classdef Acromion < handle %ACROMION Properties and methods associted to the acromion. % Detailed explanation goes here properties AI % Acromion Index (doi:10.2106/JBJS.D.03042) CSA % Critital Shoulder Angle (doi:10.1302/0301-620X.95B7.31028) PSA % Posterior Slope Angle (10.1016/S1058-2746(05)80036-9) PSL % Length of segment beteeen AA and AC AAA % Angulus Angle Angle (Angle between AA-origin and PA axis) AAL % Length of segment between origine and AA AAx % PA (x) position of AA AAy % IS (y) position of AA AAz % ML (z) position of AA ACx % PA (x) position of AC ACy % IS (y) position of AC ACz % ML (z) position of AC scapula comment end methods (Access = ?Scapula) % Only Scapula is allowed to construct a Acromion function obj = Acromion(scapula) %ACROMION Construct an instance of this class % Instance of the acromion objet set all properties to zero; obj.AI = []; obj.CSA = []; obj.PSA = []; obj.PSL = []; obj.AAA = []; obj.AAL = []; obj.AAx = []; obj.AAy = []; obj.AAz = []; obj.ACx = []; obj.ACy = []; obj.ACz = []; obj.comment = ''; obj.scapula = scapula; end end methods function output = measureFirst(obj) % Can be run after morphology() methods has been run by % all ShoulderCase objects. success = Logger.timeLogExecution(... "Acromion measurements: ",... @(obj) obj.measureEverything(), obj); output = success; end end end