# Reporting Paul Cimadomo (PC) work ## 2019-02-19, by JSM - JSM introduced the ImportSCases.m script to PC, starting at 10:30 - The Matlab version found in student computer was 2017b, older than the 2018b in the computer used for development. This could be the reason of an error that raised when running the last version of script *dicominfoSCase.m*. The same script works in Matlab2018b, while in Matlab2017b it produces the following error: Error using dialogCellstrHelper Expected input to be one of these types: char, cell Instead its type was string. Error in dialogCellstrHelper (line 10) validateattributes(inputStr, {'char','cell'}, {'2d'},mfilename); Error in errordlg (line 45) ErrorStringCell = dialogCellstrHelper(ErrorStringIn); Error in dicominfoSCase (line 89) errordlg(sprintf("%s\n%s",... - After PC left the office I will install the last version of Matlab2018b - PC worked with a previous version of *ImportScase.m*, from 2019-2-14 and the SOP validated by JSM and AT at 2019-02-18. - In this version the operator (PC) need to write some parameters manually in the Excel Database and run the script *dicominfoSCase.m* for each new SCase. - PC imported 11 Normal SCases in its first working day. Leaving the office at 16:00. - JSM run *dicominfoSCase.m* with Matlab2018b at the end of the day to update the Excel Database. - 19 + 17 = 36 normal SCases are still waiting to be imported in 2 pending folders: - *lbovenus.epfl.ch\data\N\pending\N_update-2019-01-30\Normal 2016 - Partie 1\* - *lbovenus.epfl.ch\data\N\pending\N_update-2019-01-30\Normal 2016 - Partie 2\* - PC proposed to continue working the friday of the current week 2019-02-22 to finish the normal SCases. - JSM will provide the last version of *ImportSCase.m* and *dicominfoSCase.m*, after installation of Matlab2018b and testing in the student computer.