This repo contains homework assignments of Tristan Barjavel, Théo Lemaire, and Flavio Raschellà for the course *Scientific Programming for Engineers* (fall 2018).
Below instructions on how to run the code for each assignment assume that this repository has been properly cloned beforehand.
How to run the code for homework 1 (week 4)
- Open a terminal to the root of the repository
- Pull the latest content from the remote repository: git pull
- Move to the appropriate subfolder: cd work/week4/conjugate_gradient
The following scripts should be executed with a Python 3 distribution
- To execute part 1: <python optimizer.py
- To execute part 2: python conjugate_gradient.py
How to run the code for homework 2 (week 6)
Refer to the README file in the work/week6/series/homework2 subfolder.
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