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Tarantool is a NoSQL In-Memory database. It's distributed under BSD licence and is hosted on [github][tarantool-github].
Tarantool features:
- Defferent index types with iterators:
- HASH (the fastest)
- TREE (range and ordered retreival)
- BITSET (bit mask search)
- RTREE (geo search)
- multipart keys for HASH and TREE indexes
- Data persistence with by Write Ahead Log (WAL) and snapshots.
- asynchronous master-master replication, hot standby.
- coroutines and async. IO are used to implement high-performance lock-free access to data.
- socket-io/file-io with yeilds from lua
- stored procedures in Lua (Using LuaJIT)
- supports plugins written on C/C++ (Have two basic plugins for working with MySQL and PostgreSQL)
- Authentication and access control
Quick start
This section descrives how to run YCSB against a local Tarantool instance
1. Start Tarantool
First, clone Tarantool from it's own git repo and build it (described in our [README.md][tarantool-readme]):
cp %YCSB%/tarantool/conf/tarantool-tree.lua <vardir>/tarantool.lua cp %TNT%/src/box/tarantool <vardir> cd <vardir> ./tarantool tarantool.lua
OR you can simply download ans install a binary package for your GNU/Linux or BSD distro from http://tarantool.org/download.html
2. Run YCSB
Now you are ready to run! First, load the data:
./bin/ycsb load tarantool -s -P workloads/workloada
Then, run the workload:
./bin/ycsb run tarantool -s -P workloads/workloada
See the next section for the list of configuration parameters for Tarantool.
Tarantool Configuration Parameters
'tarantool.host' (default : 'localhost')
Which host YCSB must use for connection with Tarantool
'tarantool.port' (default : 3301)
Which port YCSB must use for connection with Tarantool
'tarantool.space' (default : 1024)
(possible values: 0 .. 255)
Which space YCSB must use for benchmark Tarantool
[tarantool-github]: https://github.com/tarantool/tarantool/ [tarantool-readme]: https://github.com/tarantool/tarantool/blob/master/README.md