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Decision Contr.} } @String { cdc32 = {Proc.\ 32nd IEEE Conf. Decision Contr.} } @String { cdc33 = {Proc.\ 33rd IEEE Conf. Decision Contr.} } @String { cdc34 = {Proc.\ 34th IEEE Conf. Decision Contr.} } @String { cdc35 = {Proc.\ 35th IEEE Conf. Decision Contr.} } @String { cdc42 = {Proc.\ 42th IEEE Conf. Decision Contr.} } @String { cec = {Chem.\ Eng.\ Commun.} } @String { ces = {Chem.\ Eng.\ Sci.} } @String { circuit = {IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems} } @String { ctaat = {CONTROL-THEORY AND ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY} } @String { ecc91 = {Proc.\ 1st European {Control} {Conference} ECC'91} } @String { ecc93 = {Proc.\ 2nd European {Control} {Conference} ECC'93} } @String { ecc95 = {Proc.\ 3rd European {Control} {Conference} ECC'95} } @String { ecc97 = {Proc.\ 4rd European {Control} {Conference} ECC'97} } @String { ejc = {Europ.\ J.\ Contr.} } @String { ieee = {IEEE Trans.\ Automat.\ Contr.} } @String { ieepartd = {IEE Proceedings, Part D} } @String { int = {Int.\ J.\ Contr.} } @String { jmsec = {Journal of Mathematical Systems, Estimation, and Control} } @String { jota = {J.\ Opt.\ Theory \ and Appl.} } @String { jpc = {J.\ Proc.\ Contr.} } @String { lett = {Syst.\ Contr.\ Lett.} } @String { linappl = {Lin. Alg. Apps.} } @String { magazin = {IEEE Contr.\ Syst.\ Magazine} } @String { mcss = {Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems} } @String { rnc = {Int.\ J.\ of Robust and Nonlinear Control} } @String { rt = {Regelungstechnik} } @String { siam = {SIAM J.\ Contr.\ Optim.} } @String { siam_o = {SIAM J.\ Contr.} } @String { siopt = {SIAM J.\ Optim.} } @String { zamm = {Z.\ angew.\ Math.\ Mech.} } @techreport{el2017general, title={General Proximal Gradient Method: A Case for Non-Euclidean Norms}, author={El Halabi, Marwa and Hsieh, Ya-Ping and Vu, Bang and Nguyen, Quang and Cevher, Volkan}, year={2017} } @inproceedings{kelner2014almost, title={An almost-linear-time algorithm for approximate max flow in undirected graphs, and its multicommodity generalizations}, author={Kelner, Jonathan A and Lee, Yin Tat and Orecchia, Lorenzo and Sidford, Aaron}, booktitle={Proceedings of the twenty-fifth annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete algorithms}, pages={217--226}, year={2014}, organization={SIAM} } @conference{hassani2017gradient, title={Gradient Methods for Submodular Maximization}, author={Hassani, Hamed and Soltanolkotabi, Mahdi and Karbasi, Amin}, booktitle={Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS)}, note={Available at \url{https://arxiv.org/abs/1708.03949}}, year={2017} } @article{attouch2010proximal, title={Proximal alternating minimization and projection methods for nonconvex problems: An approach based on the Kurdyka-Lojasiewicz inequality}, author={Attouch, H{\'e}dy and Bolte, J{\'e}r{\^o}me and Redont, Patrick and Soubeyran, Antoine}, journal={Mathematics of Operations Research}, volume={35}, number={2}, pages={438--457}, year={2010}, publisher={INFORMS} } @InProceedings{Argyriou2008a, Title = {An Algorithm for Transfer Learning in a Heterogeneous Environment}, Author = {Andreas Argyriou and Andreas Maurer and Massimiliano Pontil}, Booktitle = {Proc. 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Proc.}, Year = {1994}, Number = {1}, Pages = {134-146}, Volume = {42}, Doi = {10.1109/78.258128}, ISSN = {1053-587X}, Keywords = {linear programming;linear systems;signal processing;time-frequency analysis;tree data structures;bilinear time-frequency distributions;fast algorithm;linear program;optimal kernel design;optimization formulation;running time;signal-dependent time-frequency representation;sorting;tree structure;Algorithm design and analysis;Constraint optimization;Cost function;Distributed computing;Kernel;Signal analysis;Signal design;Sorting;Time frequency analysis;Tree data structures}, Owner = {jmscarlett}, Timestamp = {2014.11.25} } @InProceedings{Barbero2011, Title = {Fast Newton-type methods for total variation regularization}, Author = {Barbero, A. and Sra, S.}, Booktitle = {Proc. Int. Conf. Mach. Learn. 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The field of iterative methods for solving systems of linear equations is in constant flux, with new methods and approaches continually being created, modified, tuned, and some eventually discarded. We expect the material in this book to undergo changes from time to time as some of these new approaches mature and become the state-ofthe -art. Therefore, we plan to update the...}, File = {Barrett1994.pdf:Barrett1994.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23}, Url = {http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=} } @Article{Barron1994, Title = {Performance of optical flow techniques}, Author = {Barron, JL and Fleet, DJ and Beauchemin, SS}, Journal = {Int. J. Comp. 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These hidden variables can capture effects that cannot be directly measured in a gene expression profiling experiment, for example: genes that have not been included in the microarray, levels of regulatory proteins, the effects of mRNA and protein degradation, etc. RESULTS: We have approached the problem of inferring the model structure of these state-space models using both classical and Bayesian methods. In our previous work, a bootstrap procedure was used to derive classical confidence intervals for parameters representing 'gene-gene' interactions over time. In this article, variational approximations are used to perform the analogous model selection task in the Bayesian context. Certain interactions are present in both the classical and the Bayesian analyses of these regulatory networks. The resulting models place JunB and JunD at the centre of the mechanisms that control apoptosis and proliferation. These mechanisms are key for clonal expansion and for controlling the long term behavior (e.g. programmed cell death) of these cells. AVAILABILITY: Supplementary data is available at http://public.kgi.edu/wild/index.htm and Matlab source code for variational Bayesian learning of SSMs is available at http://www.cse.ebuffalo.edu/faculty/mbeal/software.html.}, Doi = {10.1093/bioinformatics/bti014}, File = {Beal05.pdf:BIO/Beal05.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {Bayes Theorem; Computer Simulation; Gene Expression Profiling; Gene Expression Regulation; Markov Chains; Models, Genetic; Models, Statistical; Oligonucleotide Array Sequence Analysis; Signal Transduction; Transcription Factors}, Owner = {luca}, Pii = {bti014}, Pmid = {15353451}, Timestamp = {2007.01.25}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/bti014} } @InProceedings{Beccuti2006, Title = {A distributed solution approach to centralized emergency voltage control}, Author = {Beccuti, A.G. and Morari, M.}, Booktitle = {Amer. 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Imaging Sci.}, Year = {2011}, Number = {1}, Pages = {1--39}, Volume = {4}, File = {:Papers/Becker2011.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.01.10} } @Article{Becker2011, Title = {Templates for convex cone problems with applications to sparse signal recovery}, Author = {Becker, Stephen and Candès, Emmanuel and Grant, Michael}, Journal = {Math. Prog. Comp.}, Year = {2011}, Note = {10.1007/s12532-011-0029-5}, Pages = {1-54}, Affiliation = {Applied and Computational Mathematics, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA}, File = {becker2010templates.pdf:Optimization/becker2010templates.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {1867-2949}, Keyword = {Mathematics}, Owner = {jmscarlett}, Publisher = {Springer Berlin / Heidelberg}, Timestamp = {2014.11.25}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12532-011-0029-5} } @Article{Becker2012c, Title = {Sparse projections onto the simplex}, Author = {Becker, S. and Cevher, V. and Koch, C. and Kyrillidis, A.}, Journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:1206.1529}, Year = {2012}, File = {becker2012sparse.pdf:Optimization/becker2012sparse.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {jmscarlett}, Timestamp = {2014.11.25} } @Article{Becker2013, Title = {An Algorithm for Splitting Parallel Sums of Linearly Composed Monotone Operators, with Applications to Signal Recovery}, Author = {Becker, Stephen and Combettes, Patrick L}, Journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:1305.5828}, Year = {2013}, File = {becker2013algorithm.pdf:Optimization/becker2013algorithm.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {jmscarlett}, Timestamp = {2014.11.25} } @Conference{Becker2012, Title = {A quasi-{N}ewton proximal splitting method}, Author = {S. Becker and M.J. Fadili}, Booktitle = {Adv. Neur. Inf. Proc. Sys. (NIPS)}, Year = {2012}, File = {:Papers/Becker2012.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.01.10} } @TechReport{Becker2012a, Title = {A quasi-Newton proximal splitting method}, Author = {S. Becker and M.J. Fadili}, Institution = {LJLL, CNRS-UPMC, Paris France}, Year = {2012}, Type = {Tech. Report}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.01.30} } @Article{Beer2004, Title = {Predicting gene expression from sequence.}, Author = {Michael A Beer and Saeed Tavazoie}, Journal = {Cell}, Year = {2004}, Month = {Apr}, Number = {2}, Pages = {185--198}, Volume = {117}, Abstract = {We describe a systematic genome-wide approach for learning the complex combinatorial code underlying gene expression. Our probabilistic approach identifies local DNA-sequence elements and the positional and combinatorial constraints that determine their context-dependent role in transcriptional regulation. The inferred regulatory rules correctly predict expression patterns for 73\% of genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, utilizing microarray expression data and sequences in the 800 bp upstream of genes. Application to Caenorhabditis elegans identifies predictive regulatory elements and combinatorial rules that control the phased temporal expression of transcription factors, histones, and germline specific genes. Successful prediction requires diverse and complex rules utilizing AND, OR, and NOT logic, with significant constraints on motif strength, orientation, and relative position. This system generates a large number of mechanistic hypotheses for focused experimental validation, and establishes a predictive dynamical framework for understanding cellular behavior from genomic sequence.}, File = {Beer04Predicting Gene Expr from Seq.pdf:BIO/Beer04Predicting Gene Expr from Seq.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {Animals; Base Sequence; Bayes Theorem; Cae; Gene Expression Profiling; Gene Expression Regulation; Genes; Genome; Models, Statistical; Multigene Family; Oligonu; Predictive Value of Tests; Recombination, Genetic; Reproducibility of Results; Saccharomyces cerevisiae; Transcription Factors; cleotide Array Sequence Analysis; norhabditis elegans}, Owner = {luca}, Pii = {S0092867404003046}, Pmid = {15084257}, Timestamp = {2007.01.25} } @PhdThesis{Belkin2003, Title = {Problems of Learning on Manifolds}, Author = {Belkin}, School = {University of Chicago}, Year = {2003}, File = {Belkin - Problems of learning on manifolds.pdf:Statistical Learning/Belkin - Problems of learning on manifolds.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {luca}, Timestamp = {2007.01.26} } @TechReport{Belkin2002, Title = {Laplacian Eigenmaps for Dimensionality Reduction and Data Representation}, Author = {Belkin and Niyogi}, Year = {2002}, File = {BelkinNiyogi03Laplacian.pdf:Statistical Learning/BelkinNiyogi03Laplacian.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {luca}, Timestamp = {2007.01.26} } @Article{Belloni2011, Title = {Square-root lasso: {P}ivotal recovery of sparse signals via conic programming}, Author = {A. 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Decision and Control}, Year = {1999}, Address = {Sydney, Australia}, Keywords = {optimal control robust hybrid realtime}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @InProceedings{Bemporad2000, Title = {{P}redictive {C}ontrol of {C}onstrained {H}ybrid {S}ystems}, Author = {Bemporad, A. and Morari, M.}, Booktitle = {Nonlinear Predictive Control}, Year = {2000}, Address = {Basel Boston Berlin}, Editor = {F. Allg\"ower and A. Zheng}, Pages = {71--98}, Publisher = {Birkh\"auser}, Series = {Progress in Systems Theory}, Volume = {26}, Key = {ISBN 3-7643-6297-9}, Keywords = {optimal control robust hybrid NMPC}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @InCollection{Bemporad1999a, Title = {{R}obust model predictive control: {A} survey}, Author = {A. Bemporad and M. Morari}, Booktitle = {Robustness in Identification and Control}, Publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, Year = {1999}, Editor = {A. Garulli and A. Tesi and A. 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Mauer}, Institution = {Mathematics and Computer Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory}, Year = {1994}, Address = {Argonne, Ill.}, Note = {To appear in {IEEE} Computational Science \& Engineering.}, Number = {MCS--P481--1194}, Type = {Preprint}, Ad_tools = {ADIFOR}, Keywords = {automatic differentiation}, Owner = {quoctd}, Referred = {[Bischof1996UEw], [Bischof1996HAt], [Gay1996MAo], [Park1996ADa].}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @InCollection{Bischof2000, Title = {Computing Derivatives of Computer Programs}, Author = {C.~H.~Bischof and H.~M.~B{\"u}cker}, Booktitle = {Modern Methods and Algorithms of Quantum Chemistry: Proceedings, Second Edition}, Publisher = {NIC-Directors}, Year = {2000}, Address = {J{\"u}lich}, Editor = {J. Grotendorst}, Pages = {315--327}, Series = {NIC Series}, Volume = {3}, Abstract = {Automatic differentiation is introduced as a powerful technique to compute derivatives of functions given in the form of a computer program in a high-level programming language such as Fortran, C, or C++. In contrast to traditional approaches such as handcoding of analytic expressions, numerical approximation by divided differences, or manipulation of symbolic algebraic expressions by computer algebra systems, automatic differentiation offers the following substantial benefits: it is accurate up to machine precision, efficient in terms of computational cost, applicable to a 1-line formula as well as to a 100,000-line code, and can be produced with minimal human effort.}, Ad_theotech = {General}, File = {Bischof2000.pdf:Bischof2000.pdf:PDF}, Notes = {Also available as preprint ANL/MCS--P813--0400, Argonne National Laboratory, Mathematics and Computer Science Division, USA, April 2000}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23}, Url = {http://www.fz-juelich.de/nic-series/Volume3/bischof.pdf} } @Book{Bishop2006, Title = {Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning}, Author = {Bishop, C.M.}, Publisher = {Springer New York}, Year = {2006}, Owner = {jmscarlett}, Timestamp = {2014.11.25} } @Article{Bishop2013, Title = {Model-based machine learning}, Author = {Bishop, Christopher M}, Journal = {Phil. 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Bock and I. Bauer and D.B. Leineweber and J.P. Schl\"oder}, Booktitle = {Scientific Computing in Chemical Engineering II}, Year = {1999}, Address = {Berlin}, Editor = {F. Keil and W. Mackens and H. Vo\ss and J. Werther}, Pages = {2--18}, Publisher = {Springer}, Volume = {2}, Key = {ISBN 3-540-65851-3}, Keywords = {agbock parameter estimation multiple shooting optimal control DAE}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @TechReport{Bock2004, Title = {{SQP} {M}ethods with {I}nexact {J}acobians for {I}nequality {C}onstrained {O}ptimization}, Author = {H.G. Bock and M. Diehl and E. Kostina}, Institution = {Universit\"at Heidelberg}, Year = {2004}, Address = {Heidelberg}, Number = {04-XX}, Type = {IWR-Pre\-print}, Keywords = {agbock SQP optimization}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @InCollection{Bock2007, Title = {{C}onstrained {O}ptimal {F}eedback {C}ontrol of {S}ystems {G}overned by {L}arge {D}ifferential {A}lgebraic {E}quations}, Author = {Bock, H.G. and Diehl, M. and Kostina, E.A. and Schl\"oder, J.P.}, Booktitle = {Real-Time and Online PDE-Constrained Optimization}, Publisher = {{SIAM}}, Year = {2007}, Editor = {L. Biegler and O. Ghattas and M. Heinkenschloss and D. Keyes and B. van Bloemen Waanders}, Pages = {3--22}, Doi = {10.1137/1.9780898718935.ch1}, File = {Bock2007.pdf:Bock2007.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {agbock optec optimal control NMPC DAE multiple shooting}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23}, Url = {http://epubs.siam.org/ebooks/siam/computational_science_and_engineering/cs03/cs03_ch1} } @InProceedings{Bock2000, Title = {{A} direct multiple shooting method for real-time optimization of nonlinear {DAE} processes}, Author = {Bock, H.G. and Diehl, M. and Leineweber, D.B. and Schl\"oder, J.P.}, Booktitle = {Nonlinear Predictive Control}, Year = {2000}, Address = {Basel Boston Berlin}, Editor = {F. Allg\"ower and A. Zheng}, Pages = {246--267}, Publisher = {Birkh\"auser}, Series = {Progress in Systems Theory}, Volume = {26}, Doi = {10.1007/978-3-0348-8407-5_14}, Key = {ISBN 3-7643-6297-9}, Keywords = {agbock optimal control NMPC DAE multiple shooting}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23}, Url = {http://www.springerlink.com/content/n4165265r2l5h6jn/} } @InProceedings{Bock1999a, Title = {{E}fficient direct multiple shooting in nonlinear model predictive control}, Author = {H.G. Bock and M. Diehl and D.B. Leineweber and J.P. Schl\"oder}, Booktitle = {Scientific Computing in Chemical Engineering II}, Year = {1999}, Address = {Berlin}, Editor = {F. Keil and W. Mackens and H. Vo\ss and J. Werther}, Pages = {218--227}, Publisher = {Springer}, Volume = {2}, Key = {ISBN 3-540-65851-3}, Keywords = {agbock optimal control NMPC DAE multiple shooting}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23}, Url = {http://www.springer.com/chemistry/book/978-3-540-65851-1} } @InProceedings{Bock2000a, Title = {{R}eal-time optimization and {N}onlinear {M}odel {P}redictive {C}ontrol of {P}rocesses governed by {D}ifferential-{A}lgebraic {E}quations}, Author = {Bock, H.G. and Diehl, M. and Schl\"oder, J.P. and Allg\"ower, F. and Findeisen, R. and Nagy, Z.}, Booktitle = {Int. Smp. Adv. Control Chem. Proc.}, Year = {2000}, Address = {Pisa}, Pages = {695--703}, Volume = {2}, Keywords = {agbock optimal control NMPC DAE multiple shooting}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23}, Url = {http://books.google.be/books/about/ADCHEM_2000_International_symposium_on_a.html?id=h332pwAACAAJ&redir_esc=y} } @Article{Bock2002, Title = {{P}ractical {S}hape {O}ptimization for {T}urbine and {C}ompressor {B}lades by the {U}se of {PRSQP} {M}ethods}, Author = {H.G. Bock and W. Egartner and W. Kappis and V. Schulz}, Journal = {Optimization and Engineering}, Year = {2002}, Number = {4}, Pages = {395--414}, Volume = {3}, Keywords = {agbock optimization DAE multiple shooting mechanics}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @InCollection{Bock1988, Title = {{N}umerical {S}olution of {C}onstrained {L}east {S}quares {B}oundary {V}alue {P}roblems in {D}ifferential-{A}lgebraic {E}quations}, Author = {H.G. Bock and E. Eich and J.P. Schl\"oder}, Booktitle = {Numerical Treatment of Differential Equations}, Publisher = {Teubner}, Year = {1988}, Address = {Leipzig}, Editor = {K. Strehmel}, Keywords = {agbock parameter estimation DAE multiple shooting}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @InCollection{Bock2000b, Title = {{O}n the {R}ole of {N}atural {L}evel {F}unctions to {A}chieve {G}lobal {C}onvergence for {D}amped {N}ewton {M}ethods.}, Author = {Bock, H.G. and Kostina, E.A. and Schl\"oder, J.P.}, Booktitle = {Sys. Modelling and Opt. Methods, Theory and Apps.}, Publisher = {Kluwer}, Year = {2000}, Editor = {M. Powell et al.}, File = {Bock2000b.pdf:Bock2000b.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {agbock SQP optimization}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @InProceedings{Bock1984, Title = {{A} multiple shooting algorithm for direct solution of optimal control problems}, Author = {H.G. Bock and K.J. Plitt}, Booktitle = {Proc. World Cong. Budapest}, Year = {1984}, Pages = {242--247}, Publisher = {Pergamon Press}, File = {Bock1984.pdf:Bock1984.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {agbock multiple shooting optimal control}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @Article{Bock1981a, Title = {{N}umerical solution of retarded differential equations with state-dependent time lags}, Author = {Bock, H.G. and Schl\"oder, J.P.}, Journal = {{Zeitschrift f\"ur {A}ngewandte {M}athematik und {M}echanik}}, Year = {1981}, Pages = {269}, Volume = {61}, Keywords = {agbock ODE DAE}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @Article{Bogdan2013, Title = {Statistical estimation and testing via the ordered L1 norm}, Author = {Bogdan, Malgorzata and Berg, Ewout van den and Su, Weijie and Candes, Emmanuel}, Journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:1310.1969}, Year = {2013}, Owner = {jmscarlett}, Timestamp = {2014.11.25} } @Article{Boggs1995, Title = {{S}equential {Q}uadratic {P}rogramming}, Author = {P.T. Boggs and J.W. Tolle}, Journal = {Acta Numer.}, Year = {1995}, Pages = {1--51}, File = {Boggs1995.pdf:Boggs1995.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {SQP optimization}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @InProceedings{Bonilla2007, Title = {Kernel multi-task learning using task-specific features}, Author = {Edwin V. Bonilla and Felix V. Agakov and Christopher K. I. Williams}, Booktitle = {In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS}, Year = {2007}, File = {:Statistical Learning/Multitask/bonilla07mtl.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {baldazen}, Timestamp = {2008.09.05} } @InProceedings{Bonilla2007a, Title = {Multi-task Gaussian Process Prediction}, Author = {Bonilla, Edwin V. and Chai, Kian Ming and Williams, Christopher}, Booktitle = {Adv. Neur. Inf. Proc. Sys. (NIPS)}, Year = {2007}, Abstract = {In this paper we investigate multi-task learning in the context of Gaussian Processes (GP). We propose a model that learns a shared covariance function on input-dependent features and a ``free-form'' covariance matrix over tasks. This allows for good flexibility when modelling inter-task dependencies while avoiding the need for large amounts of data for training. We show that under the assumption of noise-free observations and a block design, predictions for a given task only depend on its target values and therefore a cancellation of inter-task transfer occurs. We evaluate the benefits of our model on two practical applications: a compiler performance prediction problem and an exam score prediction task. Additionally, we make use of GP approximations and properties of our model in order to provide scalability to large data sets.}, File = {bonilla07mtlgp.pdf:Statistical Learning/Multitask/bonilla07mtlgp.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {Learning/Statistics & Optimisation}, Owner = {baldazen}, Timestamp = {2008.07.17}, Url = {http://eprints.pascal-network.org/archive/00003442/} } @Article{Bonilla2010, Title = {An automatic initialization procedure in parameter estimation problems with parameter-affine dynamic models}, Author = {Bonilla, J. and Diehl, M. and Logist, F. and De Moor, B. and Van Impe, J.}, Journal = {Comp. Chem. Eng.}, Year = {2010}, Number = {6}, Pages = {953--964}, Volume = {34}, Doi = {10.1016/j.compchemeng.2009.10.020}, File = {Bonilla2010.PDF:Bonilla2010.PDF:PDF}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0098135409002713} } @Article{Bonnans1994, Title = {{L}ocal {A}nalysis of {N}ewton-{T}ype {M}ethods for {V}ariational {I}nequalities and {N}onlinear {P}rogramming}, Author = {J.F. Bonnans}, Journal = {App. Math. Opt.}, Year = {1994}, Pages = {161--186}, Volume = {29}, File = {Bonnans1994.pdf:Bonnans1994.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {jmscarlett}, Timestamp = {2012.04.08} } @Book{Bonnans1997, Title = {{N}umerical {O}ptimization: {T}heoretical and {P}ractical {A}spects}, Author = {J.F. Bonnans and J.C. Gilbert and C. Lemarechal and C.A. 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A gene regulatory network that controls the specification of endoderm and mesoderm in the sea urchin embryo is summarized here. The network was derived from large-scale perturbation analyses, in combination with computational methodologies, genomic data, cis-regulatory analysis, and molecular embryology. The network contains over 40 genes at present, and each node can be directly verified at the DNA sequence level by cis-regulatory analysis. Its architecture reveals specific and general aspects of development, such as how given cells generate their ordained fates in the embryo and why the process moves inexorably forward in developmental time.}, Doi = {10.1126/science.1069883}, File = {BIO\\Davidson02Regulatory.pdf:BIO\\Davidson02Regulatory.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {Animals; Cell Lineage; Computational Biology; Embryonic Development; Endoderm; Gene Expression Profiling; Gene Expression Regulation, Developmental; Genes, Regulator; Genome; Mesoderm; Models, Biological; Models, Genetic; Morphogenesis; Regulatory Sequences, Nucleic Acid; Sea Urchins; Stem Cells; Systems Theory}, Owner = {BaldaZen}, Pii = {295/5560/1669}, Pmid = {11872831}, Timestamp = {2007.02.01}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1126/science.1069883} } @InCollection{Davidson2001, Title = {Local operator theory, random matrices and {B}anach spaces}, Author = {Davidson, Kenneth R. and Szarek, Stanislaw J.}, Booktitle = {Handbook of the Geometry of {B}anach Spaces}, Publisher = {Elsevier}, Year = {2001}, Address = {Amsterdam}, Chapter = {8}, Editor = {Johnson, W. 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Diehl}, Publisher = {VDI Verlag}, Year = {2002}, Address = {D\"usseldorf}, Note = {Download also at: http://www.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/archiv/1659/}, Series = {Fortschr.-Ber. VDI Reihe 8, Me\ss-, Steuerungs- und Regelungstechnik}, Volume = {920}, Keywords = {agbock NMPC chemistry multiple shooting optimal control}, Owner = {quoctd}, Pages = {179}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @PhdThesis{Diehl2001, Title = {{R}eal-{T}ime {O}ptimization for {L}arge {S}cale {N}onlinear {P}rocesses}, Author = {M. Diehl}, School = {Universit\"at Heidelberg}, Year = {2001}, Note = {http://www.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/archiv/1659/}, File = {Diehl2001.pdf:Diehl2001.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {agbock NMPC chemistry multiple shooting optimal control}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23}, Url = {http://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/frontdoor.php?source_opus=1659} } @MastersThesis{Diehl1998, Title = {{A} direct multiple shooting method for the optimization and control of chemical processes}, Author = {Diehl, M.}, School = {Universit\"at Heidelberg}, Year = {1998}, File = {Diehl1998.pdf:Diehl1998.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {agbockagbock chemistry multiple shooting optimal control}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @Article{Diehl2004, Title = {{R}obust {D}ynamic {P}rogramming for {M}in-{M}ax {M}odel {P}redictive {C}ontrol of {C}onstrained {U}ncertain {S}ystems}, Author = {M. Diehl and J. Bj\"ornberg}, Journal = {IEEE Trans. Aut. Control}, Year = {2004}, Month = {December}, Number = {12}, Pages = {2253--2257}, Volume = {49}, Doi = {10.1109/TAC.2004.838489}, File = {Diehl2004a.pdf:Diehl2004a.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {agbock NMPC chemistry multiple shooting optimal control robust}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23}, Url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=1369401} } @TechReport{Diehl2003a, Title = {{R}obust {D}ynamic {P}rogramming for {L}inearly {C}onstrained {P}olytopic {S}ystems with {P}iecewise {L}inear {C}ost}, Author = {Diehl, M. and Bj\"ornberg, J.}, Institution = {SFB 359, Universit\"at Heidelberg}, Year = {2003}, Citeseerurl = {http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=}, File = {Diehl2003a.pdf:Diehl2003a.pdf:PDF}, Key = {Preprint 2003-14}, Keywords = {agbock NMPC chemistry multiple shooting optimal control robust}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @Article{Diehl2006b, Title = {{A}n approximation technique for robust nonlinear optimization}, Author = {M. Diehl and H.G. Bock and E. Kostina}, Journal = {Math. Prog.}, Year = {2006}, Pages = {213--230}, Volume = {107}, Doi = {10.1007/s10107-005-0685-1}, File = {Diehl2006c.pdf:Diehl2006c.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {agbock robust optimization optec}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23}, Url = {http://www.springerlink.com/content/y737861045873673/} } @InProceedings{Diehl2002a, Title = {{N}ewton-{T}ype {M}ethods for the {A}pproximate {S}olution of {N}onlinear {P}rogramming {P}roblems in {R}eal-{T}ime}, Author = {M. Diehl and H.G. Bock and J.P. Schl\"oder}, Booktitle = {High Performance Algorithms and Software for Nonlinear Optimization}, Year = {2002}, Editor = {G. Di Pillo and A. Murli}, Pages = {177--200}, Publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers B.V.}, Keywords = {agbock SQP NMPC optimization multiple shooting optimal control}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @Article{Diehl2005, Title = {{A} real-time iteration scheme for nonlinear optimization in optimal feedback control}, Author = {M. Diehl and H.G. Bock and J.P. Schl\"oder}, Journal = {{SIAM} J. Control and Optimization}, Year = {2005}, Number = {5}, Pages = {1714--1736}, Volume = {43}, Doi = {10.1137/S0363012902400713}, File = {Diehl2005.pdf:Diehl2005.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {agbock NMPC chemistry multiple shooting optimal control}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23}, Url = {http://epubs.siam.org/sicon/resource/1/sjcodc/v43/i5/p1714\_s1} } @Article{Diehl2002b, Title = {{R}eal-time optimization and {N}onlinear {M}odel {P}redictive {C}ontrol of {P}rocesses governed by differential-algebraic equations}, Author = {M. Diehl and H.G. Bock and J.P. Schl\"oder and R. Findeisen and Z. Nagy and F. Allg\"ower}, Journal = {J. Proc. Control}, Year = {2002}, Number = {4}, Pages = {577--585}, Volume = {12}, File = {Diehl2002b.pdf:Diehl2002b.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {agbock NMPC chemistry multiple shooting optimal control}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @InCollection{Diehl2007a, Title = {{A} {S}tabilizing {R}eal-time {I}mplementation of {N}onlinear {M}odel {P}redictive {C}ontrol}, Author = {M. Diehl and R. Findeisen and F. Allg\"ower}, Booktitle = {Real-Time and Online PDE-Constrained Optimization}, Publisher = {{SIAM}}, Year = {2007}, Editor = {L. Biegler and O. Ghattas and M. Heinkenschloss and D. Keyes and B. van Bloemen Waanders}, Pages = {23--52}, File = {Diehl2007b.pdf:Diehl2007b.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {agbock NMPC chemistry multiple shooting optimal control}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @Article{Diehl2005a, Title = {{N}ominal {S}tability of the {R}eal-{T}ime {I}teration {S}cheme for {N}onlinear {M}odel {P}redictive {C}ontrol}, Author = {Diehl, M. and Findeisen, R. and Allg\"ower, F. and Bock, H.G. and Schl\"oder, J.P.}, Journal = {IEE Proc.-Control Theory Appl.}, Year = {2005}, Number = {3}, Pages = {296--308}, Volume = {152}, Annote = {Appeared also as IMA Preprint \#1910, University of Minnesota}, Doi = {10.1049/ip-cta:20040008}, File = {Diehl2005b.pdf:Diehl2005b.pdf:PDF}, Institution = {IEE}, Keywords = {agbock NMPC optec chemistry multiple shooting optimal control}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @TechReport{Diehl2003b, Title = {{N}ominal {S}tability of the {R}eal-{T}ime {I}teration {S}cheme for {N}onlinear {M}odel {P}redictive {C}ontrol}, Author = {Diehl, M. and Findeisen, R. and Allg\"ower, F. and Bock, H.G. and Schl\"oder, J.P.}, Institution = {IMA, University of Minnesota}, Year = {2003}, Number = { \#1910}, File = {Diehl2003b.ps:Diehl2003b.ps:PostScript}, Keywords = {agbock NMPC chemistry multiple shooting optimal control}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @InProceedings{Diehl2003c, Title = {{S}tability of nonlinear model predictive control in the presence of errors due to numerical online optimization}, Author = {M. Diehl and R. Findeisen and F. Allg\"ower and J.P. Schl\"oder and H.G. Bock}, Booktitle = {Proc. {IEEE} Conf. Decision and Control}, Year = {2003}, Address = {Maui, Hawaii}, Pages = {1419--1424}, Doi = {10.1109/CDC.2003.1272809}, File = {Diehl2003d.pdf:Diehl2003d.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {agbock NMPC chemistry multiple shooting optimal control}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23}, Url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=1272809} } @Article{Diehl2003d, Title = {{A}n {E}fficient {A}lgorithm for {N}onlinear {M}odel {P}redictive {C}ontrol of {L}arge-{S}cale {S}ystems. {P}art {II}: {A}pplication to a {D}istillation {C}olumn}, Author = {M. Diehl and R. Findeisen and S. Schwarzkopf and I. Uslu and F. Allg\"ower and H.G. Bock and E.D. Gilles and J.P. Schl\"oder}, Journal = {Automatisierungstechnik}, Year = {2003}, Number = {1}, Pages = {22--29}, Volume = {51}, File = {Diehl2003d.pdf:Diehl2003d.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {agbock NMPC chemistry multiple shooting optimal control}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23}, Url = {http://www.mendeley.com/research/efficient-algorithm-nonlinear-model-predictive-control-largescale-systems-part-ii-experimental-evaluation-distillation-column-ein-efficient-algorithm-nonlinear-model-predictive-control-largescale-systems-part-ii-experimental/} } @Article{Diehl2006, Title = {{L}oss of superlinear convergence for an {SQP}-type method with conic constraints}, Author = {M. Diehl and F. Jarre and C. Vogelbusch}, Journal = {SIAM J. Opt.}, Year = {2006}, Number = {4}, Pages = {1201--1210}, Volume = {16}, Doi = {10.1137/050625977}, File = {Diehl2006.pdf:Diehl2006.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {LMI SQP optec}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23}, Url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?SJE/16/1201/1} } @InProceedings{Diehl2002c, Title = {{S}imultaneous {E}stimation of {E}xtended {O}ptical {F}low and {G}lobal {P}arameters}, Author = {M. Diehl and R. K\"usters and H. Scharr}, Booktitle = {Workshop on Dynamic Perception}, Year = {2002}, Address = {Bochum}, File = {Diehl2002d.pdf:Diehl2002d.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {agbock multiple shooting parameter estimation}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @TechReport{Diehl2001b, Title = {{MUSCOD-II} {U}sers' {M}anual}, Author = {M. Diehl and D.B. Leineweber and A.A.S. Sch\"afer}, Institution = {Universit\"at Heidelberg}, Year = {2001}, Number = {2001-25}, Type = {IWR-Pre\-print}, File = {Diehl2001b.pdf:Diehl2001b.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {agbock multiple shooting optimal control}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @InProceedings{Diehl2003e, Title = {{O}nline {NMPC} of a looping kite using approximate infinite horizon closed loop costing}, Author = {Diehl, M. and L. Magni and {G. De} Nicolao}, Booktitle = {IFAC Conf. Control Sys. Design}, Year = {2003}, Address = {Bratislava, Slovak Republic}, Month = {September 7-10}, Organization = {IFAC}, Keywords = {agbock NMPC multiple shooting optimal control}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @Article{Diehl2004a, Title = {Efficient NMPC of unstable periodic systems using approximate infinite horizon closed loop costing}, Author = {Moritz Diehl and Lalo Magni and Giuseppe De Nicolao}, Journal = {Annual Rev. Control}, Year = {2004}, Number = {1}, Pages = {37 - 45}, Volume = {28}, Doi = {10.1016/j.arcontrol.2004.01.011}, File = {Diehl2004f.pdf:Diehl2004f.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {1367-5788}, Keywords = {Periodic control}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1367578804000057} } @Article{Diehl2009, Title = {Stability Optimization of Hybrid Periodic Systems via a Smooth Criterion}, Author = {Diehl, M. and Mombaur, K. and Noll, D.}, Journal = {Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on}, Year = {2009}, Month = {aug. }, Number = {8}, Pages = {1875 -1880}, Volume = {54}, Doi = {10.1109/TAC.2009.2020669}, File = {Diehl2009a.pdf:Diehl2009a.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0018-9286}, Keywords = {boundary value problem;complex open-loop stability optimization;controlled hybrid dynamic systems;differentiable criterion;differentiable nonlinear optimal control problem;ground impacts;hybrid periodic systems;matrix constraint;monodromy matrix;nonlinear dynamics;nonsmooth criteria;numerical optimization;open-loop control;periodic orbits;periodicity constraint;pseudo spectral radius;relaxed Lyapunov equation;smooth criterion;smooth stability optimization program;smoothed spectral radius;walking robot model;yield maximally stable limit cycles;Lyapunov methods;boundary-value problems;matrix algebra;open loop systems;optimal control;optimisation;periodic control;stability;time-varying systems;}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23}, Url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=5173484} } @Article{Diehl2002d, Title = {{O}ptimization of {M}ultiple-{F}raction {B}atch {D}istillation with {R}ecycled {W}aste {C}uts}, Author = {M. Diehl and A.A.S. Sch\"afer and H.G. Bock and J.P. Schl\"oder and D.B. Leineweber}, Journal = {{AIChE} Journal}, Year = {2002}, Number = {12}, Pages = {2869--2874}, Volume = {48}, Doi = {10.1002/aic.690481214}, File = {Diehl2002.pdf:Diehl2002.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {agbock chemistry multiple shooting optimal control}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23}, Url = {http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/aic.690481214/abstract} } @InCollection{Diehl2001a, Title = {{R}eal-{T}ime {O}ptimization for {L}arge {S}cale {P}rocesses: {N}onlinear {M}odel {P}redictive {C}ontrol of a {H}igh {P}urity {D}istillation {C}olumn}, Author = {Diehl, M. and Uslu, I. and Findeisen, R. and Schwarzkopf, S. and Allg\"ower, F. and Bock, H.G. and B\"urner, T. and Gilles, E.D. and Kienle, A. and Schl\"oder, J.P. and Stein, E.}, Booktitle = {Online {O}ptimization of {L}arge {S}cale Systems: {S}tate of the {A}rt}, Publisher = {Springer}, Year = {2001}, Editor = {M. Gr\"otschel and S. O. Krumke and J. Rambau}, Note = {download at: http://www.zib.de/dfg-echtzeit/Publikationen/Preprints/Preprint-01-16.html}, Pages = {363--384}, Citeseerurl = {http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=}, File = {Diehl2001a.pdf:Diehl2001a.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {agbock NMPC chemistry multiple shooting optimal control}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23}, Url = {http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=} } @Article{Diehl2010, Title = {An adjoint-based {SQP} algorithm with quasi-{N}ewton {J}acobian updates for inequality constrained optimization}, Author = {M. Diehl and A. Walther and H.G. Bock and E. Kostina}, Journal = {Opt. Methods and Softw.}, Year = {2010}, Number = {4}, Pages = {531--552 }, Volume = {25}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2012.04.08} } @TechReport{Dieses2001, Title = {{N}umerical {M}ethods for {O}ptimization {P}roblems in {W}ater {F}low and {R}eactive {S}olute {T}ransport {P}rocesses of {X}enobiotics in {S}oils}, Author = {Dieses, A.}, Institution = {Universit\"at Heidelberg}, Year = {2001}, Note = {Ph.D. Thesis}, Number = {SFB Preprint 2001-07}, Keywords = {agbock multiple shooting parameter estimation PDE}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @InProceedings{Dieses1999, Title = {{P}arameter {E}stimation for nonlinear transport and degradation processes of xenobiotica in soil}, Author = {A. E. Dieses and J.P. Schl\"oder and H.G. Bock and O. Richter}, Booktitle = {Scientific Computing in Chemical Engineering II}, Year = {1999}, Editor = {F. Keil et al.}, Pages = {290--297}, Publisher = {Springer Verlag}, Volume = {2}, Keywords = {agbock multiple shooting parameter estimation PDE}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @Article{Dietterich1995, Title = {Solving Multiclass Learning Problems via Error-Correcting Output Codes}, Author = {Thomas G. Dietterich and Ghulum Bakiri}, Journal = {J. Art. Int. Res.}, Year = {1995}, Pages = {263-286}, Volume = {2}, File = {dietterich95solving.pdf:Statistical Learning/Multiclass/dietterich95solving.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {jmscarlett}, Timestamp = {2014.11.25}, Url = {citeseer.ist.psu.edu/dietterich95solving.html} } @Article{Dimakis2012, Title = {{LDPC} Codes for Compressed Sensing}, Author = {Dimakis, AG. and Smarandache, R. and Vontobel, P.O.}, Journal = {IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory}, Year = {2012}, Month = {May}, Number = {5}, Pages = {3093-3114}, Volume = {58}, ISSN = {0018-9448}, Owner = {jmscarlett} } @Conference{Ding2004a, Title = {K-means clustering via principal component analysis}, Author = {Ding, C. and He, X.}, Booktitle = {Proc. Int. Conf. Mach. Learn. (ICML)}, Year = {2004}, Organization = {ACM New York, NY, USA}, File = {ding2004kmeanspca.pdf:Statistical Learning/CLUSTERING/ding2004kmeanspca.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {baldassarre}, Timestamp = {2010.03.17} } @Article{Ding2012, Title = {An Introduction to a Class of Matrix Cone Programming}, Author = {C. Ding and D. Sun and K.C. Toh}, Journal = {Tech. Report.}, Year = {2012}, Pages = {xx}, Volume = {xx}, File = {:Papers/Ding2012.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2012.10.22} } @Book{Diwekar1995, Title = {{B}atch distillation: simulation, optimal design, and control}, Author = {U.M. Diwekar}, Publisher = {Taylor \& Francis}, Year = {1995}, Address = {Washington}, Keywords = {optimal control chemistry}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @Article{Diwekar1987, Title = {{O}ptimal {R}eflux {R}ate {P}olicy {D}etermination for {M}ulticomponent {B}atch {D}istillation {C}olumns}, Author = {U.M. Diwekar and R.K. Malik and K.P. Madhavan}, Journal = {Comp. Chem. Eng.}, Year = {1987}, Pages = {629}, Volume = {11}, Keywords = {optimal control chemistry}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @Article{Djordjevic2003, Title = {A biophysical approach to transcription factor binding site discovery.}, Author = {Marko Djordjevic and Anirvan M Sengupta and Boris I Shraiman}, Journal = {Genome Res.}, Year = {2003}, Month = {Nov}, Number = {11}, Pages = {2381--2390}, Volume = {13}, Abstract = {Identification of transcription factor binding sites within regulatory segments of genomic DNA is an important step toward understanding of the regulatory circuits that control expression of genes. Here, we describe a novel bioinformatics method that bases classification of potential binding sites explicitly on the estimate of sequence-specific binding energy of a given transcription factor. The method also estimates the chemical potential of the factor that defines the threshold of binding. In contrast with the widely used information-theoretic weight matrix method, the new approach correctly describes saturation in the transcription factor/DNA binding probability. This results in a significant improvement in the number of expected false positives, particularly in the ubiquitous case of low-specificity factors. In the strong binding limit, the algorithm is related to the "support vector machine" approach to pattern recognition. The new method is used to identify likely genomic binding sites for the E. coli transcription factors collected in the DPInteract database. In addition, for CRP (a global regulatory factor), the likely regulatory modality (i.e., repressor or activator) of predicted binding sites is determined.}, Doi = {10.1101/gr.1271603}, File = {djordjevic03biophysical.pdf:BIO/djordjevic03biophysical.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {Algorithms; Binding Sites; Biophysics; Computational Biology; DNA, Bacterial; Databases, Genetic; Escherichia coli; Gene Expression Regulation; Internet; Models, Statistical; Transcription Factors}, Owner = {luca}, Pii = {13/11/2381}, Pmid = {14597652}, Timestamp = {2007.01.25}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1101/gr.1271603} } @InProceedings{DoBa2010, Title = {Lower Bounds for Sparse Recovery.}, Author = {Do Ba, Khanh and Indyk, Piotr and Price, Eric and Woodruff, David P}, Booktitle = {SODA}, Year = {2010}, Organization = {SIAM}, Pages = {1190--1197}, Volume = {10}, Owner = {jmscarlett}, Timestamp = {2014.11.25} } @Article{Doan2009, Title = {A distributed version of {Han}'s method for {DMPC} using local communications only}, Author = {D. 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App. Math.}, Year = {1989}, Month = jun, Number = {3}, Pages = {906--931}, Volume = {49}, Owner = {yhli}, Timestamp = {2014.07.21} } @Article{Donoho2010, Title = {Precise undersampling theorems}, Author = {Donoho, David L. and Tanner, Jared}, Journal = {Proc. IEEE}, Year = {2010}, Month = jun, Number = {6}, Pages = {913--924}, Volume = {98}, Owner = {yhli}, Timestamp = {2014.07.30} } @Article{Donoho2009b, Title = {Counting faces of randomly projected polytopes when the projection radically lowers dimension}, Author = {Donoho, David L. and Tanner, Jared}, Journal = {J. Amer. Math. Soc.}, Year = {2009}, Month = jan, Number = {1}, Pages = {1--53}, Volume = {22}, Owner = {yhli}, Timestamp = {2014.07.30} } @Article{Donoho2005, Title = {Sparse nonnegative solution of underdetermined linear equations by linear programming}, Author = {Donoho, David L. and Tanner, Jared}, Journal = {Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci.}, Year = {2005}, Month = jul, Number = {27}, Pages = {9446--9451}, Volume = {102}, Owner = {yhli}, Timestamp = {2014.07.31} } @Article{Donoho2008, Title = {Fast solution of $\ell_1$-norm minimization problems when the solution may be sparse}, Author = {Donoho, David L. and Tsaig, Yaakov}, Journal = {IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory}, Year = {2008}, Month = nov, Number = {11}, Pages = {4789--4812}, Volume = {54}, Owner = {yhli}, Timestamp = {2014.04.15} } @Article{Donoho2012, Title = {Sparse solution of underdetermined systems of linear equations by stagewise orthogonal matching pursuit}, Author = {Donoho, David L. and Tsaig, Yaakov and Drori, Iddo and Starck, Jean-Luc}, Journal = {IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory}, Year = {2012}, Month = feb, Number = {2}, Pages = {1094--1121}, Volume = {58}, Owner = {yhli}, Timestamp = {2014.04.15} } @Article{Dontchev1996, Title = {Characterizations of strong regularity for variational inequalities over polyhedral convex sets}, Author = {A. L. Dontchev and T. R. Rockafellar}, Journal = {SIAM J. Opt.}, Year = {1996}, Number = {4}, Pages = {1087--1105.}, Volume = {6}, File = {:Papers/Dontchev1996.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2012.04.07} } @Article{Doolittle1999, Title = {Lateral genomics}, Author = {W. F. Doolittle}, Journal = {Trends Cell Biol}, Year = {1999}, Month = {Dec}, Number = {12}, Pages = {M5--M8}, Volume = {9}, Abstract = {More than 20 complete prokaryotic genome sequences are now publicly available, each by itself an unparalleled resource for understanding organismal biology. Collectively, these data are even more powerful: they could force a dramatic reworking of the framework in which we understand biological evolution. It is possible that a single universal phylogenetic tree is not the best way to depict relationships between all living and extinct species. Instead a web- or net-like pattern, reflecting the importance of horizontal or lateral gene transfer between lineages of organisms, might provide a more appropriate visual metaphor. Here, I ask whether this way of thinking is really justified, and explore its implications.}, File = {Doolittle99LateralGenomics.pdf:BIO/Doolittle99LateralGenomics.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {Evolution, Molecular; Genome; Phylogeny; Prokaryotic Cells; RNA, Ribosomal}, Owner = {luca}, Pii = {S0962-8924(99)01664-5}, Pmid = {10611671}, Timestamp = {2007.03.01} } @Article{DotanCohen2007, Title = {Hierarchical tree snipping: clustering guided by prior knowledge}, Author = {Dotan-Cohen, Dikla and Melkman, Avraham A. and Kasif, Simon}, Journal = {Bioinformatics}, Year = {2007}, Number = {24}, Pages = {3335-3342}, Volume = {23}, Abstract = {Motivation: Hierarchical clustering is widely used to cluster genes into groups based on their expression similarity. This method first constructs a tree. Next this tree is partitioned into subtrees by cutting all edges at some level, thereby inducing a clustering. Unfortunately, the resulting clusters often do not exhibit significant functional coherence. Results: To improve the biological significance of the clustering, we develop a new framework of partitioning by snippingcutting selected edges at variable levels. The snipped edges are selected to induce clusters that are maximally consistent with partially available background knowledge such as functional classifications. Algorithms for two key applications are presented: functional prediction of genes, and discovery of functionally enriched clusters of co-expressed genes. Simulation results and cross-validation tests indicate that the algorithms perform well even when the actual number of clusters differs considerably from the requested number. Performance is improved compared with a previously proposed algorithm. Availability: A java package is available at http://www.cs.bgu.ac.il/~dotna/ TreeSnipping Contact: dotna@cs.bgu.ac.il Supplementary information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.}, Doi = {10.1093/bioinformatics/btm526}, Eprint = {http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/reprint/23/24/3335.pdf}, File = {cohen07hierarchical.pdf:BIO/cohen07hierarchical.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {baldazen}, Timestamp = {2008.02.27}, Url = {http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/23/24/3335} } @Article{Doty1993, Title = {{A} {T}heory of {G}eneralized {I}nverses {A}pplied to {R}obotics}, Author = {K.L. Doty and C. Melchiorri and C. Bonivento}, Journal = {Int. J. Robotics Res.}, Year = {1993}, Number = {1}, Pages = {1--19}, Volume = {12}, Keywords = {serial manipulators, redundancy, pseudo inverse}, Owner = {qtrandin}, Timestamp = {2009.08.21} } @Article{Douglas1956, Title = {On the numerical solution of heat conduction problems in two and three space variables}, Author = {Douglas, Jim and Rachford, HH}, Journal = {Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.}, Year = {1956}, Number = {2}, Pages = {421--439}, Volume = {82}, Owner = {jmscarlett}, Timestamp = {2014.11.25} } @Article{Douma2005, Title = {Relations between uncertainty structures in identification for robust control}, Author = {Sippe G. Douma and Paul M.J. Van den Hof}, Journal = {Automatica}, Year = {2005}, Number = {3}, Pages = {439 - 457}, Volume = {41}, Doi = {10.1016/j.automatica.2004.11.005}, File = {Douma2005.pdf:Douma2005.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0005-1098}, Keywords = {Identification for control}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0005109804003267} } @Article{Downs1993, Title = {{A} plant-wide industrial process control problem}, Author = {Downs, J.J. and Vogel, E.F.}, Journal = {Comp. Chem. Eng.}, Year = {1993}, Pages = {245--255}, Volume = {17}, File = {Downs1993.pdf:/Downs1993.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {optimal control chemistry}, Mlanguage = {E}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @Article{Drineas2006, Title = {Fast Monte Carlo algorithms for matrices II: Computing a low-rank approximation to a matrix}, Author = {Drineas, Petros and Kannan, Ravi and Mahoney, Michael W}, Journal = {SIAM Journal on Computing}, Year = {2006}, Number = {1}, Pages = {158--183}, Volume = {36}, Owner = {jmscarlett}, Publisher = {SIAM}, Timestamp = {2014.11.25} } @Article{Drineas2008, Title = {Relative-error CUR matrix decompositions}, Author = {Drineas, Petros and Mahoney, Michael W and Muthukrishnan, S}, Journal = {SIAM Journal on Matrix Anal. and Apps.}, Year = {2008}, Number = {2}, Pages = {844--881}, Volume = {30}, Owner = {jmscarlett}, Publisher = {SIAM}, Timestamp = {2014.11.25} } @Article{Drummond2010, Title = {Warning: statistical benchmarking is addictive. Kicking the habit in machine learning}, Author = {Drummond, Chris and Japkowicz, Nathalie}, Journal = {J. Exp. Theor. Artif. Intell.}, Year = {2010}, Month = mar, Number = {1}, Pages = {67--80}, Volume = {22}, Acmid = {1744684}, Address = {Bristol, PA, USA}, Doi = {10.1080/09528130903010295}, File = {drummond2010warning.pdf:Statistical Learning\\drummond2010warning.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0952-813X}, Issue_date = {March 2010}, Keywords = {algorithm evaluation, benchmarking, machine learning, null hypothesis tests}, Numpages = {14}, Owner = {jmscarlett}, Publisher = {Taylor \& Francis, Inc.}, Timestamp = {2014.11.25}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09528130903010295} } @Article{Du2006, Title = {A supervised hidden markov model framework for efficiently segmenting tiling array data in transcriptional and chIP-chip experiments: systematically incorporating validated biological knowledge.}, Author = {Jiang Du and Joel S Rozowsky and Jan O Korbel and Zhengdong D Zhang and Thomas E Royce and Martin H Schultz and Michael Snyder and Mark Gerstein}, Journal = {Bioinformatics}, Year = {2006}, Month = {Dec}, Number = {24}, Pages = {3016--3024}, Volume = {22}, Abstract = {MOTIVATION: Large-scale tiling array experiments are becoming increasingly common in genomics. In particular, the ENCODE project requires the consistent segmentation of many different tiling array datasets into 'active regions' (e.g. finding transfrags from transcriptional data and putative binding sites from ChIP-chip experiments). Previously, such segmentation was done in an unsupervised fashion mainly based on characteristics of the signal distribution in the tiling array data itself. Here we propose a supervised framework for doing this. It has the advantage of explicitly incorporating validated biological knowledge into the model and allowing for formal training and testing. Methodology: In particular, we use a hidden Markov model (HMM) framework, which is capable of explicitly modeling the dependency between neighboring probes and whose extended version (the generalized HMM) also allows explicit description of state duration density. We introduce a formal definition of the tiling-array analysis problem, and explain how we can use this to describe sampling small genomic regions for experimental validation to build up a gold-standard set for training and testing. We then describe various ideal and practical sampling strategies (e.g. maximizing signal entropy within a selected region versus using gene annotation or known promoters as positives for transcription or ChIP-chip data, respectively). RESULTS: For the practical sampling and training strategies, we show how the size and noise in the validated training data affects the performance of an HMM applied to the ENCODE transcriptional and ChIP-chip experiments. In particular, we show that the HMM framework is able to efficiently process tiling array data as well as or better than previous approaches. For the idealized sampling strategies, we show how we can assess their performance in a simulation framework and how a maximum entropy approach, which samples sub-regions with very different signal intensities, gives the maximally performing gold-standard. This latter result has strong implications for the optimum way medium-scale validation experiments should be carried out to verify the results of the genome-scale tiling array experiments.}, Doi = {10.1093/bioinformatics/btl515}, File = {BIO\\Du06SupervisedHiddenMarkov.pdf:BIO\\Du06SupervisedHiddenMarkov.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {Artificial Intelligence; Biology; Chromosome Mapping; Databases, Genetic; Gene Expression Profiling; Information Storage and Retrieval; Markov Chains; Oligonucleotide Array Sequence Analysis; Pattern Recognition, Automated; Sequence Analysis, DNA; Transcription Factors; Transcription, Genetic}, Owner = {BaldaZen}, Pii = {btl515}, Pmid = {17038339}, Timestamp = {2007.02.07}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btl515} } @InBook{Duadi2011, Title = {Source: Holography, Research and Technologies}, Author = {Duadi, H. and Margalit, O. and Mico, V. and Rodrigo, J.A. and Alieva, T. and Garcia, J. and Zalevsky, Z.}, Chapter = {Digital holography and phase retrieval}, Editor = {Rosen, J.}, Publisher = {InTech}, Year = {2011}, Owner = {baldassarre}, Timestamp = {2012.09.27} } @Article{Duarte2012, Title = {Kronecker compressive sensing}, Author = {Duarte, M.F. and Baraniuk, R.G.}, Journal = {IEEE Trans. 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Theory}, Year = {2009}, Month = {Dec.}, Number = {12}, Pages = {5758-5772}, Volume = {55}, Doi = {10.1109/TIT.2009.2032726}, ISSN = {0018-9448}, Keywords = {Gaussian processes;matrix algebra;maximum likelihood estimation;signal detection;Gaussian measurement matrices;Lasso;asymptotically reliable detection;k-sparse vector;maximum correlation;maximum-likelihood estimation;orthogonal matching pursuit;random noisy measurement;signal detection;signal-to-noise ratio;sparsity pattern recovery;thresholding algorithm;Additive noise;Matching pursuit algorithms;Maximum likelihood detection;Maximum likelihood estimation;Noise level;Noise measurement;Signal processing;Sparse matrices;Sufficient conditions;Vectors;Compressed sensing;Lasso;convex optimization;maximum-likelihood (ML) estimation;orthogonal matching pursuit (OMP);random matrices;random projections;sparse approximation;subset selection;thresholding}, Owner = {jmscarlett} } @TechReport{Fletcher2005a, Title = {A new low rank quasi-{N}ewton update scheme for nonlinear programming}, Author = {R. 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Real-valued messages are exchanged between data points until a high-quality set of exemplars and corresponding clusters gradually emerges. We used affinity propagation to cluster images of faces, detect genes in microarray data, identify representative sentences in this manuscript, and identify cities that are efficiently accessed by airline travel. Affinity propagation found clusters with much lower error than other methods, and it did so in less than one-hundredth the amount of time.}, Doi = {10.1126/science.1136800}, File = {Frey07Clustering.pdf:Statistical Learning/Frey07Clustering.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {luca}, Pii = {1136800}, Pmid = {17218491}, Timestamp = {2007.02.21}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1126/science.1136800} } @Article{Friedlander1995, Title = {A new method for large-scale box constrained convex quadratic minimization problems}, Author = {Friedlander, A. and Mart{\i}nez, JM and Raydan, M.}, Journal = {Opt. 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Opt.zation}, Year = {2010}, Volume = {(under revision)}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2012.04.09} } @Article{Goldstein2012a, Title = {Fast alternating direction optimization methods}, Author = {Goldstein, T. and ôDonoghue, B. and Setzer, S.}, Journal = {CAM report}, Year = {2012}, Pages = {12--35}, Owner = {jmscarlett}, Timestamp = {2014.11.25} } @Article{Goldstein2013, Title = {Adaptive {P}rimal-{D}ual {H}ybrid {G}radient {M}ethods for {S}addle {P}oint {P}roblems}, Author = {T. Goldstein and E. Esser and R. Baraniuk}, Journal = {Tech. Report.}, Year = {2013}, Pages = {1--26}, Volume = {http://arxiv.org/pdf/1305.0546v1.pdf}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2014.05.20} } @Article{Goldstein2012, Title = {{F}ast {A}lternating {D}irection {O}ptimization {M}ethods}, Author = {T. Goldstein and B. ODonoghue and S. Setzer}, Journal = {SIAM J. Imaging Sci.}, Year = {2012}, Number = {3}, Pages = {1588--1623}, Volume = {7}, Address = {Los Angeles, USA}, Institution = {Department of Mathematics, University of California}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2012.06.29}, Type = {Tech. Report.} } @Article{Goldstein2009, Title = {The split {B}regman method for $l_1$-pegularized problems}, Author = {T. Goldstein and S. Osher}, Journal = {SIAM J. Imaging Sciences}, Year = {2009}, Number = {2}, Pages = {323--343}, Volume = {2}, File = {:Papers/Goldstein2009.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2012.11.23} } @InProceedings{Golovin2010, Title = {Near-optimal {B}ayesian active learning with noisy observations}, Author = {Golovin, Daniel and Krause, Andreas and Ray, Debajyoti}, Booktitle = {Adv. Neur. Inf. Proc. Sys. (NIPS)}, Year = {2010}, Owner = {yhli}, Timestamp = {2014.05.14} } @Book{Golub1996, Title = {{M}atrix {C}omputations}, Author = {Golub, G.H. and Loan, {C.F. van}}, Publisher = {Johns Hopkins University Press}, Year = {1996}, Address = {Baltimore}, Edition = {3rd}, Keywords = {computation}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @Article{Golub1979, Title = {Generalized cross-validation as a method for choosing a good ridge parameter}, Author = {Golub, Gene H. and Heath, Michael and Wahba, Grace}, Journal = {Technometrics}, Year = {1979}, Month = may, Number = {2}, Pages = {215--223}, Volume = {21}, Owner = {yhli}, Timestamp = {2014.07.09} } @Book{Golub2012, Title = {Matrix computations}, Author = {Golub, Gene H and Van Loan, Charles F}, Publisher = {JHU Press}, Year = {2012}, Volume = {3}, Owner = {jmscarlett}, Timestamp = {2014.11.25} } @Book{Golub1996a, Title = {Matrix Computations (Johns Hopkins Studies in Mathematical Sciences)}, Author = {Golub, Gene H. and Van Loan, Charles F. }, Publisher = {{The Johns Hopkins University Press}}, Year = {1996}, Month = {October}, Abstract = {{

Revised and updated, the third edition of Golub and Van Loan's classic text in computer science provides essential information about the mathematical background and algorithmic skills required for the production of numerical software. This new edition includes thoroughly revised chapters on matrix multiplication problems and parallel matrix computations, expanded treatment of CS decomposition, an updated overview of floating point arithmetic, a more accurate rendition of the modified Gram-Schmidt process, and new material devoted to GMRES, QMR, and other methods designed to handle the sparse unsymmetric linear system problem.

}}, Citeulike-article-id = {252315}, HowPublished = {Paperback}, ISBN = {0801854148}, Keywords = {compsci, cs, linearalgebra, math, mathematics, matrix}, Owner = {baldazen}, Posted-at = {2008-08-01 17:09:15}, Priority = {2}, Timestamp = {2008.09.24}, Url = {http://www.amazon.ca/exec/obidos/redirect?tag=citeulike09-20\&path=ASIN/0801854148} } @Article{Golub1999, Title = {Molecular classification of cancer: class discovery and class prediction by gene expression monitoring.}, Author = {T. R. Golub and D. K. Slonim and P. Tamayo and C. Huard and M. Gaasenbeek and J. P. Mesirov and H. Coller and M. L. Loh and J. R. Downing and M. A. Caligiuri and C. D. Bloomfield and E. S. Lander}, Journal = {Science}, Year = {1999}, Month = {Oct}, Number = {5439}, Pages = {531--537}, Volume = {286}, Abstract = {Although cancer classification has improved over the past 30 years, there has been no general approach for identifying new cancer classes (class discovery) or for assigning tumors to known classes (class prediction). Here, a generic approach to cancer classification based on gene expression monitoring by DNA microarrays is described and applied to human acute leukemias as a test case. A class discovery procedure automatically discovered the distinction between acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) without previous knowledge of these classes. An automatically derived class predictor was able to determine the class of new leukemia cases. The results demonstrate the feasibility of cancer classification based solely on gene expression monitoring and suggest a general strategy for discovering and predicting cancer classes for other types of cancer, independent of previous biological knowledge.}, File = {golub99molecular.pdf:BIO/golub99molecular.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {Acute Disease; Antineoplastic Combined Chemotherapy Protocols; Cell Adhesion; Cell Cycle; Gene Expression Profiling; Homeodomain Proteins; Humans; Leukemia, Lymphocytic, Acute; Leukemia, Myeloid; Neoplasm Proteins; Neoplasms; Oligonucleotide Array Sequence Analysis; Oncogenes; Predictive Value of Tests; Reproducibility of Results; Treatment Outcome}, Owner = {luca}, Pii = {7911}, Pmid = {10521349}, Timestamp = {2007.01.25} } @Article{Gondzio2010, Title = {Matrix-free interior point method}, Author = {Gondzio, J.}, Journal = {Comp. Opt. Apps.}, Year = {2010}, Note = {10.1007/s10589-010-9361-3}, Pages = {1-24}, Affiliation = {School of Mathematics and Maxwell Institute for Mathematical Sciences, The University of Edinburgh, Mayfield Road, Edinburgh, EH9 3JZ UK}, File = {Gondzio2010.pdf:Gondzio2010.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0926-6003}, Keyword = {Computer Science}, Owner = {quoctd}, Publisher = {Springer Netherlands}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10589-010-9361-3} } @InBook{Gondzio2006, Title = {Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics PPAM 2005}, Author = {J. Gondzio and A. Grothey}, Chapter = {{D}irect {S}olution of {L}inear {S}ystems of {S}ize $109$ {A}rising in {O}ptimization with {I}nterior {P}oint {M}ethods}, Editor = {R. Wyrzykowski and J. Dongarra and N. Meyer and J. Wasniewski.}, Pages = {513--525}, Publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, Year = {2006}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2014.06.21} } @InProceedings{Gong2013, Title = {A General Iterative Shrinkage and Thresholding Algorithm for Non-convex Regularized Optimization Problems}, Author = {Gong, Pinghua and Zhang, Changshui and Lu, Zhaosong and Huang, Jianhua and Ye, Jieping}, Booktitle = {Proc. Int. Conf. Mach. Learn. (ICML)}, Year = {2013}, Pages = {37--45}, File = {gong2013general.pdf:gong2013general.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {jmscarlett}, Timestamp = {2014.11.25} } @Article{Gonzag1992, Title = {Path-following methods for linear programming}, Author = {C. Gonzaga}, Journal = {SIAM Rev.}, Year = {1992}, Number = {2}, Pages = {167--224}, Volume = {34}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2014.06.21} } @Article{Gonzaga2013, Title = {Fine tuning {N}esterov’s steepest descent algorithm for differentiable convex programming}, Author = {C.C. Gonzaga and E.W. Karas}, Journal = {Math. Program.}, Year = {2013}, Pages = {1--26}, Volume = {xx}, File = {:Papers/Gonzaga2013.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.01.14} } @InProceedings{Gordon1988, Title = {On {M}ilman's inequality and random subspaces which escape through a mesh in {$\mathbb{R}^n$}}, Author = {Gordon, Y.}, Booktitle = {Geometric Aspects of Functional Analysis: {I}srael Seminar ({GAFA}) 1986--87}, Year = {1988}, Address = {Berlin}, Editor = {Lindenstrauss, Joram and Milman, Vitali D.}, Publisher = {Springer-Verl.}, Owner = {yhli}, Timestamp = {2014.02.11} } @Article{Gorissen2012, Title = {Approximating the Pareto set of multiobjective linear programs via robust optimization}, Author = {B.L. Gorissen and D. Den Hertog}, Journal = {Oper. Res. Lett.}, Year = {2012}, Number = {5}, Pages = {319--324}, Volume = {40}, File = {:Papers/Gorissen2012.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2012.10.22} } @Article{Gorski2007, Title = {Biconvex sets and optimization with biconvex functions: a survey and extensions}, Author = {Gorski, J. and Pfeuffer, F. and Klamroth, K.}, Journal = {Math. Methods Oper. Res.}, Year = {2007}, Number = {3}, Pages = {373--407}, Volume = {66}, File = {gorski2007biconvex.pdf:Statistical Learning\\gorski2007biconvex.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {jmscarlett}, Publisher = {Springer}, Timestamp = {2014.11.25} } @Article{Gould2010, Title = {A Second Derivative SQP Method: Local Convergence and Practical Issues}, Author = {Gould, N. and Robinson, D.}, Journal = {SIAM J. Opt.}, Year = {2010}, Number = {4}, Pages = {2049-2079}, Volume = {20}, Doi = {10.1137/080744554}, Eprint = {http://epubs.siam.org/doi/pdf/10.1137/080744554}, File = {Gould2010.pdf:Gould2010.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23}, Url = {http://epubs.siam.org/doi/abs/10.1137/080744554} } @Article{Goy2012, Title = {Digital confocal microscope}, Author = {Goy, A. and Psaltis, D.}, Journal = {Opt. Exp}, Year = {2012}, Number = {20}, Pages = {22720}, Volume = {20}, Owner = {jmscarlett}, Timestamp = {2014.11.25} } @Book{Grama2003, Title = {{I}ntroduction to {P}arallel {C}omputing}, Author = {A. Grama and G. Karypis and V. Kumar and A. Gupta}, Publisher = {Addison--Wesley}, Year = {2003}, Edition = {2}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2012.10.11} } @InProceedings{Gramfort2009, Title = {Improving M/EEG source localizationwith an inter-condition sparse prior}, Author = {Gramfort, A. and Kowalski, M.}, Booktitle = {IEEE Int. Symp. Biomed. Imaging}, Year = {2009}, Owner = {jmscarlett}, Timestamp = {2014.11.25} } @Article{Granek2005, Title = {Explicit equilibrium modeling of transcription-factor binding and gene regulation.}, Author = {Joshua A Granek and Neil D Clarke}, Journal = {Genome Bio.}, Year = {2005}, Number = {10}, Pages = {R87}, Volume = {6}, Abstract = {We have developed a computational model that predicts the probability of transcription factor binding to any site in the genome. GOMER (generalizable occupancy model of expression regulation) calculates binding probabilities on the basis of position weight matrices, and incorporates the effects of cooperativity and competition by explicit calculation of coupled binding equilibria. GOMER can be used to test hypotheses regarding gene regulation that build upon this physically principled prediction of protein-DNA binding.}, Doi = {10.1186/gb-2005-6-10-r87}, File = {Granek05Equilibrium Modelling of TF.pdf:BIO/Granek05Equilibrium Modelling of TF.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {Binding, Competitive; Chromatin Immunoprecipitation; DNA-Binding Proteins; Forkhead Transcription Factors; Gene Expression Regulation; Genes, cdc; Models, Genetic; Nuclear Proteins; Oligonucleotide Array Sequence Analysis; Promoter Regions (Genetics); Protein Binding; Saccharomyces cerevisiae Proteins; Transcription Factors}, Owner = {luca}, Pii = {gb-2005-6-10-r87}, Pmid = {16207358}, Timestamp = {2007.01.25}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/gb-2005-6-10-r87} } @InCollection{Grant2007, Title = {Graph Implementations for Nonsmooth Convex Programs}, Author = {M. Grant and S. Boyd}, Booktitle = {Recent Advances in Learning and Control}, Publisher = {Springer}, Year = {2007}, Editor = {V. Blondel and S. Boyd and H. Kimura}, Pages = {95--110}, Series = {Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences}, File = {:Papers/Grant2007.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2012.10.26} } @InCollection{Grant2006, Title = {Disciplined Convex Programming}, Author = {M. Grant and S. Boyd and Y. Ye}, Booktitle = {Global Optimization: From Theory to Implementation}, Publisher = {Springer}, Year = {2006}, Editor = {L. Liberti and N. Maculan}, Pages = {155--210}, Series = {Nonconvex Optimization and its Applications}, File = {:Papers/Grant2006.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2012.10.26} } @Misc{Gray2012, Title = {Parameters for a {J}aguar {X-T}ype}, Author = {A. Gray and M. Zanon and J. Frasch}, HowPublished = {\url{http://www.mathopt.de/RESEARCH/obstacleAvoidance.php}}, Year = {2012}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23}, Url = {http://www.mathopt.de/RESEARCH/obstacleAvoidance.php} } @Article{Greenbaum2002, Title = {Analysis of mRNA expression and protein abundance data: an approach for the comparison of the enrichment of features in the cellular population of proteins and transcripts.}, Author = {Dov Greenbaum and Ronald Jansen and Mark Gerstein}, Journal = {Bioinformatics}, Year = {2002}, Month = {Apr}, Number = {4}, Pages = {585--596}, Volume = {18}, Abstract = {MOTIVATION: Protein abundance is related to mRNA expression through many different cellular processes. Up to now, there have been conflicting results on how correlated the levels of these two quantities are. Given that expression and abundance data are significantly more complex and noisy than the underlying genomic sequence information, it is reasonable to simplify and average them in terms of broad proteomic categories and features (e.g. functions or secondary structures), for understanding their relationship. Furthermore, it will be essential to integrate, within a common framework, the results of many varied experiments by different investigators. This will allow one to survey the characteristics of highly expressed genes and proteins. RESULTS: To this end, we outline a formalism for merging and scaling many different gene expression and protein abundance data sets into a comprehensive reference set, and we develop an approach for analyzing this in terms of broad categories, such as composition, function, structure and localization. As the various experiments are not always done using the same set of genes, sampling bias becomes a central issue, and our formalism is designed to explicitly show this and correct for it. We apply our formalism to the currently available gene expression and protein abundance data for yeast. Overall, we found substantial agreement between gene expression and protein abundance, in terms of the enrichment of structural and functional categories. This agreement, which was considerably greater than the simple correlation between these quantities for individual genes, reflects the way broad categories collect many individual measurements into simple, robust averages. In particular, we found that in comparison to the population of genes in the yeast genome, the cellular populations of transcripts and proteins (weighted by their respective abundances, the transcriptome and what we dub the translatome) were both enriched in: (i) the small amino acids Val, Gly, and Ala; (ii) low molecular weight proteins; (iii) helices and sheets relative to coils; (iv) cytoplasmic proteins relative to nuclear ones; and (v) proteins involved in 'protein synthesis,' 'cell structure,' and 'energy production.' SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: http://genecensus.org/expression/translatome}, File = {Greenbaum02mRNAanalysis.pdf:BIO/Greenbaum02mRNAanalysis.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {Algorithms; Database Management Systems; Databases, Nucleic Acid; Databases, Protein; Gene Expression; Gene Expression Profiling; Genome; Information Storage and Retrieval; Open Reading Frames; Proteins; Reference Values; Sensitivity and Specificity; Transcription, Genetic; Yeasts}, Owner = {luca}, Pmid = {12016056}, Timestamp = {2007.02.15} } @Article{Gribonval2012, Title = {Compressible distributions for high-dimensional statistics}, Author = {Gribonval, R\'{e}mi and Cevher, Volkan and Davies, Mike E.}, Journal = {IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory}, Year = {2012}, Number = {8}, Pages = {5016--5034}, Volume = {58}, Owner = {yhli}, Timestamp = {2014.06.18} } @Article{Griesse2004, Title = {{E}valuating {G}radients in {O}ptimal {C}ontrol - {C}ontinuous {A}djoints versus {A}utomatic {D}ifferentiation}, Author = {R. Griesse and A. Walther}, Journal = {J. Opt. Theory and Apps.}, Year = {2004}, Number = {1}, Pages = {63--86}, Volume = {122}, Keywords = {optimal control automatic differentiation}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @Book{Griewank2000, Title = {{E}valuating {D}erivatives, {P}rinciples and {T}echniques of {A}lgorithmic {D}ifferentiation}, Author = {A. Griewank}, Publisher = {{SIAM}}, Year = {2000}, Address = {Philadelphia}, Number = {19}, Series = {Frontiers in Appl. Math.}, Keywords = {automatic differentiation}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @Book{Griewank2000a, Title = {{E}valuating {D}erivatives}, Author = {Griewank, A.}, Publisher = {{SIAM}}, Year = {2000}, Address = {Philadelphia}, Series = {Frontiers in applied mathematics}, Keywords = {automatic differentiation}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @TechReport{Griewank1999, Title = {{ADOL-C}: {A} {P}ackage for the {A}utomatic {D}ifferentiation of {A}lgorithms {W}ritten in {C/C++}}, Author = {A. Griewank and D. Juedes and H. Mitev and J. Utke and O. Vogel and A. Walther}, Institution = {Technical University of Dresden, Institute of Scientific Computing and Institute of Geometry}, Year = {1999}, Note = {Updated version of the paper published in {\it {ACM} Trans. Math. Software} 22, 1996, 131--167}, Ad_tools = {ADOL-C}, Key = {Griewank1999AAP}, Keywords = {automatic differentiation}, Owner = {quoctd}, Referred = {[Vogel2001AGT].}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @Article{Griewank2002, Title = {{O}n {C}onstrained {O}ptimization by {A}djoint based quasi-{N}ewton {M}ethods}, Author = {A. Griewank and A. Walther}, Journal = {Opt. Methods and Softw.}, Year = {2002}, Pages = {869 -- 889}, Volume = {17}, Keywords = {automatic differentiation}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @Article{Grigorieff1983, Title = {{S}tability of {M}ultistep-{M}ethods on {V}ariable {G}rids}, Author = {Grigorieff, R.D.}, Journal = {Numerische {M}athematik}, Year = {1983}, Pages = {359--377}, Volume = {42}, Keywords = {ODE DAE}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @Article{Grigorieff1991, Title = {A note on von Neumann?s trace inequality}, Author = {Grigorieff, Rolf Dieter}, Journal = {Math. Nachr}, Year = {1991}, Pages = {327--328}, Volume = {151}, Owner = {jmscarlett}, Timestamp = {2014.11.25} } @InProceedings{Grimm2003, Title = {{E}xamples when {M}odel {P}redictive {C}ontrol is {N}onrobust}, Author = {Grimm, G. and Messina, M.J. and Teel, A.R. and Tuna, S.}, Booktitle = {Proc. Amer. Control Conf.}, Year = {2003}, Keywords = {robust NMPC optimal control}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @Unpublished{Grimm2003a, Title = {{M}odel {P}redictive {C}ontrol: for want of a local control {L}yapunov function, all is not lost}, Author = {Grimm, G. and Messina, M.J. and Teel, A.R. and Tuna, S.}, Note = {submitted}, Year = {2003}, Keywords = {robust NMPC optimal control}, Mlanguage = {E}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @Book{Groetsch1984, Title = {The theory of Tikhonov regularization for Fredholm equations of the first kind}, Author = {Groetsch, C. W.}, Publisher = {Pitman (Advanced Publishing Program)}, Year = {1984}, Address = {Boston, MA}, Series = {Research Notes in Mathematics}, Volume = {105}, ISBN = {0-273-08642-1}, Owner = {jmscarlett}, Pages = {iv+104}, Timestamp = {2014.11.25} } @Article{Grosenick2011, Title = {A family of interpretable multivariate models for regression and classification of whole-brain fMRI data}, Author = {Grosenick, L. and Klingenberg, B. and Knutson, B. and Taylor, J.~E.}, Journal = {ArXiv e-prints}, Year = {2011}, Month = oct, Adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}, Adsurl = {http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2011arXiv1110.4139G}, Archiveprefix = {arXiv}, Eprint = {1110.4139}, File = {grosenick2011family.pdf:NEURO\\grosenick2011family.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {Statistics - Applications}, Owner = {jmscarlett}, Primaryclass = {stat.AP}, Timestamp = {2014.11.25} } @Article{Gross2011, Title = {Recovering low-rank matrices from few coefficients in any basis}, Author = {Gross, David}, Journal = {IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory}, Year = {2011}, Month = mar, Number = {3}, Pages = {1548--1566}, Volume = {57}, Owner = {yhli}, Timestamp = {2014.06.10} } @Article{Grossmann2002, Title = {{R}eview of {N}onlinear {M}ixed-{I}nteger and {D}isjunctive {P}rogramming {T}echniques}, Author = {Grossmann, I.E.}, Journal = {Optimization and Engineering}, Year = {2002}, Pages = {227--252}, Volume = {3}, File = {Grossmann2002.pdf:Grossmann2002.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {MINLP optimization}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @Article{Grossmann1983, Title = {{O}ptimization {S}trategies for {F}lexible {C}hemical {P}rocesses.}, Author = {I.E. Grossmann and K.P. Halemane and R.E. Swaney}, Journal = {Comp. Chem. Eng.}, Year = {1983}, Pages = {439--462}, Volume = {7}, Keywords = {optimal control chemistry}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @Article{Grossmann1978, Title = {{O}ptimum design of chemical plants with uncertain parameters}, Author = {Grossmann, I.E. and Sargent, R.W.H.}, Journal = {{AIChE} Journal}, Year = {1978}, Pages = {1021--1028}, Volume = {24}, Keywords = {optimization chemistry robust}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @InProceedings{Grunewalder2012, Title = {Modelling transition dynamics in mdps with rkhs embeddings}, Author = {Grunewalder, S. and Lever, G. and Baldassarre, L. and Pontil, M. and Gretton, A.}, Booktitle = {Proc. Int. Conf. Mach. Learn. (ICML)}, Year = {2012}, File = {grunewalder2012modelling.pdf:grunewalder2012modelling.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {jmscarlett}, Timestamp = {2014.11.25} } @Article{Gu1996, Title = {Efficient algorithms for computing a strong rank-revealing QR factorization}, Author = {Gu, Ming and Eisenstat, Stanley C}, Journal = {SIAM J. Sci. Comp.}, Year = {1996}, Number = {4}, Pages = {848--869}, Volume = {17}, Owner = {jmscarlett}, Publisher = {SIAM}, Timestamp = {2014.11.25} } @Book{Guddat1990, Title = {{P}arametric {O}ptimization: {S}ingularities, {P}athfollowing and {J}umps}, Author = {J. Guddat and F. Guerra Vasquez and H.T. Jongen}, Publisher = {Teubner}, Year = {1990}, Address = {Stuttgart}, Keywords = {optimization}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @Article{Guermeur2007, Title = {VC Theory of Large Margin Multi-Category Classifiers}, Author = {Guermeur, Yann}, Journal = {J. Mach. Learn. Res.}, Year = {2007}, Pages = {2551-2594}, Volume = {8}, File = {guermeur07vctheory.pdf:Statistical Learning/Multiclass/guermeur07vctheory.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {baldazen}, Timestamp = {2008.06.09} } @Article{GuerraVazquez2008, Title = {{G}eneralized semi-infinite programming: {A} tutorial}, Author = {Guerra V\'{a}zquez,, F. and R\"{u}ckmann,, J. -J. and Stein,, O. and Still,, G.}, Journal = {J. Comp. App. Math.}, Year = {2008}, Number = {2}, Pages = {394--419}, Volume = {217}, Address = {Amsterdam, The Netherlands, The Netherlands}, Doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cam.2007.02.012}, ISSN = {0377-0427}, Owner = {quoctd}, Publisher = {Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @InProceedings{Guh2000, Title = {{N}ested {G}raph {D}issection and {A}pproximation {A}lgorithms}, Author = {S. Guha}, Booktitle = {IEEE Symp. Found. Comp. 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It is common to adopt resampling methods to tune and evaluate marker-based diagnostic and prognostic systems in order to prevent selection bias. Such caution promotes honest estimation of class prediction, but leads to alternative sets of solutions. In microarray studies, the difference in lists may be bewildering, also due to the presence of modules of functionally related genes. Methods for assessing stability understand the dependency of the markers on the data or on the predictor's type and help selecting solutions. RESULTS: A computational framework for comparing sets of ranked biomarker lists is presented. Notions and algorithms are based on concepts from permutation group theory. We introduce several algebraic indicators and metric methods for symmetric groups, including the Canberra distance, a weighted version of Spearman's footrule. We also consider distances between partial lists and an aggregation of sets of lists into an optimal list based on voting theory (Borda count). The stability indicators are applied in practical situations to several synthetic, cancer microarray and proteomics datasets. The addressed issues are predictive classification, presence of modules, comparison of alternative biomarker lists, outlier removal, control of selection bias by randomization techniques and enrichment analysis. AVAILABILITY: Supplementary Material and software are available at the address http://biodcv.fbk.eu/listspy.html}, Doi = {10.1093/bioinformatics/btm550}, File = {jurman08algebraic.pdf:BIO/jurman08algebraic.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {Algorithms; Data Interpretation, Statistical; Gene Expression Profiling; Humans; Neoplasm Proteins; Neoplasms; Oligonucleotide Array Sequence Analysis; Reproducibility of Results; Sensitivity and Specificity; Tumor Markers, Biological}, Owner = {baldazen}, Pii = {btm550}, Pmid = {18024475}, Timestamp = {2008.02.27}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btm550} } @PhdThesis{Koerkel2002, Title = {{N}umerische {M}ethoden f\"ur {O}ptimale {V}ersuchsplanungsprobleme bei nichtlinearen {DAE}-{M}odellen}, Author = {K\"orkel, S.}, School = {Universit\"at {H}eidelberg}, Year = {2002}, Address = {Heidelberg}, File = {Koerkel2002.pdf:Koerkel2002.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {agbock experimental design DAE}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23}, Url = {http://www.koerkel.de} } @InProceedings{Koerkel2004a, Title = {{N}umerical {M}ethods for {N}onlinear {E}xperimental {D}esign}, Author = {S. 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Theory and Apps.}, Year = {1988}, Number = {2}, Pages = {265--293}, Volume = {57}, File = {Keerthi1988.pdf:Keerthi1988.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {optimal control NMPC}, Mlanguage = {D}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @InProceedings{Kefayati2013, Title = {Semi-Spatio Temporal fMRI Brain Decoding}, Author = {Kefayati, Mohammad Hadi and Sheikhzadeh, Hamid and Rabiee, Hamid R and Soltani-Farani, Ali}, Booktitle = {Int. Workshop Pattern Recog. Neuroimaging}, Year = {2013}, File = {kefayati2013semispationtemporal.pdf:NEURO/kefayati2013semispationtemporal.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {baldassarre}, Timestamp = {2013.09.05} } @Article{Keiper1991, Title = {{T}he analysis of generalized backwards difference formula methods applied to {H}essenberg form differential-algebraic equations}, Author = {Keiper, J.B. and Gear, C.W.}, Journal = {{SIAM} Journal on Numeric al Analysis}, Year = {1991}, Number = {3}, Pages = {833--858}, Volume = {28}, Keywords = {DAE}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @Article{Kekatos2013, Title = {Distributed robust power system state estimation}, Author = {Kekatos, Vassilis and Giannakis, Geogios B.}, Journal = {IEEE Trans. Power Syst.}, Year = {2013}, Month = may, Number = {2}, Pages = {1617--1626}, Volume = {28}, Owner = {yhli}, Timestamp = {2014.11.06} } @InProceedings{Kellett2002, Title = {{O}n {R}obustness of {S}tability and {L}yapunov {F}unctions for {D}iscontinuous {D}ifference {E}quations}, Author = {Kellett, C.M. and Teel, A.R.}, Booktitle = cdc42, Year = {2002}, Address = {Las Vegas, USA}, Pages = {4282--4287}, Keywords = {robust optimal control}, Mlanguage = {E}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @InProceedings{Kelner2014, Title = {An almost-linear-time algorithm for approximate max flow in undirected graphs, and its multicommodity generalizations}, Author = {Kelner, Jonathan A. and Lee, Yin Tat and Orecchia, Lorenzo and Sidford, Aaron}, Booktitle = {Proc. ACM-SIAM Symp. Discrete Algorithms}, Year = {2014}, Pages = {217--226}, Owner = {yhli}, Timestamp = {2014.02.26} } @Book{Kendall1957, Title = {A Course in Multivariate Analysis}, Author = {Kendall, M.}, Publisher = {Griffin}, Year = {1957}, Address = {London}, Owner = {baldazen}, Timestamp = {2008.06.27} } @Article{Kerrigan2004, Title = {{F}eedback min-max model predictive control using a single linear program: {R}obust stability and the explicit solution}, Author = {E.C. Kerrigan and J.M. Maciejowski}, Journal = {Int. J. Robust and Nonlinear Control}, Year = {2004}, Pages = {395--413}, Volume = {14}, Keywords = {robust optimal control NMPC}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @InProceedings{Kerrigan2003, Title = {{R}obustly stable feedback min-max model predictive control}, Author = {E.C. Kerrigan and J.M. Maciejowski}, Booktitle = {Proc. Amer. Control Conf.}, Year = {2003}, Address = {Denver, Colorado, USA}, Month = {June}, Keywords = {robust optimal control NMPC}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @TechReport{Kerrigan2002, Title = {{F}eedback min-max model predictive control using a single linear program: {R}obust stability and the explicit solution}, Author = {E.C. Kerrigan and J.M. Maciejowski}, Institution = {Cambridge University Engineering Department}, Year = {2002}, Month = {October}, Number = {440}, Key = {CUED/F-INFENG}, Keywords = {robust optimal control NMPC}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @Book{Khalil1996, Title = {{N}onlinear {S}ystems}, Author = {Khalil, H.K.}, Publisher = {Prentice Hall}, Year = {1996}, Address = {Upper Saddle River, NJ}, Edition = {Second}, Date = {26.11.1997}, Keywords = {optimal control}, Owner = {quoctd}, Signature = {eric}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @Article{Khuller1999, Title = {The budgeted maximum coverage problem}, Author = {Khuller, Samir and Moss, Anna and Naor, Joseph Seffi}, Journal = {Information Processing Letters}, Year = {1999}, Number = {1}, Pages = {39--45}, Volume = {70}, File = {khuller1999budgeted.pdf:khuller1999budgeted.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {jmscarlett}, Publisher = {Elsevier}, Timestamp = {2014.11.25} } @Article{Kienle2000, Title = {{L}ow-order dynamic models for ideal multicomponent distillation processes using nonlinear wave propagation theory}, Author = {Kienle, A.}, Journal = {Chem. Eng. Sci.}, Year = {2000}, Pages = {1817--1828}, Volume = {55}, Keywords = {chemistry model reduction}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @Article{Kim2008, Title = {Clustering of change patterns using Fourier coefficients.}, Author = {Jaehee Kim and Haseong Kim}, Journal = {Bioinformatics}, Year = {2008}, Month = {Jan}, Number = {2}, Pages = {184--191}, Volume = {24}, Abstract = {MOTIVATION: To understand the behavior of genes, it is important to explore how the patterns of gene expression change over a time period because biologically related gene groups can share the same change patterns. Many clustering algorithms have been proposed to group observation data. However, because of the complexity of the underlying functions there have not been many studies on grouping data based on change patterns. In this study, the problem of finding similar change patterns is induced to clustering with the derivative Fourier coefficients. The sample Fourier coefficients not only provide information about the underlying functions, but also reduce the dimension. In addition, as their limiting distribution is a multivariate normal, a model-based clustering method incorporating statistical properties would be appropriate. RESULTS: This work is aimed at discovering gene groups with similar change patterns that share similar biological properties. We developed a statistical model using derivative Fourier coefficients to identify similar change patterns of gene expression. We used a model-based method to cluster the Fourier series estimation of derivatives. The model-based method is advantageous over other methods in our proposed model because the sample Fourier coefficients asymptotically follow the multivariate normal distribution. Change patterns are automatically estimated with the Fourier representation in our model. Our model was tested in simulations and on real gene data sets. The simulation results showed that the model-based clustering method with the sample Fourier coefficients has a lower clustering error rate than K-means clustering. Even when the number of repeated time points was small, the same results were obtained. We also applied our model to cluster change patterns of yeast cell cycle microarray expression data with alpha-factor synchronization. It showed that, as the method clusters with the probability-neighboring data, the model-based clustering with our proposed model yielded biologically interpretable results. We expect that our proposed Fourier analysis with suitably chosen smoothing parameters could serve as a useful tool in classifying genes and interpreting possible biological change patterns. AVAILABILITY: The R program is available upon the request.}, Doi = {10.1093/bioinformatics/btm568}, File = {kim08clustering.pdf:BIO/Gene Expression/kim08clustering.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {Algorithms; Artificial Intelligence; Cluster Analysis; Fourier Analysis; Gene Expression Profiling; Multigene Family; Oligonucleotide Array Sequence Analysis; Pattern Recognition, Automated; Saccharomyces cerevisiae Proteins}, Owner = {baldazen}, Pii = {btm568}, Pmid = {18025003}, Timestamp = {2008.02.11}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btm568} } @Conference{Kim2010a, Title = {Fast active-set-type algorithms for $\ell_1$-regularized linear regression}, Author = {J. Kim and H. Park}, Booktitle = {Int. Conf. Art. Intel. Stats. (AISTATS)}, Year = {2010}, Address = {Sardinia, Italy}, Pages = {397--404}, Volume = {9}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.07.17} } @Article{Kim2003, Title = {Bioinformatic principles underlying the information content of transcription factor binding sites.}, Author = {Jan T Kim and Thomas Martinetz and Daniel Polani}, Journal = {J Theor Biol}, Year = {2003}, Month = {Feb}, Number = {4}, Pages = {529--544}, Volume = {220}, Abstract = {Empirically, it has been observed in several cases that the information content of transcription factor binding site sequences (R(sequence)) approximately equals the information content of binding site positions (R(frequency)). A general framework for formal models of transcription factors and binding sites is developed to address this issue. Measures for information content in transcription factor binding sites are revisited and theoretic analyses are compared on this basis. These analyses do not lead to consistent results. A comparative review reveals that these inconsistent approaches do not include a transcription factor state space. Therefore, a state space for mathematically representing transcription factors with respect to their binding site recognition properties is introduced into the modelling framework. Analysis of the resulting comprehensive model shows that the structure of genome state space favours equality of R(sequence) and R(frequency) indeed, but the relation between the two information quantities also depends on the structure of the transcription factor state space. This might lead to significant deviations between R(sequence) and R(frequency). However, further investigation and biological arguments show that the effects of the structure of the transcription factor state space on the relation of R(sequence) and R(frequency) are strongly limited for systems which are autonomous in the sense that all DNA-binding proteins operating on the genome are encoded in the genome itself. This provides a theoretical explanation for the empirically observed equality.}, File = {KiMaPo03.pdf:BIO/KiMaPo03.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {Animals; Binding Sites; Computational Biology; Computer Simulation; Genome; Models, Genetic; Mutation; Transcription Factors}, Owner = {luca}, Pii = {S0022519303931535}, Pmid = {12623284}, Timestamp = {2007.02.13} } @TechReport{Kim, Title = {A Computationally Efficient Oracle Estimator for Additive Nonparametric Regression with Bootstrap Confidence Intervalsx}, Author = {Kim, Linton, Hengartner}, File = {A Computationally Efficient Oracle Estimator for Additive Nonparametri Regression with Bootstrap .pdf:Statistical Learning/A Computationally Efficient Oracle Estimator for Additive Nonparametri Regression with Bootstrap .pdf:PDF}, Owner = {luca}, Timestamp = {2007.01.26} } @Article{Kim2002, Title = {On the projection of the efficient set and potential applications}, Author = {N.T.B. Kim and L.D. Muu}, Journal = {Optimization}, Year = {2002}, Number = {2}, Pages = {401--421}, Volume = {51}, File = {:Papers/Kim2002.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2012.10.26} } @TechReport{Kim2010, Title = {Exploiting Sparsity in Linear and Nonlinear Matrix Inequalities via Positive Semidefinite Matrix Completion}, Author = {S. Kim and M. Kojima and M. Mevissen and M. Yamashita}, Institution = {Department of Mathematical and Computing Sciences Tokyo Institute of Technology}, Year = {2010}, Type = {Tech. Report.}, File = {:Papers/Kim2010.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2012.10.26} } @InProceedings{Kim2010b, Title = {Tree-guided group lasso for multi-task regression with structured sparsity}, Author = {Kim, S. and Xing, E.}, Booktitle = {Proc. Int. Conf. Mach. Learn. (ICML)}, Year = {2010}, Pages = {543--550}, File = {kim2010tree.pdf:kim2010tree.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {jmscarlett}, Timestamp = {2014.11.25} } @Article{Kim2008a, Title = {A Minimax Theorem with Applications to Machine Learning, Signal Processing, and Finance}, Author = {S.-J. Kim and S. Boyd}, Journal = {SIAM J. Opt.}, Year = {2008}, Number = {3}, Pages = {1344--1367}, Volume = {19}, File = {:Papers/Kim2008.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2012.10.26} } @Article{Kim2009, Title = {$\ell_1$ Trend Filtering}, Author = {S.-J. Kim and K. Koh and S. Boyd and D. Gorinevsky}, Journal = {SIAM Rev.}, Year = {2009}, Number = {2}, Pages = {339--360}, Volume = {51}, File = {:Papers/Kim2009.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2012.10.26} } @Article{Kimeldorf1971, Title = {Some results on Tchebycheffian spline functions}, Author = {Kimeldorf, G. and Wahba, G.}, Journal = {J. Math. Anal. Apps.}, Year = {1971}, Number = {82-95}, Pages = {38}, Volume = {33}, File = {kimeldorf1971spline.pdf:Statistical Learning/kimeldorf1971spline.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {baldassarre}, Timestamp = {2010.01.13} } @Article{Kimura2009, Title = {Genetic network inference as a series of discrimination tasks}, Author = {Kimura, Shuhei and Nakayama, Satoshi and Hatakeyama, Mariko}, Journal = {Bioinformatics}, Year = {2009}, Month = {February}, Pages = {btp072+}, Abstract = {Motivation: Genetic network inference methods based on sets of differential equations generally require a great deal of time, as the equations must be solved many times. To reduce the computational cost, researchers have proposed other methods for inferring genetic networks by solving sets of differential equations only a few times, or even without solving them at all. When we try to obtain reasonable network models using these methods, however, we must estimate the time derivatives of the gene expression levels with great precision. In this study, we propose a new method to overcome the drawbacks of inference methods based on sets of differential equations. Results: Our method infers genetic networks by obtaining classifiers capable of predicting the signs of the derivatives of the gene expression levels. For this purpose, we defined a genetic network inference problem as a series of discrimination tasks, then solved the defined series of discrimination tasks with a linear programming machine. Our experimental results demonstrated that the proposed method is capable of correctly inferring genetic networks, and doing so more than 500 times faster than the other inference methods based on sets of differential equations. Next, we applied our method to actual expression data of the bacterial SOS DNA repair system. And finally, we demonstrated that our approach relates to the inference method based on the S-system model. Though our method provides no estimation of the kinetic parameters, it should be useful for researchers interested only in the network structure of a target system. Contact: kimura@ike.tottori-u.ac.jp Supplementary information: See Bioinformatics online. 10.1093/bioinformatics/btp072}, Citeulike-article-id = {4067960}, Doi = {10.1093/bioinformatics/btp072}, File = {:BIO/Gene Networks/kimura09genetworktask.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {bioinfomatics, gene, graph, multi-output, networks}, Owner = {baldassarre}, Posted-at = {2009-04-29 12:04:08}, Priority = {2}, Timestamp = {2009.04.29}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btp072} } @Book{King1994, Title = {{M}athematische {M}odelle mycelf\"ormig wachsender {M}i\-kro\-or\-ga\-nis\-men}, Author = {King, R.}, Publisher = {VDI-Verlag}, Year = {1994}, Address = {D\"usseldorf}, Series = {Fort\-schritt\-be\-rich\-te VDI, Reihe 17}, Volume = {103}, Keywords = {biology}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @Article{Kirby2010, Title = {From functional analysis to iterative methods}, Author = {R.C. 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Theory}, Year = {2010}, Number = {9}, Pages = {4402--4416}, Volume = {56}, File = {lee2010admira.pdf:lee2010admira.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {jmscarlett}, Publisher = {IEEE}, Timestamp = {2014.11.25} } @Article{Lee2010a, Title = {Biclustering via sparse singular value decomposition}, Author = {Lee, M. and Shen, H. and Huang, J.Z. and Marron, JS}, Journal = {Biometrics}, Year = {2010}, Number = {4}, Pages = {1087--1095}, Volume = {66}, File = {lee2010biclustering.pdf:Statistical Learning\\lee2010biclustering.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {jmscarlett}, Publisher = {Wiley Online Library}, Timestamp = {2014.11.25} } @Article{Lee2002, Title = {Transcriptional regulatory networks in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.}, Author = {Tong Ihn Lee and Nicola J Rinaldi and François Robert and Duncan T Odom and Ziv Bar-Joseph and Georg K Gerber and Nancy M Hannett and Christopher T Harbison and Craig M Thompson and Itamar Simon and Julia Zeitlinger and Ezra G Jennings and Heather L Murray and D. Benjamin Gordon and Bing Ren and John J Wyrick and Jean-Bosco Tagne and Thomas L Volkert and Ernest Fraenkel and David K Gifford and Richard A Young}, Journal = {Science}, Year = {2002}, Month = {Oct}, Number = {5594}, Pages = {799--804}, Volume = {298}, Abstract = {We have determined how most of the transcriptional regulators encoded in the eukaryote Saccharomyces cerevisiae associate with genes across the genome in living cells. Just as maps of metabolic networks describe the potential pathways that may be used by a cell to accomplish metabolic processes, this network of regulator-gene interactions describes potential pathways yeast cells can use to regulate global gene expression programs. We use this information to identify network motifs, the simplest units of network architecture, and demonstrate that an automated process can use motifs to assemble a transcriptional regulatory network structure. Our results reveal that eukaryotic cellular functions are highly connected through networks of transcriptional regulators that regulate other transcriptional regulators.}, Doi = {10.1126/science.1075090}, File = {Lee et al 2002 - Transcriptional Regulatory Networks - Supp.pdf:BIO/Lee et al 2002 - Transcriptional Regulatory Networks - Supp.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {Algorithms; Cell Cycle; Computational Biology; DNA, Fungal; Feedback, Biochemical; Gene Expression Profiling; Gene Expression Regulation, Fungal; Genes, Fungal; Genome, Fungal; Models, Genetic; Promoter Regions (Genetics); Protein Binding; Saccharomyces cerevisiae; Saccharomyces cerevisiae Proteins; Transcription Factors; Transcription, Genetic}, Owner = {luca}, Pii = {298/5594/799}, Pmid = {12399584}, Timestamp = {2007.01.25}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1126/science.1075090} } @Article{Lee1996, Title = {Efficient agnostic learning of neural networks with bounded fan-in}, Author = {Lee, Wee Sun and Bartlett, Peter L. and Williamson, Robert C.}, Journal = {IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory}, Year = {1996}, Month = nov, Number = {6}, Pages = {2118--2132}, Volume = {42}, Owner = {yhli}, Timestamp = {2014.11.05} } @TechReport{Lee2002a, Title = {Multicategory Support Vector Machines, Theory, and Application to the Classification of Microarray Data and Satellite Radiance Data}, Author = {Yoonkyung Lee}, Institution = {Department of Statistics, University of Wisconsin}, Year = {2002}, File = {Lee02Multicategory.pdf:Statistical Learning/Multiclass/Lee02Multicategory.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {luca}, Timestamp = {2007.03.12} } @Article{Lee2004, Title = {Multicategory Support Vector Machines: Theory and Application to the Classification of Microarray Data and Satellite Radiance Data.}, Author = {Lee, Y. and Lin, Y. and Wahba, G.}, Journal = {J. Amer. Stat. 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Eng.}, Year = {2003}, Pages = {167--174}, Volume = {27}, File = {:Leineweber2003a.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {agbock SQP multiple shooting optimal control}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @InCollection{Lemarechal2001, Title = {Lagrangian Relaxation}, Author = {Lemar\'{e}chal, C.}, Booktitle = {Computational Combinatorial Optimization}, Publisher = {Springer Berlin / Heidelberg}, Year = {2001}, Editor = {J\"{u}nger, Michael and Naddef, Denis}, Note = {10.1007/3-540-45586-8\_4}, Pages = {112-156}, Series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, Volume = {2241}, Affiliation = {Inria 655 avenue de l’Europe 38334 Montbonnot Saint Ismier France}, ISBN = {978-3-540-42877-0}, Keyword = {Computer Science}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/3-540-45586-8_4} } @Article{Lemarechal1997, Title = {Practical aspects of the {M}oreau-{Y}osida regularization: Theoretical preliminaries}, Author = {Lemar\'{e}chal, Claude and Sagastiz\'{a}bal, Claudia}, Journal = {SIAM J. Opt.}, Year = {1997}, Number = {2}, Pages = {367--385}, Volume = {7}, Owner = {yhli}, Timestamp = {2014.02.14} } @Article{Lemarechal1995, Title = {New variants of bundle methods}, Author = {C. Lemarechal and A Nemirovskii and Y Nesterov}, Journal = {Math. Program.}, Year = {1995}, Pages = {111-147}, Volume = {69}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2014.04.08} } @Article{Lenoir2007, Title = {Accelerating convergence of a separable augmented {L}agrangian algorithm}, Author = {A. Lenoir and P. Mahey}, Journal = {Tech. Report., LIMOS/RR-07-14}, Year = {2007}, Pages = {1--34}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2012.05.23} } @Article{Lenzen2013, Title = {A class of quasi-variational inequalities for adaptive image denoising and decomposition}, Author = {F. Lenzen and F. Becker and J. Lellmann and S. Petra and C. Schn\"{o}rr}, Journal = {Comp. Opt. Apps.}, Year = {2013}, Pages = {1--28}, Volume = {xx}, File = {:Papers/Lenzen2013.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.01.14} } @Electronic{Lewis2008, Title = {A proximal method for composite minimization}, Author = {A. S. Lewis and S. J. Wright}, Url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/0812.0423}, Year = {2008}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2012.04.07} } @InProceedings{Lewis1993, Title = {Distributed memory matrix-vector multiplication and conjugate gradient algorithms}, Author = {Lewis, J.G. and van de Geijn, R.A.}, Booktitle = {Supercomputing '93. Proceedings}, Year = {1993}, Month = {nov.}, Pages = { 484 - 492}, Doi = {10.1109/SUPERC.1993.1263496}, ISSN = {1063-9535}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @Article{Li2007, Title = {Network neighborhood analysis with the multi-node topological overlap measure.}, Author = {Ai Li and Steve Horvath}, Journal = {Bioinformatics}, Year = {2007}, Month = {Jan}, Number = {2}, Pages = {222--231}, Volume = {23}, Abstract = {MOTIVATION: The goal of neighborhood analysis is to find a set of genes (the neighborhood) that is similar to an initial 'seed' set of genes. Neighborhood analysis methods for network data are important in systems biology. If individual network connections are susceptible to noise, it can be advantageous to define neighborhoods on the basis of a robust interconnectedness measure, e.g. the topological overlap measure. Since the use of multiple nodes in the seed set may lead to more informative neighborhoods, it can be advantageous to define multi-node similarity measures. RESULTS: The pairwise topological overlap measure is generalized to multiple network nodes and subsequently used in a recursive neighborhood construction method. A local permutation scheme is used to determine the neighborhood size. Using four network applications and a simulated example, we provide empirical evidence that the resulting neighborhoods are biologically meaningful, e.g. we use neighborhood analysis to identify brain cancer related genes. AVAILABILITY: An executable Windows program and tutorial for multi-node topological overlap measure (MTOM) based analysis can be downloaded from the webpage (http://www.genetics.ucla.edu/labs/horvath/MTOM/).}, Doi = {10.1093/bioinformatics/btl581}, File = {BIO\\Li07NetworkNeighborhood.pdf:BIO\\Li07NetworkNeighborhood.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {BaldaZen}, Pii = {btl581}, Pmid = {17110366}, Timestamp = {2007.02.07}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btl581} } @Article{Li1986, Title = {Asymptotic optimality of {$C_L$} and generalized cross-validation in ridge regression with application to spline smoothing}, Author = {Li, Ker-Chau}, Journal = {Ann. Stats.}, Year = {1986}, Number = {3}, Pages = {1101--1112}, Volume = {14}, Owner = {yhli}, Timestamp = {2014.07.09} } @Article{Li1985, Title = {From {S}tein's unbiased risk estimates to the method of generalized cross validation}, Author = {Li, Ker-Chau}, Journal = {Ann. Stats.}, Year = {1985}, Number = {4}, Pages = {1352--1377}, Volume = {13}, Owner = {yhli}, Timestamp = {2014.07.04} } @Article{Li2004a, Title = {Statistical modeling of complex backgrounds for foreground object detection}, Author = {Li, Liyuan and Huang, Weimin and Gu, Irene Yu-Hua and Tian, Qi}, Journal = {IEEE Trans. Image Proc.}, Year = {2004}, Number = {11}, Pages = {1459--1472}, Volume = {13}, Owner = {jmscarlett}, Publisher = {IEEE}, Timestamp = {2014.11.25} } @Article{Li2010, Title = {An inexact interior point method for l 1-regularized sparse covariance selection}, Author = {Li, L. and Toh, K.C.}, Journal = {Math. Prog. Comp.}, Year = {2010}, Number = {3}, Pages = {291--315}, Volume = {2}, Owner = {quoctd}, Publisher = {Springer}, Timestamp = {2013.01.10} } @Article{Li1990, Title = {{N}ewton-{T}ype {C}ontrollers for {C}onstrained {N}onlinear {P}rocesses with {U}ncertainty}, Author = {W.C. Li and L.T. Biegler}, Journal = {Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.}, Year = {1990}, Pages = {1647--1657}, Volume = {29}, Keywords = {optimal control robust}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @Article{Li1989, Title = {{M}ultistep, {N}ewton-{T}ype {C}ontrol {S}trategies for {C}onstrained {N}onlinear {P}rocesses}, Author = {W.C. Li and L.T. Biegler}, Journal = {Chem. Eng. Res. Des.}, Year = {1989}, Pages = {562--577}, Volume = {67}, File = {Li1989.pdf:Li1989.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {optimal control}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @Article{Li1990a, Title = {{A} {C}onstrained {P}seudo-{N}ewton {C}ontrol {S}trategy for {N}onlinear {S}ystems}, Author = {W.C. Li and L.T. Biegler and C.G. Economou and M. Morari}, Journal = {Comp. Chem. Eng.}, Year = {1990}, Number = {451-468}, Volume = {14(4/5)}, File = {Li1990a.pdf:Li1990a.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {optimal control}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @TechReport{Li2014a, Title = {Sparsistency of $\ell_1$-regularized {$M$}-estimators}, Author = {Li, Yen-Huan and Ravikumar, Pradeep and Cevher, Volkan}, Institution = {{\'{E}}cole Polytechnique F\'{e}d\'{e}rale de Lausanne}, Year = {2014}, Note = {{EPFL-REPORT-199452}}, Owner = {yhli}, Timestamp = {2014.08.22} } @Article{Li2014b, Title = {Sparsistency of {$\ell_1$}-regularized {$M$}-estimators}, Author = {Li, Yen-Huan and Scarlett, Jonathan and Ravikumar, Pradeep and Cevher, Volkan}, Year = {2014}, Note = {arXiv:1410.7605 [math.ST]}, Owner = {yhli}, Timestamp = {2014.11.13} } @InCollection{Liang2012, Title = {Repairing sparse low-rank texture}, Author = {Liang, Xiao and Ren, Xiang and Zhang, Zhengdong and Ma, Yi}, Booktitle = {Computer Vision ECCV}, Publisher = {Springer}, Year = {2012}, Pages = {482--495}, File = {liang2012repairing.pdf:liang2012repairing.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {jmscarlett}, Timestamp = {2014.11.25} } @Article{Liao2003, Title = {Network component analysis: reconstruction of regulatory signals in biological systems.}, Author = {James C Liao and Riccardo Boscolo and Young-Lyeol Yang and Linh My Tran and Chiara Sabatti and Vwani P Roychowdhury}, Journal = {Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci.}, Year = {2003}, Month = {Dec}, Number = {26}, Pages = {15522--15527}, Volume = {100}, Abstract = {High-dimensional data sets generated by high-throughput technologies, such as DNA microarray, are often the outputs of complex networked systems driven by hidden regulatory signals. Traditional statistical methods for computing low-dimensional or hidden representations of these data sets, such as principal component analysis and independent component analysis, ignore the underlying network structures and provide decompositions based purely on a priori statistical constraints on the computed component signals. The resulting decomposition thus provides a phenomenological model for the observed data and does not necessarily contain physically or biologically meaningful signals. Here, we develop a method, called network component analysis, for uncovering hidden regulatory signals from outputs of networked systems, when only a partial knowledge of the underlying network topology is available. The a priori network structure information is first tested for compliance with a set of identifiability criteria. For networks that satisfy the criteria, the signals from the regulatory nodes and their strengths of influence on each output node can be faithfully reconstructed. This method is first validated experimentally by using the absorbance spectra of a network of various hemoglobin species. The method is then applied to microarray data generated from yeast Saccharamyces cerevisiae and the activities of various transcription factors during cell cycle are reconstructed by using recently discovered connectivity information for the underlying transcriptional regulatory networks.}, Doi = {10.1073/pnas.2136632100}, File = {Liao et al 2003.pdf:BIO/Liao et al 2003.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {Biology; Gene Expression Regulation; Hemoglobins; Image Processing, Computer-Assisted; Models, Genetic; Nerve Net; Oligonucleotide Array Sequence Analysis; Reproducibility of Results; Signal Transduction}, Owner = {luca}, Pii = {2136632100}, Pmid = {14673099}, Timestamp = {2007.01.25}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2136632100} } @Conference{Liberati, Title = {CLASSIFICAZIONE AUTOMATICA E SELEZIONE DELLE VARIABILI SALIENTI MEDIANTE ANALISI MULTIVARIATA DI DATI}, Author = {Liberati}, File = {Liberati.pdf:BIO/Liberati.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {luca}, Timestamp = {2007.01.25} } @Article{Liebman1992, Title = {{E}fficient {D}ata {R}econciliation and {E}stimation for {D}ynamic {P}rocesses {U}sing {N}onlinear {P}rogramming {T}echniques}, Author = {Liebman, M.J. and Edgar, T.F. and Lasdon, L.S.}, Journal = {Comp. Chem. Eng.}, Year = {1992}, Number = {10/11}, Pages = {963--986}, Volume = {16}, Keywords = {parameter estimation}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @Article{Lin2007, Title = {Boosting multiclass learning with repeating codes and weak detectors for protein subcellular localization.}, Author = {Chung-Chih Lin and Yuh-Show Tsai and Yu-Shi Lin and Tai-Yu Chiu and Chia-Cheng Hsiung and May-I. Lee and Jeremy C Simpson and Chun-Nan Hsu}, Journal = {Bioinformatics}, Year = {2007}, Month = {Dec}, Number = {24}, Pages = {3374--3381}, Volume = {23}, Abstract = {MOTIVATION: Determining locations of protein expression is essential to understand protein function. Advances in green fluorescence protein (GFP) fusion proteins and automated fluorescence microscopy allow for rapid acquisition of large collections of protein localization images. Recognition of these cell images requires an automated image analysis system. Approaches taken by previous work concentrated on designing a set of optimal features and then applying standard machine-learning algorithms. In fact, trends of recent advances in machine learning and computer vision can be applied to improve the performance. One trend is the advances in multiclass learning with error-correcting output codes (ECOC). Another trend is the use of a large number of weak detectors with boosting for detecting objects in images of real-world scenes. RESULTS: We take advantage of these advances to propose a new learning algorithm, AdaBoost.ERC, coupled with weak and strong detectors, to improve the performance of automatic recognition of protein subcellular locations in cell images. We prepared two image data sets of CHO and Vero cells and downloaded a HeLa cell image data set in the public domain to evaluate our new method. We show that AdaBoost.ERC outperforms other AdaBoost extensions. We demonstrate the benefit of weak detectors by showing significant performance improvements over classifiers using only strong detectors. We also empirically test our method's capability of generalizing to heterogeneous image collections. Compared with previous work, our method performs reasonably well for the HeLa cell images. AVAILABILITY: CHO and Vero cell images, their corresponding feature sets (SSLF and WSLF), our new learning algorithm, AdaBoost.ERC, and Supplementary Material are available at http://aiia.iis.sinica.edu.tw/}, Doi = {10.1093/bioinformatics/btm497}, File = {Lin07Boosting.pdf:/home/baldazen/Desktop/Scienza/VC/Lin07Boosting.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {Algorithms; Artificial Intelligence; Image Interpretation, Computer-Assisted; Microscopy, Fluorescence; Pattern Recognition, Automated; Proteins; Subcellular Fractions}, Owner = {baldazen}, Pii = {btm497}, Pmid = {17956879}, Timestamp = {2008.01.31}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btm497} } @Article{Lin2013, Title = {An Adaptive Accelerated Proximal Gradient Method and its Homotopy Continuation for Sparse Optimization}, Author = {Lin, Qihang and Xiao, Lin}, Year = {2013}, File = {lin2013adaptive.pdf:Optimization/lin2013adaptive.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {jmscarlett}, Timestamp = {2014.11.25} } @Article{Lin1992, Title = {{C}omplete {D}ecomposition {A}lgorithm for {N}onconvex {S}eparable {O}ptimization {P}roblems and {A}pplications}, Author = {S.Y. Lin}, Journal = {Automatica}, Year = {1992}, Number = {6}, Pages = {1249--1254}, Volume = {28}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.24} } @Article{Lin2010, Title = {The augmented lagrange multiplier method for exact recovery of corrupted low-rank matrices}, Author = {Lin, Zhouchen and Chen, Minming and Ma, Yi}, Journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:1009.5055}, Year = {2010}, Owner = {jmscarlett}, Timestamp = {2014.11.25} } @Article{Lin2009, Title = {{T}he {A}ugmented {L}agrange {M}ultiplier {M}ethod for {E}xact {R}ecovery of {C}orrupted {L}ow-{R}ank {M}atrices}, Author = {Z. Lin and M. Chen and L. Wu and Y. Ma}, Journal = {UIUC Technical Report UILU-ENG-09-2215}, Year = {2009}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2014.04.22} } @Article{Lin2009a, Title = {Fast convex optimization algorithms for exact recovery of a corrupted low-rank matrix}, Author = {Lin, Z. and Ganesh, A. and Wright, J. and Wu, L. and Chen, M. and Ma, Y.}, Journal = {Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP)}, Year = {2009}, Owner = {jmscarlett}, Timestamp = {2014.11.25} } @InProceedings{Lincoln2002, Title = {{S}uboptimal dynamic programming with error bounds}, Author = {B. Lincoln and A. Rantzer}, Booktitle = {Proc. Conf. Decision and Control}, Year = {2002}, Keywords = {optimal control}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @Article{Lions2001, Title = {Résolution d'EDP par un schéma en temps «pararéel »}, Author = {Jacques-Louis Lions and Yvon Maday and Gabriel Turinici}, Journal = {Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series I}, Year = {2001}, Number = {7}, Pages = {661 - 668}, Volume = {332}, Doi = {10.1016/S0764-4442(00)01793-6}, ISSN = {0764-4442}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0764444200017936} } @Article{Lions1979, Title = {Splitting algorithms for the sum of two nonlinear operators}, Author = {P. L. Lions and B. Mercier}, Journal = {SIAM J. Numer. Anal.}, Year = {1979}, Pages = {964--979}, Volume = {16}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2014.07.14} } @Book{Lipschutz1999, Title = {{L}ineare {A}lgebra. {S}chaum's {\"U}berblicke und {A}ufgaben}, Author = {S. Lipschutz}, Publisher = {McGraw-Hill Germany/Hanser Fachbuchverlag}, Year = {1999}, Address = {M\"unchen}, Edition = {2}, Note = {Enth\"alt viele sch\"one Beispiele, erkl\"art alles sch\"on ausf\"uhrlich. Auch gut zur Nacharbeitung des Stoffes in Linearer Algebra geeignet.}, Keywords = {textbook}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @Article{Liu2009, Title = {Multi-output regression on the output manifold}, Author = {Guangcan Liu and Zhouchen Lin and Yong Yu}, Journal = {Pattern Recognition}, Year = {2009}, Number = {11}, Pages = {2737 - 2743}, Volume = {42}, Doi = {DOI: 10.1016/j.patcog.2009.05.001}, File = {:Statistical Learning/Manifold/liu09multimanifold.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0031-3203}, Keywords = {Regression analysis}, Owner = {baldassarre}, Timestamp = {2009.07.15}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6V14-4W8VVYM-1/2/c5167946f20b7183b2a249ab278127cc} } @Article{Liu2013, Title = {Modified subspace {B}arzilai-{B}orwein gradient method for non-negative matrix factorization}, Author = {H. Liu and X. Li}, Journal = {Comp. Opt. Apps.}, Year = {2013}, Pages = {1--24}, Volume = {xx}, File = {:E-Books/Papers/Liu2013.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.01.14} } @InProceedings{Liu2010, Title = {An efficient algorithm for a class of fused lasso problems}, Author = {Liu, J. and Yuan, L. and Ye, J.}, Booktitle = {ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining}, Year = {2010}, File = {liu2010efficient.pdf:Statistical Learning\\SPARSITY\\liu2010efficient.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {BaldaZen}, Timestamp = {2012.02.24} } @Article{Liu2012, Title = {Ensemble sparse classification of Alzheimer's disease}, Author = {Manhua Liu and Daoqiang Zhang and Dinggang Shen}, Journal = {NeuroImage}, Year = {2012}, Number = {2}, Pages = {1106 - 1116}, Volume = {60}, Doi = {10.1016/j.neuroimage.2012.01.055}, File = {liu2012ensemble.pdf:NEURO\\liu2012ensemble.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {1053-8119}, Keywords = {AD diagnosis}, Owner = {jmscarlett}, Timestamp = {2014.11.25}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1053811912000729} } @Article{Liu2005, Title = {A tractable probabilistic model for Affymetrix probe-level analysis across multiple chips.}, Author = {Xuejun Liu and Marta Milo and Neil D Lawrence and Magnus Rattray}, Journal = {Bioinformatics}, Year = {2005}, Month = {Sep}, Number = {18}, Pages = {3637--3644}, Volume = {21}, Abstract = {MOTIVATION: Affymetrix GeneChip arrays are currently the most widely used microarray technology. Many summarization methods have been developed to provide gene expression levels from Affymetrix probe-level data. Most of the currently popular methods do not provide a measure of uncertainty for the expression level of each gene. The use of probabilistic models can overcome this limitation. A full hierarchical Bayesian approach requires the use of computationally intensive MCMC methods that are impractical for large datasets. An alternative computationally efficient probabilistic model, mgMOS, uses Gamma distributions to model specific and non-specific binding with a latent variable to capture variations in probe affinity. Although promising, the main limitations of this model are that it does not use information from multiple chips and does not account for specific binding to the mismatch (MM) probes. RESULTS: We extend mgMOS to model the binding affinity of probe-pairs across multiple chips and to capture the effect of specific binding to MM probes. The new model, multi-mgMOS, provides improved accuracy, as demonstrated on some bench-mark datasets and a real time-course dataset, and is much more computationally efficient than a competing hierarchical Bayesian approach that requires MCMC sampling. We demonstrate how the probabilistic model can be used to estimate credibility intervals for expression levels and their log-ratios between conditions. AVAILABILITY: Both mgMOS and the new model multi-mgMOS have been implemented in an R package, which is available at http://www.bioinf.man.ac.uk/resources/puma.}, Doi = {10.1093/bioinformatics/bti583}, File = {A tractable probabilistic model for Affymetrix probe-level analysis across multiple chips.pdf:BIO/A tractable probabilistic model for Affymetrix probe-level analysis across multiple chips.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {Algorithms; Animals; Bayes Theorem; Computational Biology; Computer Simulation; Gene Expression Profiling; Gene Expression Reg; Humans; Models, Genetic; Models, Statistical; Monte Carlo Method; Oligonucleotide Array Sequence Analysis; Probability; Reproducibility of Results; Sensitivity and Specificity; Software; Statistics; Time Factors; ulation}, Owner = {luca}, Pii = {bti583}, Pmid = {16020470}, Timestamp = {2007.01.25}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/bti583} } @Article{LoGerfo2008, Title = {Spectral Algorithms for Supervised Learning}, Author = {Lo Gerfo, L. and Rosasco, L. and Odone, F. and De Vito, E. and Verri A.}, Journal = {Neural Comp.}, Year = {2008}, Number = {7}, Pages = {1873--1897}, Volume = {20}, File = {LoGerfo08Spectral.pdf:Statistical Learning/LoGerfo08Spectral.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {baldazen}, Publisher = {MIT Press}, Timestamp = {2008.01.25} } @Article{Lobo1998, Title = {Applications of Second-Order Cone Programming}, Author = {M. Lobo and L. Vandenberghe and S. Boyd, and H. Lebret}, Journal = {Lin. Alg. Apps.}, Year = {1998}, Pages = {193--228}, Volume = {284}, File = {:Papers/Lobo1998.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2012.10.26} } @Book{Lockett1986, Title = {{D}istillation {T}ray fundamentals}, Author = {Lockett, M.J.}, Publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, Year = {1986}, Address = {Cambridge}, Keywords = {chemistry}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @Article{Lockhart2014, Title = {A significance test for the lasso}, Author = {Lockhart, Richard and Taylor, Jonathan and Tibshirani, Ryan J. and Tibshirani, Robert}, Journal = {Ann. Stats.}, Year = {2014}, Number = {2}, Pages = {413--468}, Volume = {42}, Owner = {yhli}, Timestamp = {2014.07.28} } @Article{Logist2012, Title = {Multi-objective optimal control of chemical processes using ACADO toolkit}, Author = {F. Logist and M. Vallerio and B. Houska and M. Diehl and J. Van Impe}, Journal = {Comp. Chem. Eng.}, Year = {2012}, Number = {0}, Pages = {191 - 199}, Volume = {37}, Doi = {10.1016/j.compchemeng.2011.11.002}, File = {logist2012.pdf:logist2012.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0098-1354}, Keywords = {Multi-objective optimisation}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0098135411003231} } @Article{Logsdon1993, Title = {{A}ccurate {D}etermination of {O}ptimal {R}eflux {P}olicies for the {M}aximum {D}istillate {P}roblem in {B}atch {D}istillation}, Author = {Logsdon, J.S. and L.T. Biegler}, Journal = {I \& {EC} {R}esearch}, Year = {1993}, Number = {32}, Pages = {692}, Volume = {4}, Keywords = {optimal control chemistry}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @Article{Logsdon1990, Title = {{O}n the {S}imultaneous {O}ptimal {D}esign and {O}peration of {B}atch {D}istillation {C}olumns}, Author = {Logsdon, J.S. and U.M. Diwekar and L.T. Biegler}, Journal = {Trans. Chem. Eng.}, Year = {1990}, Pages = {434}, Volume = {68}, Keywords = {optimal control chemistry}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @Article{Loh2013, Title = {Structure estimation for discrete graphical models: Generalized covariance matrices and their inverses}, Author = {Loh, P. and Wainwright, M. and others}, Journal = {Ann. Stats..}, Year = {2013}, Number = {6}, Pages = {3022--3049}, Volume = {41}, Owner = {jmscarlett}, Publisher = {Institute of Mathematical Statistics}, Timestamp = {2014.11.25} } @Article{Loh2013a, Title = {Regularized M-estimators with nonconvexity: Statistical and algorithmic theory for local optima}, Author = {Loh, Po-Ling and Wainwright, Martin J}, Journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:1305.2436}, Year = {2013}, File = {loh2013regularized.pdf:loh2013regularized.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {jmscarlett}, Timestamp = {2014.11.25} } @Article{Lootsma1988, Title = {State-of-the-art in parallel nonlinear optimization}, Author = {F. A. Lootsma and K. M. Ragsdell}, Journal = {Parallel Computing}, Year = {1988}, Number = {2}, Pages = {133-155}, Volume = {6}, Doi = {DOI: 10.1016/0167-8191(88)90080-4}, ISSN = {0167-8191}, Keywords = {Unconstrained optimization, distributed optimization}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6V12-4903S2K-1K/2/b1a5c45ecc9dacb1938c6be767ceca29} } @InCollection{Lops2011, Title = {Content-based Recommender Systems: State of the Art and Trends}, Author = {Pasquale Lops and Marco de Gemmis and Giovanni Semeraro}, Booktitle = {Recommender Systems Handbook}, Publisher = {Springer US}, Year = {2011}, ISBN = {978-0-387-85819-7}, Language = {English}, Owner = {jmscarlett} } @Article{Loris2009, Title = {On the performance of algorithms for the minimization of $\ell_1$-penalized functionals}, Author = {Ignace Loris}, Journal = {Inverse Problems}, Year = {2009}, Number = {3}, Pages = {035008}, Volume = {25}, Abstract = {The problem of assessing the performance of algorithms used for the minimization of an â„“ 1 -penalized least-squares functional, for a range of penalty parameters, is investigated. A criterion that uses the idea of 'approximation isochrones' is introduced. Five different iterative minimization algorithms are tested and compared, as well as two warm-start strategies. Both well-conditioned and ill-conditioned problems are used in the comparison, and the contrast between these two categories is highlighted.}, File = {loris2009performance.pdf:Statistical Learning\\SPARSITY\\loris2009performance.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {jmscarlett}, Timestamp = {2014.11.25}, Url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0266-5611/25/i=3/a=035008} } @Article{Loris2011, Title = {On a generalization of the iterative soft-thresholding algorithm for the case of non-separable penalty}, Author = {Ignace Loris and Caroline Verhoeven}, Journal = {Inverse Problems}, Year = {2011}, Pages = {125007}, Volume = {27}, Doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0266-5611/27/12/125007}, File = {loris2011generalization.pdf:Optimization\\loris2011generalization.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {jmscarlett}, Timestamp = {2014.11.25}, Url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1104.1087} } @InProceedings{Lounici2009, Title = {Taking advantage of sparsity in multi-task learning.}, Author = {Lounici, K. and Pontil, M. and Tsybakov, A.B. and van de Geer, S.A.}, Booktitle = {Proc. 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Although network topologies have been successfully determined in many cases, the quantitative parameters governing these networks generally have not. Measuring affinities of molecular interactions in high-throughput format remains problematic, especially for transient and low-affinity interactions. We describe a high-throughput microfluidic platform that measures such properties on the basis of mechanical trapping of molecular interactions. With this platform we characterized DNA binding energy landscapes for four eukaryotic transcription factors; these landscapes were used to test basic assumptions about transcription factor binding and to predict their in vivo function.}, Comment = {There is Supp Mat}, Doi = {10.1126/science.1131007}, File = {Maerkl07YeastTFs.pdf:BIO/Maerkl07YeastTFs.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {luca}, Pii = {315/5809/233}, Pmid = {17218526}, Timestamp = {2007.01.25}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1126/science.1131007} } @MastersThesis{Magnani, Title = {Kernels, Frames and Neural Networks}, Author = {Magnani}, File = {magnani.pdf:Statistical Learning/magnani.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {luca}, Timestamp = {2007.01.26} } @Article{Magnanti1981, Title = {Accelerating Benders Decomposition: Algorithmic Enhancement and Model Selection Criteria}, Author = {T.L. Magnanti and R.T. Wong}, Journal = {Oper. 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Rawlings and B.A. Ogunnaike and J.W. Eaton}, Pages = {12--42}, Series = {326}, Volume = {98}, Keywords = {model reduction chemistry}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @Article{Marquardt1992, Title = {{R}echnergest\"utzte {E}rstellung verfahrenstechnischer {P}rozessmodelle.}, Author = {W. Marquardt}, Journal = {Chemie {I}ngenieur {T}echnik}, Year = {1992}, Pages = {25--40}, Volume = {64}, Keywords = {chemistry}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @Unpublished{Martinsen2002, Title = {{A}pplication of optimization algorithms to nonlinear {MPC}}, Author = {Martinsen, F. and Biegler, L.T. and Foss, B.A}, Note = {In {P}roceedings of 15th {IFAC} World Congress}, Year = {2002}, Keywords = {NMPC optimal control}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @Article{Martinson1999, Title = {{A}n interior point method in {D}antzig–{W}olfe decomposition}, Author = {R.K. Martinson and J. 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The binding sites of the NF-kappaB family member p65 were determined by using chromatin immunoprecipitation and a genomic microarray of human chromosome 22 DNA. Sites of binding were observed along the entire chromosome in both coding and noncoding regions, with an enrichment at the 5' end of genes. Strikingly, a significant proportion of binding was seen in intronic regions, demonstrating that transcription factor binding is not restricted to promoter regions. NF-kappaB binding was also found at genes whose expression was regulated by tumor necrosis factor alpha, a known inducer of NF-kappaB-dependent gene expression, as well as adjacent to genes whose expression is not affected by tumor necrosis factor alpha. Many of these latter genes are either known to be activated by NF-kappaB under other conditions or are consistent with NF-kappaB's role in the immune and apoptotic responses. Our results suggest that binding is not restricted to promoter regions and that NF-kappaB binding occurs at a significant number of genes whose expression is not altered, thereby suggesting that binding alone is not sufficient for gene activation.}, Doi = {10.1073/pnas.2135255100}, File = {Martone03 - Distribution of nf-kb-binding sites.pdf:BIO/Martone03 - Distribution of nf-kb-binding sites.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {Binding Sites; Chromosome Mapping; Chromosomes, Human, Pair 22; Consensus Sequence; Gene Expression Regulation; Hela Cells; Humans; Introns; NF-kappa B; Oligonucleotide Array Sequence Analysis; Precipitin Tests; Pro; Recombinant Proteins; Transcription Factor RelA; Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha; moter Regions (Genetics)}, Owner = {luca}, Pii = {2135255100}, Pmid = {14527995}, Timestamp = {2007.01.25}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2135255100} } @Book{Massart2007, Title = {Concentration Inequalities and Model Selection}, Author = {Massart, Pascal}, Publisher = {Springer-Verl.}, Year = {2007}, Address = {Berlin}, Owner = {yhli}, Timestamp = {2014.07.25} } @Article{Mastroeni2000, Title = {On auxiliary principle for equilibrium problems}, Author = {G. 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However, most approaches are based on qualitative models that provide only rough approximations of the underlying events, and lack the quantitative aspects that are critical for understanding the proper function of biomolecular systems. RESULTS: We present fine-grained dynamical models of gene transcription and develop methods for reconstructing them from gene expression data within the framework of a generative probabilistic model. Unlike previous works, we employ quantitative transcription rates, and simultaneously estimate both the kinetic parameters that govern these rates, and the activity levels of unobserved regulators that control them. We apply our approach to expression datasets from yeast and show that we can learn the unknown regulator activity profiles, as well as the binding affinity parameters. We also introduce a novel structure learning algorithm, and demonstrate its power to accurately reconstruct the regulatory network from those datasets.}, Doi = {10.1093/bioinformatics/bth941}, File = {Nachman_2004_Bioinfo.pdf:BIO/Nachman_2004_Bioinfo.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {luca}, Pii = {20/suppl_1/i248}, Pmid = {15262806}, Timestamp = {2007.01.25}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/bth941} } @InProceedings{Nagano2011, Title = {Size-constrained submodular minimization through minimum norm base}, Author = {Nagano, K. and Kawahara, Y. and Aihara, K.}, Booktitle = {Proc. Int. Conf. Mach. Learn. (ICML)}, Year = {2011}, Volume = {23}, File = {nagano2011sizeconstrained.pdf:nagano2011sizeconstrained.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {discrete optimization, submodular function, np-hard}, Owner = {jmscarlett}, Timestamp = {2014.11.25} } @Article{Nagy1997, Title = {{M}odel predictive control of a {PVC} batch reactor}, Author = {Z. Nagy and S. Agachi}, Journal = {Comp. Chem. 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Dokl.}, Pages = {543--547}, Volume = {269}, File = {:Papers/Nesterov1983.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2012.04.09} } @Book{Nesterov1994, Title = {Interior-Point Polynomial Algorithms in Convex Programming}, Author = {Nesterov, Yurii and Nemirovskii, Arkadii}, Publisher = {SIAM}, Year = {1994}, Address = {Philadelphia, PA}, Owner = {yhli}, Timestamp = {2014.01.21} } @Conference{Nesterov2000, Title = {Stable dynamics in transportation systems}, Author = {Y. Nesterov and A. De Palma}, Booktitle = {European Transport Conf.}, Year = {2000}, File = {:Papers/Nesterov2000.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2012.10.25} } @Article{Nesterov2006a, Title = {Cubic regularization of Newton method and its global performance}, Author = {Y. Nesterov and B.T. Polyak}, Journal = {Math. Program.}, Year = {2006}, Number = {1}, Pages = {177--205}, Volume = {108}, File = {:Papers/Nesterov2006a.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2012.10.25} } @Article{Nesterov2011, Title = {Optimizing the spectral radius}, Author = {Y. Nesterov and V.Y. Protasov}, Journal = {CORE Discussion Paper}, Year = {2011}, Pages = {1--16}, File = {:Papers/Nesterov2011.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2012.10.25} } @Article{Nesterov2006d, Title = {Solving strongly monotone variational and quasi-variational inequalities}, Author = {Y. Nesterov and L. Scrimali}, Journal = {CORE Discussion Paper}, Year = {2006}, Pages = {1--15}, Volume = {107}, File = {:Papers/Nesterov2006d.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2012.10.25} } @Article{Nesterov2012b, Title = {Primal-dual subgradient method for huge-scale linear conic problems}, Author = {Y. Nesterov and S. Shpirko}, Journal = {CORE Discussion Paper}, Year = {2012}, Pages = {1--13}, File = {:Papers/Nesterov2012a.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2012.10.25} } @Article{Nesterov1997, Title = {Self-scaled barriers and interior-point methods for convex programming}, Author = {Y. Nesterov and M.J. Todd}, Journal = {Math. Oper. Res.}, Year = {1997}, Number = {1}, Pages = {1--42}, Volume = {22}, File = {:Papers/Nesterov1997.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2012.10.25} } @TechReport{Nesterov2009b, Title = {Local quadratic convergence of polynomial-time interior-point methods for conic optimization problems}, Author = {Y. Nesterov and L. Tun\c{c}el}, Institution = {CORE/UCL}, Year = {2009}, Number = {2009/72}, Type = {CORE Discussion Paper}, File = {:Papers/Nesterov2009a.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2012.10.25} } @Article{Nesterov2009a, Title = {Confidence level solutions for stochastic programming. (English summary)}, Author = {Y. Nesterov and J.-Ph. Vial}, Journal = {Automatica}, Year = {2009}, Number = {6}, Pages = {1559--1568}, Volume = {44}, File = {:Papers/Nesterov2009.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2012.10.25} } @Article{Nesterov2004e, Title = {Augmented self-concordant barriers and nonlinear optimization problems with finite complexity}, Author = {Y. Nesterov and J.-Ph. Vial}, Journal = {Math. Program.}, Year = {2004}, Pages = {149--174}, Volume = {99}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2014.04.08} } @Article{Nesterov1983, Title = {A method of solving a convex programming problem with convergence rate {$O( 1 / k^2 )$}}, Author = {Nesterov, Yu. E.}, Journal = {Soviet Math. Dokl.}, Year = {1983}, Number = {2}, Pages = {372--376}, Volume = {27}, Owner = {yhli}, Timestamp = {2014.02.14} } @Article{Nettleton2008, Title = {Identification of differentially expressed gene categories in microarray studies using nonparametric multivariate analysis.}, Author = {Dan Nettleton and Justin Recknor and James M Reecy}, Journal = {Bioinformatics}, Year = {2008}, Month = {Jan}, Number = {2}, Pages = {192--201}, Volume = {24}, Abstract = {MOTIVATION: The field of microarray data analysis is shifting emphasis from methods for identifying differentially expressed genes to methods for identifying differentially expressed gene categories. The latter approaches utilize a priori information about genes to group genes into categories and enhance the interpretation of experiments aimed at identifying expression differences across treatments. While almost all of the existing approaches for identifying differentially expressed gene categories are practically useful, they suffer from a variety of drawbacks. Perhaps most notably, many popular tools are based exclusively on gene-specific statistics that cannot detect many types of multivariate expression change. RESULTS: We have developed a nonparametric multivariate method for identifying gene categories whose multivariate expression distribution differs across two or more conditions. We illustrate our approach and compare its performance to several existing procedures via the analysis of a real data set and a unique data-based simulation study designed to capture the challenges and complexities of practical data analysis. We show that our method has good power for differentiating between differentially expressed and non-differentially expressed gene categories, and we utilize a resampling based strategy for controlling the false discovery rate when testing multiple categories. AVAILABILITY: R code (www.r-project.org) for implementing our approach is available from the first author by request.}, Doi = {10.1093/bioinformatics/btm583}, File = {nettleton08identification.pdf:BIO/Gene Expression/nettleton08identification.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {Algorithms; Data Interpretation, Statistical; Gene Expression Profiling; Multivariate Analysis; Oligonucleotide Array Sequence Analysis}, Owner = {baldazen}, Pii = {btm583}, Pmid = {18042553}, Timestamp = {2008.02.11}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btm583} } @Article{Neveen2007, Title = {Faster and simpler algorithms for multicommodity flow and other fractional packing problems}, Author = {G. Neveen and K. Jochen}, Journal = {SIAM J. 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We demonstrate bubble logic AND/OR/NOT gates, a toggle flip-flop, a ripple counter, timing restoration, a ring oscillator, and an electro-bubble modulator. These show the nonlinearity, gain, bistability, synchronization, cascadability, feedback, and programmability required for scalable universal computation. With increasing complexity in large-scale microfluidic processors, bubble logic provides an on-chip process control mechanism integrating chemistry and computation.}, Doi = {10.1126/science.1136907}, File = {Prakash07MicrofluidicBubble.pdf:Fisica/Prakash07MicrofluidicBubble.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {luca}, Pii = {315/5813/832}, Pmid = {17289994}, Timestamp = {2007.02.13}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1126/science.1136907} } @Manual{PSE2000, Title = {{gPROMS} {A}dvanced {U}ser's {M}anual}, Address = {London}, Author = {PSE}, Year = {2000}, Keywords = {chemistry}, Organisation = {Process Systems Enterprise Ltd.}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @Article{Purkayastha2008, Title = {An optimal distributed routing algorithm using dual decomposition techniques}, Author = {P. Purkayastha and J.S. Baras}, Journal = {Commun. Inf. 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Sci.}, Year = {2001}, Month = {Dec}, Number = {26}, Pages = {15149--15154}, Volume = {98}, Abstract = {The optimal treatment of patients with cancer depends on establishing accurate diagnoses by using a complex combination of clinical and histopathological data. In some instances, this task is difficult or impossible because of atypical clinical presentation or histopathology. To determine whether the diagnosis of multiple common adult malignancies could be achieved purely by molecular classification, we subjected 218 tumor samples, spanning 14 common tumor types, and 90 normal tissue samples to oligonucleotide microarray gene expression analysis. The expression levels of 16,063 genes and expressed sequence tags were used to evaluate the accuracy of a multiclass classifier based on a support vector machine algorithm. Overall classification accuracy was 78\%, far exceeding the accuracy of random classification (9\%). Poorly differentiated cancers resulted in low-confidence predictions and could not be accurately classified according to their tissue of origin, indicating that they are molecularly distinct entities with dramatically different gene expression patterns compared with their well differentiated counterparts. Taken together, these results demonstrate the feasibility of accurate, multiclass molecular cancer classification and suggest a strategy for future clinical implementation of molecular cancer diagnostics.}, Doi = {10.1073/pnas.211566398}, File = {ramaswamy01multiclass.pdf:BIO/Gene Expression/ramaswamy01multiclass.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {Cluster Analysis; Gene Expression Profiling; Humans; Multigene Family; Neoplasms; Tumor Markers, Biological}, Owner = {baldazen}, Pii = {211566398}, Pmid = {11742071}, Timestamp = {2008.02.29}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.211566398} } @InProceedings{Rangan2011, Title = {Generalized approximate message passing for estimation with random linear mixing}, Author = {Rangan, S.}, Booktitle = {IEEE Int. Symp. Inf. Theory}, Year = {2011}, Month = {July}, ISSN = {2157-8095}, Owner = {jmscarlett} } @Article{Rangan2013, Title = {Fixed-points of Generalized Approximate Message Passing with Arbitrary Matrices}, Author = {S. Rangan and P. Schniter and E. 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Res.}, Year = {2012}, Pages = {1373--1392}, Volume = {13}, Owner = {yhli}, Timestamp = {2014.03.13} } @Book{Renegar2001a, Title = {A mathematical view of interior-point methods in convex optimization}, Author = {J. Renegar}, Editor = {MPS/SIAM Series on Optimization}, Publisher = {SIAM}, Year = {2001}, Volume = {2}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.01.30} } @Article{Rennie2005, Title = {Fast Maximum Margin Matrix Factorization for Collaborative Prediction}, Author = {J.D.M. Rennie and N. Srebro}, Journal = {Proc. Int. Conf. Mach. 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Riede}, School = {Universit\"at Heidelberg}, Year = {2001}, Note = {Download at: http://www.rzuser.uni-heidelberg.de/ jx7/diplom.ps}, File = {Riede2001.pdf:Riede2001.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {agbock SQP multiple setpoint}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @PhdThesis{Rifkin2002, Title = {Everything Old Is New Again: A Fresh Look at Historical Approaches to Machine Learning}, Author = {Rifkin, R.M.}, School = {Massachusetts Institute of Technology}, Year = {2002}, File = {rifkin02everything.pdf:Statistical Learning/rifkin02everything.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {baldassarre}, Timestamp = {2009.11.09} } @Article{Rifkin2004, Title = {In Defense of One-Vs-All Classification}, Author = {Rifkin, R. and Klautau, A.}, Journal = {J. Mach. Learn. Res.}, Year = {2004}, Pages = {101--141}, Volume = {5}, Address = {Cambridge, MA, USA}, File = {Rifkin04DefenseOVAClass.pdf:Statistical Learning/Multiclass/Rifkin04DefenseOVAClass.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {1533-7928}, Owner = {jmscarlett}, Publisher = {MIT Press}, Timestamp = {2014.11.25} } @InBook{Rifkin2003, Title = {Advances in Learning Theory: Methods, Models and Applications}, Author = {Rifkin, Ryan and Yeo, Gene and Poggio, Tomaso}, Chapter = {Regularized Least-Squares Classification}, Editor = {Suykens and Horvath and Basu and Micchelli and Vandewalle}, Publisher = {IOS Press, Amsterdam}, Year = {2003}, File = {RifkinYeoPoggio_RLSC.pdf:Statistical Learning/RifkinYeoPoggio_RLSC.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {luca}, Timestamp = {2007.02.13} } @TechReport{Rifkin2007, Title = {Notes on Regularized Least Squares}, Author = {Rifkin, Ryan M. and Lippert, Ross A.}, Institution = {MIT Dspace [http://dspace.mit.edu/dspace-oai/request] (United States)}, Year = {2007}, Abstract = {This is a collection of information about regularized least squares (RLS). The facts here are not “new results”, but we have not seen them usefully collected together before. A key goal of this work is to demonstrate that with RLS, we get certain things “for free”: if we can solve a single supervised RLS problem, we can search for a good regularization parameter lambda at essentially no additional cost.The discussion in this paper applies to “dense” regularized least squares, where we work with matrix factorizations of the data or kernel matrix. It is also possible to work with iterative methods such as conjugate gradient, and this is frequently the method of choice for large data sets in high dimensions with very few nonzero dimensions per point, such as text classifciation tasks. The results discussed here do not apply to iterative methods, which have different design tradeoffs.We present the results in greater detail than strictly necessary, erring on the side of showing our work. We hope that this will be useful to people trying to learn more about linear algebra manipulations in the machine learning context.}, File = {rifkin07rls.pdf:Statistical Learning/RLS/rifkin07rls.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {machine learning, linear algebra}, Owner = {baldazen}, Timestamp = {2008.02.11}, Url = {http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/37318} } @Article{Rizzolatti2004, Title = {The Mirror-Neuron System}, Author = {Rizzolatti, G. and Craighero, L}, Journal = {Annual Rev. Neurosci.}, Year = {2004}, Pages = {169-192}, Volume = {27}, Owner = {baldassarre}, Timestamp = {2010.01.29} } @Article{Robbins1955, Title = {A remark on Stirling's formula}, Author = {Robbins, Herbert}, Journal = {American Mathematical Monthly}, Year = {1955}, Pages = {26--29}, Owner = {jmscarlett}, Publisher = {JSTOR}, Timestamp = {2014.11.25} } @Article{Robbins1951, Title = {A stochastic approximation method}, Author = {Robbins, Herbert and Monro, Sutton}, Journal = {Ann. Math. 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Robinson}, Journal = {Set-ValuedAnalysis 2 : 291-305, 1994}, Year = {1994}, Pages = {291--305}, Volume = {2}, File = {Robison1994.pdf:Robison1994.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {Generalized Equation, Inclusion, Newton method, nonlinear programming, optimization}, Owner = {qtrandin}, Timestamp = {2009.04.16} } @Article{Robinson1992, Title = {{N}ormal {M}aps {I}nduced by {L}inear {T}ransformations}, Author = {S. M. Robinson}, Journal = {Math. Oper. Res.}, Year = {1992}, Pages = {691--714}, Volume = {17}, File = {Robison1992.pdf:Robison1992.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {Generalized Equation, Inclusion, nonlinear programming, optimization}, Owner = {qtrandin}, Timestamp = {2009.04.16} } @Article{Robinson1980, Title = {{S}trongly {R}egular {G}eneralized {E}quations}, Author = {S. M. Robinson}, Journal = {Math. Oper. Res.}, Year = {1980}, Pages = {43--62}, Volume = {5}, File = {Robison1980.pdf:Robison1980.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {Generalized Equation, Optimization, Nonlinear Programming}, Owner = {qtrandin}, Timestamp = {2009.04.16} } @Article{Robinson1976, Title = {{F}irst {O}rder {C}onditions for {G}eneral {N}onlinear {O}ptimization}, Author = {S. M. 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Res.}, Year = {1991}, Number = {1}, Pages = {pp. 119-147}, Volume = {16}, Copyright = {Copyright 1991 INFORMS}, ISSN = {0364765X}, Jstor_articletype = {research-article}, Jstor_formatteddate = {Feb., 1991}, Language = {English}, Owner = {quoctd}, Publisher = {INFORMS}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23}, Url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/3689852} } @Article{RodriguezFernandez2006, Title = {A hybrid approach for efficient and robust parameter estimation in biochemical pathways}, Author = {Rodriguez-Fernandez, M. and Mendes, P. and Banga, J.R.}, Journal = {Biosystems}, Year = {2006}, Number = {2--3}, Pages = {248--265}, Volume = {83}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @Article{Rohn2000, Title = {Computing the norm $\left\Vert A \right\Vert_{\infty, 1}$ is {NP}-hard}, Author = {Rohn, Ji\v{r}\'{i}}, Journal = {Lin. Multilin. Alg.}, Year = {2000}, Pages = {195--204}, Volume = {47}, Owner = {yhli}, Timestamp = {2014.10.09} } @Article{Roider2007, Title = {Predicting transcription factor affinities to DNA from a biophysical model.}, Author = {Helge G Roider and Aditi Kanhere and Thomas Manke and Martin Vingron}, Journal = {Bioinformatics}, Year = {2007}, Month = {Jan}, Number = {2}, Pages = {134--141}, Volume = {23}, Abstract = {MOTIVATION: Theoretical efforts to understand the regulation of gene expression are traditionally centered around the identification of transcription factor binding sites at specific DNA positions. More recently these efforts have been supplemented by experimental data for relative binding affinities of proteins to longer intergenic sequences. The question arises to what extent these two approaches converge. In this paper, we adopt a physical binding model to predict the relative binding affinity of a transcription factor for a given sequence. RESULTS: We find that a significant fraction of genome-wide binding data in yeast can be accounted for by simple count matrices and a physical model with only two parameters. We demonstrate that our approach is both conceptually and practically more powerful than traditional methods, which require selection of a cutoff. Our analysis yields biologically meaningful parameters, suitable for predicting relative binding affinities in the absence of experimental binding data. AVAILABILITY: The C source code for our TRAP program is freely available for non-commercial use at http://www.molgen.mpg.de/~manke/papers/TFaffinities/}, Doi = {10.1093/bioinformatics/btl565}, File = {BIO\\Roider07PredictingTranscription.pdf:BIO\\Roider07PredictingTranscription.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {BaldaZen}, Pii = {btl565}, Pmid = {17098775}, Timestamp = {2007.02.07}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btl565} } @InProceedings{Rolfs2012, Title = {Iterative Thresholding Algorithm for Sparse Inverse Covariance Estimation}, Author = {Rolfs, B. and Rajaratnam, B. and Guillot, D. and Wong, I. and Maleki, A.}, Booktitle = {Adv. Neur. Inf. Proc. Sys. (NIPS)}, Year = {2012}, Pages = {1583--1591}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.01.10} } @Article{Romanenko2004, Title = {{T}he unscented filter as an alternative to the {EKF} for nonlinear state estimation: a simulation case study}, Author = {A. Romanenko and J.A.A.M. Castro}, Journal = {Comp. Chem. Eng.}, Year = {2004}, Pages = {347--355}, Keywords = {NMPC}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @Article{Romberg2009, Title = {Compressive sensing by random convolution}, Author = {Romberg, Justin}, Journal = {SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences}, Year = {2009}, Number = {4}, Pages = {1098--1128}, Volume = {2}, Owner = {jmscarlett}, Publisher = {SIAM}, Timestamp = {2014.11.25} } @Article{Ronen2002, Title = {Assigning numbers to the arrows: parameterizing a gene regulation network by using accurate expression kinetics.}, Author = {Michal Ronen and Revital Rosenberg and Boris I Shraiman and Uri Alon}, Journal = {Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci.}, Year = {2002}, Month = {Aug}, Number = {16}, Pages = {10555--10560}, Volume = {99}, Abstract = {A basic challenge in systems biology is to understand the dynamical behavior of gene regulation networks. Current approaches aim at determining the network structure based on genomic-scale data. However, the network connectivity alone is not sufficient to define its dynamics; one needs to also specify the kinetic parameters for the regulation reactions. Here, we ask whether effective kinetic parameters can be assigned to a transcriptional network based on expression data. We present a combined experimental and theoretical approach based on accurate high temporal-resolution measurement of promoter activities from living cells by using green fluorescent protein (GFP) reporter plasmids. We present algorithms that use these data to assign effective kinetic parameters within a mathematical model of the network. To demonstrate this, we employ a well defined network, the SOS DNA repair system of Escherichia coli. We find a strikingly detailed temporal program of expression that correlates with the functional role of the SOS genes and is driven by a hierarchy of effective kinetic parameter strengths for the various promoters. The calculated parameters can be used to determine the kinetics of all SOS genes given the expression profile of just one representative, allowing a significant reduction in complexity. The concentration profile of the master SOS transcriptional repressor can be calculated, demonstrating that relative protein levels may be determined from purely transcriptional data. This finding opens the possibility of assigning kinetic parameters to transcriptional networks on a genomic scale.}, Doi = {10.1073/pnas.152046799}, File = {:BIO/ronen02genetwork.pdf:PDF}, Institution = {Department of Molecular Cell Biology, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 76100, Israel.}, Keywords = {Algorithms; Bacterial Proteins, genetics/metabolism; Escherichia coli, genetics; Gene Expression Regulation, Bacterial; Genes, Reporter; Kinetics; Operon; Promoter Regions, Genetic; SOS Response (Genetics); Serine Endopeptidases, genetics/metabolism; Transcription, Genetic}, Owner = {baldassarre}, Pii = {152046799}, Pmid = {12145321}, Timestamp = {2009.05.11}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.152046799} } @Book{Roos2006, Title = {Interior Point Methods for Linear Optimization}, Author = {Roos, C. and Terlaky, T. and Vial, J.-Ph.}, Publisher = {Springer Science}, Year = {2006}, Address = {Heidelberg/Boston}, Note = {(Note: This book is a significantly revised new edition of Interior Point Approach to Linear Optimization: Theory and Algorithms)}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2012.06.28} } @Article{Rosasco2004, Title = {Are Loss Functions All the Same?}, Author = {L. Rosasco and A. Caponnetto and E. De Vito and M. Piana and A. Verri}, Journal = {Neural Comp.}, Year = {2004}, Pages = {1063-1076}, Volume = {16}, File = {:Statistical Learning/Rosasco04Loss.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {luca}, Timestamp = {2007.03.12} } @TechReport{Rosasco2005, Title = {Spectral methods for regularization in learning theory}, Author = {Rosasco, L. and De Vito, E. and Verri, A.}, Institution = {DISI, Universit{\'a} degli Studi di Genova, Italy.}, Year = {2005}, File = {rosasco2005spectral.pdf:Statistical Learning/rosasco2005spectral.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {baldassarre}, Timestamp = {2010.02.04} } @InProceedings{Rosasco2010, Title = {A Regularization Approach to Nonlinear Variable Selection}, Author = {Rosasco, Lorenzo and Santoro, Matteo and Mosci, Sofia and Verri, Alessandro and Villa, Silvia}, Booktitle = {Int. Conf. Art. Intel. Stats. (AISTATS)}, Year = {2010}, Volume = {13}, File = {rosasco2010regularization.pdf:Statistical Learning/Multitask/rosasco2010regularization.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {jmscarlett}, Timestamp = {2014.11.25} } @Article{Rosen1988, Title = {Moments for the inverted {W}ishart distribution}, Author = {von Rosen, Dietrich}, Journal = {Scand. J. Stat.}, Year = {1988}, Pages = {97--109}, Volume = {15}, Owner = {yhli}, Timestamp = {2014.06.18} } @Article{Rosen1991, Title = {{E}valuation of gradients for piecewise constant optimal control}, Author = {Rosen, O. and R. Luus}, Journal = {Comp. Chem. Eng.}, Year = {1991}, Pages = {273--281}, Volume = {15}, Keywords = {optimal control}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @Article{Rosipal2002, Title = {Kernel partial least squares regression in reproducing kernel hilbert space}, Author = {Roman Rosipal and Leonard J. Trejo}, Journal = {J. Mach. Learn. Res.}, Year = {2002}, Pages = {97--123}, Volume = {2}, Address = {Cambridge, MA, USA}, File = {rosipal01kernelpls.pdf:Statistical Learning/Vector-valued/rosipal01kernelpls.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {1533-7928}, Owner = {baldazen}, Publisher = {MIT Press}, Timestamp = {2008.06.18} } @Article{Ross2008, Title = {Incremental Learning for Robust Visual Tracking}, Author = {Ross, David and Lim, Jongwoo and Lin, Ruei-Sung and Yang, Ming-Hsuan}, Journal = {Int. J. Comp. Vision}, Year = {2008}, Month = {May}, Number = {1}, Pages = {125--141}, Volume = {77}, Abstract = {Abstract\ \  Visual tracking, in essence, deals with non-stationary image streams that change over time. While most existing algorithms are able to track objects well in controlled environments, they usually fail in the presence of significant variation of the object’s appearance or surrounding illumination. One reason for such failures is that many algorithms employ fixed appearance models of the target. Such models are trained using only appearance data available before tracking begins, which in practice limits the range of appearances that are modeled, and ignores the large volume of information (such as shape changes or specific lighting conditions) that becomes available during tracking. In this paper, we present a tracking method that incrementally learns a low-dimensional subspace representation, efficiently adapting online to changes in the appearance of the target. The model update, based on incremental algorithms for principal component analysis, includes two important features: a method for correctly updating the sample mean, and a forgetting factor to ensure less modeling power is expended fitting older observations. Both of these features contribute measurably to improving overall tracking performance. Numerous experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed tracking algorithm in indoor and outdoor environments where the target objects undergo large changes in pose, scale, and illumination.}, Citeulike-article-id = {2458742}, Doi = {10.1007/s11263-007-0075-7}, File = {ross08incremental.pdf:VC/ross08incremental.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {filter, learning, online, particle, pca, tracking}, Owner = {baldazen}, Priority = {2}, Timestamp = {2008.03.11}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007\%2Fs11263-007-0075-7} } @Article{Ross1999, Title = {{O}ptimal {D}esign and {C}ontrol of an {I}ndustrial {D}istillation {S}ystem}, Author = {Ross, R. and Bansal, V. and Perkins, J.D. and Pistikopoulos, E.N. and van Schijndel, J.M.G. and Koot, G.L.M.}, Journal = {Comp. Chem. Eng.}, Year = {1999}, Pages = {S875--S878}, Volume = {23(SS)}, Keywords = {optimal control chemistry MIOC}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @Article{Rosset2007, Title = {Piecewise linear regularized solution paths}, Author = {Rosset, Saharon and Zhu, Ji}, Journal = {Ann. Stats.}, Year = {2007}, Number = {3}, Pages = {1012--1030}, Volume = {35}, Owner = {yhli}, Timestamp = {2014.07.16} } @Misc{Rossum2001, Title = {{P}ython {R}eference {M}anual, {P}ython{L}abs, {Virginia}, {USA}}, Author = {van Rossum, G. and Drake, F.L.}, Year = {2001}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @Article{RothJan.2004, Title = {The generalized LASSO}, Author = {Roth, V.}, Journal = {IEEE Trans. Neur. Nets.}, Year = {Jan. 2004}, Number = {1}, Pages = { 16-28}, Volume = {15}, Doi = {10.1109/TNN.2003.809398}, File = {roth04lasso.pdf:Statistical Learning/Feature Selection/roth04lasso.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {1045-9227}, Keywords = { functional equations, least squares approximations, probability, regression analysis, support vector machines Mercer kernels, generalized LASSO regression, guaranteed global convergence, iteratively reweighted least-squares problems, kernel regression techniques, learning sets, probabilistic interpretation, regression functionals, robust loss functions, support vector machine method, training set}, Owner = {baldazen}, Timestamp = {2008.05.20} } @TechReport{Roth2002, Title = {The Generalized LASSO: a wrapper approach to gene selection for microarray data}, Author = {Volker Roth}, Institution = {Proceedings 14th International Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE-14), 252--255}, Year = {2002}, File = {roth2002generalized.pdf:roth2002generalized.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {jmscarlett}, Timestamp = {2014.11.25} } @Article{Rothman2008, Title = {Sparse permutation invariant covariance estimation}, Author = {Rothman, Adam J. and Bickel, Peter J. and Levina, Elizaveta and Zhu, Ji}, Journal = {Elec. J. Stats.}, Year = {2008}, Pages = {494--515}, Volume = {2}, Owner = {yhli}, Timestamp = {2014.06.10} } @Article{Rothman2009, Title = {Generalized thresholding of large covariance matrices}, Author = {A. J. Rothman and E. Levina and J. Zhu}, Journal = {J. Amer. Math. Assoc.}, Year = {2009}, Pages = {177--186}, Volume = {104}, File = {:Papers/Rothman2009.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2012.11.23} } @Article{Roweis2000, Title = {Nonlinear dimensionality reduction by locally linear embedding.}, Author = {S. T. Roweis and L. K. Saul}, Journal = {Science}, Year = {2000}, Month = {Dec}, Number = {5500}, Pages = {2323--2326}, Volume = {290}, Abstract = {Many areas of science depend on exploratory data analysis and visualization. The need to analyze large amounts of multivariate data raises the fundamental problem of dimensionality reduction: how to discover compact representations of high-dimensional data. Here, we introduce locally linear embedding (LLE), an unsupervised learning algorithm that computes low-dimensional, neighborhood-preserving embeddings of high-dimensional inputs. Unlike clustering methods for local dimensionality reduction, LLE maps its inputs into a single global coordinate system of lower dimensionality, and its optimizations do not involve local minima. By exploiting the local symmetries of linear reconstructions, LLE is able to learn the global structure of nonlinear manifolds, such as those generated by images of faces or documents of text.}, Doi = {10.1126/science.290.5500.2323}, File = {Statistical Learning\\Roweis00NonlinearReduction.pdf:Statistical Learning\\Roweis00NonlinearReduction.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {Algorithms; Artificial Intelligence; Face; Humans; Mathematics; Pattern Recognition, Visual}, Owner = {BaldaZen}, Pii = {290/5500/2323}, Pmid = {11125150}, Timestamp = {2007.01.29}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1126/science.290.5500.2323} } @Article{Rubinstein2010, Title = {Dictionaries for sparse representation modeling}, Author = {Rubinstein, Ron and Bruckstein, Alfred M and Elad, Michael}, Journal = {Proc. IEEE}, Year = {2010}, Number = {6}, Pages = {1045--1057}, Volume = {98}, File = {rubinstein2010dictionaries.pdf:rubinstein2010dictionaries.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {jmscarlett}, Publisher = {IEEE}, Timestamp = {2014.11.25} } @Article{Rudelson2008, Title = {On sparse reconstruction from {F}ourier and {G}aussian measurements}, Author = {Rudelson, Mark and Vershynin, Roman}, Journal = {Commun. Pure Appl. Math.}, Year = {2008}, Pages = {1025--1045}, Volume = {LXI}, Owner = {yhli}, Timestamp = {2014.02.14} } @Article{Rudin1992, Title = {Nonlinear total variation based noise removal algorithms}, Author = {Rudin, L.I. and Osher, S. and Fatemi, E.}, Journal = {Phys. D: Nonlinear Phenomena}, Year = {1992}, Number = {1-4}, Pages = {259--268}, Volume = {60}, File = {rudin1992nonlinear.pdf:Statistical Learning\\SPARSITY\\rudin1992nonlinear.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {jmscarlett}, Publisher = {Elsevier}, Timestamp = {2014.11.25} } @Article{Ruszczynski1995, Title = {On convergence of an augmented Lagrangian decomposition method for sparse convex optimization}, Author = {A. Ruszczy\'nski}, Journal = {Math. Oper. Res.}, Year = {1995}, Pages = {634--656}, Volume = {20}, File = {:Papers/Ruszczynski1995.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2012.04.09} } @Book{Ruszczynski2003, Title = {{S}tochastic {P}rogramming, {H}andbook in {O}perations {R}esearch and {M}anagement {S}cience}, Author = {Ruszczynski, A. and Shapiro, A.}, Publisher = {Elsevier}, Year = {2003}, Address = {Amsterdam}, Keywords = {textbook}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2012.11.25} } @Book{Saad2003, Title = {Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems}, Author = {Saad, Y.}, Publisher = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, Year = {2003}, Address = {Philadelphia, PA, USA}, Edition = {2nd}, ISBN = {0898715342}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2012.11.25} } @Article{Sabatti2006, Title = {Bayesian sparse hidden components analysis for transcription regulation networks.}, Author = {Chiara Sabatti and Gareth M James}, Journal = {Bioinformatics}, Year = {2006}, Month = {Mar}, Number = {6}, Pages = {739--746}, Volume = {22}, Abstract = {MOTIVATION: In systems like Escherichia Coli, the abundance of sequence information, gene expression array studies and small scale experiments allows one to reconstruct the regulatory network and to quantify the effects of transcription factors on gene expression. However, this goal can only be achieved if all information sources are used in concert. RESULTS: Our method integrates literature information, DNA sequences and expression arrays. A set of relevant transcription factors is defined on the basis of literature. Sequence data are used to identify potential target genes and the results are used to define a prior distribution on the topology of the regulatory network. A Bayesian hidden component model for the expression array data allows us to identify which of the potential binding sites are actually used by the regulatory proteins in the studied cell conditions, the strength of their control, and their activation profile in a series of experiments. We apply our methodology to 35 expression studies in E.Coli with convincing results. AVAILABILITY: www.genetics.ucla.edu/labs/sabatti/software.html SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The supplementary material are available at Bioinformatics online.}, Comment = {There's also Supplementary Material}, Doi = {10.1093/bioinformatics/btk017}, File = {Sabatti06.pdf:BIO/Sabatti06.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {Algorithms; Animals; Bayes Theorem; Computer Simulation; Escherichia coli; Escherichia coli Proteins; Gene Expression Profiling; Gene Expression Regulation; Humans; Models, Biological; Oligonucleotide Array Sequence Analysis; Signal Transduction; Transcription Factors}, Owner = {luca}, Pii = {btk017}, Pmid = {16368767}, Timestamp = {2007.01.25}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btk017} } @Article{Sabatti2002, Title = {Genomewide motif identification using a dictionary model}, Author = {Sabatti, C. and Lange, K.}, Journal = {Proc. IEEE}, Year = {2002}, Month = {Nov.}, Number = {11}, Pages = {1803--1810}, Volume = {90}, Doi = {10.1109/JPROC.2002.804689}, File = {BIO\\SabattiLange02Dictionary.pdf:BIO\\SabattiLange02Dictionary.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {BaldaZen}, Timestamp = {2007.02.07} } @Book{Sachs2002, Title = {{A}ngewandte {S}tatistik}, Author = {L. Sachs}, Publisher = {Springer}, Year = {2002}, Address = {Heidelberg}, Edition = {10}, Keywords = {textbook}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @Article{Sagastizabal2012, Title = {Composite proximal bundle method}, Author = {C. Sagastiz\'{a}bal}, Journal = {Math. Program.}, Year = {2012}, Pages = {1--45}, Volume = {xx}, File = {:Papers/Sagastizabal2012.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2012.10.27} } @Article{Sagastizabal2005, Title = {An infeasible bundle method for nonsmooth convex constrained optimization without a penalty function or a filter}, Author = {C. Sagastizabal and M. Solodov}, Journal = {SIAM J. Opt.}, Year = {2005}, Pages = {146--169}, Volume = {16}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2014.04.08} } @Article{Sager2007a, Title = {{E}xploiting system homogeneities in large scale optimal control problems for speedup of multiple shooting based {SQP} methods}, Author = {Sager, S. and Brandt-Pollmann, U. and Diehl, M. and Lebiedz, D. and Bock, H.G.}, Journal = {Comp. Chem. Eng.}, Year = {2007}, Pages = {1181--1186}, Volume = {31}, Doi = {10.1016/j.compchemeng.2006.08.013}, File = {Sager2007a.pdf:Sager2007a.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {agbock optimal control}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0098135406002353} } @Article{Sahinidis1991, Title = {Convergence properties of generalized bendersdecomposition}, Author = {N.V. Sahinidis and I.E. Grossmann}, Journal = {Comp. Chem. Eng.}, Year = {1991}, Number = {7}, Pages = {481--491}, Volume = {15}, File = {:Papers/Sahinidis1991.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2012.10.22} } @Book{Salas1990, Title = {{C}alculus}, Author = {S.L. Salas and E. Hille}, Publisher = {Spektrum}, Year = {1990}, Address = {Heidelberg}, Note = {Viele Erl\"auterungen, sehr ausf\"uhrliche Beispiele.}, Keywords = {textbook}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @InProceedings{Salim2006, Title = {Reconstruction of Gene Regulatory Networks from Temporal Microarray Data Using Pattern Recognition Techniques}, Author = {Salim, A. and Valafar, F.}, Year = {2006}, Month = {0-0 }, Pages = {2281-2286}, Doi = {10.1109/IJCNN.2006.247026}, File = {:BIO/Gene Networks/salim06genetwork.pdf:PDF}, Journal = {Int. Joint Conf. Neur. Nets.}, Keywords = {biology computing, data mining, estimation theory, genetics, neural nets, pattern recognitionartificial neural networks, biological processes, data mining, dimensionality reduction, drug targets, gene expression, gene regulatory networks reconstruction, order estimation criteria, pattern recognition, temporal microarray data}, Owner = {baldassarre}, Timestamp = {2009.05.12} } @Article{Salzo2013, Title = {Convergence analysis of a proximal {G}auss-{N}ewton method}, Author = {S. Salzo and S. Villa}, Journal = {Comp. Opt. Apps.}, Year = {2013}, Pages = {1--33}, Volume = {xx}, File = {:Papers/Salzo2013.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.01.14} } @InProceedings{Samar2007, Title = {Distributed Estimation via Dual Decomposition}, Author = {S. Samar and S. Boyd and D. Gorinevsky}, Booktitle = {Proc. European Control Conf. (ECC)}, Year = {2007}, Address = {Kos, Greece}, Pages = {1511--1516}, File = {:Papers/Samar2007.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2012.04.09} } @Article{Sanguinetti2006, Title = {Probabilistic inference of transcription factor concentrations and gene-specific regulatory activities.}, Author = {Guido Sanguinetti and Neil D Lawrence and Magnus Rattray}, Journal = {Bioinformatics}, Year = {2006}, Month = {Nov}, Number = {22}, Pages = {2775--2781}, Volume = {22}, Abstract = {MOTIVATION: Quantitative estimation of the regulatory relationship between transcription factors and genes is a fundamental stepping stone when trying to develop models of cellular processes. Recent experimental high-throughput techniques, such as Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) provide important information about the architecture of the regulatory networks in the cell. However, it is very difficult to measure the concentration levels of transcription factor proteins and determine their regulatory effect on gene transcription. It is therefore an important computational challenge to infer these quantities using gene expression data and network architecture data. RESULTS: We develop a probabilistic state space model that allows genome-wide inference of both transcription factor protein concentrations and their effect on the transcription rates of each target gene from microarray data. We use variational inference techniques to learn the model parameters and perform posterior inference of protein concentrations and regulatory strengths. The probabilistic nature of the model also means that we can associate credibility intervals to our estimates, as well as providing a tool to detect which binding events lead to significant regulation. We demonstrate our model on artificial data and on two yeast datasets in which the network structure has previously been obtained using ChIP data. Predictions from our model are consistent with the underlying biology and offer novel quantitative insights into the regulatory structure of the yeast cell. AVAILABILITY: MATLAB code is available from http://umber.sbs.man.ac.uk/resources/puma}, Doi = {10.1093/bioinformatics/btl473}, File = {chipVarBioinfoRev.pdf:BIO/chipVarBioinfoRev.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {Algorithms; Chromatin Immunoprecipitation; Computational Biology; Gene Expression Profiling; Gene Expression Regulation; Gene Expression Regulation, Fungal; Genes, Fungal; Internet; Models, Statistical; Oligonucleotide Array Sequence Analysis; Probability; Regulatory Elements, Transcriptional; Software; Transcription Facto; Transcription, Genetic; rs}, Owner = {luca}, Pii = {btl473}, Pmid = {16966362}, Timestamp = {2007.01.25}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btl473} } @Article{Sanguinetti2005, Title = {Accounting for probe-level noise in principal component analysis of microarray data.}, Author = {Guido Sanguinetti and Marta Milo and Magnus Rattray and Neil D Lawrence}, Journal = {Bioinformatics}, Year = {2005}, Month = {Oct}, Number = {19}, Pages = {3748--3754}, Volume = {21}, Abstract = {MOTIVATION: Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is one of the most popular dimensionality reduction techniques for the analysis of high-dimensional datasets. However, in its standard form, it does not take into account any error measures associated with the data points beyond a standard spherical noise. This indiscriminate nature provides one of its main weaknesses when applied to biological data with inherently large variability, such as expression levels measured with microarrays. Methods now exist for extracting credibility intervals from the probe-level analysis of cDNA and oligonucleotide microarray experiments. These credibility intervals are gene and experiment specific, and can be propagated through an appropriate probabilistic downstream analysis. RESULTS: We propose a new model-based approach to PCA that takes into account the variances associated with each gene in each experiment. We develop an efficient EM-algorithm to estimate the parameters of our new model. The model provides significantly better results than standard PCA, while remaining computationally reasonable. We show how the model can be used to 'denoise' a microarray dataset leading to improved expression profiles and tighter clustering across profiles. The probabilistic nature of the model means that the correct number of principal components is automatically obtained.}, Doi = {10.1093/bioinformatics/bti617}, File = {Sanguinetti05 - Probe-level noise.pdf:BIO/Sanguinetti05 - Probe-level noise.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {Algorithms; Data Interpretation, Statistical; Gene Expression Profiling; Models, Genetic; Models, Statistical; Oligonucleotide Array Sequence Analysis; Principal Component Analysis; Software; Stochastic Processes}, Owner = {luca}, Pii = {bti617}, Pmid = {16091409}, Timestamp = {2007.01.25}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/bti617} } @Article{Sanguinetti2006a, Title = {A probabilistic dynamical model for quantitative inference of the regulatory mechanism of transcription.}, Author = {Guido Sanguinetti and Magnus Rattray and Neil D Lawrence}, Journal = {Bioinformatics}, Year = {2006}, Month = {Jul}, Number = {14}, Pages = {1753--1759}, Volume = {22}, Abstract = {MOTIVATION: Quantitative estimation of the regulatory relationship between transcription factors and genes is a fundamental stepping stone when trying to develop models of cellular processes. This task, however, is difficult for a number of reasons: transcription factors' expression levels are often low and noisy, and many transcription factors are post-transcriptionally regulated. It is therefore useful to infer the activity of the transcription factors from the expression levels of their target genes. RESULTS: We introduce a novel probabilistic model to infer transcription factor activities from microarray data when the structure of the regulatory network is known. The model is based on regression, retaining the computational efficiency to allow genome-wide investigation, but is rendered more flexible by sampling regression coefficients independently for each gene. This allows us to determine the strength with which a transcription factor regulates each of its target genes, therefore providing a quantitative description of the transcriptional regulatory network. The probabilistic nature of the model also means that we can associate credibility intervals to our estimates of the activities. We demonstrate our model on two yeast datasets. In both cases the network structure was obtained using chromatin immunoprecipitation data. We show how predictions from our model are consistent with the underlying biology and offer novel quantitative insights into the regulatory structure of the yeast cell. AVAILABILITY: MATLAB code is available from http://umber.sbs.man.ac.uk/resources/puma.}, Doi = {10.1093/bioinformatics/btl154}, File = {chipChipRev - Sanguinetti - probabilistic dynamic model.pdf:BIO/chipChipRev - Sanguinetti - probabilistic dynamic model.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {Computer Simulation; Gene Expression; Gene Expression Profiling; Gene Expression Regulation; Kinetics; Models, Genetic; Models, Statistical; Oligonucleotide Array Sequence Analysis; Regulatory Elements, Transcriptional; Trans-Activation (Genetics); Transcription Factors; Transcription, Genetic}, Owner = {luca}, Pii = {btl154}, Pmid = {16632490}, Timestamp = {2007.01.25}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btl154} } @TechReport{Sanguinetti, Title = {Modelling transcriptional regulation using Gaussian processes}, Author = {Sanguinetti, Rattray, Lawrence}, File = {Modelling transcriptional regulation using Gaussian processes.pdf:BIO/Modelling transcriptional regulation using Gaussian processes.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {luca}, Timestamp = {2007.01.25} } @TechReport{Sanguinetti2006b, Title = {A probabilistic model to integrate chip and microarray data}, Author = {Sanguinetti, Rattray, Lawrence}, Year = {2006}, File = {chipTech.pdf:BIO/chipTech.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {luca}, Timestamp = {2007.01.25} } @Article{Santis2012, Title = {An active set feasible method for large-scale minimization problems with bound constraints}, Author = {M.D. Santis and G. Di Pillo and S. Lucidi}, Journal = {Comp. Opt. Apps.}, Year = {2012}, Pages = {1--29}, File = {:Papers/Santis2012.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2012.10.15} } @PhdThesis{Santos2000a, Title = {{M}ultivariable {P}redictive {C}ontrol of {N}onlinear {C}hemical {P}rocesses}, Author = {Santos, L.O.}, School = {Universidade de Coimbra}, Year = {2000}, Keywords = {optimal control NMPC chemistry}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @InProceedings{Santos2000, Title = {{O}n-line {I}mplementation of {N}onlinear {MPC}: {A}n experimental case study}, Author = {Santos, L.O. and P. Afonso and J. Castro and {N. M.C. de} {Oliveira} and L.T. Biegler}, Booktitle = {Int. Smp. Adv. Control Chem. Proc.}, Year = {2000}, Address = {Pisa}, Pages = {731--736}, Volume = {2}, Keywords = {optimal control NMPC}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @InProceedings{Santos1995, Title = {{R}eliable and efficient optimization strategies for nonlinear model predictive control}, Author = {Santos, L.O. and {N.M.C de} {Oliveira} and L.T. Biegler}, Booktitle = {Proc. Fourth {IFAC} Symposium {DYCORD+'95}}, Year = {1995}, Address = {Oxford}, Pages = {33--38}, Publisher = {Elsevier Science}, Keywords = {optimal control NMPC}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @InProceedings{Sargent1978, Title = {{T}he development of an efficient optimal control package}, Author = {Sargent, R.W.H. and G.R. Sullivan}, Booktitle = {Proc. Conf. Opt. Techniques}, Year = {1978}, Address = {Heidelberg}, Editor = {J. Stoer}, Publisher = { Springer}, Keywords = {optimal control}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @Conference{Sarkar2010, Title = {Theoretical justification of popular link prediction heuristics}, Author = {Sarkar, P. and Chakrabarti, D. and Moore, A.}, Booktitle = {Int. Conf. Learn. Theory (COLT)}, Year = {2010}, Pages = {295--307}, File = {sarkar2010theoretical.pdf:Statistical Learning/EBB/sarkar2010theoretical.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {jmscarlett}, Timestamp = {2014.11.25} } @InProceedings{Sarvotham2006, Title = {Measurements versus bits: Compressed sensing meets information theory}, Author = {S. Sarvotham and D. Baron and R. G. Baraniuk}, Booktitle = {Allerton Conf. on Comm., Control and Comp.}, Year = {2006}, Month = {Sept.}, Owner = {Jono}, Timestamp = {2014.08.30} } @Article{Saul2003, Title = {Think Globally, Fit Locally: Unsupervised Learning of Low Dimensional Manifolds}, Author = {Lawrence K. Saul and SamT. Roweis}, Journal = {J. Mach. Learn. Res.}, Year = {2003}, Pages = {119-155}, Volume = {4}, File = {SaulRoweis03Manifold.pdf:Statistical Learning/Manifold/SaulRoweis03Manifold.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {luca}, Timestamp = {2007.03.01} } @InCollection{Saunders1996, Title = {Cholesky-based methods for sparse least squares: the benefits of regularization}, Author = {Saunders, Michael A.}, Booktitle = {Linear and nonlinear conjugate gradient-related methods ({S}eattle, {WA}, 1995)}, Publisher = {SIAM}, Year = {1996}, Address = {Philadelphia, PA}, Pages = {92--100}, File = {Saunders1996.pdf:Saunders1996.pdf:PDF}, Mrclass = {65F30 (65K05)}, Mrnumber = {1446299}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @Article{Saunderson2012, Title = {Diagonal and low-rank matrix decompositions, correlation matrices, and ellipsoid fitting}, Author = {Saunderson, James and Chandrasekaran, Venkat and Parrilo, Pablo A and Willsky, Alan S}, Journal = {SIAM Journal on Matrix Anal. and Apps.}, Year = {2012}, Number = {4}, Pages = {1395--1416}, Volume = {33}, Date-added = {2014-08-12 14:33:51 +0000}, Date-modified = {2014-08-12 14:33:51 +0000}, Owner = {jmscarlett}, Publisher = {SIAM}, Timestamp = {2014.11.25} } @TechReport{Savorgnan2010, Title = {Control benchmark of a hydro power plant}, Author = {C. 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(NIPS)}, Year = {2005}, Pages = {1329--1336}, Publisher = {MIT Press}, File = {:Statistical Learning/srebro05maxmargin.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {matrix factorization, collaborative filtering}, Owner = {baldazen}, Timestamp = {2009.02.05} } @Article{Sriperumbudur2009, Title = {On the convergence of the concave-convex procedure}, Author = {B.K. Sriperumbudur and G.R.G. Lanckriet}, Journal = {Neur. Inf. Proc. Sys. (NIPS)}, Year = {2009}, File = {:Papers/Sriperumbudur2009.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2012.04.09} } @Article{Staedler2010, Title = {$\ell_1$-penalization for mixture regression models}, Author = {St{\"a}dler, Nicolas and B{\"u}hlmann, Peter and van de Geer, Sara}, Journal = {Test}, Year = {2010}, Number = {2}, Pages = {209--256}, Volume = {19}, File = {:stadler2012l1penalization.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {jmscarlett}, Publisher = {Springer}, Timestamp = {2014.11.25} } @Article{Staedler2012, Title = {$l_1$-Penalization for Mixture Regression Models}, Author = {N. 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Soc.}, Year = {1979}, Address = {Providence, R.I.}, Pages = {345--355}, Keywords = {integer programming}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @Article{Stanley1977, Title = {{R}elative invariants of finite groups generated by pseudoreflections}, Author = {Stanley, R.P.}, Journal = {J. Algebra}, Year = {1977}, Number = {1}, Pages = {134--148}, Volume = {49}, Keywords = {miscellaneous}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @InProceedings{Starck2005, Title = {Morphological component analysis}, Author = {Starck, J-L and Moudden, Y and Bobin, J and Elad, M and Donoho, DL}, Booktitle = {Optics \& Photonics 2005}, Year = {2005}, Organization = {International Society for Optics and Photonics}, Pages = {59140Q--59140Q}, File = {starck2005morphological.pdf:starck2005morphological.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {jmscarlett}, Timestamp = {2014.11.25} } @Article{Statnikov2005, Title = {A comprehensive evaluation of multicategory classification methods for microarray gene expression cancer diagnosis.}, Author = {Alexander Statnikov and Constantin F Aliferis and Ioannis Tsamardinos and Douglas Hardin and Shawn Levy}, Journal = {Bioinformatics}, Year = {2005}, Month = {Mar}, Number = {5}, Pages = {631--643}, Volume = {21}, Abstract = {MOTIVATION: Cancer diagnosis is one of the most important emerging clinical applications of gene expression microarray technology. We are seeking to develop a computer system for powerful and reliable cancer diagnostic model creation based on microarray data. To keep a realistic perspective on clinical applications we focus on multicategory diagnosis. To equip the system with the optimum combination of classifier, gene selection and cross-validation methods, we performed a systematic and comprehensive evaluation of several major algorithms for multicategory classification, several gene selection methods, multiple ensemble classifier methods and two cross-validation designs using 11 datasets spanning 74 diagnostic categories and 41 cancer types and 12 normal tissue types. RESULTS: Multicategory support vector machines (MC-SVMs) are the most effective classifiers in performing accurate cancer diagnosis from gene expression data. The MC-SVM techniques by Crammer and Singer, Weston and Watkins and one-versus-rest were found to be the best methods in this domain. MC-SVMs outperform other popular machine learning algorithms, such as k-nearest neighbors, backpropagation and probabilistic neural networks, often to a remarkable degree. Gene selection techniques can significantly improve the classification performance of both MC-SVMs and other non-SVM learning algorithms. Ensemble classifiers do not generally improve performance of the best non-ensemble models. These results guided the construction of a software system GEMS (Gene Expression Model Selector) that automates high-quality model construction and enforces sound optimization and performance estimation procedures. This is the first such system to be informed by a rigorous comparative analysis of the available algorithms and datasets. AVAILABILITY: The software system GEMS is available for download from http://www.gems-system.org for non-commercial use. CONTACT: alexander.statnikov@vanderbilt.edu.}, Doi = {10.1093/bioinformatics/bti033}, File = {Statnikov05Multiclass.pdf:Statistical Learning/Multiclass/Statnikov05Multiclass.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {Algorithms; Artificial Intelligence; Cluster Analysis; Diagnosis, Computer-Assisted; Gene Expression Profiling; Genetic Predisposition to Disease; Genetic Screening; Humans; Neoplasm Proteins; Neoplasms; Oligonucleotide Array Sequence Analysis; Pattern Recognition, Automated; Reproducibility of Results; Sensitivity and Specificity; Software; Tumor Markers, Biological; User-Computer Interface}, Owner = {luca}, Pii = {bti033}, Pmid = {15374862}, Timestamp = {2007.03.12}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/bti033} } @Article{Stegeman2010, Title = {Subtracting a best rank-1 approximation may increase tensor rank}, Author = {Stegeman, Alwin and Comon, Pierre}, Journal = {Lin. Alg. Apps.}, Year = {2010}, Number = {7}, Pages = {1276--1300}, Volume = {433}, Owner = {jmscarlett}, Publisher = {Elsevier}, Timestamp = {2014.11.25} } @Article{Stein1981, Title = {Estimation of the mean of a multivariate normal distribution}, Author = {Stein, Charles M.}, Journal = {Ann. Stats.}, Year = {1981}, Number = {6}, Pages = {1135--1151}, Volume = {9}, Owner = {yhli}, Timestamp = {2014.07.04} } @PhdThesis{Steinbach1995, Title = {{F}ast recursive {SQP} methods for large-scale optimal control problems}, Author = {Steinbach, {M.C.}}, School = {Universit\"at Heidelberg}, Year = {1995}, Address = {{IWR}}, Type = {{P}h{D} thesis}, File = {Steinbach1995.pdf:Steinbach1995.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {agbock SQP optimal control}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @Article{Steinwart2005, Title = {Consistency of support vector machines and other regularized kernel classifiers}, Author = {Steinwart, I.}, Journal = {IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory}, Year = {2005}, Number = {1}, Pages = {128--142}, Volume = {51}, File = {steinwart2005consistency.pdf:Statistical Learning/steinwart2005consistency.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {baldassarre}, Timestamp = {2009.11.04} } @Book{Steinwart2008, Title = {Support Vector Machines}, Author = {Steinwart, Ingo and Christmann, Andreas}, Publisher = {Springer Publishing Company, Incorporated}, Year = {2008}, Edition = {1st}, File = {:Statistical Learning\\Support Vector Machines by Ingo Steinwart.pdf:PDF}, ISBN = {0387772413}, Owner = {jmscarlett}, Timestamp = {2014.11.25} } @Article{Stephanopoulos1975, Title = {The use of {H}estenes' method of multipliers to resolve dual gaps in engineering system optimization}, Author = {Stephanopoulos, G. and Westerberg A.W.}, Journal = {J. Opt. Theory and Apps.}, Year = {1975}, Pages = {285--309}, Volume = {15}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2012.06.07} } @Conference{Sternberg2012c, Title = {{R}obust and {S}table {P}eriodic {F}light of {P}ower {G}enerating {K}ite {S}ystems in a {T}urbulent {W}ind {F}low {F}ield}, Author = {Julia Sternberg and Jay Goit and Sebastien Gros and Johan Meyers and Moritz Diehl}, Booktitle = {IFAC Workshop on Control Apps. of Opt.}, Year = {2012}, Abstract = {Power-generating kite systems extract energy from the wind by periodically pulling a generator on the ground while flying fast in a crosswind direction. Kite systems are intrinsically unstable, and subject to atmospheric turbulences. As an alternative to closed-loop control, this paper investigates the open-loop stabilization and robustification of a kite system using techniques based on the solution of Lyapunov differential equation. A wind flow is computed as a solution to a time-dependent three dimensional Navier-Stokes equation. Open-loop stable trajectories for the power-generating kite system are computed based on the statistical properties of the wind field, and are robustified with respect to the system constraints. The stability and robustness of the resulting trajectories are assessed by simulating the system using the computed time- and space-dependent turbulent wind flow.}, File = {:Sternberg2012d.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {julia}, Timestamp = {2012.06.27} } @Conference{Sternberg2012a, Title = {{A}pproximate {R}obust {O}ptimal {C}ontrol of {P}eriodic {S}ystems with {I}nvariants and {H}igh-{I}ndex {D}ifferential {A}lgebraic {S}ystems}, Author = {J. Sternberg and S. Gros and B. Houska and M. Diehl}, Booktitle = {IFAC Symp. Robust Control Design}, Year = {2012}, Pages = {678-683}, Abstract = {In this paper we present solution approaches for uncertain periodic optimal control problems with invariants that arise e.g., after index reduction of high-index differential algebraic systems. There are two difficulties to be addressed: first, we encounter a redundancy in the periodic boundary constraints which is due to the presence of invariants. And second, we have to deal with the presence of uncertainties. To address the first problem we discuss both a projection and a null-space based reformulation approaches that avoid the redundancies in the constraints. Concerning the uncertainties, we discuss an approximate robust optimal control formulation based on Lyapunov differential equations. Here, the invariants and periodic boundary constraints have to be taken into account, too. We illustrate our techniques by optimizing an open-loop controlled inverted pendulum which is described by index three differential algebraic equations and is affected by unknown forces.}, File = {:Sternberg2012b.pdf:PDF}, Journal = {{I}n {P}roceedings of the 7th {I}{F}{A}{C} {S}ymposium on {R}obust {C}ontrol {D}esign}, Owner = {julia}, Timestamp = {2012.06.27} } @Conference{Sternberg2012, Title = {{A} {S}tructure {E}xploiting {A}lgorithm for {A}pproximate {R}obust {O}ptimal {C}ontrol with {A}pplication to {P}ower {G}enerating {K}ites}, Author = {J. Sternberg and B. Houska and M. Diehl}, Booktitle = {Proc. Amer. Control Conf.}, Year = {2012}, Abstract = {In the present paper we discuss numerical solution strategies for robust optimal control problems. Here, our motivation is to optimize the dynamic open-loop behaviour of a kite, which is affected by unknown wind turbulence. After reviewing some existing strategies for robust optimal control, we specialize on a particular approach which uses a Lyapunov differential equation in order to approximate the influence of the uncertainties on the state of the dynamic system and to guarantee stability of periodic systems. We propose strategies to exploit the structure of the corresponding formulation and provide an open-source implementation of the algorithm. The practical advantage of this implementation is illustrated by applying it to a robustness and stability optimization problem for a power generating kite system. Here, the model equations and system parameters are inspired from a real-world application.}, File = {:Sternberg2012a.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {julia}, Timestamp = {2012.06.27} } @Conference{Sternberg2012b, Title = {{A} {T}oolkit for {E}fficient {C}omputation of {S}ensitivities in {A}pproximate {R}obust {O}ptimal {C}ontrol {P}roblems}, Author = {J. Sternberg and B. Houska and F. Logist and D. Telen and J. Van Impe and M. Diehl}, Booktitle = {IFAC Symp. Robust Control Design}, Year = {2012}, Pages = {183--188}, Abstract = {Efficient solution approaches for optimal control problems where the dynamics are described by uncertain differential equations are discussed in the present paper. Problems with uncertainties can be addressed by the robust worst-case formulation. In order to numerically solve the robust counterpart for the optimal control problem several approximation techniques can be employed. In this paper we use an approach based on linearization and solution of Lyapunov differential equations. We exploit the structure of the Lyapunov equation in the optimal control context providing an efficient numerical implementation. The capabilities and computational times of the new approach are demonstrated on two (bio)chemical examples.}, File = {:Sternberg2012c.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {julia}, Timestamp = {2012.06.27} } @Article{Stewart2009, Title = {On certain inequalities involving the {L}ambert {$W$} function}, Author = {Stewart, Se\'{a}n M.}, Journal = {J. Ineq. Pure App. Math.}, Year = {2009}, Volume = {10}, Owner = {yhli}, Timestamp = {2014.08.28} } @Article{Stingl2009, Title = {{A} {S}equential {C}onvex {S}emidefinite {P}rogramming {A}lgorithm for {M}ultiple-{L}oad {F}ree {M}aterial {O}ptimization}, Author = {M. Stingl and M. Kocvara and and G. Leugering}, Journal = {SIAM J. Opt.zation}, Year = {2009}, Number = {1}, Pages = {130--155}, Volume = {20}, File = {:Papers/Stingl2009.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2012.04.08} } @Article{Stojnic2009, Title = {On the reconstruction of block-sparse signals with an optimal number of measurements}, Author = {Stojnic, M. and Parvaresh, F. and Hassibi, B.}, Journal = {IEEE Trans. Sig. Proc.}, Year = {2009}, Number = {8}, Pages = {3075--3085}, Volume = {57}, File = {stojnic2009reconstruction.pdf:COMPRESSIVE SENSING/stojnic2009reconstruction.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {jmscarlett}, Publisher = {IEEE}, Timestamp = {2014.11.25} } @InProceedings{Stojnic2008, Title = {Compressed sensing-probabilistic analysis of a null-space characterization}, Author = {Stojnic, M. and Xu, W. and Hassibi, B.}, Booktitle = {IEEE Int. Conf. Acoustics, Speech, and Sig. Proc. 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Neur. Inf. Proc. Sys. (NIPS)}, Year = {2003}, Month = {jan}, Pages = {1025-1032}, Publisher = {{MIT} Press}, Volume = {15}, Citeseerurl = {citeseer.ist.psu.edu/szummer03information.html}, File = {Statistical Learning\\szummer03information.pdf:Statistical Learning\\szummer03information.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {BaldaZen}, Timestamp = {2007.01.29}, Url = {http://research.microsoft.com/~szummer/papers/SzummerJaakkola-nips02.pdf} } @Article{Tuetuenkue2003, Title = {Solving semidefinite-quadratic-linear programs using SDPT3}, Author = {R.H. T\"{u}t\"{u}nk\"{u} and K.C. Toh and M.J. Todd}, Journal = {Math. 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Both methods are modifications to the classic linear discriminant analysis (LDA) in two aspects tailored to high-dimensional and low-sample-sized data: one is the regularization of the covariance matrix, and the other is variable selection through shrinkage. In spite of their usefulness, there are potential limitations with each method. The main concern is that both PAM and SCRDA are possibly too extreme: the covariance matrix in the former is restricted to be diagonal while in the latter there is barely any restriction. Based on the biology of gene functions and given the feature of the data, it may be beneficial to estimate the covariance matrix as an intermediate between the two; furthermore, more effective shrinkage schemes may be possible. RESULTS: We propose modified LDA methods to integrate biological knowledge of gene functions (or variable groups) into classification of microarray data. Instead of simply treating all the genes independently or imposing no restriction on the correlations among the genes, we group the genes according to their biological functions extracted from existing biological knowledge or data, and propose regularized covariance estimators that encourages between-group gene independence and within-group gene correlations while maintaining the flexibility of any general covariance structure. Furthermore, we propose a shrinkage scheme on groups of genes that tends to retain or remove a whole group of the genes altogether, in contrast to the standard shrinkage on individual genes. We show that one of the proposed methods performed better than PAM and SCRDA in a simulation study and several real data examples.}, Doi = {10.1093/bioinformatics/btm488}, File = {tai07prior.pdf:BIO/Gene Expression/tai07prior.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {Algorithms; Artificial Intelligence; Data Interpretation, Statistical; Discriminant Analysis; Gene Expression Profiling; Multigene Family; Oligonucleotide Array Sequence Analysis; Pattern Recognition, Automated}, Owner = {baldazen}, Pii = {btm488}, Pmid = {17933851}, Timestamp = {2008.04.15}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btm488} } @Book{Talagrand2005, Title = {The Generic Chaining}, Author = {Talagrand, Michel}, Publisher = {Springer-Verl.}, Year = {2005}, Address = {Berlin}, Owner = {yhli}, Timestamp = {2014.07.25} } @Misc{Talairach1988, Title = {A stereotactic coplanar atlas of the human brain}, Author = {Talairach, P. and Tournoux, J.}, Year = {1988}, Owner = {jmscarlett}, Publisher = {Stuttgart: Thieme}, Timestamp = {2014.11.25} } @Article{Tamimi2010, Title = {A combined approach to nonlinear model predictive control of fast systems}, Author = {Jasem Tamimi and Pu Li}, Journal = {J. Proc. Control}, Year = {2010}, Note = {ADCHEM 2009 Special Issue}, Number = {9}, Pages = {1092 - 1102}, Volume = {20}, Doi = {DOI: 10.1016/j.jprocont.2010.06.002}, File = {Tamimi2010.pdf:Tamimi2010.pdf:PDF}, ISSN = {0959-1524}, Keywords = {Nonlinear model predictive control}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23}, Url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0959152410001137} } @Article{Tan2014, Title = {Strong Impossibility Results for Sparse Signal Processing}, Author = {Tan, V.Y.F. and Atia, G.K.}, Journal = {IEEE Sig. Proc. Letters}, Year = {2014}, Month = {March}, Number = {3}, Pages = {260-264}, Volume = {21}, ISSN = {1070-9908}, Owner = {jmscarlett} } @Article{Tan2014a, Title = {On the Dispersions of Three Network Information Theory Problems}, Author = {Tan, V.Y.F. and Kosut, O.}, Journal = {IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory}, Year = {2014}, Month = {Feb.}, Number = {2}, Pages = {881-903}, Volume = {60}, Doi = {10.1109/TIT.2013.2291231}, ISSN = {0018-9448}, Keywords = {broadcast channels;channel coding;entropy codes;error statistics;matrix algebra;multi-access systems;source coding;Slepian-Wolf boundary;asymmetric broadcast channel;distributed lossless source coding;entropy dispersion matrix;error probability;local dispersion;multidimensional Berry-Esséen theorem;multiple access channel;nonasymptotic rate region;scalar dispersion;three network information theory;vector rate redundancy theorem;weighted sum-rate dispersion;Channel coding;Entropy;Error probability;Source coding;Vectors;Dispersion;Slepian-Wolf;asymmetric broadcast channel;multiple-access channel;network information theory;second-order coding rates}, Owner = {jmscarlett} } @Article{Tanaka2005, Title = {Approximate belief propagation, density evolution, and statistical neurodynamics for {CDMA} multiuser detection}, Author = {Tanaka, T. and Okada, M.}, Journal = {IEEE Trans. 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Langford}, Journal = {Science}, Year = {2000}, Month = {Dec}, Number = {5500}, Pages = {2319--2323}, Volume = {290}, Abstract = {Scientists working with large volumes of high-dimensional data, such as global climate patterns, stellar spectra, or human gene distributions, regularly confront the problem of dimensionality reduction: finding meaningful low-dimensional structures hidden in their high-dimensional observations. The human brain confronts the same problem in everyday perception, extracting from its high-dimensional sensory inputs-30,000 auditory nerve fibers or 10(6) optic nerve fibers-a manageably small number of perceptually relevant features. Here we describe an approach to solving dimensionality reduction problems that uses easily measured local metric information to learn the underlying global geometry of a data set. Unlike classical techniques such as principal component analysis (PCA) and multidimensional scaling (MDS), our approach is capable of discovering the nonlinear degrees of freedom that underlie complex natural observations, such as human handwriting or images of a face under different viewing conditions. In contrast to previous algorithms for nonlinear dimensionality reduction, ours efficiently computes a globally optimal solution, and, for an important class of data manifolds, is guaranteed to converge asymptotically to the true structure.}, Doi = {10.1126/science.290.5500.2319}, File = {Statistical Learning\\tenenbaum00NonlinearReduction.pdf:Statistical Learning\\tenenbaum00NonlinearReduction.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {Algorithms; Artificial Intelligence; Face; Humans; Mathematics; Pattern Recognition, Visual; Visual Perception}, Owner = {BaldaZen}, Pii = {290/5500/2319}, Pmid = {11125149}, Timestamp = {2007.01.29}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1126/science.290.5500.2319} } @PhdThesis{Tenny2002, Title = {{C}omputational {S}trategies for {N}onlinear {M}odel {P}redictive {C}ontrol}, Author = {M. Tenny}, School = {University of Wisconsin-Madison}, Year = {2002}, Month = {June}, Keywords = {optimal control NMPC}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @InProceedings{Tenny2001, Title = {{F}easible real-time nonlinear model predictive control}, Author = {Tenny, M.J. and Rawlings, J.B.}, Booktitle = {Int. Conf. Chem. Proc. Control (CPC)}, Year = {2001}, Series = {{AIChE} Symposium Series}, Editors = {Rawlings, J.B. and Ogunaike, A. and Eaton, J.W.}, Keywords = {optimal control NMPC}, Mlanguage = {E}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @Article{Tenny2004, Title = {{N}onlinear model predictive control via feasibility-perturbed sequential quadratic programming}, Author = {M.J. Tenny and S.J. Wright and J.B. Rawlings}, Journal = {Comp. Opt. Apps.}, Year = {2004}, Month = {April}, Number = {1}, Pages = {87--121}, Volume = {28}, File = {Tenny2004.pdf:Tenny2004.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {optimal control NMPC}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @TechReport{Tenny2002a, Title = {{N}onlinear {M}odel {P}redictive {C}ontrol via {F}easibility-{P}erturbed {S}equential {Q}uadratic {P}rogramming}, Author = {Tenny, M.J. and Wright, S.J. and Rawlings, J.B.}, Institution = {Texas-Wisconsin Modeling and Control Consortium}, Year = {2002}, Type = {Technical Report {TWMCC-2002-02} }, File = {Tenny2002a.pdf:Tenny2002a.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {optimal control NMPC}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @InProceedings{Terwen2004, Title = {{P}redictive powertrain control for heavy duty trucks}, Author = {Terwen, S. and Back, M. and Krebs, V.}, Booktitle = {Proc. IFAC Symp. Adv. Aut. 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B}, Year = {1996}, Number = {1}, Pages = {267--288}, Volume = {58}, Owner = {yhli}, Timestamp = {2014.02.14} } @Article{Tibshirani2004, Title = {Sample classification from protein mass spectrometry by 'peak probability contrasts'.}, Author = {Robert Tibshirani and Trevor Hastie and Balasubramanian Narasimhan and Scott Soltys and Gongyi Shi and Albert Koong and Quynh-Thu Le}, Journal = {Bioinformatics}, Year = {2004}, Month = {Nov}, Number = {17}, Pages = {3034--3044}, Volume = {20}, Abstract = {MOTIVATION: Early cancer detection has always been a major research focus in solid tumor oncology. Early tumor detection can theoretically result in lower stage tumors, more treatable diseases and ultimately higher cure rates with less treatment-related morbidities. Protein mass spectrometry is a potentially powerful tool for early cancer detection. We propose a novel method for sample classification from protein mass spectrometry data. When applied to spectra from both diseased and healthy patients, the 'peak probability contrast' technique provides a list of all common peaks among the spectra, their statistical significance and their relative importance in discriminating between the two groups. We illustrate the method on matrix-assisted laser desorption and ionization mass spectrometry data from a study of ovarian cancers. RESULTS: Compared to other statistical approaches for class prediction, the peak probability contrast method performs as well or better than several methods that require the full spectra, rather than just labelled peaks. It is also much more interpretable biologically. The peak probability contrast method is a potentially useful tool for sample classification from protein mass spectrometry data.}, Doi = {10.1093/bioinformatics/bth357}, File = {BIO\\Peak04Tibshirani.pdf:BIO\\Peak04Tibshirani.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {Algorithms; Artificial Intelligence; Cluster Analysis; Diagnosis, Computer-Assisted; Female; Humans; Models, Biological; Models, Statistical; Neoplasm Proteins; Ovarian Neoplasms; Reproducibility of Results; Sensitivity and Specificity; Spectrometry, Mass, Electrospray Ionization; Spectrometry, Mass, Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption-Ionization; Tumor Markers, Biological}, Owner = {BaldaZen}, Pii = {bth357}, Pmid = {15226172}, Timestamp = {2007.02.01}, Url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/bth357} } @Article{Tibshirani2005, Title = {Sparsity and smoothness via the fused lasso}, Author = {Tibshirani, R. and Saunders, M. and Rosset, S. and Zhu, J. and Knight, K.}, Journal = {J. Royal Stat. Soc.: Series B (Statistical Methodology)}, Year = {2005}, Number = {1}, Pages = {91--108}, Volume = {67}, Owner = {jmscarlett}, Publisher = {Wiley Online Library}, Timestamp = {2014.11.25} } @Article{Tibshirani2012, Title = {Degrees of freedom in lasso problems}, Author = {Tibshirani, Ryan J. and Taylor, Jonathan}, Journal = {Ann. Stats.}, Year = {2012}, Number = {2}, Pages = {1198--1232}, Volume = {40}, Owner = {yhli}, Timestamp = {2014.07.08} } @Article{Tibshirani2011, Title = {The solution path of the generalized lasso}, Author = {Tibshirani, Ryan J. and Taylor, Jonathan}, Journal = {Ann. Stats.}, Year = {2011}, Number = {3}, Pages = {1335--1371}, Volume = {39}, Owner = {yhli}, Timestamp = {2014.07.16} } @Book{Tikhonov1977, Title = {Solutions of Ill-posed Problems}, Author = {Tikhonov, A. N. and Arsenin, V. 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Toumi}, School = {Fachbereich Bio und Chemieingenieurwesen, Universit\"at Dortmund}, Year = {2004}, File = {Toumi2004.pdf:Toumi2004.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {optimal control PDE chemistry multiple shooting}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23} } @InProceedings{Toumi2005, Title = {{F}inite {H}orizon {O}ptimizing {C}ontrol of {A}dvanced {SMB} {C}hromatographic {P}rocesses}, Author = {A. Toumi and M. Diehl and S.~Engell and H.G. Bock and J.P. Schl\"oder}, Booktitle = {{IFAC World Congress}}, Year = {2005}, Address = {Prague}, Note = {(CD ROM)}, Doi = {10.3182/20050703-6-CZ-1902.01675}, File = {Toumi2005.pdf:Toumi2005.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {optimal control}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.08.23}, Url = {http://www.ifac-papersonline.net/Detailed/28956.html} } @Article{Toumi2004a, Title = {{O}ptimierungsbasierte {R}egelung {E}ines {I}ntegrierten {R}eaktiven {C}hromatographischen {T}rennprozesses}, Author = {A. Toumi and S. 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(NIPS)}, Year = {2014}, Date-added = {2014-11-06 17:48:05 +0000}, Date-modified = {2014-11-06 17:49:18 +0000}, Owner = {jmscarlett}, Read = {1}, Timestamp = {2014.11.25} } @Unpublished{Tran-Dinh2014a, Title = {A Primal-Dual Algorithmic Framework for Constrained Convex Minimization}, Author = {Quoc Tran-Dinh and Volkan Cevher}, Note = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1406.5403}, Month = {June}, Year = {2014}, Owner = {Jono}, Timestamp = {2014.08.17} } @Article{Tran-Dinh2014d, Title = {A Unified Optimal Primal-Dual Framework For Constrained Convex Minimization}, Author = {Q. Tran-Dinh and V. Cevher}, Journal = {Tech. Report., LIONS}, Year = {2014}, Pages = {1--32}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2014.04.08} } @Article{Tran-Dinh2014f, Title = {A Primal-Dual Algorithmic Framework For Constrained Convex Minimization}, Author = {Q. Tran-Dinh and V. Cevher}, Journal = {Tech. Report., LIONS}, Year = {2014}, Pages = {1--54}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2014.04.08} } @Article{Tran-Dinh2014g, Title = {Composite convex minimization involving generalized self-concordant cost}, Author = {Q. Tran-Dinh and V. Cevher}, Journal = {Tech. Report. (LIONS, EPFL)}, Year = {2014}, Pages = {1--18}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2014.09.29} } @Article{Tran-Dinh2014h, Title = {Barrier smoothing methods for composite nonsmooth convex minimization: {P}art {A} - {F}irst order methods}, Author = {Q. Tran-Dinh and V. Cevher}, Journal = {Tech. Report.}, Year = {2014}, Pages = {1--30}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2014.09.29} } @Article{Tran-Dinh2014i, Title = {Barrier smoothing methods for composite nonsmooth convex minimization: {P}art {B} - {S}econd order methods}, Author = {Q. Tran-Dinh and V. Cevher}, Journal = {Tech. Report. (LIONS, EPFL)}, Year = {2014}, Pages = {1--32}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2014.09.29} } @TechReport{Tran-Dinh2014j, Title = {An Optimal Primal-Dual Decomposition Framework}, Author = {Q. Tran-Dinh and V. Cevher}, Institution = {LIONS - EPFL}, Year = {2014}, Owner = {baldassarre}, Timestamp = {2014.04.03} } @Conference{Tran-Dinh2010, Title = {{L}ocal {C}onvergence of {S}equential {C}onvex {P}rogramming for {N}onconvex {O}ptimization}, Author = {Q. Tran-Dinh and M. Diehl}, Booktitle = {Recent advances in optimization and its application in engineering}, Year = {2010}, Editor = {Diehl, M., Glineur, F.; Jarlebring, E., and Michiels, W.}, Pages = {93--103}, Publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, File = {TranDinh2009a.pdf:TranDinh2009a.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {Sequential convex programming, local convergence, nonlinear programming}, Owner = {qtrandin}, Timestamp = {2010.04.29} } @TechReport{Tran-Dinh2011, Title = {Proximal methods for minimizing the sum of a convex function and a composite function}, Author = {Tran-Dinh, Q. and Diehl, M.}, Institution = {KU Leuven, OPTEC and ESAT/SCD}, Year = {2011}, Address = {Belgium}, Month = {May}, Type = {Tech. Report}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2012.07.05} } @Conference{Tran-Dinh2009, Title = {{A}n application of sequential convex programming to time optimal trajectory planning for a car motion}, Author = {Q. Tran-Dinh and M. Diehl}, Booktitle = {Proc. Conf. Decision and Control}, Year = {2009}, Address = {Shanghai, China}, Pages = {4366--4371}, Doi = {10.1109/CDC.2009.5399823}, File = {TranDinh2009.pdf:TranDinh2009.pdf:PDF}, Keywords = {Sequential convex programming, time optimal control}, Owner = {qtrandin}, Timestamp = {2010.04.29}, Url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=5399823} } @TechReport{Tran-Dinh2009b, Title = {{S}equential {C}onvex {P}rogramming {M}ethods for {S}olving {N}onlinear {O}ptimization {P}roblems with {DC} constraints}, Author = {Q. Tran-Dinh and M. Diehl}, Institution = {ESAT/SCD and OPTEC, KU Leuven}, Year = {2009}, Address = {Belgium}, Type = {Tech. Report}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2012.10.12}, Url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1107.5841} } @Article{Tran-Dinh2008, Title = {Extragradient algorithms extended to equilibrium problems}, Author = {Q. Tran-Dinh and M. Le Dung and V.H. 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Opt.}, Year = {2014}, Number = {4}, Pages = {1718--1745}, Volume = {24}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.11.14} } @InProceedings{Tran-Dinh2013, Title = {A proximal $\{$N$\}$ ewton framework for composite minimization: Graph learning without $\{$C$\}$ holesky decompositions and matrix inversions}, Author = {Tran-Dinh, Q. and Kyrillidis, A. and Cevher, V.}, Booktitle = {Proc. Int. Conf. Mach. Learn. (ICML)}, Year = {2013}, Pages = {271--279}, Owner = {jmscarlett}, Timestamp = {2014.11.25} } @Article{Tran-Dinh2013e, Title = {No heavy lifting required: {A} proximal path following scheme for conic programming}, Author = {Q. Tran-Dinh and A. Kyrillidis and V. Cevher}, Journal = {Tech. Report. (LIONS, EPFL)}, Year = {2013}, Pages = {1--18}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.07.17} } @Article{Tran-Dinh2013f, Title = {A proximal Newton framework for composite minimization: {G}raph learning without {C}holesky decompositions and matrix inversions}, Author = {Q. Tran-Dinh and A. Kyrillidis and V. Cevher}, Journal = {JMLR W\&CP}, Year = {2013}, Number = {2}, Pages = {271--279}, Volume = {28}, Address = {CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland}, Institution = {Lab. for Information and Inference Systems (LIONS), EPFL, Switzerland}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.01.30} } @Article{Tran-Dinh2013g, Title = {Composite self-concordant minimization}, Author = {Tran-Dinh, Q. and Kyrillidis, A. and Cevher, V.}, Journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:1308.2867}, Year = {2013}, Owner = {jmscarlett}, Timestamp = {2014.11.25} } @Article{Tran-Dinh2011b, Title = {A splitting proximal point method for Nash-Cournot equilibrium models involving nonconvex cost functions}, Author = {Q. Tran-Dinh and M. Le-Dung}, Journal = {J. 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Decision and Control}, Year = {2013}, Address = {Florence, Italy}, Month = {December}, Pages = {2372--2377}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2013.11.13} } @Article{Tran-Dinh2012c, Title = {{F}ast {I}nexact {D}ecomposition {A}lgorithms for {L}arge-{S}cale {S}eparable {C}onvex {O}ptimization}, Author = {Q. Tran-Dinh and I. Necoara and M. Diehl}, Journal = {Submitted to J. Opt. Theory and Apps. J}, Year = {2012}, Pages = {1--29}, File = {:Papers/TranDinh2012h.pdf:PDF}, Owner = {quoctd}, Timestamp = {2012.06.06} } @Article{Tran-Dinh2013b, Title = {{A}n {I}nexact {P}erturbed {P}ath-{F}ollowing {M}ethod for {L}agrangian {D}ecomposition in {L}arge-{S}cale {S}eparable {C}onvex {O}ptimization}, Author = {Q. Tran-Dinh and I. Necoara and C. Savorgnan and M. Diehl}, Journal = {SIAM J. 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