function measureSubluxationIndex3D(obj) % - GL: (Glenoid Line) Line that joins the most anterior glenoid rim point and % the most posterior glenoid rim point. % - HHv: (Humeral Head vector) Vector from the glenoid center to the humeral % head’s fitted sphere center. % - HHp: (Humeral Head projection) Projection of HHv on GL. % - HHr: (Humeral Head radius) Humeral head’s fitted sphere radius. % % The 3D humeral subluxation index is the ratio of ||HHp|| + ||HHr|| over 2*||HHr||. GL = obj.shoulder.scapula.glenoid.posteroAnteriorLine; HHv = Vector(,; HHp = GL.project(HHv); HHr = obj.radius; obj.subluxationIndex3D = (HHp.norm + HHr) / (2*HHr); end