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i2b2.hive.communicatorFactory = function(cellCode){
try {
var cellURL = i2b2[cellCode].cfg.cellURL;
catch (e) {}
if (!cellURL) {
console.warn("communicatorFactory: '"+cellCode+"' does not have a cellURL specified");
function i2b2Base_communicator(){}
var retCommObj = new i2b2Base_communicator;
retCommObj.ParentCell = cellCode;
retCommObj.globalParams = new Hash;
retCommObj.cellParams = new Hash;
retCommObj._commData = {};
// setup for sniffer message
retCommObj._SniffMsg = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent('CellCommMessage');
retCommObj._addFunctionCall = function(name, url_string, xmlmsg, escapeless_params, parseFunc){
var protectedNames = ["ParentCell", "globalParams", "cellParams", "_commMsgs", "_addFunctionCall", "_doSendMsg", "_defaultCallbackOK", "_defaultCallbackFAIL"];
if (protectedNames.indexOf(name) != -1) {
console.error("Attempt to build communicator call [" + name + "] failed because it is a protected name");
return false;
if (!Object.isArray(escapeless_params)) { escapeless_params = []; }
this._commData[name] = {
msg: xmlmsg,
url: url_string,
dont_escape_params: escapeless_params
// create a named redirector function on the main communicator object
this[name] = new Function("return, '"+name+"', arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3]);");
// save the passed parse() function
if (parseFunc) {
// - the parse() function will be passed the communicator packet and is expected to return the reference to the communicator packet.
// - the parse() function is responsible for creating and populating the "model" namespace withing the communicator packet.
this._commData[name].parser = parseFunc;
// register with the sniffer subsystem
// channelName: "CELLNAME",
// channelActions: ["the names", "of the", "Cell's server calls"],
// channelSniffEvent: {yui custom event}
var msg = {
channelName: this.ParentCell,
channelActions: Object.keys(this._commData),
channelSniffEvent: this._SniffMsg
retCommObj._doSendMsg = function(funcName, originName, parameters, callback, transportOptions){
if (!this._commData[funcName]) {
console.error("Requested function does not exist [" +this.ParentCell+"->"+funcName+"] called by "+originName);
return false;
var commOptions = {
contentType: 'text/xml',
method: 'post',
asynchronous: true,
evalJS: false,
evalJSON: false
var execBubble = {
self: this,
reqOrigin: originName,
cellName: this.ParentCell,
funcName: funcName,
callback: callback,
params: parameters
// mix in our transport options from the originator call
Object.extend(commOptions, transportOptions);
// if no callback is set then we want to make this interaction synchronous
if (!callback) { commOptions.asynchronous = false; }
// collect message values
var sMsgValues = {};
Object.extend(sMsgValues, parameters);
// proxy server data
sMsgValues.proxy_info = ''
if (commOptions.url !== undefined) {
var sUrl = commOptions.url;
} else {
var sUrl = i2b2[this.ParentCell].cfg.cellURL;
// CHECK which url is used when sending the message
// alert(sUrl)
sUrl = i2b2.h.Escape(sUrl);
var syntax = /(^|.|\r|\n)(\{{{\s*(\w+)\s*}}})/; //matches symbols like '{{{ field }}}'
var t = new Template(this._commData[funcName].url, syntax);
sUrl = t.evaluate({URL: sUrl});
execBubble.funcURL = sUrl;
var sProxy_Url = i2b2.h.getProxy();
if (sProxy_Url) {
sMsgValues.proxy_info = '<proxy>\n <redirect_url>' + sUrl + '</redirect_url>\n </proxy>\n';
} else {
sProxy_Url = sUrl;
execBubble.proxyURL = sProxy_Url;
// PM + security info
if (commOptions.user !== undefined) {
sMsgValues.sec_user = commOptions.user;
} else {
sMsgValues.sec_user = i2b2.h.getUser();
if (commOptions.password !== undefined) {
sMsgValues.sec_pass_node = commOptions.password;
} else {
sMsgValues.sec_pass_node = i2b2.h.getPass();
if (commOptions.password !== undefined) {
sMsgValues.sec_domain = commOptions.domain;
} else {
sMsgValues.sec_domain = i2b2.h.getDomain();
if (commOptions.project !== undefined) {
sMsgValues.sec_project = commOptions.project;
} else {
sMsgValues.sec_project = i2b2.h.getProject();
if (commOptions.msg_id !== undefined) {
sMsgValues.header_msg_id = commOptions.msg_id;
} else {
sMsgValues.header_msg_id = i2b2.h.GenerateAlphaNumId(20);
if (commOptions.msg_datetime !== undefined) {
sMsgValues.header_msg_datetime = commOptions.msg_datetime;
} else {
sMsgValues.header_msg_datetime = i2b2.h.GenerateISO8601DateTime();
if (parameters == undefined) { parameters = {}; }
if (commOptions.result_wait_time !== undefined || parameters.result_wait_time !== undefined) {
if (commOptions.result_wait_time !== undefined) { sMsgValues.result_wait_time = commOptions.result_wait_time; }
if (parameters.result_wait_time !== undefined) { sMsgValues.result_wait_time = parameters.result_wait_time; }
} else {
sMsgValues.result_wait_time = 180; // default to 180 second timeout within the cell if a specific timeout period was not passed
// apply message values to message template
i2b2.h.EscapeTemplateVars(sMsgValues, this._commData[funcName].dont_escape_params);
execBubble.params = sMsgValues;
var syntax = /(^|.|\r|\n)(\{{{\s*(\w+)\s*}}})/; //matches symbols like '{{{ field }}}'
var t = new Template(this._commData[funcName].msg, syntax);
var sMessage = t.evaluate(sMsgValues);
var sMessageNoPWD = new String(sMessage);
if (execBubble.funcName == 'getUserAuth') {
sMessageNoPWD = sMessageNoPWD.replace(/<password>.*<\/password>/gi,"<password></password>");
execBubble.msgSent = sMessageNoPWD;
var verify = i2b2.h.parseXml(sMessage);
var verify_status = verify.getElementsByTagName('proxy')[0];
if (!verify_status) {
sMessage = sMessage.replace(/\&amp;/g,'&');
sMessage = sMessage.replace(/\&/g, '\&amp;');
commOptions.postBody = sMessage;
//if (commOptions.asynchronous) {
commOptions.onSuccess = this._defaultCallbackOK;
commOptions.onFailure = this._defaultCallbackFAIL;
var tmp = Object.keys(commOptions);
tmp = tmp.without("asynchronous");
tmp = tmp.without("contentType");
tmp = tmp.without("encoding");
tmp = tmp.without("method");
tmp = tmp.without("parameters");
tmp = tmp.without("postBody");
tmp = tmp.without("requestHeaders");
tmp = tmp.without("evalJS");
tmp = tmp.without("evalJSON");
tmp = tmp.without("sanitizeJSON");
tmp = tmp.without("onCreate");
tmp = tmp.without("onComplete");
tmp = tmp.without("onException");
tmp = tmp.without("onFailure");
tmp = tmp.without("onInteractive");
tmp = tmp.without("onLoaded");
tmp = tmp.without("onLoading");
tmp = tmp.without("onSuccess");
tmp = tmp.without("onUninitialized");
for (var i = 0; i < tmp.length; i++) {
// only delete if it's not a HTTP response code handler ex:on404
if (!/^on\d\d\d$/.match(tmp[i])) { delete commOptions[tmp[i]]; }
execBubble.timeSent = new Date();
commOptions.i2b2_execBubble = execBubble;
var myCallback = {
success: function(o) {
o.request = {};
o.request.options = {}
o.request.options.i2b2_execBubble = commOptions.i2b2_execBubble;
var t = 1;
/* success handler code */},
failure: function(o) {
o.request = {};
o.request.options = {}
o.request.options.i2b2_execBubble = commOptions.i2b2_execBubble;
/* failure handler code */},
//BG commenting out next command as it makes extra web service call in wrong place
// var transaction = YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest(
// 'POST', sProxy_Url, myCallback, commOptions.postBody);
if (commOptions.asynchronous) {
// perform an ASYNC query
// new Ajax.Request(sProxy_Url, commOptions);
//BG adding next command as it makes required web service call in right place
var transaction = YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest(
'POST', sProxy_Url, myCallback, commOptions.postBody);
return true;
} else {
// perform a SYNC query
var ajaxresult = new Ajax.Request(sProxy_Url, commOptions);
var transport = ajaxresult.transport;
// create our data message to return from the function
var cbMsg = {
msgRequest: sMessage,
msgResponse: transport.responseText,
msgUrl: sUrl,
msgUrlProxy: sProxy_Url,
error: false
// check the status from the message
var xmlRecv = transport.responseXML;
if ((!xmlRecv)&&(transport.responseText.length)) {
xmlRecv = i2b2.h.parseXml(transport.responseText);
if (!xmlRecv) {
cbMsg.error = true;
cbMsg.errorStatus = transport.status;
cbMsg.errorMsg = "The cell's message could not be interpreted as valid XML.";
} else {
cbMsg.refXML = xmlRecv;
var result_status = xmlRecv.getElementsByTagName('result_status')[0];
var s = xmlRecv.getElementsByTagName('status')[0];
if (undefined == s || s.getAttribute('type') != 'DONE') {
cbMsg.error = true;
cbMsg.errorStatus = transport.status;
cbMsg.errorMsg = "The cell's message status could not understood.";
//BG commenting out next if block as it adds extra log entry in the xml debug window
// send the result message to the callback function
// if (i2b2.PM.login_debugging === undefined || (i2b2.PM.login_debugging && !i2b2.PM.login_debugging_suspend)){
// // broadcast a debug message to any sniffers/tools
// var sniffPackage = i2b2.h.BuildSniffPack(execBubble.cellName, execBubble.funcName, cbMsg, execBubble.reqOrigin);
// }
// attach the parse() function
if (cbMsg.error || !execBubble.self._commData[execBubble.funcName]) {
cbMsg.parse = function(){
this.model = false;
return this;
} else {
cbMsg.parse = execBubble.self._commData[execBubble.funcName].parser;
return cbMsg;
retCommObj._defaultCallbackOK = function(transport){
var execBubble = transport.request.options.i2b2_execBubble;
execBubble.timeRecv = new Date();
var origCallback = execBubble.callback;
//update timeout
// debug messages
if (i2b2.PM.login_debugging === undefined || (i2b2.PM.login_debugging && !i2b2.PM.login_debugging_suspend)) {"[AJAX RESULT i2b2." + execBubble.cellName + ".ajax." + execBubble.funcName + "]");"AJAX Transport SUCCESS");
// create our data message to send to the callback function
var cbMsg = {
msgParams: execBubble.params,
msgRequest: execBubble.msgSent,
msgResponse: transport.responseText,
timeStart: execBubble.timeSent,
timeEnd: execBubble.timeRecv,
msgUrl: execBubble.funcURL,
proxyUrl: execBubble.proxyURL,
error: false
// check the status from the message
var xmlRecv = null; //transport.responseXML;
if ((!xmlRecv)&&(transport.responseText.length)) {
xmlRecv = i2b2.h.parseXml(transport.responseText);
if (!xmlRecv) {
cbMsg.error = true;
cbMsg.errorStatus = transport.status;
cbMsg.errorMsg = "The cell's message could not be interpreted as valid XML.";
else {
cbMsg.refXML = xmlRecv;
var result_status = xmlRecv.getElementsByTagName('result_status');
if (!result_status[0]) {
var has_error = true;
} else {
var s = xmlRecv.getElementsByTagName('status')[0];
if (has_error || s.getAttribute('type') != 'DONE') {
cbMsg.error = true;
cbMsg.errorStatus = transport.status;
cbMsg.errorMsg = "The cell's status message could not be understood.";
// attach the parse() function
if (cbMsg.error || !execBubble.self._commData[execBubble.funcName]) {
cbMsg.parse = function(){
this.model = false;
return this;
else {
cbMsg.parse = execBubble.self._commData[execBubble.funcName].parser;
// send the result message to the callback function
if (i2b2.PM.login_debugging === undefined || (i2b2.PM.login_debugging && !i2b2.PM.login_debugging_suspend)){
// broadcast a debug message to any sniffers/tools
var sniffPackage = i2b2.h.BuildSniffPack(execBubble.cellName, execBubble.funcName, cbMsg, execBubble.reqOrigin);;
// return results to caller
if (origCallback !== undefined )
if (getObjectClass(origCallback)=='i2b2_scopedCallback') {, cbMsg);
} else {
retCommObj._defaultCallbackFAIL = function(transport) {
var execBubble = transport.request.options.i2b2_execBubble;
execBubble.timeRecv = new Date();
var origCallback = execBubble.callback;"[AJAX RESULT i2b2." + execBubble.cellName + ".ajax." + execBubble.funcName + "]");
console.error("AJAX Transport FAILURE");
// create our data message to send to the callback fuction
var cbMsg = {
msgParams: execBubble.params,
msgRequest: execBubble.msgSent,
msgResponse: transport.responseText,
timeStart: execBubble.timeSent,
timeEnd: execBubble.timeRecv,
msgUrl: execBubble.funcURL,
proxyUrl: execBubble.proxyURL,
error: true
// broadcast a debug message to any sniffers/tools
// send the result message to the callback function
if (i2b2.PM.login_debugging === undefined || (i2b2.PM.login_debugging && !i2b2.PM.login_debugging_suspend)){
// broadcast a debug message to any sniffers/tools
var sniffPackage = i2b2.h.BuildSniffPack(execBubble.cellName, execBubble.funcName, cbMsg, execBubble.reqOrigin);;
// return results to caller
if (origCallback !== undefined)
if (getObjectClass(origCallback)=='i2b2_scopedCallback') {, cbMsg);
} else {
return retCommObj;

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