function metadata = dicominfo2(filename, varargin) %DICOMINFO Read metadata from DICOM message. % INFO = DICOMINFO(FILENAME) reads the metadata from the compliant % DICOM file specified in the string FILENAME. % % INFO = DICOMINFO(FILENAME, 'dictionary', D) uses the data dictionary % file given in the string D to read the DICOM message. The file in D % must be on the MATLAB search path. The default value is dicom-dict.mat. % % Example: % % info = dicominfo('CT-MONO2-16-ankle.dcm'); % % See also DICOMREAD, DICOMWRITE, DICOMDISP, DICOMDICT, DICOMUID. % Copyright 1993-2014 The MathWorks, Inc. % MODIFIED by Raphaël Obrist (line 54) % Parse input arguments. if (nargin < 1) error(message('images:dicominfo:tooFewInputs')) end % Set the dictionary. args = parseInputs(varargin{:}); dicomdict('set_current', args.Dictionary) dictionary = dicomdict('get_current'); % Get the metadata. try % Get details about the file to read. fileDetails = getFileDetails(filename); % Ensure the file is actually DICOM. if (~isdicom( error(message('images:dicominfo:notDICOM')) end % Parse the DICOM file. attrs = dicomparse(, ... fileDetails.bytes, ... getMachineEndian, ... false, ... dictionary); % Process the raw attributes. [metadata,attrNames] = processMetadata(attrs, true, dictionary); metadata = dicom_set_imfinfo_values(metadata); metadata = setMoreImfinfoValues(metadata, fileDetails); %metadata = processOverlays(metadata, dictionary); metadata = processCurveData(metadata, attrs, attrNames); pixelDataField = dicomlookup_actions('7fe0', '0010', dictionary); if (isfield(metadata, pixelDataField)) metadata = rmfield(metadata, pixelDataField); end catch ME dicomdict('reset_current'); rethrow(ME) end % Reset the dictionary. dicomdict('reset_current'); function [metadata,attrNames] = processMetadata(attrs, isTopLevel, dictionary) if (isempty(attrs)) metadata = []; return end % Create a structure for the output and get the names of attributes. [metadata, attrNames] = createMetadataStruct(attrs, isTopLevel, dictionary); % Fill the metadata structure, converting data along the way. for currentAttr = 1:numel(attrNames) this = attrs(currentAttr); metadata.(attrNames{currentAttr}) = convertRawAttr(this, dictionary); end function processedAttr = convertRawAttr(rawAttr, dictionary) % Information about whether to swap is contained in the attribute. swap = needToSwap(rawAttr); % Determine the correct output encoding. if (isempty(rawAttr.VR)) % Look up VR for implicit VR files. Use 'UN' for unknown % tags. (See PS 3.5 Sec. 6.2.2.) vr = findVRFromTag(rawAttr.Group, rawAttr.Element, dictionary); if (~isempty(vr)) % Some attributes have a conditional VR. Pick the first. rawAttr.VR = vr; if (numel(rawAttr.VR) > 2) rawAttr.VR = rawAttr.VR(1:2); end else rawAttr.VR = 'UN'; end end % Convert raw data. (See PS 3.5 Sec. 6.2 for full VR details.) switch (rawAttr.VR) case {'AE','AS','CS','DA','DT','LO','LT','SH','ST','TM','UI','UT'} processedAttr = deblankAndStripNulls(char(rawAttr.Data)); case {'AT'} % For historical reasons don't transpose AT. processedAttr = dicom_typecast(rawAttr.Data, 'uint16', swap); case {'DS', 'IS'} processedAttr = sscanf(char(rawAttr.Data), '%f\\'); case {'FL', 'OF'} processedAttr = dicom_typecast(rawAttr.Data, 'single', swap)'; case 'FD' processedAttr = dicom_typecast(rawAttr.Data, 'double', swap)'; case 'OB' processedAttr = rawAttr.Data'; case {'OW', 'US'} processedAttr = dicom_typecast(rawAttr.Data, 'uint16', swap)'; case 'PN' processedAttr = parsePerson(deblankAndStripNulls(char(rawAttr.Data))); case 'SL' processedAttr = dicom_typecast(rawAttr.Data, 'int32', swap)'; case 'SQ' processedAttr = parseSequence(rawAttr.Data, dictionary); case 'SS' processedAttr = dicom_typecast(rawAttr.Data, 'int16', swap)'; case 'UL' processedAttr = dicom_typecast(rawAttr.Data, 'uint32', swap)'; case 'UN' % It's possible that the attribute contains a private sequence % with implicit VR; in which case the Data field contains the % parsed sequence. if (isstruct(rawAttr.Data)) processedAttr = parseSequence(rawAttr.Data, dictionary); else processedAttr = rawAttr.Data'; end otherwise % PS 3.5-1999 Sec. 6.2 indicates that all unknown VRs can be % interpretted as UN. processedAttr = rawAttr.Data'; end % Change empty arrays to 0-by-0. if isempty(processedAttr) processedAttr = reshape(processedAttr, [0 0]); end function byteOrder = getMachineEndian persistent endian if (~isempty(endian)) byteOrder = endian; return end [~, ~, endian] = computer; byteOrder = endian; function args = parseInputs(varargin) % Set default values args.Dictionary = dicomdict('get'); % Parse arguments based on their number. if (nargin > 1) paramStrings = {'dictionary'}; % For each pair for k = 1:2:length(varargin) param = lower(varargin{k}); if (~ischar(param)) error(message('images:dicominfo:parameterNameNotString')); end idx = strmatch(param, paramStrings); if (isempty(idx)) error(message('images:dicominfo:unrecognizedParameterName', param)); elseif (length(idx) > 1) error(message('images:dicominfo:ambiguousParameterName', param)); end switch (paramStrings{idx}) case 'dictionary' if (k == length(varargin)) error(message('images:dicominfo:missingDictionary')); else args.Dictionary = varargin{k + 1}; end end % switch end % for end function personName = parsePerson(personString) %PARSEPERSON Get the various parts of a person name % A description and examples of PN values is in PS 3.5-2000 Table 6.2-1. pnParts = {'FamilyName' 'GivenName' 'MiddleName' 'NamePrefix' 'NameSuffix'}; if (isempty(personString)) personName = makePerson(pnParts); return end people = tokenize(personString, '\\'); % Must quote '\' for calls to STRREAD. personName = struct([]); for p = 1:length(people) % ASCII, ideographic, and phonetic characters are separated by '='. components = tokenize(people{p}, '='); if (isempty(components)) personName = makePerson(pnParts); return end % Only use ASCII parts. if (~isempty(components{1})) % Get the separate parts of the person's name from the component. componentParts = tokenize(components{1}, '^'); % The DICOM standard requires that PN values have five or fewer % values separated by "^". Some vendors produce files with more % than these person name parts. if (numel(componentParts) <= 5) % If there are the correct numbers, put them in separate fields. for q = 1:length(componentParts) personName(p).(pnParts{q}) = componentParts{q}; end else % If there are more, just return the whole string. personName(p).FamilyName = people{p}; end else % Use full string as value if no ASCII is present. if (~isempty(components)) personName(p).FamilyName = people{p}; end end end function personStruct = makePerson(pnParts) %MAKEPERSON Make an empty struct containing the PN fields. for p = 1:numel(pnParts) personStruct.(pnParts{p}) = ''; end function processedStruct = parseSequence(attrs, dictionary) numItems = countItems(attrs); itemNames = getItemNames(numItems); % Initialize the structure to contain this structure. structInitializer = cat(1, itemNames, cell(1, numItems)); processedStruct = struct(structInitializer{:}); % Process each item (but not delimiters). item = 0; for idx = 1:numel(attrs) this = attrs(idx); if (~isDelimiter(this)) item = item + 1; processedStruct.(itemNames{item}) = processMetadata(this.Data, false, dictionary); end end function header = getImfinfoFields header = {'Filename', '' 'FileModDate', '' 'FileSize', [] 'Format', 'DICOM' 'FormatVersion', 3.0 'Width', [] 'Height', [] 'BitDepth', [] 'ColorType', ''}'; function metadata = setMoreImfinfoValues(metadata, d) metadata.Filename =; metadata.FileModDate =; metadata.FileSize = d.bytes; function details = getFileDetails(filename) % Get the fully qualified path to the file. fid = fopen(filename); if (fid > 0) fullPathFilename = fopen(fid); fclose(fid); else % Look for the file with a different extension. file = dicom_create_file_struct; file.Filename = filename; file = dicom_get_msg(file); if (isempty(file.Filename)) error(message('images:dicominfo:noFileOrMessagesFound', filename)); end % dicom_get_msg looks up the fully qualified path. fullPathFilename = file.Filename; end details = dir(fullPathFilename); = fullPathFilename; function [metadata, attrNames] = createMetadataStruct(attrs, isTopLevel, dictionary) % Get the attribute names. totalAttrs = numel(attrs); attrNames = cell(1, totalAttrs); for currentAttr = 1:totalAttrs attrNames{currentAttr} = ... dicomlookup_actions(attrs(currentAttr).Group, ... attrs(currentAttr).Element, ... dictionary); % Empty attributes indicate that a public/retired attribute was % not found in the data dictionary. This used to be an error % condition, but is easily resolved by providing a special % attribute name. if (isempty(attrNames{currentAttr})) attrNames{currentAttr} = sprintf('Unknown_%04X_%04X', ... attrs(currentAttr).Group, ... attrs(currentAttr).Element); end end % Remove duplicate attribute names. Keep the last appearance of the attribute. [tmp, reorderIdx] = unique(attrNames); if (numel(tmp) ~= totalAttrs) warning(message('images:dicominfo:attrWithSameName')) end uniqueAttrNames = attrNames(sort(reorderIdx)); uniqueTotalAttrs = numel(uniqueAttrNames); % Create a metadata structure to hold the parsed attributes. Use a % cell array initializer, which has a populated section for IMFINFO % data and an unitialized section for the attributes from the DICOM % file. if (isTopLevel) structInitializer = cat(2, getImfinfoFields(), ... cat(1, uniqueAttrNames, cell(1, uniqueTotalAttrs))); else structInitializer = cat(1, uniqueAttrNames, cell(1, uniqueTotalAttrs)); end metadata = struct(structInitializer{:}); function str = deblankAndStripNulls(str) %DEBLANKANDDENULL Deblank a string, treating char(0) as a blank. if (isempty(str)) return end while (~isempty(str) && (str(end) == 0)) str(end) = ''; end str = deblank(str); function vr = findVRFromTag(group, element, dictionary) % Look up the attribute. attr = dicomlookup_helper(group, element, dictionary); % Get the vr. if (~isempty(attr)) vr = attr.VR; else % Private creator attributes should be treated as CS. if ((rem(group, 2) == 1) && (element == 0)) vr = 'UL'; elseif ((rem(group, 2) == 1) && (element < 256)) vr = 'CS'; else vr = 'UN'; end end function out = processOverlays(in, dictionary) out = in; % Look for overlays. allFields = fieldnames(in); idx = strmatch('OverlayData', allFields); if (isempty(idx)) return end % Convert each overlay data attribute. for p = 1:numel(idx) olName = allFields{idx(p)}; % The overlay fields can be present but empty. if (isempty(in.(olName))) continue; end % Which repeating group is this? [group, element] = dicomlookup_actions(olName, dictionary); % Get relevant details. All overlays are in groups 6000 - 60FE. overlay.Rows = double(in.(dicomlookup_actions(group, '0010', dictionary))); overlay.Columns = double(in.(dicomlookup_actions(group, '0011', dictionary))); sppTag = dicomlookup_actions(group, '0012', dictionary); if (isfield(in, sppTag)) overlay.SamplesPerPixel = double(in.(sppTag)); else overlay.SamplesPerPixel = 1; end bitsTag = dicomlookup_actions(group, '0100', dictionary); if (isfield(in, bitsTag)) overlay.BitsAllocated = double(in.(bitsTag)); else overlay.BitsAllocated = 1; end numTag = dicomlookup_actions(group, '0015', dictionary); if (isfield(in, numTag)) overlay.NumberOfFrames = double(in.(numTag)); else overlay.NumberOfFrames = 1; end % We could potential support more overlays later. if ((overlay.BitsAllocated > 1) || (overlay.SamplesPerPixel > 1)) warning(message('images:dicominfo:unsupportedOverlay', sprintf( '(%04X,%04X)', group, element ))); continue; end % Process the overlay. for frame = 1:(overlay.NumberOfFrames) overlayData = tobits(in.(olName)); numSamples = overlay.Columns * overlay.Rows * overlay.NumberOfFrames; out.(olName) = permute(reshape(overlayData(1:numSamples), ... overlay.Columns, ... overlay.Rows, ... overlay.NumberOfFrames), ... [2 1 3]); end end function out = processCurveData(in, attrs, attrNames) % Reference - PS 3.3 - 2003 C 10.2. The Curve Data's final data type % depends on DataValueRepresentation. Process those attributes here. % Passing in attrs because we may need to swap the data depending on the % endianness of the machine and the attribute. % default out = in; % Look for Curve Data. allFields = fieldnames(in); idx = strmatch('CurveData', allFields); if (isempty(idx)) return end % All the Curve Data attributes will have the same endianness, so we just need % to check one attribute and apply that setting to the rest. curveDataName = allFields{idx(1)}; curveDataLoc = strncmp(curveDataName,attrNames, length(curveDataName)); swap = needToSwap(attrs(curveDataLoc)); for p = 1 : numel(idx) curveDataName = allFields{idx(p)}; underscore = strfind(curveDataName,'_'); % The data type of the Curve Data comes from the % DataValueRepresentation attribute. numOfRepeatedAttr = curveDataName(underscore+1:end); dvrName = strcat('DataValueRepresentation','_',numOfRepeatedAttr); if ~isfield(in,dvrName) % do nothing continue; else dataType = in.(dvrName); % See PS 3.3-2003, C switch dataType case 0 expDataType = 'uint16'; case 1 expDataType = 'int16'; case 2 expDataType = 'single'; case 3 expDataType = 'double'; case 4 expDataType = 'int32'; otherwise warning(message('images:dicominfo:unknownDataType', dataType)); end % We need to undo any previous swapping before calling typecast, and do the % final swapping afterwards. if swap out.(curveDataName) = ... swapbytes(typecast(swapbytes(in.(curveDataName)), ... expDataType)); else out.(curveDataName) = typecast(in.(curveDataName), expDataType); end end end function itemNames = getItemNames(numberOfItems) % Create a cell array of item names, which can be quickly used. persistent namesCell if (isempty(namesCell)) namesCell = generateItemNames(50); end % If the number of cached names is too small, expand it and recache. if (numberOfItems > numel(namesCell)) namesCell = generateItemNames(numberOfItems); end % Return the first n item names. itemNames = namesCell(1:numberOfItems); function namesCell = generateItemNames(numberOfItems) namesCell = cell(1, numberOfItems); for idx = 1:numberOfItems namesCell{idx} = sprintf('Item_%d', idx); end function tf = needToSwap(currentAttr) switch (getMachineEndian) case 'L' if (currentAttr.IsLittleEndian) tf = false; else tf = true; end case 'B' if (currentAttr.IsLittleEndian) tf = true; else tf = false; end otherwise error(message('images:dicominfo:unknownEndian', getMachineEndian)) end function tf = isDelimiter(attr) % True if (FFFE,E00D) or (FFFE,E0DD). tf = (attr.Group == 65534) && ... ((attr.Element == 57357) || (attr.Element == 57565)); function count = countItems(attrs) if (isempty(attrs)) count = 0; else % Find the items (FFFE,E000) in the array of attributes (all of % which are item tags or delimiters; no normal attributes % appear in attrs here). idx = find(([attrs(:).Group] == 65534) & ... ([attrs(:).Element] == 57344)); count = numel(idx); end