classdef ScapulaManual < Scapula % To be used with ShoulderManual data. % The load() method requires a specific implementation. % Instanciate a GlenoidManual object. methods function createGlenoid(obj) obj.glenoid = GlenoidManual(obj); end function outputArg = load(obj) % LOAD Load segmented surface and landmnarks % Load the segmented scapula surface (if exist) and the % scapula landmarks (6 scapula, 5 groove, 5 pillar) from % amira directory. SCase = obj.shoulder.SCase; SCaseId4C = SCase.id4C; amiraDir = SCase.dataAmiraPath; matlabDir = SCase.dataMatlabPath; outputArg = 1; % Should report on loading result % Scapula (6) landmarks fileName = ['ScapulaLandmarks' SCaseId4C '.landmarkAscii']; fileName = [amiraDir '/' fileName]; if exist(fileName,'file') == 2 importedData = importdata(fileName, ' ', 14); else disp(['MATLAB:rmpath:DirNotFound',... 'Could not find file: ',fileName]); outputArg = 0; return; end % Check that imported data are well formed try landmarks =; catch outputArg = 0; return; end obj.angulusInferior = landmarks(1,:); obj.trigonumSpinae = landmarks(2,:); obj.processusCoracoideus = landmarks(3,:); obj.acromioClavicular = landmarks(4,:); obj.angulusAcromialis = landmarks(5,:); obj.spinoGlenoidNotch = landmarks(6,:); % Scapula suprapinatus groove (5) landmarks fileName = ['ScapulaGrooveLandmarks' SCaseId4C '.landmarkAscii']; fileName = [amiraDir '/' fileName]; if exist(fileName,'file') == 2 importedData = importdata(fileName, ' ', 14); % Check that imported data are well formed try landmarks =; catch outputArg = 0; return; end else disp(['MATLAB:rmpath:DirNotFound',... 'Could not find file: ',fileName]); outputArg = 0; end % Check groove landmarks validity if length(landmarks) > 5 landmarks = landmarks(1:5,:); warning(['More than 5 groove landmarks(' ')']); elseif length(landmarks) < 5 error('Less than 5 groove landmarks'); end obj.groove = landmarks; % Scapula pillar (5) landmarks fileName = ['ScapulaPillarLandmarks' SCaseId4C '.landmarkAscii']; fileName = [amiraDir '/' fileName]; if exist(fileName,'file') == 2 importedData = importdata(fileName, ' ', 14); % Check that imported data are well formed try landmarks =; catch outputArg = 0; return; end else disp(['MATLAB:rmpath:DirNotFound',... 'Could not find file: ',fileName]); outputArg = 0; end obj.pillar = landmarks; % Import scapula surface % Try manual segmentation in amira folder fileName = ['scapula_' SCaseId4C '.stl']; fileName = [amiraDir '/' fileName]; if exist(fileName,'file') == 2 try [points,faces,~]=loadStl(fileName,1); obj.surface.points = points; obj.surface.faces = faces; obj.segmentation = 'M'; % Manual segmentation from amira catch obj.segmentation = 'E'; % Error in loading end else obj.segmentation = 'N'; % No segmentation end try obj.measurePlane; catch outputArg = 0; end end end end