function w = poststeps_to_compute_motion(I1,I2,I1Match,param,t,tmpdir) %% Description % Compute motion with a brigthness constancy data term defined on (I1,I2) % and a feature matching similarity term defined on (I1Match,I2Match). The % feature matches are computed by the DeepMatching method [Revaud et al. 2016], with the % source code provided by the authors % For more details see the paper: "Imaging neural activity in the ventral % nerve cord of behaving adult Drosophila", bioRxiv % % [Revaud et al. 2016] J. Revaud, P. Weinzaepfel, Z. Harchaoui and C. Schmid (2016) "DeepMatching: % Hierarchical Deformable Dense Matching. Int J Comput Vis 120:300–323 %% Input % I1,I2: Images used for the brightness constancy term % I1Match,I2Match: Images used by the feature matching similarity term % fnDeepMatching: filename of the deepmatching code % param: parameters of the algorithm (see 'default_parameters.m') % t: number of the frame in the image sequence % % Copyright (C) 2017 D. Fortun, % % This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. sz0 = size(I1); I1=padarray(I1,[15,15],'replicate'); I2=padarray(I2,[15,15],'replicate'); fnI1= [tmpdir,'/I1_',num2str(t),'.png']; fnI2= [tmpdir,'/I2_',num2str(t),'.png']; fnMatch=[tmpdir,'/match_',num2str(t),'.txt']; formatSpec = '%u %u %u %u %f %u'; sizeCorresp = [6 Inf]; f=fopen(fnMatch); while f==-1 f=fopen(fnMatch); end corresp = fscanf(f,formatSpec,sizeCorresp); while size(corresp,1)==0 corresp = fscanf(f,formatSpec,sizeCorresp); end command = ['rm ',fnI1]; s = system(command); command = ['rm ',fnI2]; s = system(command); command = ['rm ',fnMatch]; s = system(command); thresh=param.threshMatch; Iseg=segment(I1Match,'variance',thresh); matches = zeros(5,1); k=0; for i=1:size(corresp,2) if corresp(1,i)>0 && corresp(1,i)<=sz0(2) && corresp(2,i)>0 && corresp(2,i)<=sz0(1) if Iseg(corresp(2,i),corresp(1,i)) == 1 k = k+1; matches(1,k) = corresp(1,i); matches(2,k) = corresp(2,i); matches(4,k) = corresp(4,i)-corresp(2,i); matches(3,k) = corresp(3,i)-corresp(1,i); end end end scores = corresp(5,:); idx = find(corresp(5,:)); scores = scores(scores~=0); scores = (scores-min(scores))/(max(scores)-min(scores)); for j=1:length(idx) matches(5,idx(j)) = scores(j); end %% Optical flow print = 0; % if print =1:verbose mode disp = 0; % if disp=1; displays the results at each iteration w = of_l1_l2_fm_admm(I1,I2,sz0,matches,param,print,disp); w = crop_fit_size_center(w,[sz0(1),sz0(2),2]);