function tokens = tokenize( input_string, delimiters ) %TOKENIZE Divide a string into tokens. % TOKENS = TOKENIZE(STRING, DELIMITERS) divides STRING into tokens % using the characters in the string DELIMITERS. The result is stored % in a single-column cell array of strings. % % Examples: % % tokenize('The quick fox jumped',' ') returns {'The'; 'quick'; 'fox'; 'jumped'}. % % tokenize('Ann, Barry, Charlie',' ,') returns {'Ann'; 'Barry'; 'Charlie'}. % % tokenize('George E. Forsyth,Michael A. Malcolm,Cleve B. Moler',',') returns % {'George E. Forsyth'; 'Michael A. Malcolm'; 'Cleve B. Moler'} % Copyright 1993-2005 The MathWorks, Inc. if (~isempty(input_string)) tokens = strread(input_string,'%s',-1,'delimiter',delimiters); else tokens = {}; end