classdef Circle < handle % Create an array of points on a circle in the 3D space. % % Designed to plot planes of shoulder cases. properties points numberOfPoints radius center normal end methods function obj = Circle(center,radius,normal,numberOfPoints) = center; obj.radius = radius; obj.numberOfPoints = numberOfPoints; obj.normal = normal; obj.createPoints; end function createPoints(obj) obj.points = obj.radius*[cos(2*pi*(1:obj.numberOfPoints)/obj.numberOfPoints)',... sin(2*pi*(1:obj.numberOfPoints)/obj.numberOfPoints)',... zeros(obj.numberOfPoints,1)]; obj.rotate(vrrotvec([0 0 1],obj.normal)); obj.translate(; end function rotate(obj,rotationVector) obj.points = (vrrotvec2mat(rotationVector)*obj.points')'; end function translate(obj,vector) obj.points = obj.points + vector; end end end