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%!TEX program = xelatex
\name{Théo Lemaire}\\
\tag{Bioengineer \& Versatile Programmer}\\
\address{Rue des Maraîchers 46}{1205 Genève}{CH}\ \ \ \email{}\ \ \ \mobilephone{+41 79 629 39 05}\ \ \ \linkedin{}{theolemaire}
\section{\texorpdfstring{\faBriefcase}\ \ Experience}\sectionline
\runsubsection{Ph.D. in Neuroengineering}
\descript{| \href{http://}{TNE Lab, EPFL}}
\timeplace{Apr 2016 - Present}{Campus Biotech, Geneva, CH}
Developing computational models to understand and optimize \emph{Ultrasound Neuromodulation} at sub-cellular, cellular and anatomical scales.
\weblink{}{Web app}
\runsubsection{Ski \& Snowboard Instructor}
\descript{| \href{}{Ecole du Ski Français}}
\timeplace{Jan 2013 - Present}{Monts Jura, FR}
Teaching private and collective lessons to skiers of all levels and ages. In charge of local competition group since 2016. State diploma training currently underway.
\runsubsection{Mathematics Teacher}
\descript{| \href{}{Institution Jeanne d'Arc}}
\timeplace{Nov 2015 - Dec 2015}{Gex, FR}
Managed 3 classes (ca. 75 students, ranging 10-15 years old).
\runsubsection{Software Engineering Intern}
\descript{| \href{}{Zenith Technologies}}
\timeplace{Apr 2013 – Aug 2013}{Cork, IRL}
Designed a \emph{C++} application to extract relevant data from a database and provide team leaders with a comprehensive overview of their project's evolution. Created \emph{VBA} scripts used by collaborators to generate documentation.
\runsubsection{Kinesiology Lab Intern}
\descript{| \href{}{Geneva University Hospitals}}
\timeplace{Aug 2012 - Jan 2013}{Geneva, CH}
Developed a \emph{MATLAB} framework (UI, processing \& graphing tools, interaction with hospital database, automated reporting) to analyse biomechanical data from clinical exams. Used by lab members for daily reporting and scientific publications.\sectionspace
\section{\texorpdfstring{\faClipboard} \ \ Academic Projects}\sectionline
\runsubsection{Master’s thesis in Neuroprosthetics}
\descript{| \href{}{TNE Lab, EPFL}}
Assessed the preformances of different types of implantable electrodes within a peripheral nerve, using FEM models of electromagnetic propagation (\href{}{\emph{Sim4Life}} platform) coupled to morphological neuron models (\href{}{\emph{NEURON} simulator}).
\runsubsection{Project in Biorobotics}
\descript{| \href{}{BIOROB Lab, EPFL}}
Developed the image processing pipeline and navigation strategy for a differential wheeled robot to complete a slalom course through rectangular gates.
\runsubsection{Project in Digital Humanities}
\descript{| \href{}{DH Lab, EPFL}}
Developed an innovative spatio-temporal epidemics model to study the propagation of the Plague in the city of Venice during Middle-Age.\weblink{}{Venice Atlas}
\section{\texorpdfstring{\faWrench}\ \ Technical Skills}\sectionline
\begin{tabular}{R{0.21\textwidth} L{0.7\textwidth}}
\cvskill{python.pdf}{Python} & Computing \& analysis stack (\emph{numpy} - \emph{scipy} - \emph{pandas} - \emph{matplotlib}) \tbl{} Machine learning (\emph{scikit-learn}) \tbl{} PDE systems \& FEM models \tbl{} Multi-threading/processing \tbl{} Neural simulations in \href{}{\emph{NEURON}} \tbl{} \emph{Jupyter notebooks} \tbl{} Automation tasks \tbl{}Interaction with APIs\\
\cvskill{gears.pdf}{\CC} & Object-oriented programming \tbl{} IO streams \tbl{} XML-quering \tbl{} GUIs \tbl{} Multi-threading (\href{}{\emph{Boost}}) \tbl{} 3D graphics (\href{}{\emph{OpenGL}})\\
\cvskill{matlab.pdf}{Matlab} & Scientific computing \tbl{} Machine learning \tbl{} GUIs \tbl{} SQL queries\\
\cvskill{frontend.pdf}{Front-End} & Responsive web pages (\emph{Javascript} - \emph{HTML} - \emph{CSS} - \href{}{\emph{Bootstrap}}) \tbl{} Interactive visualizations (\href{}{\emph{D3JS}} - \href{}{\emph{Plotly}}) \tbl{} Interactive UI components (\href{}{\emph{React.js}} - \href{}{\emph{Dash}}) \\
\cvskill{msword.pdf}{MS Office} & Word - Excel - Powerpoint \tbl{} Automation with Python / VBA\\
\cvskill{git.pdf}{Git} \tbl{}
\cvskill{illustrator.pdf}{Illustrator} \tbl{}
\cvskill{blank.pdf}{\hspace{-5pt}\LaTeX} \tbl{}
\section{\texorpdfstring{\faGraduationCap} \ \ Education}\sectionline
\subsection{MSc in Bioengineering}
\subsection{Minor in Neuroprosthetics}
\descript{\href{}{EPF Lausanne}}
\timeplace{Sept 2013 - Sept 2015}{Lausanne, CH}
GPA: 5.34 / 6.0
\subsection{BSc in Life Sciences \& Technologies}
\descript{\href{}{EPF Lausanne}}
\timeplace{Sept 2009 -July 2012}{Lausanne, CH}
GPA: 4.92 / 6.0
\subsection{Scientific baccalaureate}
\descript{Lycée Int. Ferney Voltaire}
\timeplace{Sept 2006 - July 2009}{Ferney, FR}
GPA: 18.71 / 20.0
\section{\texorpdfstring{\faBook} \ \ Coursework}\sectionline
Sensorimotor neuroprosthetics\\
Flexible bioelectronics\\
Image processing \tbl{} Machine learning\\
Dynamical systems \tbl{} Biomechanics\\
Gait analysis \& modeling\\
Computational motor control\\
Bioinformatics \tbl{} Systems biology\\
Digital humanities
Analysis \tbl{} Algebra \tbl{} Physics\\
Chemistry \tbl{} Organic chemistry\\
Cellular biology \tbl{} Molecular biology\\
Numerical analysis \tbl{} Statistics\\
Electronics \tbl{} Signal processing\\
Programming (C | C++ | Matlab)\\
Development biology \tbl{} Microbiology\\
Physiology \tbl{} Genetics \tbl{} Genomics\\
Fluid dynamics \tbl{} Transport phenomena\\
Biothermodynamics \tbl{} Neuroscience
\section{\texorpdfstring{\faComments} \ \ Languages}\sectionline
\textbf{French} & \fivestars \\
\textbf{English} & \fivestars \\
\textbf{German} & \threestarshalf \\
\textbf{Russian} & \onestar \\
\section{\texorpdfstring{\faHeart}\ \ Hobbies}\sectionline
\glyph{atom.pdf}{Science} & \glyph{taekwondo.pdf}{Taekwondo} & \glyph{football.pdf}{Football} & \glyph{television.pdf}{TV Shows}\\
\glyph{skiing.pdf}{Skiing} & \glyph{mountains.pdf}{Hiking} & \glyph{cycling.pdf}{Cycling} & \glyph{travel.pdf}{Travels}

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