<div>Select a communicator object and populate its input data below, and then click the "View Results" tab for the resulting XML messages sent and recieved.</div>
<divclass="results-directions">You must first setup a Communicator-based AJAX call.<br/>Please return to the "Message Setup" tab.</div>
<tr><th>PDO Request</th>
<tr><th>PDO Response</th>
<h1>Example #5 - Communicator Test Tool</h1>
This plugin demonstrates provides an interface to interact with Cell Communicator objects based on the web client's standardized i2b2 communicator objects.
The this plugin will search all loaded plugins and core modules within the web client looking for a standard Cell Communicator object at the namespace <spanstyle="font-family:monospace">i2b2.<i>PLUGINCODE</i>.ajax</span>.
Navigate to the "Specify Data" tab. Then, drag and drop an i2b2 object such as a search term or previous query onto the input box. Finally, click the "View Results" tab for information about that object.
<h2>About Us</h2>
This plugin was created by Nick Benik and Griffin Weber, MD, PhD.
<h2>Terms of Use</h2>
This example plugin is distributed with the i2b2 web client framework and may be used free of charge.