classdef Plane < handle % A plane is decribed by a point and a normal. % % Plane can define the desired plane's normal and point % by fitting an array of points. % Plane has a method to project points on the current plane. properties normal point fitPerformance end methods function obj = Plane() obj.normal = []; obj.point = []; obj.fitPerformance.points = []; obj.fitPerformance.residuals = []; obj.fitPerformance.RMSE = []; obj.fitPerformance.R2 = []; end function plot(obj,varargin) % Plot a circle in the plane. The circle's radius can be given in argument radius = 100; if nargin == 2 assert(isnum) radius = varargin{1}; end circleInPlane = Circle(obj.point,radius,obj.normal,36); XYZ = circleInPlane.points; patch(XYZ(:,1),XYZ(:,2),XYZ(:,3),'black','FaceAlpha',0.3); % Transparent plane end function fit(obj,points) % Fit current plane to given points [coeff,score,roots] = pca(points); normal = cross(coeff(:,1),coeff(:,2)); normal = normal/norm(normal); meanPoint = mean(points,1); estimatedPoints = repmat(meanPoint,size(points,1),1) +... score(:,1:2)*coeff(:,1:2)'; residuals = points - estimatedPoints; error = vecnorm(residuals,2,2); RMSE = norm(error)/sqrt(size(points,1)); sumSquareError = sum(error.^2); total = vecnorm(points - meanPoint,2,2)'; sumSquareTotal = sum(total.^2); R2 = 1-(sumSquareError/sumSquareTotal); % obj.normal = normal'; obj.point = meanPoint; obj.setFitPerformance(points,residuals,RMSE,R2); end function setFitPerformance(obj,points,residuals,RMSE,R2) obj.fitPerformance.points = points; obj.fitPerformance.residuals = residuals; obj.fitPerformance.RMSE = RMSE; obj.fitPerformance.R2 = R2; end function setPointOnPlane(obj,point) obj.point = point; end function projectedPoints = projectOnPlane(obj,points) N2 = obj.normal.'*obj.normal; projectedPoints = points*(eye(3)-N2)+repmat(obj.point*N2,size(points,1),1); end end end