## Quick Start This section describes how to run YCSB on ElasticSearch running locally. ### 1. Set Up YCSB Clone the YCSB git repository and compile: git clone git://github.com/brianfrankcooper/YCSB.git cd YCSB mvn clean package ### 2. Run YCSB Now you are ready to run! First, load the data: ./bin/ycsb load elasticsearch -s -P workloads/workloada Then, run the workload: ./bin/ycsb run elasticsearch -s -P workloads/workloada For further configuration see below: ### Defaults Configuration The default setting for the ElasticSearch node that is created is as follows: cluster.name=es.ycsb.cluster node.local=true path.data=$TEMP_DIR/esdata discovery.zen.ping.multicast.enabled=false index.mapping._id.indexed=true index.gateway.type=none gateway.type=none index.number_of_shards=1 index.number_of_replicas=0 es.index.key=es.ycsb ### Custom Configuration If you wish to customize the settings used to create the ElasticSerach node you can created a new property file that contains your desired ElasticSearch node settings and pass it in via the parameter to 'bin/ycsb' script. Note that the default properties will be kept if you don't explicitly overwrite them. Assuming that we have a properties file named "myproperties.data" that contains custom ElasticSearch node configuration you can execute the following to pass it into the ElasticSearch client: ./bin/ycsb run elasticsearch -P workloads/workloada -P myproperties.data -s If you wish to use a in-memory store type rather than the default disk store add the following properties to your custom properties file. For a large number of insert operations insure that you have sufficient memory on your test system otherwise you will run out of memory. index.store.type=memory index.store.fs.memory.enabled=true cache.memory.small_buffer_size=4mb cache.memory.large_cache_size=1024mb If you wish to change the default index name you can set the following property: es.index.key=my_index_key