Protocol: import a case into the shoulder database
This document describes the protocol to add a case (set of CT scans) into the shoulder database. After the preliminary notes below, the protocol is described in two phases: 1) Copy CT scans in pending directory, 2) Import CT scans from pending directory. Finally, an alternative protocol is described at the end of the document.
- Preliminary notes
- Data
- They are in *lbovenus.epfl.ch:/home/shoulder/data/*.
- This directory should be mounted locally.
- Each entry of the database is a shoulder case (*SCase*) associated to a patient.
- Each SCase is uniquely identified by a SCaseID.
- There are two SCase types or groups: normal (N) and pathologic (P).
- In the pathologic group, each SCase corresponds to the treatment of the pathology of a shoulder. Since patients may have been operated on both shoulders, possibly twice on the same shoulder, the same patient might be associated up to four SCases. Besides, a SCase may be associated with several CT scans, for the same patient and shoulder.
- Patients of the normal group appear only once, but may have both shoulders in the CT scans, and by definition, have no pathology. They usually have a trauma elsewhere.
- The import process consists in importing CT scans into a SCase, which might be created, or updated
- CT scans are coded with DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) format, which is a worldwide-accepted standard for medical images exchange, managed by the Medical Imaging & Technology Alliance – a division of the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (*https://www.dicomstandard.org/current/*).
- After importation, CT scans are classify as follows:
- Group of patients:
- Normal (N): CTs from patients without shoulder pathology. Those CT scans are often acquired in order to find multiple traumas after an accident, so they might contain a much larger portion of the patient body than the area of interest for this database.
- Pathological (P): CTs from patients with shoulder pathologies. Those CT scans are aimed to analyze the shoulder anatomy and can contain several CT sets with different acquisition parameters.
- Acquisition stage:
- Preop CT sets acquired before the shoulder joint replacement surgery either for diagnostic or surgery planning purposes. Every CT set without prostheses in the shoulder of interest must be classified as *preop*.
- Postop The CT sets acquired after the surgery aiming to validate the prostheses placement (just after surgery) or checking their state (some time after the surgery). This means that every CT with a shoulder prostheses on the shoulder of interest should be initially considered as *postop* (unless the responsible clinician informs explicitly about the eventual case of a prostheses replacement).
- Body part:
- Shoulder is the tag for every CT containing (at least) the shoulder of interest.
- Elbow is the tag for CTs containing elbow without shoulder.
- Contralateral or *Opposed Shoulder* is the tag for CTs with the opposed shoulder to the shoulder of interest. Previous identification of shoulder of interest is necesary.
- Thorax is the tag for the CTs containing the patient thorax without any complete shoulder.
- Other is the tag for any other body without any complete shoulder.
- Phantoms (with or without):
- These are samples of synthetic bone with accurate and homogeneous mineral density and cylindrical shape. In the transversal plane, they can be identified as circles with different intensities corresponding to the different mineral densities. Phantoms are typically placed behind the back of the patient and are necessary to calibrate the measurement of the bone mineral density. At least 2 phantoms are needed for an accurate calibration.
- The following table summarises CT classification adding a CT series label as a numerical value for each enumerated class (column "#")
- Group of patients:
| Acquisition | Body | Phantoms | Kernel | # | | - | - | - | - | - | | Preop | Shoulder | Without | Sharp | 1 | | Preop | Shoulder | Without | Smooth | 2 | | Preop | Shoulder | With | Sharp | 3 | | Preop | Shoulder | With | Smooth | 4 | | Preop | Elbow | - | Sharp | 5 | | Preop | Elbow | - | Smooth | 6 | | Preop | Thorax | - | Sharp | 7 | | Preop | Thorax | - | Smooth | 8 | | Preop | Opposed Shoulder | - | Sharp | 9 | | Preop | Opposed Shoulder | - | Smooth | 10 | | Preop | Other | - | | 11 | | - | - | - | - | - | | Postop | Shoulder | Without | Sharp | p1 | | Postop | Shoulder | Without | Smooth | p2 | | Postop | Shoulder | With | Sharp | p3 | | Postop | Shoulder | With | Smooth | p4 | | Postop | Elbow | - | Sharp | p5 | | Postop | Elbow | - | Smooth | p6 | | Postop | Thorax | - | Sharp | p7 | | Postop | Thorax | - | Smooth | p8 | | Postop | Opposed Shoulder | - | Sharp | p9 | | Postop | Opposed Shoulder | - | Smooth | p10 | | Postop | Other | - | | p11 |
- Scripts
- Can be executed locally
- Require the graphical interface (GUI)
- They are in *lbovenus.epfl.ch:/home/shoulder/methods/matlab/database/*
- They can be pulled from remote git repository *https://c4science.ch/diffusion/8218/shoulderdb_importsegmentmeasureanalyze.git*
- The import script is located in the sub-directory *ImportSCase* and should be executed from there.
- Each patient folder pending to be imported should be initially considered as a different SCase. When more than one set of CTs are present for a single SCase, we might find different types of CT images: scout-scans, shoulder CTs, elbow CTs, thorax CTs, opposed shoulder CTs, etc. Not all of them must be imported, however this will be explained later in this document (more information in section *CT types classification*).
- The anonymization is performed during importation (to be modified before 2020). This consists in removing some information from the metadata of the DICOM files that can identify the patient, such as its name or birth date. This can be automatically done by the Matlab script (recommended) or manually with Amira.
- After importation, the script *dicominfoSCase.m* should be executed to update the Excel files CTdicomInfo.csv and CTdicomInfo.xls, located in *shoulder/method/database/*. File CTdicomInfo.xls is linked to the main Excel file *ShoulderDataBase.xlsx*.
- This is now executed when bottom "Add new SCase to Excell Database" is used in *step15* of the Matlab script protocol (section 2. Import CT scan from pending directory)
- Protocol
- 1. Copy CT scans in pending directory
- Protocol
- Extract the archive (.zip) file sent from the responsible clinician at CHUV. Inside the unzipped folder, each patient folder, is named with the *Patient Permanent Identifier*, IPP (*Identifiant Permanent du Patient*), and contains at least one sub-folder with a CT reconstruction set of DICOM images.These DICOM files are CT scans that we will be imported.
- For normal SCase, save the unzipped folder in the pending directory:
- */data/N/pending/N-update-[YYYY-MM-DD]*, where [YYYY-MM-DD] is the date of zipped archive reception
- For a pathologic SCase, save the unzipped folder in the pending directory: */data/P/pending/TSA-update-[YYYY-MM-DD]*, where [YYYY-MM-DD] is the date of zipped archive reception Example: */data/P/pending/TSA-update-2018-07-26*
2. Import CT scan from pending directory
In this subsection, we will refer to the numbered paragraphs as *step1*, *step2*, etc.
- Run the Matlab function *importSCase.m* located in *shoulder/methods/matlab/database/ImportSCases*
- When starting the importation of the next pending directory (first CT), click on button *Select Pending Directory* and select the patient folder of your interest. Otherwise, if the next CT is from a previously started pending patient directory, you might skip this step.
- IMPORTANT: select the folder that contains the sub-folders with the CTs. For example:
- The pending patient directory *lbovenus.epfl.ch:/shoulder/data/P/pending/TSA-update-2017-08-18/97212* contains:
- *DICOMDIR* (file)
- *LOCKFILE* (file)
- *VERSION* (file)
- *24NZUR5U* (Folder to be selected in this step)
- This folder contains the *sub-folders* *CO1ALS1N*, *CO02LW5N*, *FFNFXVOY*, *FMNFXVOY* and *RMEJ0LXY*, each one of which contains a CT series.
- The pending patient directory *lbovenus.epfl.ch:/shoulder/data/P/pending/TSA-update-2017-08-18/97212* contains:
- Information: This step...
- ... finds the number of slices present in each of the CTs of the new patient.
- ... adds a prefix to the CTs sub-folders with the number of slices contained so they can be prioritized depending in the CT size.
- ... adds a suffix that help discriminate between potential shoulder CTs, elbow CTs or scout CTs.
- IMPORTANT: This is also necessary to identify the main *data* directory, where the imported CTs will be stored. And at the same time the *Patient Group* (Pathologic or Normal) will be identified as well. Hence, if the user wants to change the data directory (e.g. from *data* to *dataDev*) this *step 2* mast be performed again.
- IMPORTANT: select the folder that contains the sub-folders with the CTs. For example:
- Click on *Select CT Scan* to load the next CT set.
- Navigate inside the patient folder until finding the set of sub-folders that contain the CTs. If you followed the *step2*, these sub-folders have now prefixes indicating the number of CT slices inside. Start loading the largest CT (usually *shoulders* are in the largest CTs) and continue in decreasing order.
- Select all DICOM files (not file “VERSION”) in the folder and click on button *Open*. By selecting only one DICOM file, the script will automatically select all of them.
- Two bar-progress windows will be prompted showing the loading progress. Don't close them before the process is finished, because this will stop the loading and you will need to start again this *step3*.
- The CT slices will appear in main viewer (2D) and (if *3D visualization* is activated) a 3D rendering will be shown in the 3D viewer as well.
- The information box above the 2D viewer shows the current data directory and the full-name of the slice shown in the 2D viewer.
- During loading, some types of errors might appear:
- Window prompted with *Error identifier:* *heterogenousStructAssignment*:
- This means that at least one of the selected slices has a different format, so they cannot be loaded as a single CT set.
- Try to identify the problematic images and then load again the CT set but skipping those files:
- Start by checking in which image the loading progress bar has stopped, because this must be the file producing the error.
- Load the rest of the DICOM images by selecting all of them except the problematic one.
- If the problem is still present it could be caused by several DICOM files with different format. Hence, repeat the process a few times to avoid all the problematic files.
- Alternatively, open the full CT set with another software like Amira, which is able to differentiate the problematic slices form most of the cases.
- Then, saving the set of correct images in DICOM format within a different folder should allow further loading of the new set without the *heterogeneous error*.
- This process might divide the CT set in two or more parts (when the problematic file is neither the first nor the last).
- If Amira shows a similar error (Non-uniform coordinates not supported) when trying to save the slices into DICOM files, we cannot import the images. The clinician from CHUV will have to be required to check the original CT scan and send them.
- Do not import unusual CT image formats (atypical orientation, slices from a 3D rendering, images with superposed grid or measurements, etc).
- Some of these unusual formats are treated by the script in such a way that the containing folder will be automatically renamed adding the suffix *wrongOrientation*. The user just needs to avoid these sets and continue loading the next one.
- If the Matlab script cannot read the DICOM file metadata
- The alternative is to import CT with Amira (described later in this document).
- Window prompted with *Error identifier:* *heterogenousStructAssignment*:
- (optional) If needed, activate the 3D viewer.
- The 3D visualization is useful for shoulder side identification of Pathological series, but rarely needed in Normal patient because Normal CTs usually contain both shoulders.
- WARNING: when the CT are very large (over 400 slices) and the computer has a limited memory the loading might slow down or even stop the script.
- When activated it shows a *volume rendering* of the CTs.
- The 3D viewer can be activated later, if necessary.
- Select *Left*, *Right* or *Both* in the radio-buttons group *Shoulder Side*.
- The side selected must match with the *shoulder of interest* and not with the *contralateral shoulder* if this is present. (For more information read *Preliminary notes* and *CT types classification* above in the current document)
- For Normal CTs when both shoulders are present (and complete) in normal resting position, select *Both* shoulders.
- Exception: sometimes the clinician add _R or _L to the pending folder name, as an indication of the shoulder side of interest. In those cases, select the *Right* or *Left* side accordingly with this indication:
- *_R* -> select *Right*
- *_L* -> select *Left*
- Exception: sometimes the clinician add _R or _L to the pending folder name, as an indication of the shoulder side of interest. In those cases, select the *Right* or *Left* side accordingly with this indication:
- Select *Preop* or *Postop* in the radio-buttons group *Acquisition stage*. For more information read the section *Preliminary notes* at the beginning of this document.
- Click in button *Check Database* to start the database checking for IPP coincidences.
- A window might be prompted asking you to select the Excel file containing the database, if the main *data* directory was not correctly indicated before (*step2*). This is *ShoulderDataBase.xlsx*, located in *lbovenus.epfl.ch\data\Excel* (or *lbovenus.epfl.ch\dataDev\Excel* for development purposes).
- The checking results will be shown in the *DB check result* information box.
- Depending on the checking results, the correct *SCaseID* will be suggested. But if any problem rises, you might always perform a manual selection of the *SCaseID*, as described in the next *step9*.
- If the patient is already present in the database, the script will detect it and will shows some details of the existing SCases in the *DB check result* information box. In addition, a prompted question dialog box will ask the user to select between the existing SCases and a new one.
- (optional) If the *Suggested SCaseID* does not match with your expectations, you might choose manually the output directory by clicking in button *Manual SCase*.
- Example: *shoulder/data/P/5/5*
- Verify the *Parent output directory* was updated correctly or modify it manually if needed.
- Example: *lbovenus.epfl.ch:/shoulder/data/P/5/5*
- Choose between the different possibilities in the radio-buttons group *Body part*:
- Shoulder must be chosen when at least one complete shoulder is present in the CT reconstruction.
- Elbow must be chosen when the CT contains at least one elbow without any complete shoulder.
- Thorax must be selected only when the main body in the CT is the *thorax* and no shoulder is present or at least not complete.
- Contralateral must be selected when the only complete shoulder present in the CT is not the *shoulder of interest*.
- For more information read the section *Preliminary notes* at the beginning of this document.
- In *CT Kernel (image filter)*, select *Sharp (bone)* when the 2D viewer shows a *sand like* texture for the CT slices or *Smooth (soft tissue)* the image looks soft and smooth.
- Select *With* or *Without* in the radio-buttons group *Phantoms*. For more information read the section *Preliminary notes* at the beginning of this document.
- (optional) When a SCase contains many CT sets, it might be very useful adding some extra information to the *README* file, so the CTs can be differentiated easily. As examples:
- When both shoulders are present and complete --> add *both shoulders*
- When several CT series can be classified similarly in terms of body part or CT Kernel, it might be useful adding other CT data.
- This is also the place where the operator might add any comments.
- Check the Suggested CT classification label:
- It should be coherent with yours selections (radio-buttons) and the table showed in the section *Preliminary notes* at the beginning of this document. If not:
- Click again in all the selected radio-buttons.
- or write manually the correct label numbered
- If you are importing several CTs with similar classification parameters, the suggested label will be the same and consequently wrong.
- choose a number bigger than 10 to avoid the preselected labels and write manually the correct label numbered.
- we suggest to simply add *10*, *20*, *30*, *...* to the suggested label, so at least, the less significant digit will keep the classification code introduced in the table showed in the section *Preliminary notes* at the beginning of this document.
- It should be coherent with yours selections (radio-buttons) and the table showed in the section *Preliminary notes* at the beginning of this document. If not:
- The text field *Parent output directory* shows the path where importation process will create a folder the current SCase. Each *parent directory* contains 10 folders with 10 different SCases. The parent directory path matches the SCase_ID until its 3rd character in a directory. The 4th and last character of the *SCase:ID* identifies each one of these 10n folders.
- If the imported CT is meant to be the first CT of a new SCase in the database, the importation process will create a new folder in the directory indicated in the text field *Parent output directory* followed by the SCase identification number indicated in *Suggested SCaseID* and the IPP found in the DICOM metadata (shown in the field *IPP*, in the *DICOM Metadata* box). Example: *shoulder/data/P/5/5/P555-918819*.
- Inside the SCase folder, a new sub-folder will be created to store the imported CT images:
- The name of this sub-folder contains the SCaseID, the IPP and the CT set classification numeric label. Example: *CT-[SCaseID]-[IPP]-#* --> *CT-P555-229341-1*
- A new line will be added to a *README.txt* file per each SCase folder. This line must contains the name of the new folder followed by some information like the *kernel*, the presence of phantoms, the main body in the CT, etc.
- If the CT set label already exists in the SCase folder, then a new folder will be automatically created with *"xxx"* as CT set label. Consequently, the CT series label will need to be updated manually. And the corresponding line in the *README.txt* file will need to be corrected (also manually).
- The anonymized DICOM images will be finally stored inside the directory like *shoulder/data/P/5/5/P555-918819/CT-P555-229341-1/dicom*.
- Check the *Parent output directory* to verify the desired path. Example: *shoulder/data/P/5/5*
- Check in the *Readme line* below the 2D viewer that all the options selected are correct and click on button Import to Database.
- The process might take up to 2 minutes, depending on the number of slices to be imported. The progress is shown at the right of the button and when the importation ends a message will say CT imported.
- If the recently imported CT set was a new SCase, the Excel Database need to be updated.
In that case, click on button *Add new SCase to the Excel DB*. This automatically updates the files *SCaseImport.xlsx*, *CTdicomInfo.csv* and *CTdicomInfo.xls* (through the script *dicominfoSCase.m*), which are read by the main Excel Database.
- Open the file *ShoulderDataBase.xlsx*, located in *lbovenus.epfl.ch/shoulder/data/Excel/* (or *lbovenus.epfl.ch/shoulder/dataDev/Excel/* for development purposes).
- Check that the new SCase was correctly added as a new line at the bottom.
- Check the following parameters:
- Patient Birthday
- Patient Gender
- Patient Initials
- Shoulder side
- CT date
- IMPORTANT: Never modify this file (*ShoulderDataBase.xlsx*). In the contrary, if some correction must be done in any of those parameters:
- Close *ShoulderDataBase.xlsx* without saving.
- Open *SCaseImport.xlsx*, located in *lbovenus.epfl.ch/shoulder/data/Excel/xlsFromMatlab/* (or *lbovenus.epfl.ch/shoulder/dataDev/Excel/xlsFromMatlab/* for development purposes).
- Do the corrections needed, save and close.
- Check again the main Excel file (*ShoulderDataBase.xlsx*).
- If the main Excel file looks correct, save and close.
- If the patient pending folder contains more CT sets to import, continue from *step3*. Otherwise, start a new patient folder and continue from *step2*.
- Alternative import protocol using AMIRA
- Might be simplified by just saving in a correct format, usable by matlab --> already included above ?
- When the CT has a non-uniform resolution, the (above) Matlab protocol may not work, but can be replaced by the following Amira protocol.
- Start Amira and click on *Open Data…* (Ctrl + O). Navigate to *shoulder/data/[X]/pending/[IPP]*. Inside the CT folder, there might be several reconstruction folders.
- Load the images of the CT folder that you could not import with the Matlab script
- Select all files except the file named *VERSION* (if it exists).
- Check the parameter *series description*, in the prompted window, to know the kernel used for this set in *series description*. Usually it is *OS* for Sharp and *STD* for Smooth. Click on OK.
- Attach an *Ortho Slice* or *Slice* display object to the newly added green data modules to visualize the content of the image stacks.
- Open Excel shoulder database *shoulder/data/Excel/ShoulderDatabase.xlsx* database (*SCase* tab) and compare the IPP, CT date, shoulder side and DICOM information to determine if the new case is already in the database.
- If the IPP already exits in the database:
- Find the *Readme* file in the SCase folder of the existing SCase and compare the data inside with the metadata of the current CT to decide whether the current CT set already exist in the SCase folder or it have to be imported.
- If it does not exist continue with *step6*.
- If the IPP already exits in the database:
- Right-click on the first data module and click on *Export Data As…* and choose type *DICOM*.
- Go to the correct folder *shoulder/data/[X]/[#1]/[#2]/[CaseID]-[IPP]* , where *#1* and *#2* are the first two digits following ‘P’ or ‘N’ in the current SCaseID. For example: *shoulder/data/P/0/1* for SCase *P13*. If folder [CaseID]-[IPP] does not exist yet, create it. Then create the folder *CT-[CaseID]-[IPP]–#* and inside this folder, create a folder *dicom*.
- Save the series with the name *[CaseID]-[IPP]_[PatientInitials]-[bone/smooth].0*, e.g. *P123-456789_XY.0*.
- In the next window, replace the patient’s name by *[CaseID]_[IPP]–[PatientInitials]*.
- If the error: *Non-uniform coordinates not supported* appears, you will need to convert your data to uniform coordinates before exporting to DICOM.
- To do the conversion, attach an *Arithmetic* module to the data object. Select *regular* for the result type.
- Specify the resolution (ex: 512x512x267) similar to the original data.
- In the *Expression field* put A (the input data object).
- The result is a new uniform coordinate data object.
- Save the result as described in points 7 to 9.
- Rename the folder *CT-###-IPP-xxx* following the classification presented at the beginning of this document.
- This step is similar to the step16 of the Matlab SOP, described in the previous section *2. Matlab interface for SCase anonymization and importation*
- Continue with the next CT set.
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