function out = dicom_set_imfinfo_values(in, file) %DICOM_SET_IMFINFO_VALUES Get IMFINFO-specific values from DICOM data. % Copyright 1993-2010 The MathWorks, Inc. out = in; if (nargin == 2) % Allow Info struct to act as input to DICOMREAD. out.FileStruct = file; out.FileStruct.FID = -1; out.StartOfPixelData = ftell(file.FID); end % Fill other IMFINFO-specific values if (isfield(in, 'Columns')) out.Width = in.Columns; end if (isfield(in, 'Rows')) out.Height = in.Rows; end if (isfield(in, 'BitsStored')) out.BitDepth = in.BitsStored; end if (isfield(in, 'PhotometricInterpretation')) % See PS 3.3-1999 Sec. C. switch (in.PhotometricInterpretation) case {'MONOCHROME1', 'MONOCHROME2'} out.ColorType = 'grayscale'; case {'PALETTE COLOR'} out.ColorType = 'indexed'; case {'RGB', 'HSV', 'ARGB', 'CMYK', 'YBR_FULL', 'YBR_FULL_422', ... 'YBR_PARTIAL_422'} out.ColorType = 'truecolor'; end end if (isfield(in, 'RecognitionCode')) % This retired code (0008,0010) should only be present in ACR-NEMA. out.Format = 'ACR/NEMA'; out.FormatVersion = in.RecognitionCode; end