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Apache Cassandra 2.x CQL binding
Binding for Apache Cassandra, using the CQL API via the DataStax driver.
To run against the (deprecated) Cassandra Thrift API, use the cassandra-10 binding.
Creating a table for use with YCSB
For keyspace ycsb, table usertable:
cqlsh> create keyspace ycsb WITH REPLICATION = {'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 3 }; cqlsh> USE ycsb; cqlsh> create table usertable ( y_id varchar primary key, field0 varchar, field1 varchar, field2 varchar, field3 varchar, field4 varchar, field5 varchar, field6 varchar, field7 varchar, field8 varchar, field9 varchar);
Note that replication_factor and consistency levels (below) will affect performance.
Cassandra Configuration Parameters
- hosts (required)
- Cassandra nodes to connect to.
- No default.
- port
- CQL port for communicating with Cassandra cluster.
- Default is 9042.
- cassandra.keyspace Keyspace name - must match the keyspace for the table created (see above). See http://docs.datastax.com/en/cql/3.1/cql/cql_reference/create_keyspace_r.html for details.
- Default value is ycsb
- cassandra.username
- cassandra.password
- Optional user name and password for authentication. See http://docs.datastax.com/en/cassandra/2.0/cassandra/security/security_config_native_authenticate_t.html for details.
- cassandra.readconsistencylevel
- cassandra.writeconsistencylevel
- Default value is ONE
- Consistency level for reads and writes, respectively. See the DataStax documentation for details.
- *Note that the default setting does not provide durability in the face of node failure. Changing this setting will affect observed performance.* See also replication_factor, above.
- cassandra.maxconnections
- cassandra.coreconnections
- Defaults for max and core connections can be found here: https://datastax.github.io/java-driver/2.1.8/features/pooling/#pool-size. Cassandra 2.0.X falls under protocol V2, Cassandra 2.1+ falls under protocol V3.
- cassandra.connecttimeoutmillis
- cassandra.readtimeoutmillis
- Defaults for connect and read timeouts can be found here: https://docs.datastax.com/en/drivers/java/2.0/com/datastax/driver/core/SocketOptions.html.