function uid = dicom_generate_uid(uid_type) %DICOM_GENERATE_UID Create a globally unique ID. % UID = DICOM_GENERATE_UID(TYPE) creates a unique identifier (UID) of % the specified type. TYPE must be one of the following: % % 'instance' - A UID for any arbitrary DICOM object % 'ipt_root' - The root of the Image Processing Toolbox's UID % 'series' - A UID for an arbitrary series of DICOM images % 'study' - A UID for an arbitrary study of DICOM series % % See also MWGUIDGEN. % Copyright 1993-2012 The MathWorks, Inc. % This is the UID root assigned to us. It prevents collisions with UID % generation schemes from other vendors. ipt_root = ''; switch (uid_type) case {'ipt_root'} uid = ipt_root; case {'instance', 'series', 'study'} switch (lower(computer())) case {'pcwin', 'pcwin64'} guid_32bit = create_guid_windows(); uid = guid_to_uid(ipt_root, guid_32bit); case {'glnxa64', 'glnx86'} guid_32bit = create_guid_linux(); uid = guid_to_uid(ipt_root, guid_32bit); case {'maci', 'maci64'} guid_32bit = create_guid_mac(); uid = guid_to_uid(ipt_root, guid_32bit); otherwise error(message('images:dicom_generate_uid:unsupportedPlatform')) end otherwise error(message('images:dicom_generate_uid:inputValue', uid_type)); end function guid_32bit = create_guid_linux [status, raw_guid] = system('uuidgen'); if (status ~= 0) [status, raw_guid] = system('cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid'); if (status ~= 0) error(message('images:dicom_generate_uid:linuxSystemProblem')) end end tmp_guid = strip_unix_messages(raw_guid); guid_32bit = sscanf(strrep(tmp_guid, '-', ''), '%08x'); function guid_32bit = create_guid_mac [status, raw_guid] = system('uuidgen'); if (status ~= 0) error(message('images:dicom_generate_uid:macSystemProblem')) end tmp_guid = strip_unix_messages(raw_guid); guid_32bit = sscanf(strrep(tmp_guid, '-', ''), '%08x'); function guid_32bit = create_guid_windows % Generate a GUID as a series of 16 UINT8 values. guid_8bit = mwguidgen; % Convert the bytes to four UINT32 values. guid_32bit = dicom_typecast(guid_8bit, 'uint32'); function uid = guid_to_uid(ipt_root, guid_32bit) % Convert a group of numeric values into a concatenated string. guid = ''; for p = 1:length(guid_32bit) guid = [guid sprintf('%010.0f', double(guid_32bit(p)))]; %#ok end % The maximum decimal representation of four concatenated 32-bit values % is 40 digits long, which is one digit too many for the UID container in % DICOM (after you add in the UID root). Shorten it to fit in DICOM's % length requirements by removing a value from the middle. (As a result, % 1 in every 10^39 values will be a duplicate.) guid(13) = ''; % The DICOM standard requires the digit that follows a dot to be % nonzero. Removing the leading zeros does not cause duplication. guid = remove_leading_zeros(guid); % Append the GUID to the UID root. The intervening digit is the version % number of the UID generation scheme. Increment the version number if % the rule/mechanism for generating "guid" changes. (The next scheme version % number should be 4; skip 3, which is being used for implementation UIDs.) uid = [ipt_root '.2.' guid]; function out = remove_leading_zeros(in) out = in; while (out(1) == '0') out(1) = ''; end function out = strip_unix_messages(in) % It's possible that sourcing a shell configuration file (or % another part of the shell launch) causes a message to appear in % the system() output. Strip out everything but the GUID value, % which we must assume to be the last full line. out = in; newLine = sprintf('\n'); idx = find(in == newLine); if (numel(idx) > 1) out(1:idx(end-1)) = ''; end