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% if you need to pass options to natbib, use, e.g.:
% \PassOptionsToPackage{numbers, compress}{natbib}
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% ready for submission
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% [preprint] option:
% \usepackage[preprint]{neurips_2019}
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% \usepackage[final]{neurips_2019}
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\title{Inexact Augmented Lagrangian Framework for Non-Convex Optimization}
% The \author macro works with any number of authors. There are two commands
% used to separate the names and addresses of multiple authors: \And and \AND.
% Using \And between authors leaves it to LaTeX to determine where to break the
% lines. Using \AND forces a line break at that point. So, if LaTeX puts 3 of 4
% authors names on the first line, and the last on the second line, try using
% \AND instead of \And before the third author name.
David S.~Hippocampus\thanks{Use footnote for providing further information
about author (webpage, alternative address)---\emph{not} for acknowledging
funding agencies.} \\
Department of Computer Science\\
Cranberry-Lemon University\\
Pittsburgh, PA 15213 \\
\texttt{} \\
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% Coauthor \\
% Affiliation \\
% Address \\
% \texttt{email} \\
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% Affiliation \\
% Address \\
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% Address \\
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\bibliographystyle{abbrv} % basic style, author-year citations
\bibliography{bibliography.bib} % name your BibTeX data base
%Use unnumbered third level headings for the acknowledgments. All acknowledgments
%go at the end of the paper. Do not include acknowledgments in the anonymized
%submission, only in the final paper.
%References follow the acknowledgments. Use unnumbered first-level heading for
%the references. Any choice of citation style is acceptable as long as you are
%consistent. It is permissible to reduce the font size to \verb+small+ (9 point)
%when listing the references. {\bf Remember that you can use more than eight
% pages as long as the additional pages contain \emph{only} cited references.}
%[1] Alexander, J.A.\ \& Mozer, M.C.\ (1995) Template-based algorithms for
%connectionist rule extraction. In G.\ Tesauro, D.S.\ Touretzky and T.K.\ Leen
%(eds.), {\it Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 7},
%pp.\ 609--616. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
%[2] Bower, J.M.\ \& Beeman, D.\ (1995) {\it The Book of GENESIS: Exploring
% Realistic Neural Models with the GEneral NEural SImulation System.} New York:
%[3] Hasselmo, M.E., Schnell, E.\ \& Barkai, E.\ (1995) Dynamics of learning and
%recall at excitatory recurrent synapses and cholinergic modulation in rat
%hippocampal region CA3. {\it Journal of Neuroscience} {\bf 15}(7):5249-5262.

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