How to run code for homework 2
It is assumed here that you are running the code on a Linux distribution with a recent C++ compiler (C++14 compatible, e.g. gcc 5.0+) and a recent cmake version (2.6+)
- Open a terminal to the root of the repository
- Pull the latest content from the remote repository: git pull
- Move to the appropriate subfolder: cd work/week6/series/homework2
- Create a build subfolder: mkdir build
- Move to the build subfolder: cd build
- Generate the compiler Makefile with cmake: cmake ..
- Compile the code to build the executable: make
You can run the executable with the appropriate command line arguments:
Here are the different command line arguments:
- SERIES: can be "pi" or "ar" to compute pi series or arithmetic series respectively.
- NUMBER_OF_ITERATIONS: number of iterations (>0) in the selected series.
- DUMP_METHOD: "print" or "write" to either print or write on a file the evolution of the series.
- FREQUENCY (optional, default = 1, valid only if DUMP_METHOD = "print"): logging frequency during the series computation.
- SEPARATION (optional, default = "\t" , valid only if DUMP_METHOD = "write"): character delimiting the separation between columns in the output file to be written ("," for .csv file, "|" for a .psv file, and "" or "\t" for a .txt file).
- PRECISION (optional, default = 10): sets the decimal precision to be used to format floating-point values on output operations.
The resulting output will be displayed on the terminal.
If you've chosen to write the series computation onto a file, you can plot the results using a custom-made Python 3 script:
- Move to the src folder: cd ../src
- Execute the script: python plot_results.py -i <INPUTFILE>
where INPUTFILE is a string representing the absolute or relative path to the data file, e.g.: python plot_results.py -i ../build/computepi.csv
Work division strategy (3 people)
- Definition of top-level code interface:
- Tristan: Series class (series.hh)
- Théo: define DumperSeries class (dumper.hh)
- Definition and implementation of Series subclasses:
- Tristan: ComputePi class (pi.hh and pi.cc)
- Théo: ComputeArithmetic class (arithmetic.hh and arithmetic.cc)
- Théo: modification of main to execute series (main.cc)
- Definition and implementation of DumperSeries subclasses:
- Tristan: PrintSeries class (print.hh and print.cc)
- Théo: WriteSeries class (write.hh and write.cc)
- Re-definition of printing methods in DumperSeries:
- Tristan: modify DumperSeries and PrintSeries classes
- Evluation of complexity:
- Flavio: modify Series, ComputePi and ComputeArithmetic classes to optimize computation
- "Bonus":
- Flavio: Implementation of exhaustive, robust testing and options in main file
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