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# i2b2 Automatic Webclient Plugins Manager (install.php)
# 2015-06-23 1.0.001 N.Wattanasin initial prototype as proof of concept and layout of framework
# 2015-11-19 1.0.002 S.W.Chan added functionalities, error checkings, feedback messages, robustness, etc.
# 2015-12-18 1.0.003 S.W.Chan added helper.php & config.php requirements
require_once 'config.php'; # the configuration file defining the key variables
require_once 'helper.php'; # the functions file
//covering $_GET, $_POST, or $_COOKIE
$r = $_REQUEST['rul'];
$d = $_REQUEST['niamod'];
$u = $_REQUEST['esur'];
$k = $_REQUEST['yek'];
$v = $_REQUEST['noisreVcw'];
if ('Y' == $dbg) $dbg_msg = sprintf("info: r='%s', d='%s', u='%s', k='%s', v='%s', admin='%s'<br/>", $r, $d, $u, $k, $v, $i2b2_admin);
if ('' != $r && '' != $d && '' != $u && '' != $k && '' != $v) {
$i2b2_admin = checkAuth($r, $d, $u, $k, $v, $dbg);
if ('Y' == $dbg) $dbg_msg = sprintf("info: r='%s', d='%s', u='%s', k='%s', v='%s', admin='%s'<br/>", $r, $d, $u, $k, $v, $i2b2_admin);
} else {
$i2b2_admin = 'N';
genJsPostNextPageFunc($r, $d, $u, $k, $v); // to generate the javascript function postNextPage(), for 'install'
$wcloc = $webclient_path;
$plugin_pkg = $_REQUEST['pkg'];
if ('Y' == $dbg) {
$dbg_msg = sprintf("<font color='blue' face='arial'><sub><small>debugging...<br/>dbg='%s', %s wcloc='%s', pkg='%s'<br/><br/>", $dbg, $dbg_msg, $wcloc, $plugin_pkg);
} else {
$dbg_msg = '';
$plugin = get_plugin_quick($plugin_pkg);
$pkg = $plugin->package;
$grp = $plugin->group;
$forceDir = "cells/plugins/" . $plugin->group;
$path = str_replace("//", "/", $webclient_path . "/js-i2b2/" . $forceDir . "/");
$blue = "<nobr>'<font color='blue'>%s</font>'</nobr>";
$red = "<font color='red'>";
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">
<body align="center" style="background-color:#FFFEEE" >
<h1 style="font-size:40px"><strong><em>i2b2</em></strong> Webclient Plugins Manager</h1>
<span align="left">
<ul style="font-size:22px; margin-left:120px; margin-right:150px; list-style-type:none">
<?php if ('N' == $i2b2_admin) { ?>
<font color='red'>
<b>Sorry, you are timed out (due to prolonged inactivities)!<br/>
Please use the [Close] button below to close this page!</b>
<a class='btn' style='font-size:30px;' href='#' onClick='self.close()'>&nbsp;&nbsp;Close&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>
<?php die; } ?>
if (dir_exist($path, $webclient_path, $blue, $red)) {
$tmpZip = $path . "";
$tmpZip_phrase = sprintf($blue, $tmpZip);
print sprintf("<li>Copying %s<br/>to %s.<br/><br/></li>", sprintf($blue, $pkg), $tmpZip_phrase) ;
$path_phrase = sprintf($blue, $path);
$retry_path_phrase = sprintf("</font> %s %s and retry!</font></li>", $path_phrase, $red);
copy($pkg, $tmpZip);
if (file_exists($tmpZip)) {
$zip = new ZipArchive;
$res = $zip->open($tmpZip);
if (TRUE === $res) {
$continue = true;
$plugin_folder = $path . $plugin->id;
if (file_exists($plugin_folder) && is_dir($plugin_folder)) {
$t = getdate();
$old_plugin_folder = $plugin_folder . "_pre" . $t[year] . $t[mon] . $t[mday] . $t[hours] . $t[minutes];
if (FALSE === rename($plugin_folder, $old_plugin_folder)) {
print sprintf("<li>%s Attempt to rename existing '</font>%s %s folder (for backup) failed, please ensure the appropriate access and retry!</font></li>",
$red, sprintf($blue, $plugin_folder), $red);
$continue = false;
if ($continue) {
$tmpZipDirName = $path . trim($zip->getNameIndex(0), '/');
print sprintf("<li>Extracted %s<br/>to %s.<br/><br/></li>", $tmpZip_phrase, sprintf($blue, $path));
if (FALSE === rename($tmpZipDirName, $plugin_folder)) {
print sprintf("<li><small>%s Attempt to rename raw extracted folder (%s)%s<br/>to %s %s failed, please check the access!</small></font></li>",
$red, sprintf($blue, $tmpZipDirName), $red, sprintf($blue, $plugin_folder), $red);
} else {
print sprintf("<li><small>Renamed raw extracted folder (%s)<br/>to %s.</small></li><br/>",
sprintf($blue, $tmpZipDirName), sprintf($blue, $plugin_folder));
#-- next add ref of plugin to i2b2_loader.js --
$file_i2b2_loader = str_replace("//", "/", $webclient_path . "js-i2b2/i2b2_loader.js");
$loader_phrase = sprintf($blue, $file_i2b2_loader);
$retry_loader_phrase = sprintf("</font> %s %s and retry!</font></li>", $loader_phrase, $red);
print sprintf("<li>Updating %s to add reference to this plugin.<br/><br/></li>", $loader_phrase);
$fc = fopen ($file_i2b2_loader, "r");
if ($fc) {
while (!feof ($fc)){
$buffer = fgets($fc, 4096);
$lines[] = $buffer;
$file = fopen($file_i2b2_loader, "w");
if ($file) {
$key = "];\n";
$foundkey = false;
foreach($lines as $line){
if (strstr($line, $key)){
fwrite($file, ',' . "\n");
fwrite($file, ' { code: "'.$plugin->id.'",' . "\n");
fwrite($file, ' forceLoading: true,' . "\n");
fwrite($file, ' forceConfigMsg: { params: [] },' . "\n");
fwrite($file, ' roles: '.str_replace("'", "\"", $plugin->roles).',' . "\n");
fwrite($file, ' forceDir: "' . $forceDir . '"' . "\n");
fwrite($file, ' }' . "\n");
$foundkey = true;
fwrite($file, $line); //place $line back in file
print "<li style='text-align:center'><br/><br/><font size='40' color='green'>Plugin installed!</font></li>";
} else {
print sprintf("<li>%s Please check wirte access to %s", $red, $retry_loader_phrase);
} else {
print sprintf("<li>%s Please check read right to %s",$red, $retry_loader_phrase);
} else {
print sprintf("<li>%s Failed to unzip file, please check access right to %s", $red, $retry_path_phrase);
} else {
print sprintf("<li>%s Sorry, plugin package %s does not exist, <br/>please check existance of %s, <br/>and access right to %s",
$red, $tmpZip_phrase, sprintf($blue, $pkg), $retry_path_phrase);
print "<li><br/><br/>Please use the [OK] button below to return to the main page.<br/><br/>Thank you.<br/><br/></li>";
<span align="center" width="70%">
<a class='btn' style='font-size:30px;' onClick='postNextPage("admin.php", "", "")' href='#'>
<font face="Arial" color="gray"><sub><small>Version 1.0</small></sub></font>

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