NeuronalBilayerSonophore, createQueue, Batch
from PySONIC.parsers import MechSimParser
def computeAStimLookups(pneuron, aref, fref, Aref, Qref, fsref=None,
mpi=False, loglevel=logging.INFO):
''' Run simulations of the mechanical system for a multiple combinations of
imposed sonophore radius, US frequencies, acoustic amplitudes charge densities and
(spatially-averaged) sonophore membrane coverage fractions, compute effective
coefficients and store them in a dictionary of n-dimensional arrays.
:param pneuron: point-neuron model
:param aref: array of sonophore radii (m)
:param fref: array of acoustic drive frequencies (Hz)
:param Aref: array of acoustic drive amplitudes (Pa)
:param Qref: array of membrane charge densities (C/m2)
:param fsref: acoustic drive phase (rad)
:param mpi: boolean statting wether or not to use multiprocessing
:param loglevel: logging level
:return: lookups dictionary
descs = {
'a': 'sonophore radii',
'f': 'US frequencies',
'A': 'US amplitudes',
'fs': 'sonophore membrane coverage fractions'
# Populate inputs dictionary
inputs = {
'a': aref, # nm
'f': fref, # Hz
'A': Aref, # Pa
'Q': Qref # C/m2
# Check inputs compatibility
err_fs = 'cannot span {} for more than 1 {}'
if fsref.size > 1 or fsref[0] != 1.:
for x in ['a', 'f']:
assert inputs[x].size == 1, err_fs.format(descs['fs'], descs[x])
inputs['fs'] = fsref
# Check validity of input parameters
for key, values in inputs.items():
if not isIterable(values):
raise TypeError(
'Invalid {} (must be provided as list or numpy array)'.format(descs[key]))
if not all(isinstance(x, float) for x in values):
raise TypeError('Invalid {} (must all be float typed)'.format(descs[key]))
if len(values) == 0:
raise ValueError('Empty {} array'.format(key))
if key in ('a', 'f') and min(values) <= 0:
raise ValueError('Invalid {} (must all be strictly positive)'.format(descs[key]))
if key in ('A', 'fs') and min(values) < 0:
raise ValueError('Invalid {} (must all be positive or null)'.format(descs[key]))
# Get inputs dimensions
dims = np.array([x.size for x in inputs.values()])
ncombs =
# Create simulation queue per radius
queue = createQueue(fref, Aref, Qref)
for i in range(len(queue)):
# Run simulations and populate outputs (list of lists)'Starting simulation batch for %s neuron',
outputs = []
for a in aref:
nbls = NeuronalBilayerSonophore(a, pneuron)
batch = Batch(nbls.computeEffVars, queue)
outputs += batch(mpi=mpi, loglevel=loglevel)
# Split comp times and effvars from outputs
tcomps, effvars = [list(x) for x in zip(*outputs)]
effvars = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(effvars))
# Reshape effvars into nD arrays and add them to lookups dictionary'Reshaping output into lookup tables')
varkeys = list(effvars[0].keys())
nout = len(effvars)
assert nout == ncombs, 'number of outputs does not match number of combinations'
lookups = {}
for key in varkeys:
effvar = [effvars[i][key] for i in range(nout)]
lookups[key] = np.array(effvar).reshape(dims)
tcomps = np.array(tcomps).reshape(dims[:-1])
# Store inputs, lookup data and comp times in dictionary
return {
'input': inputs,
'lookup': lookups,
'tcomp': tcomps
def main():
parser = MechSimParser(outputdir=NEURONS_LOOKUP_DIR)
parser.defaults['neuron'] = 'RS'
parser.defaults['radius'] = np.array([16.0, 32.0, 64.0]) # nm
parser.defaults['freq'] = np.array([20., 100., 500., 1e3, 2e3, 3e3, 4e3]) # kHz
parser.defaults['amp'] = np.insert(
np.logspace(np.log10(0.1), np.log10(600), num=50), 0, 0.0) # kPa
parser.defaults['charge'] = np.nan
args = parser.parse()
# print(args['outputdir'])
for neuron in args['neuron']:
# Check neuron name validity
pneuron = getPointNeuron(neuron)
except ValueError as err:
# Determine charge vector
charges = args['charge']
if charges.size == 1 and np.isnan(charges[0]):
charges = np.arange(
pneuron.Qbounds()[0], pneuron.Qbounds()[1] + 1e-5, 1e-5) # C/m2
# Determine output filename
if args['fs'].size == 1 and args['fs'][0] == 1.:
lookup_fname = getNeuronLookupsFileName(
lookup_fname = getNeuronLookupsFileName(, a=args['radius'][0], Fdrive=args['freq'][0], fs=True)
# Combine inputs into single list
inputs = [args[x] for x in ['radius', 'freq', 'amp']] + [charges, args['fs']]
# Adapt inputs and output filename if test case
if args['test']:
for i, x in enumerate(inputs):
if x is not None and x.size > 1:
inputs[i] = np.array([x.min(), x.max()])
lookup_fname = '{}_test{}'.format(*os.path.splitext(lookup_fname))
lookup_fpath = os.path.join(args['outputdir'], lookup_fname)
# Check if lookup file already exists
if os.path.isfile(lookup_fpath):
logger.warning('"%s" file already exists and will be overwritten. ' +
'Continue? (y/n)', lookup_fpath)
user_str = input()
if user_str not in ['y', 'Y']:
logger.error('%s Lookup creation canceled',
# Compute lookups
df = computeAStimLookups(pneuron, *inputs, mpi=args['mpi'], loglevel=args['loglevel'])
# Save dictionary in lookup file'Saving %s neuron lookup table in file: "%s"',, lookup_fpath)
with open(lookup_fpath, 'wb') as fh:
pickle.dump(df, fh)
if __name__ == '__main__':

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