function out = mijread_stack(filename) % mijread, version 1.0 % % im = mijread; % im = mijread(filename); % im = mijread(url); % % Read the images or stack of images using the ImageJ library. % Files must be in TIFF (uncompressed), PNG, GIF, JPEG, DICOM, BMP, PGM or FITS % format TIFF images can be 1-bit, 8-bits, 16-bits (unsigned), 32-bit % (real) or RGB color. % The image could read from the disk (filename) or from a URL (url). If no % parameter are given to this function, the program open a dialog box to % choose a image file. % Example: % im = mijread; % im = mijread(''); % % Part of the package MIJ % % % Installation: % 1. Put the ij.jar (ImageJ) in the folder java of Matlab % 2. Put the MIJ.class (MIJ) in the folder java of Matlab % opener =; if isjava(opener) == 0 sprintf('%s', 'MIJ Message: the ImageJ is not properly installed in the java folder of Matlab.') image = 0; return end if (nargin == 0) path = pwd; dlg ='Select an image', ''); path = dlg.getDirectory(); if (isjava(path)==0) image = 0; return end name = dlg.getFileName(); if (isjava(name)==0) image = 0; return end name = dlg.getDirectory().concat(dlg.getFileName()); opener.openImage(name).show(); else name = java.lang.String(filename); if (name.startsWith('http:') == 1) opener.openURL(name).show(); else file =; existence = file.exists(); if existence==0; sprintf('%s', 'MIJ Message: this file do not exist') image = 0; return end image=opener.openImage(name); end end img=image.getImageStack; out=zeros(img.getHeight,img.getWidth,img.getSize); for i=1:img.getSize() a=img.getProcessor(i); out(:,:,i)=a.getFloatArray()'; end %image = MIJ.getCurrentImage();