classdef (Abstract) Glenoid < handle %GLENOID Summary of this class goes here % Detailed explanation goes here % Need to load surface points from Amira (or auto-segment) % Need to set anatomical calculation, and use the scapular coord.Syst % TODO % loadMatlab() properties surface % points of the glenoid surface load glenoid surface center % Glenoid center in CT coordinate system centerLocal % Glenoid center in scapula coordinate system radius centerLine posteroAnteriorLine depth width height anteroSuperiorAngle versionAmplitude versionOrientation version inclination density comment fittedSphere scapula walch end methods (Abstract) load(obj); end methods (Access = protected) % Only Scapula is allowed to construct a Glenoid function obj = Glenoid(scapula) %GLENOID Construct an instance of this class % Detailed explanation goes here obj.surface = []; = []; obj.centerLocal.x = []; obj.centerLocal.y = []; obj.centerLocal.z = []; obj.radius = []; obj.depth = []; obj.width = []; obj.height = []; obj.anteroSuperiorAngle = []; obj.versionAmplitude = []; obj.versionOrientation = []; obj.version = []; obj.inclination = []; obj.density = []; obj.comment = []; obj.fittedSphere = Sphere(); obj.scapula = scapula; obj.walch = []; end end methods function outputArg = morphology(obj) % Calculate morphological properties of the glenoid from its surface: % center, center line, radius, depth, width, height, % versionAmpl, versionOrient, version, inclination, % antero-superior angle outputArg = 1; try obj.fittedSphere.fitTo(obj.surface.points); obj.measureCenter; obj.measureCenterLocal; obj.measureCenterLine; obj.measureRadius; obj.measureDepth; obj.measureWidthAndHeight; obj.measureVersionAndInclination; obj.measureAnteroSuperiorAngle; catch outputArg = 0; end end end end