function data = parse_json(string) % DATA = PARSE_JSON(string) % This function parses a JSON string and returns a cell array with the % parsed data. JSON objects are converted to structures and JSON arrays are % converted to cell arrays. % F. Glineur, 2009 % (inspired by the JSON parser by Joel Feenstra on MATLAB File Exchange % ( but with % faster handling of strings) pos = 1; len = length(string); % String delimiters and escape characters are identified beforehand to improve speed esc = regexp(string, '["\\]'); index_esc = 1; len_esc = length(esc); if pos <= len switch(next_char) case '{' data = parse_object; case '[' data = parse_array; otherwise error_pos('Outer level structure must be an object or an array'); end end function object = parse_object parse_char('{'); object = []; if next_char ~= '}' while 1 str = parse_string; if isempty(str) error_pos('Name of value at position %d cannot be empty'); end parse_char(':'); val = parse_value; object.(valid_field(str)) = val; if next_char == '}' break; end parse_char(','); end end parse_char('}'); end function object = parse_array parse_char('['); object = cell(0, 1); if next_char ~= ']' while 1 val = parse_value; object{end+1} = val; if next_char == ']' break; end parse_char(','); end end parse_char(']'); end function parse_char(c) skip_whitespace; if pos > len || string(pos) ~= c error_pos(sprintf('Expected %c at position %%d', c)); else pos = pos + 1; skip_whitespace; end end function c = next_char skip_whitespace; if pos > len c = []; else c = string(pos); end end function skip_whitespace while pos <= len && isspace(string(pos)) pos = pos + 1; end end function str = parse_string if string(pos) ~= '"' error_pos('String starting with " expected at position %d'); else pos = pos + 1; end str = ''; while pos <= len while index_esc <= len_esc && esc(index_esc) < pos index_esc = index_esc + 1; end if index_esc > len_esc str = [str string(pos:end)]; pos = len + 1; break; else str = [str string(pos:esc(index_esc)-1)]; pos = esc(index_esc); end switch string(pos) case '"' pos = pos + 1; return; case '\' if pos+1 > len error_pos('End of file reached right after escape character'); end pos = pos + 1; switch string(pos) case {'"' '\' '/'} str(end+1) = string(pos); pos = pos + 1; case {'b' 'f' 'n' 'r' 't'} str(end+1) = sprintf(['\' string(pos)]); pos = pos + 1; case 'u' if pos+4 > len error_pos('End of file reached in escaped unicode character'); end str(end+1:end+6) = string(pos-1:pos+4); pos = pos + 5; end otherwise % should never happen str(end+1) = string(pos); pos = pos + 1; end end error_pos('End of file while expecting end of string'); end function num = parse_number [num, one, err, delta] = sscanf(string(pos:min(len,pos+20)), '%f', 1); % TODO : compare with json(pos:end) if ~isempty(err) error_pos('Error reading number at position %d'); end pos = pos + delta-1; end function val = parse_value switch(string(pos)) case '"' val = parse_string; return; case '[' val = parse_array; return; case '{' val = parse_object; return; case {'-','0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9'} val = parse_number; return; case 't' if pos+3 <= len && strcmpi(string(pos:pos+3), 'true') val = true; pos = pos + 4; return; end case 'f' if pos+4 <= len && strcmpi(string(pos:pos+4), 'false') val = false; pos = pos + 5; return; end case 'n' if pos+3 <= len && strcmpi(string(pos:pos+3), 'null') val = []; pos = pos + 4; return; end end error_pos('Value expected at position %d'); end function error_pos(msg) poss = max(min([pos-15 pos-1 pos pos+20],len),1); if poss(3) == poss(2) poss(3:4) = poss(2)+[0 -1]; % display nothing after end msg = [sprintf(msg, pos) ' : ... ' string(poss(1):poss(2)) '' string(poss(3):poss(4)) ' ... ']; ME = MException('JSONparser:invalidFormat', msg); throw(ME); end function str = valid_field(str) % From MATLAB doc: field names must begin with a letter, which may be % followed by any combination of letters, digits, and underscores. % Invalid characters will be converted to underscores, and the prefix % "alpha_" will be added if first character is not a letter. if ~isletter(str(1)) str = ['alpha_' str]; end str(~isletter(str) & ~('0' <= str & str <= '9')) = '_'; end end