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Google Cloud Datastore Binding
Please refer [here] (https://cloud.google.com/datastore/docs/apis/overview) for more information on Google Cloud Datastore API.
YCSB_HOME - YCSB home directory DATASTORE_HOME - Google Cloud Datastore YCSB client package files
Please refer to https://github.com/brianfrankcooper/YCSB/wiki/Using-the-Database-Libraries for more information on setup.
$YCSB_HOME/bin/ycsb load googledatastore -P workloads/workloada -P googledatastore.properties $YCSB_HOME/bin/ycsb run googledatastore -P workloads/workloada -P googledatastore.properties
A. Configuration and setup:
See this link for instructions about setting up Google Cloud Datastore and authentication:
After you setup your environment, you will have 3 pieces of information ready:
- datasetId,
- service account email, and
- a private key file in P12 format.
These will be configured via corresponding properties in the googledatastore.properties file.
B. EntityGroupingMode
In Google Datastore, Entity Group is the unit in which the user can perform strongly consistent query on multiple items; Meanwhile, Entity group also has certain limitations in performance, especially with write QPS.
We support two modes here:
- [default] One entity per group (ONE_ENTITY_PER_GROUP)
In this mode, every entity is a "root" entity and sits in one group, and every entity group has only one entity. Write QPS is high in this mode (and there is no documented limitation on this). But query across multiple entities are eventually consistent.
When this mode is set, every entity is created with no ancestor key (meaning the entity itself is the "root" entity).
- Multiple entities per group (MULTI_ENTITY_PER_GROUP)
In this mode, all entities in one benchmark run are placed under one ancestor (root) node therefore inside one entity group. Query/scan performed on these entities will be strongly consistent but write QPS will be subject to documented limitation (current is at 1 QPS).
Because of the write QPS limit, it's highly recommended that you rate limit your benchmark's test rate to avoid excessive errors.
The goal of this MULTI_ENTITY_PER_GROUP mode is to allow user to benchmark and understand performance characteristics of a single entity group of the Google Datastore.
While in this mode, one can optionally specify a root key name. If not specified, a default name will be used.